Security threat seen in every deal


Jun 29, 2013
The following political satire or fairy tale of mine mirrors the problems of takeover, mutual investments and trade relations between the US and China.

Once upon a time a farmer and his wife were carrying an old broken table to a garbage dump at a nearby forest. On the way, they met a man who offered a high price for the table. Baffled by the seemingly foolish act of the man, the couple told him they needed time to consider his offer. They told him to meet them next day at the same time and place for their answer.

After carrying the table back to their home, the couple examined it thoroughly but found nothing special and valuable about the table. They finally concluded that the table legs could be used as offensive weapons by the buyer.

They met the man next day and informed him of their decision to sell him the table without the legs. On hearing the funny decision, the man thought: "The tables made by the late grandfather of the farmer were much treasured by the villagers and fetched a very high price in the market. I should be thankful to the couple for removing the four table legs which are partly consumed by termites. As the table top is still in good condition, I can get a carpenter to replace the legs later on." They agreed to meet again next day at the same time and place to close the deal.

The couple went back and sawed the table legs off. Next day they carried the table top to the man and sold it to him at the mutually agreed high price.

Who knew table legs could pose a security threat?

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