See we told you.. Mcdonalds is ordering 7K touch screen to replace cashiers


Bullshit. The usual is having to wait because there is one pump jockey for eight pumps, and having to watch him like a hawk, hoping he doesn't lose (or swipe) the gas cap, scratch the paint with the nozzle, pump regular instead of premium (which would destroy the engine in my wife's car), and/or dribble gas down the side of the car I just spent two hours detailing! It's thinly-veiled welfare for stoned HS dropouts, no more and no less.

I would willingly pay more to NOT use full serve. If I cannot pump my own, I do not buy gas at that station!

Gee, Wrenchy, it seems like the "pump jockeys" really have it out for you.

Maybe it's your attitude.
See we told you.. Mcdonalds is ordering 7K touch screen to replace cashiers

It's inevitable and that is true even with these people ALREADY working slave wages
Is that all?

Then it should be no problem if we raise the minimum wage? It is only four million workers

If you owned that franchise and suddenly gov't forced you to double the wages of all your employees, what would you do? Keep in mind that doing that may well wipe out all the profits of that store, even put it in red ink.

Of course you would lay off workers AND raise prices of goods sold, or perhaps even close down and move into something else.

over regulating employers does funny things to them

i guy i do contract work for requested bids on all of his 22 hotels

to fill in the spas and tile over them

over some new ADA regulations

that (f)ed him over once already

hotels are required to have handicapped lifts

for the pool and spas

the feds oked mobile lifts

so he purchased a lift for each site

had them put together at each site

(none of which has been used once by the way)

to the tune of 9 grand a pop

the feds then changed the policy

to say that a lift has to be anchored at each pool and each spa

and in addition a sloping transition step

plus now a new whole host of additional regulations

cranking up the number of ADA certified rooms

spread through out the buildings

this guy is a really nice guy

who would like to pay his employees more

but it is not likely to happen

between these changes

and the changes the various franchises require

the health insurance

it is just not realistic seeing him do so

and if forced to do so

i imagine he would have some radical reductions in staff

and that my friends, is the prime example of excessive government for you.
So far, it is you that hasn't answered my questions to the post you responded to.
It is you that is "ducking".
Here, let me repeat the questions, feel free to address them,

How about if people pay for their own contraception and their own children?
It's not my responsibility to pay for their choices. What part about that do you not understand?
Their choices, their decisions, not mine. Why do you think I should be held responsible for their actions?

Let me quote the great Hillary Rodham Clinton
It takes a village Allan

We care about our villages children. We want them to grow up to be strong members of our society. We don't want their parents overburdened with unwanted children. We want them educated. We want them to see doctors when they are sick.

That is the way societies work Allan

The larger question for our society is...

Why are you such a callous fucker?
I'm a callous fucker because Hillary Clinton is wrong, and calling me a callous fucker is the only way you can explain it. The government isn't a village.
True callous fuckers demand that I support those that won't support themselves or their families. They put that responsibility and burden upon me, even though I had nothing to do with their situation, their choices, their family.
It's not my responsibility to pay for the birth control of others or for their children if they fail to use birth control.

BTW, you spelled my name incorrectly.

Callous fucker seems accurate

Modern societies care about their people. They gave up your version of Darwinism centuries ago. Yes, our society recognizes that certain assholes among us do not give a shit about anyone else.....but as a society, we have made the decision to help them anyway.
So guess what Alan, you get to help them anyway

But , because you belong to our society, you have options

You can convince others who believe like you to vote in representatives who are just as callous as you
Maybe they should have thought about that before having ten kids?

In any case, it's not a franchise owner's responsibility or duty to just pay them more than their labor is worth to make up for their lack of education, ambition, skills, or poor decision making.

Again you offer up a single worker solution to a problem affecting tens of millions of workers

it is not tens of millions of workers

Mitt Romney seemed to claim it was 47%
Would you like to guess how many minimum wage increases there have been since MacDonald's began?

Go ahead, take a guess without googling. Use the 1955 date of the first franchise.

I have no need to. I figured this all before, when the subject came up. Bet you haven't checked to see how their prices have coincided with it have you? See, you choose to only look at one half of the equation. Go google that. Prices have risen less than wages have.
Tell me also how much harder has that job gotten? Less, I bet, due to automation.
You didn't answer the question.

here ya go , in case you missed it -

wow, so now you want to use 1969?
Well, let's go with your first year of 1955. At that time minimum wage was 25 cents. adjusted for inflation in to todays' dollars that would mean they whould only be making $2.18 an hour. And the burger you can get today for 99 cents that was 15 cents in 1955? Adjusted for inflation that burger should cost 1.31 today. Sounds like McD's is doing something right.
Now let's look at 1969 and see what happens. The minimum wage was $1.30. Adjusted for inflation that today would be $8.27. The median pay for a permanent employee at McDonald’s is $10.02 per hour.
The median pay for a part-time employee at McDonald’s is $8.43 per hour.
And these are their benefits today -
Competitive wages
Free uniforms*
Free or discounted meals
Flexible hours
Medical insurance*
Prescription drug coverage*
24-hour nurse line access
Vision discount*
Available dental*
Additional Benefits
Short-term disability*
Term life insurance*
Paid holidays*
Educational assistance*
I have no need to. I figured this all before, when the subject came up. Bet you haven't checked to see how their prices have coincided with it have you? See, you choose to only look at one half of the equation. Go google that. Prices have risen less than wages have.
Tell me also how much harder has that job gotten? Less, I bet, due to automation.
You didn't answer the question.

here ya go , in case you missed it -

wow, so now you want to use 1969?
Well, let's go with your first year of 1955. At that time minimum wage was 25 cents. adjusted for inflation in to todays' dollars that would mean they whould only be making $2.18 an hour. And the burger you can get today for 99 cents that was 15 cents in 1955? Adjusted for inflation that burger should cost 1.31 today. Sounds like McD's is doing something right.
Now let's look at 1969 and see what happens. The minimum wage was $1.30. Adjusted for inflation that today would be $8.27. The median pay for a permanent employee at McDonald’s is $10.02 per hour.
The median pay for a part-time employee at McDonald’s is $8.43 per hour.
And these are their benefits today -
Competitive wages
Free uniforms*
Free or discounted meals
Flexible hours
Medical insurance*
Prescription drug coverage*
24-hour nurse line access
Vision discount*
Available dental*
Additional Benefits
Short-term disability*
Term life insurance*
Paid holidays*
Educational assistance*
He's just unhappy because he's poor and some are rich. They tried it his way in my neck of the woods and guess what?, the only change was that everybody got poorer.

Apparently, for some if it reduces inequality, it is a risk worth taking.
You didn't answer the question.

here ya go , in case you missed it -

wow, so now you want to use 1969?
Well, let's go with your first year of 1955. At that time minimum wage was 25 cents. adjusted for inflation in to todays' dollars that would mean they whould only be making $2.18 an hour. And the burger you can get today for 99 cents that was 15 cents in 1955? Adjusted for inflation that burger should cost 1.31 today. Sounds like McD's is doing something right.
Now let's look at 1969 and see what happens. The minimum wage was $1.30. Adjusted for inflation that today would be $8.27. The median pay for a permanent employee at McDonald’s is $10.02 per hour.
The median pay for a part-time employee at McDonald’s is $8.43 per hour.
And these are their benefits today -
Competitive wages
Free uniforms*
Free or discounted meals
Flexible hours
Medical insurance*
Prescription drug coverage*
24-hour nurse line access
Vision discount*
Available dental*
Additional Benefits
Short-term disability*
Term life insurance*
Paid holidays*
Educational assistance*
He's just unhappy because he's poor and some are rich. They tried it his way in my neck of the woods and guess what?, the only change was that everybody got poorer.

Apparently, for some if it reduces inequality, it is a risk worth taking.

yep, and they never mention the fact they also founded and support Ronald McDonald's House, RM Rooms which all assist families of ill children by giving them a place to stay or rest in a home setting near children's hospitals throughout the world at no cost to the famlies. RM Care Mobiles, are a reduced fee medical clinic that visits neighborhoods in need. RM Learning Program which helps assist children of serious illness that have fallen behind in school to get caught back up.

None of that matters to them.
So if they're going to get rid of cashiers, who's going to touch the screens of these new touch screens? The managers?
Let me quote the great Hillary Rodham Clinton
It takes a village Allan

We care about our villages children. We want them to grow up to be strong members of our society. We don't want their parents overburdened with unwanted children. We want them educated. We want them to see doctors when they are sick.

That is the way societies work Allan

The larger question for our society is...

Why are you such a callous fucker?
I'm a callous fucker because Hillary Clinton is wrong, and calling me a callous fucker is the only way you can explain it. The government isn't a village.
True callous fuckers demand that I support those that won't support themselves or their families. They put that responsibility and burden upon me, even though I had nothing to do with their situation, their choices, their family.
It's not my responsibility to pay for the birth control of others or for their children if they fail to use birth control.

BTW, you spelled my name incorrectly.

Callous fucker seems accurate

Modern societies care about their people. They gave up your version of Darwinism centuries ago. Yes, our society recognizes that certain assholes among us do not give a shit about anyone else.....but as a society, we have made the decision to help them anyway.
So guess what Alan, you get to help them anyway

But , because you belong to our society, you have options

You can convince others who believe like you to vote in representatives who are just as callous as you

It is really simple Alan ... Some people simply don't know the difference between giving and taking.
The worst part is that a lot of those people think they are helping someone else when the take what you have and give it to someone else.

It helps them feel better about what they couldn't or wouldn't do.

I'm a callous fucker because Hillary Clinton is wrong, and calling me a callous fucker is the only way you can explain it. The government isn't a village.
True callous fuckers demand that I support those that won't support themselves or their families. They put that responsibility and burden upon me, even though I had nothing to do with their situation, their choices, their family.
It's not my responsibility to pay for the birth control of others or for their children if they fail to use birth control.

BTW, you spelled my name incorrectly.

Callous fucker seems accurate

Modern societies care about their people. They gave up your version of Darwinism centuries ago. Yes, our society recognizes that certain assholes among us do not give a shit about anyone else.....but as a society, we have made the decision to help them anyway.
So guess what Alan, you get to help them anyway

But , because you belong to our society, you have options

You can convince others who believe like you to vote in representatives who are just as callous as you

It is really simple Alan ... Some people simply don't know the difference between giving and taking.
The worst part is that a lot of those people think they are helping someone else when the take what you have and give it to someone else.

It helps them feel better about what they couldn't or wouldn't do.


Some people don't understand what belonging to a society means
But Fluke has been visible and for whatever reason, you guys continue to attack her. You lost young women by something like 30% last year. You seem to be going for 50% in guys are either ignorant or stupid; or both.

What profound ignorance. The majority of women in my family and that I know are Republican, and none of them are any more open to your liberal crap about women then men are. Often they are more offended by your views that women need a crutch from government and all they care about is their sex organs. You're not reaching more women despite your delusions.

As for McDonald's, haven't Democrats cost people enough jobs for a while? Can't you let a few more people find jobs before you send millions more home without a paycheck?
Last edited:
So if they're going to get rid of cashiers, who's going to touch the screens of these new touch screens? The managers?
There have been pilot studies underway for a decade with regards to the customer using a touch screen to order. They have the technology 100% perfected now.
The argument that there are too many stupid people who won't be able to figure out how to order is nonsense.
The touch screen ordering procedure has been so 'dumbed-down' even a six year old can use it.
Not to mention once the customer realizes their order will be perfect every frigging time from then on they will refuse to deal with some illiterate again. Consumer testing has long since proven this fact.
Just left a 'big box' grocery store where there were dozens of 'do-it-yourself' check-out stations. More people were using them than were using the cashiers. There was ONE person walking around helping first timers navigate the check-out stations.
Wave of the future.
The ONLY reason the fast food companies haven't installed the automated ordering systems is b/c of local politics. I mean where do the local illiterate drop outs go to earn minimum wage right?
Watch for McDonalds etc to offer 'employment education' classes in local towns: The franchise owner goes to the town council and says: "We employee x number of 'entry level' mostly young people with employment 'challenges' a year. We will pay that number of people the same wage they would get working x number of hours per week for x number of weeks to attend our 'employment education' classes. The kids in essence get paid to learn employment skills and we replace them with our 'customer order system'. Win-win.
So if they're going to get rid of cashiers, who's going to touch the screens of these new touch screens? The managers?
There have been pilot studies underway for a decade with regards to the customer using a touch screen to order. They have the technology 100% perfected now.
The argument that there are too many stupid people who won't be able to figure out how to order is nonsense.
The touch screen ordering procedure has been so 'dumbed-down' even a six year old can use it.
Not to mention once the customer realizes their order will be perfect every frigging time from then on they will refuse to deal with some illiterate again. Consumer testing has long since proven this fact.
Just left a 'big box' grocery store where there were dozens of 'do-it-yourself' check-out stations. More people were using them than were using the cashiers. There was ONE person walking around helping first timers navigate the check-out stations.
Wave of the future.
The ONLY reason the fast food companies haven't installed the automated ordering systems is b/c of local politics. I mean where do the local illiterate drop outs go to earn minimum wage right?
Watch for McDonalds etc to offer 'employment education' classes in local towns: The franchise owner goes to the town council and says: "We employee x number of 'entry level' mostly young people with employment 'challenges' a year. We will pay that number of people the same wage they would get working x number of hours per week for x number of weeks to attend our 'employment education' classes. The kids in essence get paid to learn employment skills and we replace them with our 'customer order system'. Win-win.

go to walmart

the self check out lanes are filled to the max

with mcdonalds i would love to have a touch screen

at the drive through lane

bet the order would be correct more often

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