See we told you.. Mcdonalds is ordering 7K touch screen to replace cashiers

Proof positive you have no clue how thin margins are for most small business.
Once again, your propensity to keep yourself uninformed has you blaming the Mc Donald's Corp when it has been well documented that 85% of the stores are franchises.
Jesus Christ the density of the liberal mind is distracting.
You know I said touch screens in my post, but what I was referring to is self check outs. Are they one in the same as spoken about in this thread ? If they are then my post still stands. It matters not that these stores are owned by individuals as franchises, because they are under the same rules or influences by the home office or corporation that the rest are, and this through the agreements that are made in the franchise deal. I would imagine that they would have to turn a profit in a certain amount in order to keep their franchise up right ?

That would depend on the contract. Although if a store does not make money it does not stay in business very long.

And that very basic rule of economics seems too difficult for some here to grasp.
Sandra Fluke; the Republican's worst nightmare. A classy woman they can't intimidate, who is articulate, and speaks her mind. Put another way, when you look at the monumental deficit the GOP has to overcome in the upcoming 2016 national election (see graphic below), independent minded women who are immune from the bitter, resentful, chauvinistic, sexist, and downright immature "slut" references will play a large role. Couple that with the very real possibility that women will be going to the polls as never before to install Hillary as the first female POTUS, you fellas have your work cut out for you.


Really? Who are you guys going to run who can narrow those states with double-digit deficits?


Who is Sandra Fluke? Oh, the "give me my pills for free" chick?...You are still beating that dead horse. Newsflash there thunder thighs, Fluke is very much over. She was over a week after she got labeled for her greed.
You must have a real empty life if you are pinning your hopes of political success on that non existent flyspeck.
Note to you..Sandra whatever her name is....Nobody cares. Really. The name never comes up in conversation. Never heard in the news. Not on talk shows. no place.
But I guess you must need a friend. So go for it. You and her can trade your estrogen laden whining and bitching about non existent issues.
Why is it that most feminists are either really stupid or unattractive?
BTW presidents are not "installed". They are elected.
She has NO shot.

So inconsequential, you've spent the entire afternoon trying to convince us of that...interesting.

Grumps called her both a "slut" and a "whore" today.
Just out of curiosity, what do you think about what Grumps said?

He is entitled to use whichever words he deems appropriate.
If it gets him into trouble, that is his cross to bear.
I have no dog in your fight with him.
For purposes of this little chat, I have no opinion of her. I don't know her. But your president for a few fleeting moments decided to use her as a political prop.
So if I were to call her any names it would be "political prop"..
The entire afternoon? That was the only comment I made about Hillary Rodham Rodham.
Jar axle is a woman?

Knew it!

I never made such an implication. But I know you're a male commenting on women's gynecological/sexual needs on a thread about McDonald's replacing their workers with computers. If you're trying to derail this thread, you failed.

I will use an argument some pro-choice women use... how on earth do you know what's good for a woman? How, may I ask, do you know the inner workings of a woman? You don't. So shut your trap and stop being a misogynist.

Now, don't you find this what McDonald's is doing a bit disturbing? This reminds me of a Will Smith movie entitled "I Robot" where most of the jobs in America have been assumed by android like robotic automatons. The main character, Detective Spooner's father lost his job to a robot, and throughout the beginning plot of the movie, he voices his disdain for these robots, including to the CEO of USR who has just introduced a new line of robots dubbed "NS-5's" or as Spooner labels them "canners."

Take it up with gramps who started trashing candy corn

As a USMB poster, I am entitled to comment on any issue I choose. Even birth control coverage

Is this a great country or what?

Sure. But in order to be invited to stay in a discussion it is important to STAY ON POINT.
Get it?
There will be no derailing of threads....Just because you don't like the facts.
If I have the choice to use those self checkouts at the grocery store I use them but that is mainly because people can't bag groceries worth flip anymore.
McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers - Neowin

YOu wanna walk out on your job for more money. Guess what you now might lose your jobs all because of UNIONS who are greedy..

That's bullshit. How the fuck are people meant to get a job and earn money to pay their own way if companies do this to them?

Make yourself worth employing.
Lots of people could do my job but my company isn't looking to replace me because they'll have a hard time finding someone who'll put the work and effort into the job.
If fact, I got a wage rise of 1.5 times the salary of the lowest paid teacher in this school this year.

I make myself worth keeping so I keep my job.
Try a bit of the same instead of moaning on about how unfair things are.
You know I said touch screens in my post, but what I was referring to is self check outs. Are they one in the same as spoken about in this thread ? If they are then my post still stands. It matters not that these stores are owned by individuals as franchises, because they are under the same rules or influences by the home office or corporation that the rest are, and this through the agreements that are made in the franchise deal. I would imagine that they would have to turn a profit in a certain amount in order to keep their franchise up right ?

That would depend on the contract. Although if a store does not make money it does not stay in business very long.

And that very basic rule of economics seems too difficult for some here to grasp.
Yes, but I don't think you will find very many McDonalds not making more than is required of them to make, and this in order to satisfy their agreements made in the contract, and then some or a lot more after that.
Are you lying or just unfamiliar with sex in general?


You do understand that most contraceptive pills are daily tablets...regardless of sexual frequency right? You'd take one pill a day regardless of sexual frequency.

Here is a picture of what they look like in case you ever, by accident, come in contact with a woman.

you do KNOW that there are many more contraceptive methods, do you?

and, considering the severe potential side effects of the hormonal contraceptive pills, for a woman who "has sex once a year" it would be idiotic to take the pill every day for such a random event?
It is not worthy as the risk-benefit ration is tipping the scales towards the risks.

Sex once a year? Another republican myth.

The most common form of oral contraceptives is the pill. There is also the shot, the ring, barriers IUD, Nexplanon, Minera (sp?) If you're doing it 4 times a day or if you're doing it the regular number of times (for my republican friends out there; once a year isn't normal) the pill is the least invasive most widely practiced.
McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers - Neowin

YOu wanna walk out on your job for more money. Guess what you now might lose your jobs all because of UNIONS who are greedy..

That's bullshit. How the fuck are people meant to get a job and earn money to pay their own way if companies do this to them?

Make yourself worth employing.
Lots of people could do my job but my company isn't looking to replace me because they'll have a hard time finding someone who'll put the work and effort into the job.
If fact, I got a wage rise of 1.5 times the salary of the lowest paid teacher in this school this year.

I make myself worth keeping so I keep my job.
Try a bit of the same instead of moaning on about how unfair things are.

I am worth employing. It is better to have someone take your order than to have the idiot customer try do it themselves and fuck it up.
I am worth employing. It is better to have someone take your order than to have the idiot customer try do it themselves and fuck it up.

Nice attitude toward paying customers, that.

Yeah, if it weren't for all those idiot customers your little McJob would be perfect, no?
That's bullshit. How the fuck are people meant to get a job and earn money to pay their own way if companies do this to them?

Make yourself worth employing.
Lots of people could do my job but my company isn't looking to replace me because they'll have a hard time finding someone who'll put the work and effort into the job.
If fact, I got a wage rise of 1.5 times the salary of the lowest paid teacher in this school this year.

I make myself worth keeping so I keep my job.
Try a bit of the same instead of moaning on about how unfair things are.

I am worth employing. It is better to have someone take your order than to have the idiot customer try do it themselves and fuck it up.

Wow! Just wow.

Do you know what sucks? When this idiot customer goes through the drive thru and has to repeat himself 3 damn times and my order STILL comes out fucked up.
Again you offer up a solution where an individual can possibly improve his lot in life and assume it applies to the tens of millions of Americans who no longer earn enough to support themselves.
Tens of millions of workers cannot get second and third jobs. Tens of millions of workers cannot get more skills to move up the employment ladder
The problem is that low level workers do not earn enough to support their families.......the answer is not Get a second job

Maybe they should have thought about that before having ten kids?

In any case, it's not a franchise owner's responsibility or duty to just pay them more than their labor is worth to make up for their lack of education, ambition, skills, or poor decision making.

Again you offer up a single worker solution to a problem affecting tens of millions of workers

it is not tens of millions of workers
That would depend on the contract. Although if a store does not make money it does not stay in business very long.

And that very basic rule of economics seems too difficult for some here to grasp.
Yes, but I don't think you will find very many McDonalds not making more than is required of them to make, and this in order to satisfy their agreements made in the contract, and then some or a lot more after that.

Ironically (or hypocritically) the same posters who want gov't intervention on the minimum wage side of the equation will be the same ones whining loudest as fast food prices rise to accommodate the new wages.
in 2012 3.7 million Americans reported earning $7.25 or less per hour—just 2.9 percent of all workers in the United States

Is that all?

Then it should be no problem if we raise the minimum wage? It is only four million workers

If you owned that franchise and suddenly gov't forced you to double the wages of all your employees, what would you do? Keep in mind that doing that may well wipe out all the profits of that store, even put it in red ink.

Of course you would lay off workers AND raise prices of goods sold, or perhaps even close down and move into something else.

over regulating employers does funny things to them

i guy i do contract work for requested bids on all of his 22 hotels

to fill in the spas and tile over them

over some new ADA regulations

that (f)ed him over once already

hotels are required to have handicapped lifts

for the pool and spas

the feds oked mobile lifts

so he purchased a lift for each site

had them put together at each site

(none of which has been used once by the way)

to the tune of 9 grand a pop

the feds then changed the policy

to say that a lift has to be anchored at each pool and each spa

and in addition a sloping transition step

plus now a new whole host of additional regulations

cranking up the number of ADA certified rooms

spread through out the buildings

this guy is a really nice guy

who would like to pay his employees more

but it is not likely to happen

between these changes

and the changes the various franchises require

the health insurance

it is just not realistic seeing him do so

and if forced to do so

i imagine he would have some radical reductions in staff
And that very basic rule of economics seems too difficult for some here to grasp.
Yes, but I don't think you will find very many McDonalds not making more than is required of them to make, and this in order to satisfy their agreements made in the contract, and then some or a lot more after that.

Ironically (or hypocritically) the same posters who want gov't intervention on the minimum wage side of the equation will be the same ones whining loudest as fast food prices rise to accommodate the new wages.
Everything is somehow leveraged isn't it, so does that make you proud when you use these kinds of analogies in protection of those who would hold this as a gun to our heads ? Is this how capitalism works once the monopoly is completed ?
Yep--they certainly won't need to pay for a machine's medical insurance.
I am worth employing. It is better to have someone take your order than to have the idiot customer try do it themselves and fuck it up.

Nice attitude toward paying customers, that.

Yeah, if it weren't for all those idiot customers your little McJob would be perfect, no?

Customers can be stupid. Anyone who works in customer service knows that. Nothing wrong with admitting it.
I am worth employing. It is better to have someone take your order than to have the idiot customer try do it themselves and fuck it up.

Nice attitude toward paying customers, that.

Yeah, if it weren't for all those idiot customers your little McJob would be perfect, no?

Customers can be stupid. Anyone who works in customer service knows that. Nothing wrong with admitting it.

I think it is people who have never worked in certain occupations who are the most judgmental of people who do work in those occupations. They judge food service employees thinking they are suppose to live and breath the proper customer service attitude 24/7. If a waiter is polite to you and does the job well, does that person also have to like you. Does she have to think you and all other customers are bright and clever and the best people on the planet? No, of course not. She needs to make you feel that well for the time she deals with you, but she doesn't need to believe it.

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