See we told you.. Mcdonalds is ordering 7K touch screen to replace cashiers

Nice attitude toward paying customers, that.

Yeah, if it weren't for all those idiot customers your little McJob would be perfect, no?

Customers can be stupid. Anyone who works in customer service knows that. Nothing wrong with admitting it.

I think it is people who have never worked in certain occupations who are the most judgmental of people who do work in those occupations.

In the same vein, I find that those (including most legislators) who have never owned commercial assets are the most judgmental and make the most demands of peeps who do.
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What ingredients are in french fries? A burger? Only an idiot would have to ask.

Some people have allergies.
Do you know how many different types of oils there are for cooking?
Do you know how many different types of flour there are for buns?
What's in the meat, all beef, free-range, or corn fed...
Sometimes I ask whether the lettuce / tomatoes look good before asking for that... might ask if the jalapenos are pickled.
Tell George to put a couple of his spicy onion rings on that for me...

At the local BBQ joint I walk in .. they know me, the bubbly cashier tells me to say hello to my younger son, the cook played football with my older son, ... Why would I go to a McDonalds robo mart when I can go to a place with people I know and get fresh food served by humans.

Then I'm certain that those people are well aware of the ingredients in burgers and fries.

If you think the employees at McDonalds know what flour is used in their buns then you give them way too much credit. And if you're worried about "all beef, free-range, or corn fed..."... beef then you shouldn't be going to McDonalds in the first place.

Why do you compare a fast food joint to a BBQ joint? BBQ isn't "fast food".
Did not realize the discussion was limited to McDonalds only. Is this your thread?

The BBQ place serves smoked meats, baked potatoes, bottled drinks from an ice bucket, soda jerk that is self served, and a few sides that are pre-packaged. I compare them because they are within 500' of each other and both serve take out food that you can walk in and walk out with in just a few min or use a drive through window if you want. I don't know anyone at the McDonalds, they all seem to be illegals. I know everyone at the BBQ joint.
Why do conservatives act as though this is a good thing? That's the mystery...

...okay, it is what it is, automation killing jobs that humans might have needed has been around forever,

it is what it is,

but to cheer it and gloat as if the right wing has won some sort of big victory...jeezus...what is wrong with you people?

Way to go McDonalds! :clap2:
Why do conservatives act as though this is a good thing? That's the mystery...

...okay, it is what it is, automation killing jobs that humans might have needed has been around forever,

it is what it is,

but to cheer it and gloat as if the right wing has won some sort of big victory...jeezus...what is wrong with you people?

Way to go McDonalds! :clap2:
Night soil workers probably felt the same way about flush toilets and synthetic fertilizers. Things change.
Why do conservatives act as though this is a good thing? That's the mystery...

...okay, it is what it is, automation killing jobs that humans might have needed has been around forever,

it is what it is,

but to cheer it and gloat as if the right wing has won some sort of big victory...jeezus...what is wrong with you people?

I agree the gloating is uncalled for. On the other hand, what do you make of those who post so blithely about those who purchase or develop the assets which make the jobs possible in the first place or their profits?
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Some people have allergies.
Do you know how many different types of oils there are for cooking?
Do you know how many different types of flour there are for buns?
What's in the meat, all beef, free-range, or corn fed...
Sometimes I ask whether the lettuce / tomatoes look good before asking for that... might ask if the jalapenos are pickled.
Tell George to put a couple of his spicy onion rings on that for me...

At the local BBQ joint I walk in .. they know me, the bubbly cashier tells me to say hello to my younger son, the cook played football with my older son, ... Why would I go to a McDonalds robo mart when I can go to a place with people I know and get fresh food served by humans.

Then I'm certain that those people are well aware of the ingredients in burgers and fries.

If you think the employees at McDonalds know what flour is used in their buns then you give them way too much credit. And if you're worried about "all beef, free-range, or corn fed..."... beef then you shouldn't be going to McDonalds in the first place.

Why do you compare a fast food joint to a BBQ joint? BBQ isn't "fast food".
Did not realize the discussion was limited to McDonalds only. Is this your thread?

The BBQ place serves smoked meats, baked potatoes, bottled drinks from an ice bucket, soda jerk that is self served, and a few sides that are pre-packaged. I compare them because they are within 500' of each other and both serve take out food that you can walk in and walk out with in just a few min or use a drive through window if you want. I don't know anyone at the McDonalds, they all seem to be illegals. I know everyone at the BBQ joint.

McDonald's is a typical fast food place and one of the largest so I used it to make things simple. I guess it wasn't simple enough in your case.

Many high end restaurants offer take out. I don't know of any BBQ joints that have a drive thru. But then again I live in Texas.
There's a 'special' window for people who want to ask some simian if the tomato was grown locally. "It's just over there around the corner. Keep going. A little farther".
Boycott McDonalds. I do. If enough people quit being stupid enough to eat that shit, they'll change. It's like, if enough voters quit being stupid enough to vote GOP, there will be jobs for everyone. And they'll be able to live on their wages. Until then, same old banana republic shit.

You do understand that most contraceptive pills are daily tablets...regardless of sexual frequency right? You'd take one pill a day regardless of sexual frequency.

Here is a picture of what they look like in case you ever, by accident, come in contact with a woman.

you do KNOW that there are many more contraceptive methods, do you?

and, considering the severe potential side effects of the hormonal contraceptive pills, for a woman who "has sex once a year" it would be idiotic to take the pill every day for such a random event?
It is not worthy as the risk-benefit ration is tipping the scales towards the risks.

Sex once a year? Another republican myth.

The most common form of oral contraceptives is the pill. There is also the shot, the ring, barriers IUD, Nexplanon, Minera (sp?) If you're doing it 4 times a day or if you're doing it the regular number of times (for my republican friends out there; once a year isn't normal) the pill is the least invasive most widely practiced.
Do you pay for your birth control?
That's bullshit. How the fuck are people meant to get a job and earn money to pay their own way if companies do this to them?

Make yourself worth employing.
Lots of people could do my job but my company isn't looking to replace me because they'll have a hard time finding someone who'll put the work and effort into the job.
If fact, I got a wage rise of 1.5 times the salary of the lowest paid teacher in this school this year.

I make myself worth keeping so I keep my job.
Try a bit of the same instead of moaning on about how unfair things are.

I am worth employing. It is better to have someone take your order than to have the idiot customer try do it themselves and fuck it up.

Sure you are worth employing. However, that only applies to a business that may need you.
Another small point...

Lets say you want to know what are the ingredients in an item.. or maybe you want to know what's good on the menu... how about you just want to ask why you got onion rings instead of fries...

In a big way the cashier was also supposed to communicate and befriend the customer. A smiling young face or a touch screen? What happens if one of the workers needs to go to the bathroom, opps sorry no cashier to go get those fries for ya.

In a place like McDs you don't need recommendations from the help. You know what they have and since all you do is look at the picture menu and tell them what to enter on their touchscreen, so why not just let the customer enter the info, and swipe a debit or credit card to pay?

BTW we had a 5 month long grocery store strike here in So Cal back in 2003-2004. Shortly after it ended all the stores involved brought in self-check aisles, and some stores now have about 50-50 as far as cashier aisles and self-check. I have no stats, but my observation has been that less cashiers are on duty at any one time ever since. I suspect many were laid off, and/or hours cut.

On the other hand a non-union Walmart "neighborhood market" opened very near me last year (it was the first one in CA) and now 90% of my grocery shopping is done there. Great food at great prices, no club cards, and the cashiers are actually much nicer and more helpful than the old chains I used to shop at.
Make yourself worth employing.
Lots of people could do my job but my company isn't looking to replace me because they'll have a hard time finding someone who'll put the work and effort into the job.
If fact, I got a wage rise of 1.5 times the salary of the lowest paid teacher in this school this year.

I make myself worth keeping so I keep my job.
Try a bit of the same instead of moaning on about how unfair things are.

I am worth employing. It is better to have someone take your order than to have the idiot customer try do it themselves and fuck it up.

Wow! Just wow.

Do you know what sucks? When this idiot customer goes through the drive thru and has to repeat himself 3 damn times and my order STILL comes out fucked up.

Happens all the time. Mostly it is because the person taking the order has trouble understanding English. And I'm not talking about foreign born people either.
I HATE the drive through. They ALWAYS screw up the order.
[ame=]Leo Getz - They Fuck You At The Drive Through - YouTube[/ame]
Boycott McDonalds. I do. If enough people quit being stupid enough to eat that shit, they'll change. It's like, if enough voters quit being stupid enough to vote GOP, there will be jobs for everyone. And they'll be able to live on their wages. Until then, same old banana republic shit.
You're asking a nation that voted Obama for president twice, do you realize that?
Boycott McDonalds. I do. If enough people quit being stupid enough to eat that shit, they'll change. It's like, if enough voters quit being stupid enough to vote GOP, there will be jobs for everyone. And they'll be able to live on their wages. Until then, same old banana republic shit.
You're asking a nation that voted Obama for president twice, do you realize that?

If I knew where he worked I would boycott that place. Maybe then they would change and not hire idiot pregressive liberals.
Has McDonald's said how much the minimum wage would have to be lowered before they'd abandon the touchscreen idea?
Actually the 'touch screen' has already had it's day. They have been in fast food businesses for a decade.
At this moment 'Audio Ordering' with voice recognition and optic readers are coming to a McDonalds near you.
The technology is already tested and perfected.
You will drive up to where you place your order and look at the camera with the 'Happy Face'. "I want three Big Macs". You then see on the screen a prompt: "Did you mean three big macs?" You say "yes". The audio portion picked out 'three big macs. The camera recorded your lips moving saying 'three big macs' and when prompted you confirmed your order. Then the screen prompts you to insert your 'Pre-paid' McDonalds card or bank card or credit card. No cash transactions. At the window as you wait about 30 seconds for your 100% always correct order you are prompted to purchase some pre-paid McDonalds cards for the family. When your order is ready the window opens and there's your daily portion of fat/sugar and salt.
Inside (no seating) is a crew of three humans basically 'tending' and supplying the robots with cases of this or that as required.
If you really want to see the future visit Tokyo. It will blow your mind what robotics can do.

Or watch 'Cloud Atlas'.

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