See we told you.. Mcdonalds is ordering 7K touch screen to replace cashiers

Why do conservatives act as though this is a good thing? That's the mystery...

...okay, it is what it is, automation killing jobs that humans might have needed has been around forever,

it is what it is,

but to cheer it and gloat as if the right wing has won some sort of big victory...jeezus...what is wrong with you people?

Way to go McDonalds! :clap2:

Don't complain about your taxes then.
Why do conservatives act as though this is a good thing? That's the mystery...

...okay, it is what it is, automation killing jobs that humans might have needed has been around forever,

it is what it is,

but to cheer it and gloat as if the right wing has won some sort of big victory...jeezus...what is wrong with you people?

Way to go McDonalds! :clap2:

Don't complain about your taxes then.

It is the reaction to the government sticking its nose where it don't belong... and the government has no business handing money to the unmotivated, unskilled losers who think a McDonalds cashier job should pay them enough to raise a family..
See we told you.. Mcdonalds is ordering 7K touch screen to replace cashiers

It's inevitable and that is true even with these people ALREADY working slave wages

The term "slave wages" is an oxymoron.
Slaves are not compensated.
So genius, how much should a low skill entry level position pay?
Pick a number.

Slaves are compensated with room and board which costs more than what they are paid.
Workers with no skills cannot complain about their wages.
Can someone provide a brief thread summary for a newcomer?

a. Conservative starts a stupid thread.

b. Liberals prove he doesn't know what he's talking about.

c. A dozen more conservatives come in and make fools of themselves trying to defend the original conservative.

(the above summary fits about 80% of the threads on this board, btw)
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Let me quote the great Hillary Rodham Clinton
It takes a village Allan

We care about our villages children. We want them to grow up to be strong members of our society. We don't want their parents overburdened with unwanted children. We want them educated. We want them to see doctors when they are sick.

That is the way societies work Allan

The larger question for our society is...

Why are you such a callous fucker?
I'm a callous fucker because Hillary Clinton is wrong, and calling me a callous fucker is the only way you can explain it. The government isn't a village.
True callous fuckers demand that I support those that won't support themselves or their families. They put that responsibility and burden upon me, even though I had nothing to do with their situation, their choices, their family.
It's not my responsibility to pay for the birth control of others or for their children if they fail to use birth control.

BTW, you spelled my name incorrectly.

Callous fucker seems accurate

Modern societies care about their people. They gave up your version of Darwinism centuries ago. Yes, our society recognizes that certain assholes among us do not give a shit about anyone else.....but as a society, we have made the decision to help them anyway.
So guess what Alan, you get to help them anyway

But , because you belong to our society, you have options

You can convince others who believe like you to vote in representatives who are just as callous as you
Missing the point or evading it for ideological reasons is one of your favorite pastimes.
First off, no one is claiming that NO ONE get any help.
Those who through no fault of their own, disease, disability( Not drug or alcohol induced)injury, death of primary earner, are very much the people who our resources should be focused.
Other than that, the simple act of birthing children knowing full well one is neither financially or even emotionally prepared should never be the responsibility of Hillary's "Village".....Because in her mind, the "Village" should be mandated to pay up.
That's wrong. Creating a captive transfer payment system for some twisted idea of compassion is not how things should be done. Charity and good works should never be forced or mandated by government. The reason is simple. Once a program is put into place, it never is limited to its intended purpose. It always grows far beyond original limits.
And people who have no work ethic or sense of decency or have been told they are owed, will invariably attempt to game the system....
So if they're going to get rid of cashiers, who's going to touch the screens of these new touch screens? The managers?
Uh, the customers. Is anybody home?
I am having difficulty selecting the best candidate for "Most stupid USMB Poster of 2013"
The nominees are:\
NY Carbineer
I can enjoy a good debate with a liberal anytime. As long as they stay on point and agree to discuss the subject..
But these 4 are just moon shots.
"And the award goes to..."
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Paulitician recently started a thread entitled "So What is a Fair and Decent Wage" or something to that effect that of course attracted its share of numbnuts, idiots, and other exercises in futility who are incapable of rational thought or civility, but also generated some decent discussion. But settling on that magic number for a 'decent wage' wasn't that easy to come by.

The ONLY reason I can see for a minimum wage in a free market system is to prevent employers from excessively using unpaid apprentices in lieu of employees. Otherwise I say keep the minimum wage low to provide access for entry level workers who have no marketable skills yet--even a low level McDonalds employee is learning to use equipment, technology, people skills, and acquiring a work ethic and references that will help him/her obtain a better job on down the road, and then a better job, and voila!! One day he realizes he is earning a living wage and has moved into the American dream.

And it also provides a way for intentional part timers who don't need a minimum wage to supplement their incomes for whatever reason. Make the minimum wage too high and you shut out many of those entry level workers and intentional part timers entirely.

A whole generation of us old timers grew up exactly like that starting out with very low wages for unskilled labor and gradually qualified for better and better jobs as we acquired skills, work ethic, references, and knowledge.
Can someone provide a brief thread summary for a newcomer?

a. Conservative starts a stupid thread.

b. Liberals prove he doesn't know what he's talking about.

c. A dozen more conservatives come in and make fools of themselves trying to defend the original conservative.

(the above summary fits about 80% of the threads on this board, btw)

Are you saying that our job is done here?
The customer is.

which appeared to be the jist of the thread


I'm guessing Sarah is a blonde :)

Gotta be...
She would miss the point of the following jokes.
Blonde: Well doctor what are the results of my test
Dr: congratulations. You are having a baby
Blonde: Can you tell if it's mine?"

Friend of blonde:...."My boyfriend bough me flowers today. Great! Now I am going to have to spend the next 3 days on my back with my legs in the air."
Blonde: What's the matter? Don't you own a vase?"
Detroit Police officers start out at $14 per hour. McDonalds employees should make more?:cuckoo:

From where did you get that information?
The Michigan Supreme Court ruled that cities do not have to make public names of employees or their wage information. That's unprecedented in that ALL public employee wage and benefit information should be readily available to those who pay the bills.
It is OUR money. We have a right to know where it goes and who is getting it.
Government should not have the right to work in secret.

Umm...I have friends and family who are Detroit police officers... anything else?

You missed my premise. I was not arguing or implying refutation of your post.
I simply wanted to know from where you got the info from so I could search other public employee pay info..
For example, one can find the wages of every public employee in the state of NJ by going to New Jersey Local News, Breaking News, Sports & Weather - Then in the search bar type "NJ by the numbers".
In NJ ALL public employee wage, benefit and pension info is public domain.
In some states, Michigan being one of them, such is not the case.
Why do conservatives act as though this is a good thing? That's the mystery...

...okay, it is what it is, automation killing jobs that humans might have needed has been around forever,

it is what it is,

but to cheer it and gloat as if the right wing has won some sort of big victory...jeezus...what is wrong with you people?

Figuring out how to reduce labor costs is not gloating.
Once again. The most abundant type of jobs are those that require very little if any more than the simple skills. These positions are often difficult to keep filled because the type f person in this market is often poorly educated, is prone to personal irresponsible acts, is not very reliable( show up to work on time every day, no booze or drugs)..
The cost to train over and over eats into the already thin margins of the business.
No one "needs" a low skill job for the rest of their life. The idea is to use the entry level job to gain experience in the working environment while improving one's skill set so that they can evolve beyond the entry level market.
Yep--they certainly won't need to pay for a machine's medical insurance.

No. You will pay the Medicaid for the unemployed.

HUH? Where'd you hear that garbage?
BTW, we already have a medicare/caid deduction.

Well, I was watching the news this morning and something like 1.5 million folks have now signed up on the the Obamacare exchange and 1.3 million of those signed up for the free insurance - Medicaid - that we taxpayers will have to pay for. (Those aren't the exact numbers they cited, but it's pretty close.) And folks think raising the minimum wage and exacerbating unemployment is going to help there?
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Another small point...

Lets say you want to know what are the ingredients in an item.. or maybe you want to know what's good on the menu... how about you just want to ask why you got onion rings instead of fries...

In a big way the cashier was also supposed to communicate and befriend the customer. A smiling young face or a touch screen? What happens if one of the workers needs to go to the bathroom, opps sorry no cashier to go get those fries for ya.

What ingredients are in french fries? A burger? Only an idiot would have to ask.

Some people have allergies.
Do you know how many different types of oils there are for cooking?
Do you know how many different types of flour there are for buns?
What's in the meat, all beef, free-range, or corn fed...
Sometimes I ask whether the lettuce / tomatoes look good before asking for that... might ask if the jalapenos are pickled.
Tell George to put a couple of his spicy onion rings on that for me...

At the local BBQ joint I walk in .. they know me, the bubbly cashier tells me to say hello to my younger son, the cook played football with my older son, ... Why would I go to a McDonalds robo mart when I can go to a place with people I know and get fresh food served by humans.
People with allergies should steer clear of things they suspect can make them sick.
For example the chain "Five Guys Burgers and Fries" has signs on their doors. "We use peanut oil in our cooking"...And "we serve dry roasted peanuts here"
Then it goes on to warn those with peanut allergies that this restaurant is not for them..
I am waiting for the day when some whiny ass allergic to the planet douche contacts the ACLU to sue 5 Guys because the chain won't kowtow to their peanut allergy...
The whining is just incredible.
Boycott McDonalds. I do. If enough people quit being stupid enough to eat that shit, they'll change. It's like, if enough voters quit being stupid enough to vote GOP, there will be jobs for everyone. And they'll be able to live on their wages. Until then, same old banana republic shit.

That is your right. And true if enough people decide to no longer patronize the company, that will force the company to make appropriate adjustments.
You are not covering any new ground here.
Can someone provide a brief thread summary for a newcomer?

a. Conservative starts a stupid thread.

b. Liberals prove he doesn't know what he's talking about.

c. A dozen more conservatives come in and make fools of themselves trying to defend the original conservative.

(the above summary fits about 80% of the threads on this board, btw)

I hear a two year child crying...Oh, it's YOU!!!

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