See we told you.. Mcdonalds is ordering 7K touch screen to replace cashiers

What about I'm not specifically talking about Obama are you not grasping?

Why do you mention the Left's Draconian Paradigm as chasing businesses overseas when the Free Market resulted in more off-shoring than the prior 30 years?
Your arguments of government intervention alone chasing jobs overseas simply doesn't hold water.

It is restrictions on the free market and punishment for economic success that causes off shoring. Nothing else.

Low wages...$1.25/hour in US dollars
27/7 availability
No benefits

And you're basically saying that even during a Free Market administration it is unwise to have an American labor force.
Fine; simply say goodbye to America as we know it.
People have actually been lamenting technology eliminating jobs for many decades. Technology also increases productivity and reduces prices for consumers and makes American companies more competitive versus international and that increases jobs. Jobs don't go away, they move. And as people have more money, they buy more services, which creates service jobs.

What is anti-job is fighting job loss and driving up the cost of employees. If companies go offshore for cost, they should not be incented ed to do it to escape Obamacare, payroll taxes, unemployment insurance, overtime rules, the minimum wage and so on. The left lament the job loss while pushing companies off shore. Then they fight growth industries like energy and finance because they are evil.

The US would be fine if the left would stop helping. The Republicans are sad and pathetic, but at least they aren't driving those things.

Exactly. For decades now the U.S. government has been imposing more and more mandates, restrictions, and requirements, all of which add costs to doing business, on U.S. commerce and industry while taxing corporations at one of the highest rates in the world. And at the same time they threaten business with even more regulation, higher taxes, higher minimum wages, and push unionization. As the business climate becomes ever more restrictive and profit unfriendly, of course those wishing to do business are moving their businesses elsewhere to more business-friendly environments.

And I swear we have become a nation of idiots with our fearless leaders wringing their hands and desperately grasping at anything that would force those businesses to stay here while refusing to see that it is their own meddling that has created the situation in the first place. And their own convoluted ideology won't allow them to take any step to reverse it.

Yes, the problem is the nature of politicians is that they want power, which means they always want to "do" something, even when doing less is a no brainer better answer. Like how they are destroying our medical system.

There is always a larger picture to consider. The leftists are fond of condemning those Chinese and Indian factories that pay substandard wages (by our standards) and their employees live eight and ten to a single room, etc. But they never look at the larger picture of how would those people live if you close down those factories and take away those jobs.

The left is always fond of bashing McDonalds and Walmart for paying 'substandard wages', but they never want to look at whether those employees would be better off if McDonalds and Walmarts close up shop. How does forcing American business to close stores or move their enterprises elsewhere help anybody?

I blame modern education who must be teaching that there is a goose that lays perpetual golden eggs. And McDonalds and Walmart could pay a living wage, whatever that is, if they just would and there would be no negative consequences for that.
Check out cashless tolling systems.
for example, in the next 10 years, every toll road and toll bridge in the State of Florida will have unmanned toll stations.

And why aren't you cheering this?

Isn't that the Right-Wingers wet dream - to have usage fees for everything?

That's what Mittens did in Mass. And what Republican governors in Florida have done: jack up drivers license and registration fees, erect tolls, charge more for hunting licenses, etc.

More far left propaganda

Is that so, dope?

User fees: The alternative to tax hikes - David Rogers -

Mitt Romney Used Fees To Close Budget Gap As Massachusetts Governor

SPIN METER: Romney used fees to close budget gap -

Cut taxes? Raise them? GOP candidates' records examined | Politics | McClatchy DC
Romney, the governor of Massachusetts from 2003 until January, wouldn't sign a no-tax pledge in 2002 when he was seeking the state office. And he raised "user fees," closed corporate loopholes and increased business costs by hundreds of millions of dollars during his four-year term.

So fuck off.​
Why do conservatives act as though this is a good thing? That's the mystery...

...okay, it is what it is, automation killing jobs that humans might have needed has been around forever,

it is what it is,

but to cheer it and gloat as if the right wing has won some sort of big victory...jeezus...what is wrong with you people?

Figuring out how to reduce labor costs is not gloating.
Once again. The most abundant type of jobs are those that require very little if any more than the simple skills. These positions are often difficult to keep filled because the type f person in this market is often poorly educated, is prone to personal irresponsible acts, is not very reliable( show up to work on time every day, no booze or drugs)..
The cost to train over and over eats into the already thin margins of the business.
No one "needs" a low skill job for the rest of their life. The idea is to use the entry level job to gain experience in the working environment while improving one's skill set so that they can evolve beyond the entry level market.

What planet do you live on?

Corporations, given their choice, would rather replace a high-paying job with automation than a low paying one.

Do the math.

And stop blaming poor people for all your woes. You blame the poor that don't work; you ridicule the poor who do work.

Stop thinking that you're smarter and better than the people who work low wage jobs; for one thing, having read enough of your posts here, I can say with great certainty that you aren't that bright. Maybe you've lucked into your own personal fortune in life, but that's all it could have been.
Check out cashless tolling systems.
for example, in the next 10 years, every toll road and toll bridge in the State of Florida will have unmanned toll stations.

And why aren't you cheering this?

Isn't that the Right-Wingers wet dream - to have usage fees for everything?

That's what Mittens did in Mass. And what Republican governors in Florida have done: jack up drivers license and registration fees, erect tolls, charge more for hunting licenses, etc.


you have problems with comprehension of the written text ? where does he state that those will be NEW toll roads?

He said "in the next 10 years".
Callous fucker seems accurate

Modern societies care about their people. They gave up your version of Darwinism centuries ago. Yes, our society recognizes that certain assholes among us do not give a shit about anyone else.....but as a society, we have made the decision to help them anyway.
So guess what Alan, you get to help them anyway

But , because you belong to our society, you have options

You can convince others who believe like you to vote in representatives who are just as callous as you

It is really simple Alan ... Some people simply don't know the difference between giving and taking.
The worst part is that a lot of those people think they are helping someone else when the take what you have and give it to someone else.

It helps them feel better about what they couldn't or wouldn't do.


Some people don't understand what belonging to a society means

Damn right about that ... And they keep wanting to change it to excuse their inadequacies.

What about I'm not specifically talking about Obama are you not grasping?

Why do you mention the Left's Draconian Paradigm as chasing businesses overseas when the Free Market resulted in more off-shoring than the prior 30 years?
Your arguments of government intervention alone chasing jobs overseas simply doesn't hold water.

It is restrictions on the free market and punishment for economic success that causes off shoring. Nothing else.

Why do you mention the Left's Draconian Paradigm as chasing businesses overseas when the Free Market resulted in more off-shoring than the prior 30 years?
Your arguments of government intervention alone chasing jobs overseas simply doesn't hold water.

It is restrictions on the free market and punishment for economic success that causes off shoring. Nothing else.

Low wages...$1.25/hour in US dollars
27/7 availability
No benefits

And you're basically saying that even during a Free Market administration it is unwise to have an American labor force.
Fine; simply say goodbye to America as we know it.

You don't know what you're talking about

1) Lower prices help American consumers, create wealth for businesses and increase sales as we more cost effectively compete with foreign competition and it creates new markets with new middle classes for our products.

2) It's not just a deporting of jobs. New processes are created and American jobs are also created, they are just different than the old one.

You're just parroting the classic liberal fear mantra. Oh, fear, we can't compete, we need to build walls around our borders. That's been argued by fear mongers forever. And you're wrong, you win the future by embracing it. You destroy us by succumbing to your baseless fear and putting up barriers that actually only exacerbate the problem.
What about I'm not specifically talking about Obama are you not grasping?

Why do you mention the Left's Draconian Paradigm as chasing businesses overseas when the Free Market resulted in more off-shoring than the prior 30 years?
Your arguments of government intervention alone chasing jobs overseas simply doesn't hold water.

A) Free market offshoring is good for our economy.

B) Offshoring to escape punitive taxes and regulations is bad for our economy.

The key term is economic efficiency. A is economically efficient, B is economically inefficient. But A and B are both rational decisions for businesses. B is politicians harming the economy with abuse of their power.

In economics nomenclature, efficiency simply means less expensive, not better.
Nice try.
I went to McDonald's today and the young lady was very nice. Lunch was meh as usual but im glad I could contribute to her continued employment. To honor the snobbish left tomorrow I will patronize Chic Fil A
From where did you get that information?
The Michigan Supreme Court ruled that cities do not have to make public names of employees or their wage information. That's unprecedented in that ALL public employee wage and benefit information should be readily available to those who pay the bills.
It is OUR money. We have a right to know where it goes and who is getting it.
Government should not have the right to work in secret.

Umm...I have friends and family who are Detroit police officers... anything else?

You missed my premise. I was not arguing or implying refutation of your post.
I simply wanted to know from where you got the info from so I could search other public employee pay info..
For example, one can find the wages of every public employee in the state of NJ by going to New Jersey Local News, Breaking News, Sports & Weather - Then in the search bar type "NJ by the numbers".
In NJ ALL public employee wage, benefit and pension info is public domain.
In some states, Michigan being one of them, such is not the case.

The Detroit police salary begins at $30,137.
Basic training is 19 weeks at the Police Academy plus on the job training once graduated.
If successful at the academy, recruits get a $1,000 raise.
After one year it increases to $33,949.
After two years it increases to $37,761.
After three years it increases to $41,573 After four years it increases to $45,385.
After five years it reaches $53,237.
Why do you mention the Left's Draconian Paradigm as chasing businesses overseas when the Free Market resulted in more off-shoring than the prior 30 years?
Your arguments of government intervention alone chasing jobs overseas simply doesn't hold water.

A) Free market offshoring is good for our economy.

B) Offshoring to escape punitive taxes and regulations is bad for our economy.

The key term is economic efficiency. A is economically efficient, B is economically inefficient. But A and B are both rational decisions for businesses. B is politicians harming the economy with abuse of their power.

In economics nomenclature, efficiency simply means less expensive, not better.
Nice try.

Again, you don't know what you are talking about. Efficiency actually refers to the gap between what is created and what it costs to produce it in economic terms. Efficiency can be creating the same thing for less cost, creating more for the same cost, creating a little less with a lot less cost or creating a lot more for a little more cost.
The context of most postings seem to imply that O has been the beginning of the end.
We are currently immersed in the Clinton/GW/Obama deindustrialization of the US dreamed up during Reagan's administration.
Technology since Clinton has simply put this into hyper-drive.

How is Reagan responsible? During his administration, we saw a nice manfacturing sector that produced more the world's good than any country in history.

Bush I didn't do much, but Clinton's Presidency did a lot of the harm we see today:
(1) China: Pulling down the trade barriers with China was boneheaded, then stem rolling them in the WTO was the worst move in history.
(2) Revival of the CRA: The Community Reinvestment Act was the MAIN cause of the mortgage meltdown. It was the main reason lender's had the toss out the risk matrix and provide risky stated, 100% and subprime loans. It was Carter's baby, but Clinton revived it and put it into practice.
(3) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: Both had been around since the 30s, but it was during the Clinton regime that he gave them the powers and leverage to create a secondary artificial mortgage markets. Where originators could dump toxic loans right after writing them.
(4) Student Loan Crisis: His presidency made student loan non-dischargable and lend to the reckless lending that had SKYROCKETED college costs like no other product in history.
(5) Repeal of Glass-Steagell: Yes it was 3 Republicans that created GLB, but he inked it into law.
(6) NAFTA: Free Trade Agreements like CAFTA are one think, unfair disasterous free trade agreemens like NAFTA should be criminal!

Clinton escapes scrutiny because there was a REPUBLICAN lead congress that created a surplus, he had the dotcom boom (which was a quick bust) that lead to decent employment numbers, China was still somewhat at bay, NAFTA wasn't killing us yet, but the policies under his Presidency are killing us today!
Ame®icano;8271680 said:
Umm...I have friends and family who are Detroit police officers... anything else?

You missed my premise. I was not arguing or implying refutation of your post.
I simply wanted to know from where you got the info from so I could search other public employee pay info..
For example, one can find the wages of every public employee in the state of NJ by going to New Jersey Local News, Breaking News, Sports & Weather - Then in the search bar type "NJ by the numbers".
In NJ ALL public employee wage, benefit and pension info is public domain.
In some states, Michigan being one of them, such is not the case.

The Detroit police salary begins at $30,137.
Basic training is 19 weeks at the Police Academy plus on the job training once graduated.
If successful at the academy, recruits get a $1,000 raise.
After one year it increases to $33,949.
After two years it increases to $37,761.
After three years it increases to $41,573 After four years it increases to $45,385.
After five years it reaches $53,237.

Are all the police related to each other like in Nassau and Suffolk County where they wind up at $167K after 5 years?
Callous fucker seems accurate

Modern societies care about their people. They gave up your version of Darwinism centuries ago. Yes, our society recognizes that certain assholes among us do not give a shit about anyone else.....but as a society, we have made the decision to help them anyway.
So guess what Alan, you get to help them anyway

But , because you belong to our society, you have options

You can convince others who believe like you to vote in representatives who are just as callous as you
Missing the point or evading it for ideological reasons is one of your favorite pastimes.
First off, no one is claiming that NO ONE get any help.
Those who through no fault of their own, disease, disability( Not drug or alcohol induced)injury, death of primary earner, are very much the people who our resources should be focused.
Other than that, the simple act of birthing children knowing full well one is neither financially or even emotionally prepared should never be the responsibility of Hillary's "Village".....Because in her mind, the "Village" should be mandated to pay up.
That's wrong. Creating a captive transfer payment system for some twisted idea of compassion is not how things should be done. Charity and good works should never be forced or mandated by government. The reason is simple. Once a program is put into place, it never is limited to its intended purpose. It always grows far beyond original limits.
And people who have no work ethic or sense of decency or have been told they are owed, will invariably attempt to game the system....

You are missing the point. We are a modern society. Modern societies take care of people who need taking care of.

You taxes are not charity. You pay taxes as a function of being a member of society. How those taxes are spent is decided by those representatives of the people. If the people don't like how the money is spent, those representatives do not get reelected. Your ideal village kicks out those you do not deem worthy...the US doesn't operate like that

You don't like your money being spent on those you do not consider worthy
Others do not want their money spent on a war machine
Others do not want to spend money educating the children of others

You don't like money spent for social services, then vote for people who don't. I'm sure you already do. But as a citizen, you have to live with the decisions on how our money is spent

Are you saying that those 50% or so that doesn't pay federal income tax are not members of federal society?
You get the poor fired with endless employer mandates and regulations driving up the cost of hiring employees while you drag down the economy with irresponsible spending levels and shriek like a teenage girl with a zit if anyone tries to reduce spending growth by a dime. You get full time people cut back to part time to avoid rising costs because of federal bills like healthcare, prevent people from getting overtime for extra dough by forcing employers to pay time and a half and you deny the lowest skilled workers employment entirely with the minimum wage.

With friends like you...

As though these things weren't happening before O became president.

I am not seeing anywhere in my post that I referred personally to Obama. Certainly he supports these things, but the left has been doing this far longer than he was President. I'm not sure why you said that.

He was implying that you're racist. :lol:
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Reagan created the Rust Belt and created a tremendous Financial engine based on cheap Mexican labor.
He also promised Russia and the Balkans more economic prosperity and then ran off to cheaper Asia.
He tripled the debt and made 11 million illegals citizens overnight.

And yes, Clinton/GW/Obama put Trickle Across the Ocean Economics into Overdrive.

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