See we told you.. Mcdonalds is ordering 7K touch screen to replace cashiers

Ame®icano;8271726 said:
As though these things weren't happening before O became president.

I am not seeing anywhere in my post that I referred personally to Obama. Certainly he supports these things, but the left has been doing this far longer than he was President. I'm not sure why you said that.

He was implying that you're racist. :lol:

Ah, well he's got me on that one. I think blacks should be treated like everyone else, no better, no worse. Which the left has to your point certainly labeled "racist."
Then I'm certain that those people are well aware of the ingredients in burgers and fries.

If you think the employees at McDonalds know what flour is used in their buns then you give them way too much credit. And if you're worried about "all beef, free-range, or corn fed..."... beef then you shouldn't be going to McDonalds in the first place.

Why do you compare a fast food joint to a BBQ joint? BBQ isn't "fast food".
Did not realize the discussion was limited to McDonalds only. Is this your thread?

The BBQ place serves smoked meats, baked potatoes, bottled drinks from an ice bucket, soda jerk that is self served, and a few sides that are pre-packaged. I compare them because they are within 500' of each other and both serve take out food that you can walk in and walk out with in just a few min or use a drive through window if you want. I don't know anyone at the McDonalds, they all seem to be illegals. I know everyone at the BBQ joint.

McDonald's is a typical fast food place and one of the largest so I used it to make things simple. I guess it wasn't simple enough in your case.

Many high end restaurants offer take out. I don't know of any BBQ joints that have a drive thru. But then again I live in Texas.

Dumb ass, you know damn well I live in Texas. I call you out as a poser, or a liar your choice, if you've never used or even seen a drive through at a local bbq.
Why do you mention the Left's Draconian Paradigm as chasing businesses overseas when the Free Market resulted in more off-shoring than the prior 30 years?
Your arguments of government intervention alone chasing jobs overseas simply doesn't hold water.

It is restrictions on the free market and punishment for economic success that causes off shoring. Nothing else.

So 50 cents an hour labor overseas has nothing to do with it?

It does. Thanks to their low wages we have workers in McD's that are overpaid. Think about it.
Reagan created the Rust Belt and created a tremendous Financial engine based on cheap Mexican labor.
He also promised Russia and the Balkans more economic prosperity and then ran off to cheaper Asia.
He tripled the debt and made 11 million illegals citizens overnight.

And yes, Clinton/GW/Obama put Trickle Across the Ocean Economics into Overdrive.

LOL, Reagan created the rust belt? You're not from Michigan are you? kaz, BTW, is short for my hometown, kalamazoo, michigan. It was a rust belt long before I graduated high school and moved to the east coast to go to the University of Maryland. Which was a few months after Reagan took office.

Actually the debt doubled under Reagan. Did you know that tax receipts also doubled? The liberal congress spent like drunken sailors then as well.
Exactly. For decades now the U.S. government has been imposing more and more mandates, restrictions, and requirements, all of which add costs to doing business, on U.S. commerce and industry while taxing corporations at one of the highest rates in the world. And at the same time they threaten business with even more regulation, higher taxes, higher minimum wages, and push unionization. As the business climate becomes ever more restrictive and profit unfriendly, of course those wishing to do business are moving their businesses elsewhere to more business-friendly environments.

And I swear we have become a nation of idiots with our fearless leaders wringing their hands and desperately grasping at anything that would force those businesses to stay here while refusing to see that it is their own meddling that has created the situation in the first place. And their own convoluted ideology won't allow them to take any step to reverse it.

Yes, the problem is the nature of politicians is that they want power, which means they always want to "do" something, even when doing less is a no brainer better answer. Like how they are destroying our medical system.

There is always a larger picture to consider. The leftists are fond of condemning those Chinese and Indian factories that pay substandard wages (by our standards) and their employees live eight and ten to a single room, etc. But they never look at the larger picture of how would those people live if you close down those factories and take away those jobs.

The left is always fond of bashing McDonalds and Walmart for paying 'substandard wages', but they never want to look at whether those employees would be better off if McDonalds and Walmarts close up shop. How does forcing American business to close stores or move their enterprises elsewhere help anybody?

I blame modern education who must be teaching that there is a goose that lays perpetual golden eggs. And McDonalds and Walmart could pay a living wage, whatever that is, if they just would and there would be no negative consequences for that.

Lets put it this way.

75% of worlds wealth is in the hand of 20% worlds population.

How many American's are in those 20%?
Reagan created the Rust Belt and created a tremendous Financial engine based on cheap Mexican labor.
He also promised Russia and the Balkans more economic prosperity and then ran off to cheaper Asia.
He tripled the debt and made 11 million illegals citizens overnight.

And yes, Clinton/GW/Obama put Trickle Across the Ocean Economics into Overdrive.

LOL, Reagan created the rust belt? You're not from Michigan are you? kaz, BTW, is short for my hometown, kalamazoo, michigan. It was a rust belt long before I graduated high school and moved to the east coast to go to the University of Maryland. Which was a few months after Reagan took office.

Actually the debt doubled under Reagan. Did you know that tax receipts also doubled? The liberal congress spent like drunken sailors then as well.

Tax receipts doubling is a relative statement to how they were used.
As I was working on Wall Street at the time the glut of business visas from Great Britain, Germany, China and Japan did not help the recession much.

I was lucky I that I accepted a job offer in May 1981 as all my friends who waited until September, after taking their post-college Summer off, came back and didn't get jobs until November 1983.
Ame®icano;8271680 said:
You missed my premise. I was not arguing or implying refutation of your post.
I simply wanted to know from where you got the info from so I could search other public employee pay info..
For example, one can find the wages of every public employee in the state of NJ by going to New Jersey Local News, Breaking News, Sports & Weather - Then in the search bar type "NJ by the numbers".
In NJ ALL public employee wage, benefit and pension info is public domain.
In some states, Michigan being one of them, such is not the case.

The Detroit police salary begins at $30,137.
Basic training is 19 weeks at the Police Academy plus on the job training once graduated.
If successful at the academy, recruits get a $1,000 raise.
After one year it increases to $33,949.
After two years it increases to $37,761.
After three years it increases to $41,573 After four years it increases to $45,385.
After five years it reaches $53,237.

Are all the police related to each other like in Nassau and Suffolk County where they wind up at $167K after 5 years?

They are unionized, of course.

Detroit has a little cash flow problem, they suffered paycuts...

How much they're paid has to do something with median income.
Tax receipts doubling is a relative statement to how they were used.

No, it's relative to what the debt was when he took office. Hence "doubled."

That wasn't enough for the drunken sailor left to spend, no amount of money is. The more the better, and never their own...

You do understand that most contraceptive pills are daily tablets...regardless of sexual frequency right? You'd take one pill a day regardless of sexual frequency.

Here is a picture of what they look like in case you ever, by accident, come in contact with a woman.

you do KNOW that there are many more contraceptive methods, do you?

and, considering the severe potential side effects of the hormonal contraceptive pills, for a woman who "has sex once a year" it would be idiotic to take the pill every day for such a random event?
It is not worthy as the risk-benefit ration is tipping the scales towards the risks.

Sex once a year? Another republican myth.

The most common form of oral contraceptives is the pill. There is also the shot, the ring, barriers IUD, Nexplanon, Minera (sp?) If you're doing it 4 times a day or if you're doing it the regular number of times (for my republican friends out there; once a year isn't normal) the pill is the least invasive most widely practiced.

except it was YOUR idiotic assumption of the sex once a year needing the same protection by hormone pill as a regular one. Or your brother by spirit rightwinger's.

So address the idiocy to the mirror.

the pill might be the most common method, but it is also the one with the most side effects.

and yes, it was your leftard brother who was talking about sex once a year - so address your stupid outrage to him:

Women who fuck once a year use the same amount of birth control as those who fuck four times a day
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Some convenience stores with a fast food section around here have already gotten these touch screens.

They're comical sometimes in a way, to be standing at a screen punching in your order while 10 feet away behind the counter is the guy whose going to get your order, looking at you. It's like you're now forbidden to just tell him what you want.

of course, if there is a live person - nobody will go to touch screen.

The point is - if the business is pressurized too much ( with the idiocy of the doubling the min wage, for example) - they will get rid of the live personnel whenever it is possible.

It is that simple, but the government nanny worshipers are unable to comprehend that
And why aren't you cheering this?

Isn't that the Right-Wingers wet dream - to have usage fees for everything?

That's what Mittens did in Mass. And what Republican governors in Florida have done: jack up drivers license and registration fees, erect tolls, charge more for hunting licenses, etc.


you have problems with comprehension of the written text ? where does he state that those will be NEW toll roads?

He said "in the next 10 years".
you idiot with reading comprehension - he said "every toll road/bridge" - it is ALREADY EXISTING TOLL ROAD/BRIDGE, which in 10 years will become electronic passes only

leftards and their dyslexia :lol:

Quote: Originally Posted by thereisnospoon View Post

Check out cashless tolling systems.
for example, in the next 10 years, every toll road and toll bridge in the State of Florida will have unmanned toll stations.
Why do you mention the Left's Draconian Paradigm as chasing businesses overseas when the Free Market resulted in more off-shoring than the prior 30 years?
Your arguments of government intervention alone chasing jobs overseas simply doesn't hold water.

A) Free market offshoring is good for our economy.

B) Offshoring to escape punitive taxes and regulations is bad for our economy.

The key term is economic efficiency. A is economically efficient, B is economically inefficient. But A and B are both rational decisions for businesses. B is politicians harming the economy with abuse of their power.

In economics nomenclature, efficiency simply means less expensive, not better.
Nice try.

so? what is wrong with that?
Some convenience stores with a fast food section around here have already gotten these touch screens.

They're comical sometimes in a way, to be standing at a screen punching in your order while 10 feet away behind the counter is the guy whose going to get your order, looking at you. It's like you're now forbidden to just tell him what you want.

of course, if there is a live person - nobody will go to touch screen.

The point is - if the business is pressurized too much ( with the idiocy of the doubling the min wage, for example) - they will get rid of the live personnel whenever it is possible.

It is that simple, but the government nanny worshipers are unable to comprehend that

Perhaps, but since the article doesn't say anything about that; in fact, it is discussing touchscreens being used in Europe, not the US, and describes how McDonald's added 64,000 employees in the US; it's not exactly a strong conclusion in this thread.

Admittedly, the article is also from 2011, so it's certainly possible that US McDonald's have transitioned to some touchscreens in the intervening time.
McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers - Neowin

YOu wanna walk out on your job for more money. Guess what you now might lose your jobs all because of UNIONS who are greedy..
And what do you suppose might be the outcome of such robotization?

Jobs will be lost.

Corporate profit will rise.

Government will increase benefits to the unemployed.

Corporate taxes must be increased to compensate.

Do you know of a likely alternative?

What SHOULD happen is that those entry jobs won't be a career trap.. They were never intended to sustain a person for life.

Increasing the min wage for those jobs does NOTHING for the individual in the long run. They STILL lack skills to move up.. All you bleedy hearts have done is to promote the JOB (not the person).. And NOW --- the job gets done WITHOUT the person..

Face the reality leftists.. If we don't BOOST the appreciation for education and training in this country -- and worry more about individual skills, than the stupid job --- the bottom of the wage gap will fall thru the floor..

1) CURB the High School dropout rates.
2) Bring BACK Vocational Training and Apprentice/Intern programs.
3) RAISE the academic standards in High Schools.
4) Promote Comm College based retraining.. NOT -- 100 govt programs to do the same.

THAT's "your likely alternative".... At least the happier, more productive alternative to leftist whining about dead end menial jobs..
you do KNOW that there are many more contraceptive methods, do you?

and, considering the severe potential side effects of the hormonal contraceptive pills, for a woman who "has sex once a year" it would be idiotic to take the pill every day for such a random event?
It is not worthy as the risk-benefit ration is tipping the scales towards the risks.

Sex once a year? Another republican myth.

The most common form of oral contraceptives is the pill. There is also the shot, the ring, barriers IUD, Nexplanon, Minera (sp?) If you're doing it 4 times a day or if you're doing it the regular number of times (for my republican friends out there; once a year isn't normal) the pill is the least invasive most widely practiced.

except it was YOUR idiotic assumption of the sex once a year needing the same protection by hormone pill as a regular one. Or your brother by spirit rightwinger's.

So address the idiocy to the mirror.

the pill might be the most common method, but it is also the one with the most side effects.
In the odd event that you have sex once a year (I'm thinking it's about once a decade), yes you would be foolish to take a daily pill..

For most people sex is a wonderful, frequent pleasure in which we partake...sorry is this too salacious for the conservatives here? Lets just say it happens to most people more than once a year and no, your hand doesn't count.
It took many years for those supermarket self-check lanes to catch fire..
But NOW -- they are being used to full capacity..

Arbys had replaced their counter personnel with touchscreens back in the 90s.. There was always some 50--70 demographic absolutely frozen in terror in the front of the line.. They junked it..

McDon. just had to do what Moses had to do.. Wander in the desert for 40 years and wait for the old codgers to die off...... If they wait another couple years, they won't need the touchscreens. Just hit the Wi Fi network coming thru the door --- and you'll be greeted on your phone with a pleasant face asking you if "you want fries with that"....

The definition of "a job" has changed. The future of labor is skill flexibility and innovation.. Get with the program or we lose bigtime..
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McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers - Neowin

YOu wanna walk out on your job for more money. Guess what you now might lose your jobs all because of UNIONS who are greedy..
And what do you suppose might be the outcome of such robotization?

Jobs will be lost.

Corporate profit will rise.

Government will increase benefits to the unemployed.

Corporate taxes must be increased to compensate.

Do you know of a likely alternative?

What SHOULD happen is that those entry jobs won't be a career trap.. They were never intended to sustain a person for life.

Increasing the min wage for those jobs does NOTHING for the individual in the long run. They STILL lack skills to move up.. All you bleedy hearts have done is to promote the JOB (not the person).. And NOW --- the job gets done WITHOUT the person..
Except when someone has more money to spend, it creates an economic engine which is almost 100% discounted by those who claim the minimum wage does nothing. If it does nothing, hell, lets raise it and see...oh wait we can't do that (it may work!).

Face the reality leftists.. If we don't BOOST the appreciation for education and training in this country -- and worry more about individual skills, than the stupid job --- the bottom of the wage gap will fall thru the floor..

1) CURB the High School dropout rates.
2) Bring BACK Vocational Training and Apprentice/Intern programs.
3) RAISE the academic standards in High Schools.
4) Promote Comm College based retraining.. NOT -- 100 govt programs to do the same.

I fully agree with you on this. I think the winning position would be for the government to pre-pay some of your college so you get 60 hours of advanced training post-high school and then have Uncle Sam deduct it during your work life; much the same way you pay for social security but 1-4 are fine by me.
And what do you suppose might be the outcome of such robotization?

Jobs will be lost.

Corporate profit will rise.

Government will increase benefits to the unemployed.

Corporate taxes must be increased to compensate.

Do you know of a likely alternative?

What SHOULD happen is that those entry jobs won't be a career trap.. They were never intended to sustain a person for life.

Increasing the min wage for those jobs does NOTHING for the individual in the long run. They STILL lack skills to move up.. All you bleedy hearts have done is to promote the JOB (not the person).. And NOW --- the job gets done WITHOUT the person..
Except when someone has more money to spend, it creates an economic engine which is almost 100% discounted by those who claim the minimum wage does nothing. If it does nothing, hell, lets raise it and see...oh wait we can't do that (it may work!).

Face the reality leftists.. If we don't BOOST the appreciation for education and training in this country -- and worry more about individual skills, than the stupid job --- the bottom of the wage gap will fall thru the floor..

1) CURB the High School dropout rates.
2) Bring BACK Vocational Training and Apprentice/Intern programs.
3) RAISE the academic standards in High Schools.
4) Promote Comm College based retraining.. NOT -- 100 govt programs to do the same.

I fully agree with you on this. I think the winning position would be for the government to pre-pay some of your college so you get 60 hours of advanced training post-high school and then have Uncle Sam deduct it during your work life; much the same way you pay for social security but 1-4 are fine by me.

We already have a vibrant Comm. College network where you can get an AA degree for dirt cheap in 40 different fields.. Would be OKey Dokey for me if we closed a bunch of niche narrow govt training projects and made that system cheaper for some..

I have no interest in "promoting the job".. As shown in this OP --- in many cases, "the job" simply CANT be promoted.. I'm against trying your experiment, because that WILL make the transition to 21st Century labor a lot rougher than it needs to be.. Promote the PERSON. And the wage structure will be much more rewarding..

BTW--- Did you happen to see the CNN Hero story about the guy who offered the homeless man either $100 or a laptop and 20 hours of training in programming in the Java language? The guy took the laptop.. The NY TIMES ridiculed the good samaritan to death when the story came out. But this homeless guy is writing applications for sale on the I-net.

Apparently leftists and the NY Times have a pissy view of how far we can promote people.
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It took many years for those supermarket self-check lanes to catch fire..
But NOW -- they are being used to full capacity..

Arbys had replaced their counter personnel with touchscreens back in the 90s.. There was always some 50--70 demographic absolutely frozen in terror in the front of the line.. They junked it..

McDon. just had to do what Moses had to do.. Wander in the desert for 40 years and wait for the old codgers to die off...... If they wait another couple years, they won't need the touchscreens. Just hit the Wi Fi network coming thru the door --- and you'll be greeted on your phone with a pleasant face asking you if "you want fries with that"....

The definition of "a job" has changed. The future of labor is skill flexibility and innovation.. Get with the program or we lose bigtime..

I still have not seen the supermarket self-checkout lanes being used to full capacity. They are rarely used at all when I'm at the supermarket.

It may be different in your area, or in different stores, but I have never seen the self check aisle full unless there were long lines in all of the traditional checkout lanes.
Callous fucker seems accurate

Modern societies care about their people. They gave up your version of Darwinism centuries ago. Yes, our society recognizes that certain assholes among us do not give a shit about anyone else.....but as a society, we have made the decision to help them anyway.
So guess what Alan, you get to help them anyway

But , because you belong to our society, you have options

You can convince others who believe like you to vote in representatives who are just as callous as you
Missing the point or evading it for ideological reasons is one of your favorite pastimes.
First off, no one is claiming that NO ONE get any help.
Those who through no fault of their own, disease, disability( Not drug or alcohol induced)injury, death of primary earner, are very much the people who our resources should be focused.
Other than that, the simple act of birthing children knowing full well one is neither financially or even emotionally prepared should never be the responsibility of Hillary's "Village".....Because in her mind, the "Village" should be mandated to pay up.
That's wrong. Creating a captive transfer payment system for some twisted idea of compassion is not how things should be done. Charity and good works should never be forced or mandated by government. The reason is simple. Once a program is put into place, it never is limited to its intended purpose. It always grows far beyond original limits.
And people who have no work ethic or sense of decency or have been told they are owed, will invariably attempt to game the system....

You are missing the point. We are a modern society. Modern societies take care of people who need taking care of.

You taxes are not charity. You pay taxes as a function of being a member of society. How those taxes are spent is decided by those representatives of the people. If the people don't like how the money is spent, those representatives do not get reelected. Your ideal village kicks out those you do not deem worthy...the US doesn't operate like that

You don't like your money being spent on those you do not consider worthy
Others do not want their money spent on a war machine
Others do not want to spend money educating the children of others

You don't like money spent for social services, then vote for people who don't. I'm sure you already do. But as a citizen, you have to live with the decisions on how our money is spent

Stop it!
Just cut the bullshit.
I specifically targeted those who are gaming the system.
Why is it you libs claim to be the best educated and most intelligent when you refuse to comprehend what others have written?
You stated "Modern societies take care of people who need taking care of. "
That is true but not accurate. ALL societies do this. Even poor ones.
Taxation has ZERO to do with 'society'..The concept of taxation is to fund essential functions of government. When government decided to involve itself with social issues and created these safety nets, taxation then became a form of 'forced charity'....In it's pure form, most people agree with this. But when these programs grow exponentially, people are known to be ripping off the system and no one in government wants to do anything to fix the waste fraud and abuse, we as taxpayers hold our collective hand up and say "wait a minute!"
I have heard your rhetoric before. Your side views taxation as some kind of 'participation fee"....As if to say "because you are here, you owe us for being here because WE say it is YOUR responsibility"....In other words, just pay up and shut up.
Guess what? We all choose our "village"...If we don't like our village, we kick ourselves out. it's called 'voting with one's feet'...BTW, everyone is 'worthy'...It is your side that tells the less fortunate they are not. Your side is the one that provides the means to become dependent on government handouts.
"Others do not want their money spent on a war machine...
War machine? Define that?
"Others do not want to spend money educating the children of others"..
You oppose taxation to pay for public schools?
You appear to be solely focused on social programs and safety nets. Why is that? Why do you not consider any other function of government? Why are social safety nets so important to you? What's in it for you?
And please don't hand me some who shot john about compassion..

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