See we told you.. Mcdonalds is ordering 7K touch screen to replace cashiers

Sex once a year? Another republican myth.

The most common form of oral contraceptives is the pill. There is also the shot, the ring, barriers IUD, Nexplanon, Minera (sp?) If you're doing it 4 times a day or if you're doing it the regular number of times (for my republican friends out there; once a year isn't normal) the pill is the least invasive most widely practiced.

except it was YOUR idiotic assumption of the sex once a year needing the same protection by hormone pill as a regular one. Or your brother by spirit rightwinger's.

So address the idiocy to the mirror.

the pill might be the most common method, but it is also the one with the most side effects.
In the odd event that you have sex once a year (I'm thinking it's about once a decade), yes you would be foolish to take a daily pill..

For most people sex is a wonderful, frequent pleasure in which we partake...sorry is this too salacious for the conservatives here? Lets just say it happens to most people more than once a year and no, your hand doesn't count.

Your thread derail is terminated.
Stay on point or do not post.
And what do you suppose might be the outcome of such robotization?

Jobs will be lost.

Corporate profit will rise.

Government will increase benefits to the unemployed.

Corporate taxes must be increased to compensate.

Do you know of a likely alternative?

What SHOULD happen is that those entry jobs won't be a career trap.. They were never intended to sustain a person for life.

Increasing the min wage for those jobs does NOTHING for the individual in the long run. They STILL lack skills to move up.. All you bleedy hearts have done is to promote the JOB (not the person).. And NOW --- the job gets done WITHOUT the person..
Except when someone has more money to spend, it creates an economic engine which is almost 100% discounted by those who claim the minimum wage does nothing. If it does nothing, hell, lets raise it and see...oh wait we can't do that (it may work!).

Face the reality leftists.. If we don't BOOST the appreciation for education and training in this country -- and worry more about individual skills, than the stupid job --- the bottom of the wage gap will fall thru the floor..

1) CURB the High School dropout rates.
2) Bring BACK Vocational Training and Apprentice/Intern programs.
3) RAISE the academic standards in High Schools.
4) Promote Comm College based retraining.. NOT -- 100 govt programs to do the same.

I fully agree with you on this. I think the winning position would be for the government to pre-pay some of your college so you get 60 hours of advanced training post-high school and then have Uncle Sam deduct it during your work life; much the same way you pay for social security but 1-4 are fine by me.

NO! Government intervention is the reason for the increased price of higher education.
What SHOULD happen is that those entry jobs won't be a career trap.. They were never intended to sustain a person for life.

Increasing the min wage for those jobs does NOTHING for the individual in the long run. They STILL lack skills to move up.. All you bleedy hearts have done is to promote the JOB (not the person).. And NOW --- the job gets done WITHOUT the person..
Except when someone has more money to spend, it creates an economic engine which is almost 100% discounted by those who claim the minimum wage does nothing. If it does nothing, hell, lets raise it and see...oh wait we can't do that (it may work!).

Face the reality leftists.. If we don't BOOST the appreciation for education and training in this country -- and worry more about individual skills, than the stupid job --- the bottom of the wage gap will fall thru the floor..

1) CURB the High School dropout rates.
2) Bring BACK Vocational Training and Apprentice/Intern programs.
3) RAISE the academic standards in High Schools.
4) Promote Comm College based retraining.. NOT -- 100 govt programs to do the same.

I fully agree with you on this. I think the winning position would be for the government to pre-pay some of your college so you get 60 hours of advanced training post-high school and then have Uncle Sam deduct it during your work life; much the same way you pay for social security but 1-4 are fine by me.

We already have a vibrant Comm. College network where you can get an AA degree for dirt cheap in 40 different fields.. Would be OKey Dokey for me if we closed a bunch of niche narrow govt training projects and made that system cheaper for some..

I have no interest in "promoting the job".. As shown in this OP --- in many cases, "the job" simply CANT be promoted.. I'm against trying your experiment, because that WILL make the transition to 21st Century labor a lot rougher than it needs to be.. Promote the PERSON. And the wage structure will be much more rewarding..

BTW--- Did you happen to see the CNN Hero story about the guy who offered the homeless man either $100 or a laptop and 20 hours of training in programming in the Java language? The guy took the laptop.. The NY TIMES ridiculed the good samaritan to death when the story came out. But this homeless guy is writing applications for sale on the I-net.

Apparently leftists and the NY Times have a pissy view of how far we can promote people.

Of course. Promoting individual achievement and individual independence from government is the Left's worst nightmare.
Exactly. For decades now the U.S. government has been imposing more and more mandates, restrictions, and requirements, all of which add costs to doing business, on U.S. commerce and industry while taxing corporations at one of the highest rates in the world. And at the same time they threaten business with even more regulation, higher taxes, higher minimum wages, and push unionization. As the business climate becomes ever more restrictive and profit unfriendly, of course those wishing to do business are moving their businesses elsewhere to more business-friendly environments.

And I swear we have become a nation of idiots with our fearless leaders wringing their hands and desperately grasping at anything that would force those businesses to stay here while refusing to see that it is their own meddling that has created the situation in the first place. And their own convoluted ideology won't allow them to take any step to reverse it.

Our corporations pay less in taxes than ever before in history. Many of them pay no taxes at all.

That prob Sheila is not because they don't OWE a lot of taxes.. The big VISIBLE offenders like GE pay no taxes because of policies that REDUCE their taxes for stuff like "being green". GE get $70 for every Energy Star washer they sell.. And for being involved in "green lightbulbs" "green wind", "green turbines", "green train engines".. They've gotten so many TAX CREDITS --- that if they could SAVE them --- they wouldn't owe a dime for years..

Leftists then fake outrage when they find out that "GE paid no taxes in 2011".. Do they really not know it was their policies that caused that to happen??? Take away the Tax Credit candy --- and MIRACULOUSLY -- they will start to pay taxes again...
All the while lib politicians run around during their campaigns screaming about 'corporate welfare"...
Gee, Wrenchy, it seems like the "pump jockeys" really have it out for you.

Maybe it's your attitude.

Actually, that wasn't me. (I do not go to full service!) That's what happened to people on the 2007 Hot Rod Power Tour, which ended in Jersey. Only two states consider their residents too stupid to operate a gas pump, you now admit that you ARE, in fact, too stupid to do so safely?
Could it be that these gas pump atendents were being paid very low wages, and so it took all the incentive out of it for them to act and/or to be proffessional in their jobs ? Maybe they scraped up the rods and caused mayhem trying to get at their bosses for whom they knew could easily treat them better, but wasn't going to, who knows really?

Hey, you do know the old addage right, "YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR", and that goes for labor also !

Oh well isn't that nice.
Hey genius, they took the job knowing full well the conditions of the job and the rate of pay.
If they didn't like the conditions, they should have sought work elsewhere.
In any event, once they agreed to the conditions of employment, they made a contract with the employer to do their job to the best of their ability.
The context of most postings seem to imply that O has been the beginning of the end.
We are currently immersed in the Clinton/GW/Obama deindustrialization of the US dreamed up during Reagan's administration.
Technology since Clinton has simply put this into hyper-drive.

People have actually been lamenting technology eliminating jobs for many decades. Technology also increases productivity and reduces prices for consumers and makes American companies more competitive versus international and that increases jobs. Jobs don't go away, they move. And as people have more money, they buy more services, which creates service jobs.

What is anti-job is fighting job loss and driving up the cost of employees. If companies go offshore for cost, they should not be incented ed to do it to escape Obamacare, payroll taxes, unemployment insurance, overtime rules, the minimum wage and so on. The left lament the job loss while pushing companies off shore. Then they fight growth industries like energy and finance because they are evil.

The US would be fine if the left would stop helping. The Republicans are sad and pathetic, but at least they aren't driving those things.

Exactly. For decades now the U.S. government has been imposing more and more mandates, restrictions, and requirements, all of which add costs to doing business, on U.S. commerce and industry while taxing corporations at one of the highest rates in the world. And at the same time they threaten business with even more regulation, higher taxes, higher minimum wages, and push unionization. As the business climate becomes ever more restrictive and profit unfriendly, of course those wishing to do business are moving their businesses elsewhere to more business-friendly environments.

And I swear we have become a nation of idiots with our fearless leaders wringing their hands and desperately grasping at anything that would force those businesses to stay here while refusing to see that it is their own meddling that has created the situation in the first place. And their own convoluted ideology won't allow them to take any step to reverse it.
If the modern lib miindset had been the majority before 1776, America would have never existed. It would just be an assortment of poor third world warring nations run by dictators.

Read you history. It was the liberals responsible for our being a country in the first place. The conservatives wanted to stay with the crown.

Technically true, but misleading. It was classic liberals who wanted our own country. You are a modern, progressive liberal. We are in fact opposites. Classic liberals want to minimize government, you want to maximize it. To try to take credit just because the word liberal is in it is just wrong.

She isnt a liberal. Try understanding who is what before making judgments.
Ame®icano;8271680 said:
You missed my premise. I was not arguing or implying refutation of your post.
I simply wanted to know from where you got the info from so I could search other public employee pay info..
For example, one can find the wages of every public employee in the state of NJ by going to New Jersey Local News, Breaking News, Sports & Weather - Then in the search bar type "NJ by the numbers".
In NJ ALL public employee wage, benefit and pension info is public domain.
In some states, Michigan being one of them, such is not the case.

The Detroit police salary begins at $30,137.
Basic training is 19 weeks at the Police Academy plus on the job training once graduated.
If successful at the academy, recruits get a $1,000 raise.
After one year it increases to $33,949.
After two years it increases to $37,761.
After three years it increases to $41,573 After four years it increases to $45,385.
After five years it reaches $53,237.

So.....the starting salary is roughly $15/hour on a 40-hour week for a job that includes a tremendous amount of know how, discipline, and personal risk. So to compare that to what a kid has to know to flip that burger at McDonalds......and assume that kid needs $15/hour? Pretty hard to rationalize that.

In 5 years the cop will be making 53k..where the McDonald's will still be at 15.

Cops are always underpaid, but when push comes to shove its typically both parties that screw them..

Look at How the 911 responders were handled.
Sex once a year? Another republican myth.

The most common form of oral contraceptives is the pill. There is also the shot, the ring, barriers IUD, Nexplanon, Minera (sp?) If you're doing it 4 times a day or if you're doing it the regular number of times (for my republican friends out there; once a year isn't normal) the pill is the least invasive most widely practiced.

except it was YOUR idiotic assumption of the sex once a year needing the same protection by hormone pill as a regular one. Or your brother by spirit rightwinger's.:

Do explain, because I think this could be wrong in your accounting of.

It depends on the type of birth control used wouldn't you agree, so does the government want all forms of birth control covered or just some types covered ?

If a woman is on the pill which Republicans hate...

She uses the same number of pills if she has sex onc a year or a thousand times a year

But republicans think sex is evil

So address the idiocy to the mirror.

the pill might be the most common method, but it is also the one with the most side effects.
In the odd event that you have sex once a year (I'm thinking it's about once a decade), yes you would be foolish to take a daily pill..

For most people sex is a wonderful, frequent pleasure in which we partake...sorry is this too salacious for the conservatives here? Lets just say it happens to most people more than once a year and no, your hand doesn't count.

you liar, it was your stupid rightwinger who has sex once a year and admitted it :lol:
and that is why he doesn't know either what kid of contraception is available, or which one the woman can use.

so address your ire and preaching towards HIM.
You may also post more pictures of the methods of contraception.
some are very intriguing - especially for the rightwinger who has sex once a year :
Do explain, because I think this could be wrong in your accounting of.

It depends on the type of birth control used wouldn't you agree, so does the government want all forms of birth control covered or just some types covered ?

If a woman is on the pill which Republicans hate...

She uses the same number of pills if she has sex once a year or a thousand times a year

But republicans think sex is evil

or, maybe you share his misery and had never been laid? ah, now I get it - you are just an old spinster, therefore you viciously LIE or simply can not comprehend the written text - since you obviously lack some needed hormones :lmao:

Old spinster candycorn caught lying :lol:
Oh, well :D
If modern liberals had been around a hundred years ago we'd still have blacksmith's and they'd be saying how if they lost their jobs, it would harm the economy.

Actually, fighting progress is what's harming the economy. Fear and ignorance are staples of the left.

If the modern lib miindset had been the majority before 1776, America would have never existed. It would just be an assortment of poor third world warring nations run by dictators.

Read you history. It was the liberals responsible for our being a country in the first place. The conservatives wanted to stay with the crown.

except they were LIBERALs, not the reactionary leftards like we have abundant nowadays here at USMB and in the dimocrap party.
It were those leftards who named their marxist socialist progressivism to be "liberalism"
But they have nothing in common with real liberals.
They are the exact replica of those who wanted to remain loyal to the crown - the same reactionary slaves of the state as those were slaves of the crown :lol:
except it was YOUR idiotic assumption of the sex once a year needing the same protection by hormone pill as a regular one. Or your brother by spirit rightwinger's.

So address the idiocy to the mirror.

the pill might be the most common method, but it is also the one with the most side effects.
In the odd event that you have sex once a year (I'm thinking it's about once a decade), yes you would be foolish to take a daily pill..

For most people sex is a wonderful, frequent pleasure in which we partake...sorry is this too salacious for the conservatives here? Lets just say it happens to most people more than once a year and no, your hand doesn't count.

Your thread derail is terminated.
Stay on point or do not post.

she is lying, as usual.
nothing new under the sun.
The issue of "once a year" was brought in by rightwinger and SHE, herself, agreed with his idiotic assumption, adding to that that it does not matter how often sex happens in your life, the government still has to pay for her pill.

when laughed at because even in the area the leftards claim to be their banner they are ignorant like cows, she just twisted the arguments and started lying .

oh, well.
It took many years for those supermarket self-check lanes to catch fire..
But NOW -- they are being used to full capacity..

Arbys had replaced their counter personnel with touchscreens back in the 90s.. There was always some 50--70 demographic absolutely frozen in terror in the front of the line.. They junked it..

McDon. just had to do what Moses had to do.. Wander in the desert for 40 years and wait for the old codgers to die off...... If they wait another couple years, they won't need the touchscreens. Just hit the Wi Fi network coming thru the door --- and you'll be greeted on your phone with a pleasant face asking you if "you want fries with that"....

The definition of "a job" has changed. The future of labor is skill flexibility and innovation.. Get with the program or we lose bigtime..

I still have not seen the supermarket self-checkout lanes being used to full capacity. They are rarely used at all when I'm at the supermarket.

It may be different in your area, or in different stores, but I have never seen the self check aisle full unless there were long lines in all of the traditional checkout lanes.

Self check is not that practical if your cart is full.
When I go for groceries shopping, my cart is usually packed.
If is not, self check is way to go.
Ame®icano;8271680 said:
You missed my premise. I was not arguing or implying refutation of your post.
I simply wanted to know from where you got the info from so I could search other public employee pay info..
For example, one can find the wages of every public employee in the state of NJ by going to New Jersey Local News, Breaking News, Sports & Weather - Then in the search bar type "NJ by the numbers".
In NJ ALL public employee wage, benefit and pension info is public domain.
In some states, Michigan being one of them, such is not the case.

The Detroit police salary begins at $30,137.
Basic training is 19 weeks at the Police Academy plus on the job training once graduated.
If successful at the academy, recruits get a $1,000 raise.
After one year it increases to $33,949.
After two years it increases to $37,761.
After three years it increases to $41,573 After four years it increases to $45,385.
After five years it reaches $53,237.

So.....the starting salary is roughly $15/hour on a 40-hour week for a job that includes a tremendous amount of know how, discipline, and personal risk. So to compare that to what a kid has to know to flip that burger at McDonalds......and assume that kid needs $15/hour? Pretty hard to rationalize that.

True. One of top crime cities in the country.

With all you said, cops there should be making more money, but city simply doesn't have money to pay them more. Thanks to whom is another story.

And also, those are starting salaries based on 40hr/week without overtime.

Edit: Compare cops duties with fast food worker duties. What does it take to train one or another.
Last edited:
The context of most postings seem to imply that O has been the beginning of the end.
We are currently immersed in the Clinton/GW/Obama deindustrialization of the US dreamed up during Reagan's administration.
Technology since Clinton has simply put this into hyper-drive.

People have actually been lamenting technology eliminating jobs for many decades. Technology also increases productivity and reduces prices for consumers and makes American companies more competitive versus international and that increases jobs. Jobs don't go away, they move. And as people have more money, they buy more services, which creates service jobs.

What is anti-job is fighting job loss and driving up the cost of employees. If companies go offshore for cost, they should not be incented ed to do it to escape Obamacare, payroll taxes, unemployment insurance, overtime rules, the minimum wage and so on. The left lament the job loss while pushing companies off shore. Then they fight growth industries like energy and finance because they are evil.

The US would be fine if the left would stop helping. The Republicans are sad and pathetic, but at least they aren't driving those things.

Nice try but the majority of off-shoring and influx of business visas took place during GW, not O.
You should perhaps subscribe to a financial publication to keep tabs of these events.

Wrong. It started under Clinton. Remember NAFTA. It took few years for companies to find their way under Bush.

I wouldn't be surprised if companies started running offshore as soon they realized that comrade Barry would win. :eusa_whistle:
So.....the starting salary is roughly $15/hour on a 40-hour week for a job that includes a tremendous amount of know how, discipline, and personal risk. So to compare that to what a kid has to know to flip that burger at McDonalds......and assume that kid needs $15/hour? Pretty hard to rationalize that.

You forgot the fact that it results in a 77% pay increase in 5 years. (And, I suspect, gold-plated benefits.)

Detroit Police deserve anything they get. I'm not quite sure if his numbers are exactly current as there is no source sited. I can ask though I know the starting salary is pretty accurate

Well, that info comes from Police Officer Pages

Also, you can look at the police current job openings where numbers are little lower. City of Detroit
Ame®icano;8271680 said:
The Detroit police salary begins at $30,137.
Basic training is 19 weeks at the Police Academy plus on the job training once graduated.
If successful at the academy, recruits get a $1,000 raise.
After one year it increases to $33,949.
After two years it increases to $37,761.
After three years it increases to $41,573 After four years it increases to $45,385.
After five years it reaches $53,237.

So.....the starting salary is roughly $15/hour on a 40-hour week for a job that includes a tremendous amount of know how, discipline, and personal risk. So to compare that to what a kid has to know to flip that burger at McDonalds......and assume that kid needs $15/hour? Pretty hard to rationalize that.

In 5 years the cop will be making 53k..where the McDonald's will still be at 15.

Cops are always underpaid, but when push comes to shove its typically both parties that screw them..

Look at How the 911 responders were handled.

Well, if after 5 years you're still working in McD, something is definitely wrong with you. But at least, you're alive... Maybe a time to apply for cop position.

After 5 years in McD, you can't be much more valuable to the company then when you started. Unless you got promoted to shift or store manager, but then you're not on $15K anymore.
The purpose of a corporation is to maximize shareholder value. THAT'S IT. Shareholders including young families planning for the future and seniors depending on dividend income for their needs. Any corporation is going to do what it thinks is best to accomplish that goal. Some do it better than....

Oh, fuck it.

I'm not going to explain the most fundamental business economics to American adults who simply don't understand.

I can't believe we have people graduating from high school without this most basic knowledge.

Never mind.

Actually, corporations were created to protect against liability for damage.

While what you say may be true, the single minded pursuit of wealth doesn't require incorporation.
No....Incorporation exists for a number of reasons.
1. To protect the officer's or board member's PERSONAL assets from liability
2. To sell stock in the company
3. To permit stock holders to have a say in which the way the company operates. Gives shareholders a say by vote or proxy.
A more in depth explanation...Articles of Incorporation |
You got the first one almost right.

The protection of a corporation was created to shield anyone with an interest in the company including share holders and employees, not just officers. Plus, we clearly see cases today where corporate officers don't go to jail even if the decisions they made would result in jail time were they to do the crime as a private citizen - so it covers more than assets.

While making public offerings has restrictions, any number of people can put money together and take actions without incorporating using any form of decision making they want - be it a single person, magic 8-ball or whatever. And, they can let people buy in or sell out.
Read you history. It was the liberals responsible for our being a country in the first place. The conservatives wanted to stay with the crown.

Technically true, but misleading. It was classic liberals who wanted our own country. You are a modern, progressive liberal. We are in fact opposites. Classic liberals want to minimize government, you want to maximize it. To try to take credit just because the word liberal is in it is just wrong.

She isnt a liberal. Try understanding who is what before making judgments.

Suurreee she's not.....
Technically true, but misleading. It was classic liberals who wanted our own country. You are a modern, progressive liberal. We are in fact opposites. Classic liberals want to minimize government, you want to maximize it. To try to take credit just because the word liberal is in it is just wrong.

She isnt a liberal. Try understanding who is what before making judgments.

Suurreee she's not.....

Nope, I'm a moderate. I watch the republicans and democrats make fools of themselves. The two most corrupt parties in the history of our nation.
And why aren't you cheering this?

Isn't that the Right-Wingers wet dream - to have usage fees for everything?

That's what Mittens did in Mass. And what Republican governors in Florida have done: jack up drivers license and registration fees, erect tolls, charge more for hunting licenses, etc.

More far left propaganda

Is that so, dope?

User fees: The alternative to tax hikes - David Rogers -

Mitt Romney Used Fees To Close Budget Gap As Massachusetts Governor

SPIN METER: Romney used fees to close budget gap -

Cut taxes? Raise them? GOP candidates' records examined | Politics | McClatchy DC
Romney, the governor of Massachusetts from 2003 until January, wouldn't sign a no-tax pledge in 2002 when he was seeking the state office. And he raised "user fees," closed corporate loopholes and increased business costs by hundreds of millions of dollars during his four-year term.
So fuck off.​

So when did anyone who doesn't buy into your silly socialist POV become a "dope?"
What the fuck happened to your brain?

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