See we told you.. Mcdonalds is ordering 7K touch screen to replace cashiers

She isnt a liberal. Try understanding who is what before making judgments.

Suurreee she's not.....

Nope, I'm a moderate. I watch the republicans and democrats make fools of themselves. The two most corrupt parties in the history of our nation.

A moderate is a person too chickenshit to admit they are a liberal.
Oh, a classic error on your part. Democrat and Republican are names of political parties.
Liberal and conservative are ideologies.
"Moderate" is nothing.
People have actually been lamenting technology eliminating jobs for many decades. Technology also increases productivity and reduces prices for consumers and makes American companies more competitive versus international and that increases jobs. Jobs don't go away, they move. And as people have more money, they buy more services, which creates service jobs.

What is anti-job is fighting job loss and driving up the cost of employees. If companies go offshore for cost, they should not be incented ed to do it to escape Obamacare, payroll taxes, unemployment insurance, overtime rules, the minimum wage and so on. The left lament the job loss while pushing companies off shore. Then they fight growth industries like energy and finance because they are evil.

The US would be fine if the left would stop helping. The Republicans are sad and pathetic, but at least they aren't driving those things.

Exactly. For decades now the U.S. government has been imposing more and more mandates, restrictions, and requirements, all of which add costs to doing business, on U.S. commerce and industry while taxing corporations at one of the highest rates in the world. And at the same time they threaten business with even more regulation, higher taxes, higher minimum wages, and push unionization. As the business climate becomes ever more restrictive and profit unfriendly, of course those wishing to do business are moving their businesses elsewhere to more business-friendly environments.

And I swear we have become a nation of idiots with our fearless leaders wringing their hands and desperately grasping at anything that would force those businesses to stay here while refusing to see that it is their own meddling that has created the situation in the first place. And their own convoluted ideology won't allow them to take any step to reverse it.

Our corporations pay less in taxes than ever before in history. Many of them pay no taxes at all.

Our corporations include millions of small companies whose owners scraped together their life's savings, borrowed from friends and family and the bank and bought a piece of the rock hoping to turn it into better living than their parents could provide. The gov't dramatically changes the rules in midstream to satisfy those who neither bought nor risked ANYTHING. Peeps just like ... you.
Suurreee she's not.....

Nope, I'm a moderate. I watch the republicans and democrats make fools of themselves. The two most corrupt parties in the history of our nation.

A moderate is a person too chickenshit to admit they are a liberal.
Oh, a classic error on your part. Democrat and Republican are names of political parties.
Liberal and conservative are ideologies.
"Moderate" is nothing.

Okay, have it your way, I'm a liberal. You and my brother, who actually is a liberal and thinks I'm a conservative can have it out, I'll watch.
Exactly. For decades now the U.S. government has been imposing more and more mandates, restrictions, and requirements, all of which add costs to doing business, on U.S. commerce and industry while taxing corporations at one of the highest rates in the world. And at the same time they threaten business with even more regulation, higher taxes, higher minimum wages, and push unionization. As the business climate becomes ever more restrictive and profit unfriendly, of course those wishing to do business are moving their businesses elsewhere to more business-friendly environments.

And I swear we have become a nation of idiots with our fearless leaders wringing their hands and desperately grasping at anything that would force those businesses to stay here while refusing to see that it is their own meddling that has created the situation in the first place. And their own convoluted ideology won't allow them to take any step to reverse it.

Our corporations pay less in taxes than ever before in history. Many of them pay no taxes at all.

Our corporations include millions of small companies whose owners scraped together their life's savings, borrowed from friends and family and the bank and bought a piece of the rock hoping to turn it into better living than their parents could provide. The gov't dramatically changes the rules in midstream to satisfy those who neither bought nor risked ANYTHING. Peeps just like ... you.

What a load of bull.....

29 Companies That Paid Millions For Lobbying (And Didn't Pay Taxes) - Forbes

Largest US companies paying no taxes? « Hot Air

Large companies find ways to a zero tax rate

Corporate giants such as telecom firm Verizon, drugmaker Bristol-Myers Squibb and power management firm Eaton, all reported effective tax rates of 0% during the past 12 months. The findings underscore that while many companies bellyache about the top federal income tax rate of 35%, in reality, many pay much less than that, says Nick Yee of Gradient Analytics. "Investors hope company management is doing everything they can to generate profit, legally," he says. "But the tax code is gray, and there's often no set guidance."
Businesses don't pay taxes regardless of rates or shelters. They pass the taxes on to their consumers in the guise of higher costs. Right there in Microeconomics 101.

So go ahead and demand high taxes for businesses. It'll feel good, but don't bitch about how much stuff costs when you do.
Businesses don't pay taxes regardless of rates or shelters. They pass the taxes on to their consumers in the guise of higher costs. Right there in Microeconomics 101.

So go ahead and demand high taxes for businesses. It'll feel good, but don't bitch about how much stuff costs when you do.

Tax breaks, no taxes and the CEOs making 500 times what their workers make. Yeah, things are doing great here in the good ole USA where the minimum wage has the lowest spending power history and the top 1% has increased their earnings by more than 200% while the middle class and poor has stagnated. Yep, lower taxes are going to help that because, well, we've lowered them so much already and look how much it's helped!

<ever feel like you're talking to morons?>
Actually, corporations were created to protect against liability for damage.

While what you say may be true, the single minded pursuit of wealth doesn't require incorporation.
No....Incorporation exists for a number of reasons.
1. To protect the officer's or board member's PERSONAL assets from liability
2. To sell stock in the company
3. To permit stock holders to have a say in which the way the company operates. Gives shareholders a say by vote or proxy.
A more in depth explanation...Articles of Incorporation |
You got the first one almost right.

The protection of a corporation was created to shield anyone with an interest in the company including share holders and employees, not just officers. Plus, we clearly see cases today where corporate officers don't go to jail even if the decisions they made would result in jail time were they to do the crime as a private citizen - so it covers more than assets.

While making public offerings has restrictions, any number of people can put money together and take actions without incorporating using any form of decision making they want - be it a single person, magic 8-ball or whatever. And, they can let people buy in or sell out.


This is just not correct. I could provide a long list of corporate officers who have gone to jail, beginning with Enron and Tyco, all the people who were busted in the Raj Rajaratnam case. Madoff was a freaking corporation. Liability protections are afforded to a point but they are miles from absolute, not even close, any more than a will protects a person's heirs from probate. Why more corporate officers are not prosecuted has far more to do with the ability of the DA in any given situation to be confident in the case. And when it comes to crimes by corporate officers regarding insider trading, FINRA/SEC has a wide range of regulatory, access, enforcement and legal authority powers through the fed.

The primary instance that the protection a corporation provides matters to any significant degree is when a company is just getting off the ground and the owners (typically one or two) need the protections. When you get to the point where a company has any visibility at all and has gone public, you can bet that FINRA/SEC won't be terribly shy about watching every last freaking move being made, to the very best of their ability. A corporate officer can be a "greedy meany" all they want, until they make the wrong move, and if he tries to float some notion that working for a corporation gives him some kind of freaking immunity, holy crap, you'll quickly find the FINRA/SEC guys on the floor laughing hysterically.

The purpose of a corporation is to maximize shareholder value, and everything flows from that, including competition, innovation, consumer choice, value and efficiencies. While many here appear to simplistically think of a corporation as some monolithic beast worthy only of scorn, the fact remains that their lives have been dramatically improved by the value and innovation corporations bring, including the computer on which they are typing. And this is the sticking point that so many on the Left hate - they think that a corporation is supposed to somehow contribute to their romantic notion of "The Common Good", and the facts on the very existence of a corporation chafe them no end.

I learned this boring stuff when studying for my series 7, series 65, ChFC and CFP, and while practicing in the field for quite a while now.

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Businesses don't pay taxes regardless of rates or shelters. They pass the taxes on to their consumers in the guise of higher costs. Right there in Microeconomics 101.

So go ahead and demand high taxes for businesses. It'll feel good, but don't bitch about how much stuff costs when you do.

Tax breaks, no taxes and the CEOs making 500 times what their workers make. Yeah, things are doing great here in the good ole USA where the minimum wage has the lowest spending power history and the top 1% has increased their earnings by more than 200% while the middle class and poor has stagnated. Yep, lower taxes are going to help that because, well, we've lowered them so much already and look how much it's helped!

<ever feel like you're talking to morons?>

You're missing the point. When you hit a business with a tax, they don't pay anything because they pass it to consumers as just another business expense. Raise taxes on businesses results in higher costs to consumers. So why push for higher taxes on businesses when the end result is higher costs to already strapped consumers?
... When you hit a business with a tax, they don't pay anything because they pass it to consumers as just another business expense. ...
That's what we hear from people who've never run a business and have never taken an econ course. What really happens when costs (like taxes) go up, management has to look at the costumers' choices. If they can go elsewhere or if they can do without, then profits get cut. If the profits are cut too much, the company folds and the investors go elsewhere.

Life in the real world doesn't have to be nice, it's what it is.
Our corporations pay less in taxes than ever before in history. Many of them pay no taxes at all.

Our corporations include millions of small companies whose owners scraped together their life's savings, borrowed from friends and family and the bank and bought a piece of the rock hoping to turn it into better living than their parents could provide. The gov't dramatically changes the rules in midstream to satisfy those who neither bought nor risked ANYTHING. Peeps just like ... you.

What a load of bull.....

29 Companies That Paid Millions For Lobbying (And Didn't Pay Taxes) - Forbes

Largest US companies paying no taxes? « Hot Air

Large companies find ways to a zero tax rate

Corporate giants such as telecom firm Verizon, drugmaker Bristol-Myers Squibb and power management firm Eaton, all reported effective tax rates of 0% during the past 12 months. The findings underscore that while many companies bellyache about the top federal income tax rate of 35%, in reality, many pay much less than that, says Nick Yee of Gradient Analytics. "Investors hope company management is doing everything they can to generate profit, legally," he says. "But the tax code is gray, and there's often no set guidance."

Typical lame argument cherry-pickin'. Two can play that game:
"The United States has the highest corporate tax rate in the world, at 35%. Add in state and local taxes and it averages 40%. No wonder America's most profitable, highest taxed companies will stop at nothing to keep their earnings overseas and out of the grasp of Uncle Sam. Here's a list of the 25 megacorps that pay megataxes..."

Which Corporate Giants Pay The Most In Taxes? - Forbes
She isnt a liberal. Try understanding who is what before making judgments.

Suurreee she's not.....

Nope, I'm a moderate. I watch the republicans and democrats make fools of themselves. The two most corrupt parties in the history of our nation.

Liberals all think they're moderate. Liberals love to say that. So far I have only seen you argue with the left. It is what it is. And your post I was replying to included a ridiculous liberal stereotype of Republicans, a pure DNC talking point. If you're actually a moderate, why are you in bed with socialists?
I suggest rereading your ...
Look, if you've simply decided to believe business can be taxed $trillions and customers with merrily pay $trillions in higher prices completely disregarding the law of supply and demand, then that's your choice.

Nobody's going to bother you.
Nope, I'm a moderate. I watch the republicans and democrats make fools of themselves. The two most corrupt parties in the history of our nation.

A moderate is a person too chickenshit to admit they are a liberal.
Oh, a classic error on your part. Democrat and Republican are names of political parties.
Liberal and conservative are ideologies.
"Moderate" is nothing.

Okay, have it your way, I'm a liberal. You and my brother, who actually is a liberal and thinks I'm a conservative can have it out, I'll watch.

I don't think anyone cares if you call yourself a liberal or not. The proof is in the pudding, and the pudding is liberal. Liberalism is a monolithic, collectivist ideology. That someone who "actually is a liberal" thinks you're a conservative means nothing. Liberals call me a "conservative" and I am far to the left of Democrats both on use of the military as well as social issues.
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Businesses don't pay taxes regardless of rates or shelters. They pass the taxes on to their consumers in the guise of higher costs. Right there in Microeconomics 101.

So go ahead and demand high taxes for businesses. It'll feel good, but don't bitch about how much stuff costs when you do.

Tax breaks, no taxes and the CEOs making 500 times what their workers make. Yeah, things are doing great here in the good ole USA where the minimum wage has the lowest spending power history and the top 1% has increased their earnings by more than 200% while the middle class and poor has stagnated. Yep, lower taxes are going to help that because, well, we've lowered them so much already and look how much it's helped!

<ever feel like you're talking to morons?>

You're missing the point. When you hit a business with a tax, they don't pay anything because they pass it to consumers as just another business expense. Raise taxes on businesses results in higher costs to consumers. So why push for higher taxes on businesses when the end result is higher costs to already strapped consumers?

No, you're missing the point. Taxes have been lowered to zero on many corporations and there's been no corresponding increase in pay for their employees.
Suurreee she's not.....

Nope, I'm a moderate. I watch the republicans and democrats make fools of themselves. The two most corrupt parties in the history of our nation.

Liberals all think they're moderate. Liberals love to say that. So far I have only seen you argue with the left. It is what it is. And your post I was replying to included a ridiculous liberal stereotype of Republicans, a pure DNC talking point. If you're actually a moderate, why are you in bed with socialists?

So where were you when I was arguing against limiting or restricting gun rights? Where were you when I was arguing in favor of deporting ALL illegal aliens? Not there, right?
McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers - Neowin

YOu wanna walk out on your job for more Imoney. Guess what you now might lose your jobs all because of UNIONS who are greedy..

'Tis better that 10,000 workers be underpaid than one corporation suffer.

According to whom?

just my observation of how corporations and their apologists have seemly perverted Blackstone's Formulation,

"It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer"

Where Blackstone felt the need to err on the side of the innocent, many now feel the need to err on the side of the guilty.

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