Seeing Eye to Eye, Coming Together in Unity

I'll never befriend or fight for or unite with a fucking libtard. You people are the scum of the Earth.



Nothing worth seeing, off he sails.

That's right. If you are asking us to compromise with libtards, you're right, nothing to even go any further with. Not doing it. Period. If they don't like it, they can get the fuck out of America. We aren't a libtard country and never will be.

Its like asking me to put dog shit on my burger. No thanks.
I'll never befriend or fight for or unite with a fucking libtard. You people are the scum of the Earth.



Nothing worth seeing, off he sails.

That's right. If you are asking us to compromise with libtards, you're right, nothing to even go any further with. Not doing it. Period. If they don't like it, they can get the fuck out of America. We aren't a libtard country and never will be.

Its like asking me to put dog shit on my burger. No thanks.

Nothing better than tough-talking noobs who think they speak for anyone other than themselves.


Nothing worth seeing, off he sails.

That's right. If you are asking us to compromise with libtards, you're right, nothing to even go any further with. Not doing it. Period. If they don't like it, they can get the fuck out of America. We aren't a libtard country and never will be.

Its like asking me to put dog shit on my burger. No thanks.

Nothing better than tough-talking noobs who think they speak for anyone other than themselves.

Well, I don't talk for anyone but myself. Its time the whole country start doing shit for themselves. Stop living off the taxpayer libtard. You probably take thousands of welfare dollars a month don't you?
I read your OP, and I'm not "trashing" it. I see that you're trying to take a non-partisan view, and criticize both sides - but your description of what you think liberals believe reads as if it was written by Karl Rove.

Karl Rove? I think Karl Rove is a stark raving lunatic! My description is spot on, given that the Democratic party has become more far left. Same has happened to Republicans. To deny it would be unfortunate. Both parties are screaming away from the center, and their reactions towards each other tend to prove it. Both parties are working towards alienating moderates at an alarming pace, Doc.

I disagree - Karl Rove is actually somewhat of a mastermind - but that's beside the point.

My point is that you open your post describing the left in a way that no member of the left would agree with.

Can you give me examples of how the Democratic Party has moved to the left?

Sure. I've read the papers of one Christopher Hare PhD, a student in Political Science at the University of Georgia, and Keith T. Poole, a professor in Political Science the University of Georgia. We call such movement, "polarization."

Polarization is Real (and Asymmetric) | voteview blog

I also take infrequent looks at something called the polarization index:
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That's right. If you are asking us to compromise with libtards, you're right, nothing to even go any further with. Not doing it. Period. If they don't like it, they can get the fuck out of America. We aren't a libtard country and never will be.

Its like asking me to put dog shit on my burger. No thanks.

Nothing better than tough-talking noobs who think they speak for anyone other than themselves.

Well, I don't talk for anyone but myself. Its time the whole country start doing shit for themselves. Stop living off the taxpayer libtard. You probably take thousands of welfare dollars a month don't you?

You would do well to stop badmouthing a mod, DoIt. I won't sit here and let you talk about Doc that way.
Karl Rove? I think Karl Rove is a stark raving lunatic! My description is spot on, given that the Democratic party has become more far left. Same has happened to Republicans. To deny it would be unfortunate. Both parties are screaming away from the center, and their reactions towards each other tend to prove it. Both parties are working towards alienating moderates at an alarming pace, Doc.

I disagree - Karl Rove is actually somewhat of a mastermind - but that's beside the point.

My point is that you open your post describing the left in a way that no member of the left would agree with.

Can you give me examples of how the Democratic Party has moved to the left?

Sure. I've read the papers of one Christopher Hare PhD, a student in Political Science, and Keith T. Poole a professor in Political Science the University of Georgia. We call such movement, "polarization."

Polarization is Real (and Asymmetric) | voteview blog

There is a lot of interesting data in that article. I question some of the methodology, but it's very interesting, none the less.

But it doesn't support your thesis, it doesn't even try to. It discusses trends in party line voting, not absolute political values.
I disagree - Karl Rove is actually somewhat of a mastermind - but that's beside the point.

My point is that you open your post describing the left in a way that no member of the left would agree with.

Can you give me examples of how the Democratic Party has moved to the left?

Sure. I've read the papers of one Christopher Hare PhD, a student in Political Science, and Keith T. Poole a professor in Political Science the University of Georgia. We call such movement, "polarization."

Polarization is Real (and Asymmetric) | voteview blog

There is a lot of interesting data in that article. I question some of the methodology, but it's very interesting, none the less.

But it doesn't support your thesis, it doesn't even try to. It discusses trends in party line voting, not absolute political values.

Sorry I disagree. It supports everything I just said. It speaks to the movement away from the center, just as I described. If you look at party line voting, you'll notice trends in what values and people each respective part of the electorate are voting for.
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Nothing better than tough-talking noobs who think they speak for anyone other than themselves.

Well, I don't talk for anyone but myself. Its time the whole country start doing shit for themselves. Stop living off the taxpayer libtard. You probably take thousands of welfare dollars a month don't you?

You would do well to stop badmouthing a mod, DoIt. I won't sit here and let you talk about Doc that way.

I appreciate your support.

But it's ok. It doesn't bother me, and nothing about my status as a mod protects me from personal insults - with the exception of when I'm posting officially, of course.
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Sure. I've read the papers of one Christopher Hare PhD, a student in Political Science, and Keith T. Poole a professor in Political Science the University of Georgia. We call such movement, "polarization."

Polarization is Real (and Asymmetric) | voteview blog

There is a lot of interesting data in that article. I question some of the methodology, but it's very interesting, none the less.

But it doesn't support your thesis, it doesn't even try to. It discusses trends in party line voting, not absolute political values.

Sorry I disagree. I supports everything I just said. It speaks to the movement away from the center, just as I described. If you look at party line voting, you'll notice trends in what values and people each respective part of the electorate are voting for.

Hold on, I'm doing some more research on this, I need a better grasp of their system.

Here's a wikipedia page I found on it, if you're interested:
There is a lot of interesting data in that article. I question some of the methodology, but it's very interesting, none the less.

But it doesn't support your thesis, it doesn't even try to. It discusses trends in party line voting, not absolute political values.

Sorry I disagree. I supports everything I just said. It speaks to the movement away from the center, just as I described. If you look at party line voting, you'll notice trends in what values and people each respective part of the electorate are voting for.

Hold on, I'm doing some more research on this, I need a better grasp of their system.

Here's a wikipedia page I found on it, if you're interested:

Alright, I'll wait. And read this as well.

There's no question that there are people who want the Democratic party to move to the left.

But isn't that a bit ominous? How far to the left do they wish to go? Is there any limit?

I think the whole point is that from the perspective of those people, the Democratic Party isn't very far to the left at all.

I agree with those people, by the way - but I don't really care about what the Democratic Party does.
There's no question that there are people who want the Democratic party to move to the left.

But isn't that a bit ominous? How far to the left do they wish to go? Is there any limit?

I think the whole point is that from the perspective of those people, the Democratic Party isn't very far to the left at all.

I agree with those people, by the way - but I don't really care about what the Democratic Party does.

Yanno, that makes a whole lot of sense, actually.
You guys are putting way too much effort into trying to reason with or understand the mind of a libtard.

The time for compromise and understanding went away years ago.

They need to either stop voting, be jailed for fraud of taxpayers, or, leave the United States. Period.
But isn't that a bit ominous? How far to the left do they wish to go? Is there any limit?

I think the whole point is that from the perspective of those people, the Democratic Party isn't very far to the left at all.

I agree with those people, by the way - but I don't really care about what the Democratic Party does.

Yanno, that makes a whole lot of sense, actually.

What makes you say that?
With all of this political derisiveness over the past decade and a half, along with watching the last episode of the Glenn Beck show air in July of 2011 in my waning days as a far right Republican; I was struck with a burning question: If, in a time of crisis or danger to the US as a whole, would we as a people put away our political views to work as one in a consolidated effort to avoid it? Or would we argue on how to go about this task? It's a disturbing proposition:

Would we let our political differences be the precursor to our destruction?

In my experience with politics, I have noticed an extreme societal divide between Americans. There is one side so deeply rooted in their beliefs that no other point of view is sufficient; and if the status quo is interrupted, they react in vitriolic ways, spewing hatred and slander at any opposition. The desire to control and manipulate general opinion has overwhelmed them.

On the other hand, however, the other side hopes to one day return to a time when the law was taken seriously and the government worked for them, not against them. They amass in protest against what their nation has become. If they are confronted with the fact of losing their freedoms, they too will react in a less mannerable way. Neither side is perfect, and in fact; both of them are guilty of extreme animosity towards each other. Although each side contends their ideas reap more merits the others; the truth is, no idea is a good idea unless everyone agrees with it. Naturally though, there is never unanimous approval with any idea.

I have seen how each of these sides look down one another for having a different points of view, with hatred boiling over. Since when is it okay to look down on someone? Or judge them for what they believe in? I have seen how much effort it takes to get a Democrat and a Republican to work together on something productive, for the benefit of America. For example, the debt ceiling talks, immigration reform, abortion, or gay rights/union rights. I have seen my fellow Americans dig themselves in amidst the political trenches, fiercely defending their views, while savagely attacking their opponents. Believe me, this author is no different.

Seriously though, would we ever come together as a country for a common cause? Can we ever put the "United" back in the United States of America again? Will we as a nation once more see each other eye to eye? Will we see each other as friends and fellow compatriots, or as enemies and abominations? Unity brings about strength and stability, while divisiveness only brings about chaos, hatred and weakness.

While you celebrate your freedom to agree or disagree on this new year, just remember, there are hundreds of millions of people just like us, with different points of view; fighting for a common cause: freedom. Perhaps that is an example that all of us would do well to follow.

zzzzzz... huh...? what...? did he finally finish talking...?

lemme go back and read what he said...

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