Seek Peace, Pursue Justice in Israel-Palestine: Time for Action.

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
Working for peace in the holy land.

[ame=]Seek Peace, Pursue Justice in Israel-Palestine: Time for Action. - YouTube[/ame]
Everyone should watch the movie "In the Beginning" on the Christian channel, TBN, tonight. It details how G-d gave Israel to the Jewish people. :eusa_angel:
In spite of the overwhelming corporate bias against Palestinians, the vast majority fight the illegal Israeli occupation with steadfastness and dignity:

In one word: Sumud

"In the West Bank and Gaza Strip, sumud represented the Palestinian political strategy as adopted from 1967 onward.

"As a concept closely related to the land, agriculture and indigenousness, the ideal image of the Palestinian put forward at this time was that of the peasant (in Arabic, fellah) who stayed put on his land, refusing to leave.[3]

"Baruch Kimmerling writes that the adoption of a strategy of sumud was motivated by a desire to avoid a second ethnic cleansing.[5]

"Sumud as a strategy is more passive than that adopted by the Palestinian fedayeen, though it has provided an important subtext to the narrative of the fighters, 'in symbolising continuity and connections with the land, with peasantry and a rural way of life.'"[3]

Sumud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Christians have it better in Israel than anywhere else in the Middle East or Muslim world.

[ame=]Israeli Persecution of Christians in the Holy Land - 60 Minutes - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]How the Jews Treat Christians in Israel? - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]How jews treat Muslims in Israel part1 - YouTube[/ame]
In spite of the overwhelming corporate bias against Palestinians, the vast majority fight the illegal Israeli occupation with steadfastness and dignity:

In one word: Sumud

"In the West Bank and Gaza Strip, sumud represented the Palestinian political strategy as adopted from 1967 onward.

"As a concept closely related to the land, agriculture and indigenousness, the ideal image of the Palestinian put forward at this time was that of the peasant (in Arabic, fellah) who stayed put on his land, refusing to leave.[3]

"Baruch Kimmerling writes that the adoption of a strategy of sumud was motivated by a desire to avoid a second ethnic cleansing.[5]

"Sumud as a strategy is more passive than that adopted by the Palestinian fedayeen, though it has provided an important subtext to the narrative of the fighters, 'in symbolising continuity and connections with the land, with peasantry and a rural way of life.'"[3]

Sumud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Georgie Boy thinks he is still fooling everyone that he actually cares about the Arabs when he just uses them as pawns. If Georgie Boy really cared about the Arabs, he would also do some of his Cut and Paste jobs on how many unfortunate Arabs (whether Christians or Muslims) are being murdered by his newfound friends. Evidently Georgie Boy feels that if it doesn't involve the Jews or if he can't blame the numerous Arab atrocities on the country he lives in but hates, it just isn't worth his time going to his beloved Wikipedia for one of his Cut and Paste jobs. Georgie Boy as well as Tinnie are just one-trick ponies no matter how much blood is running in the streets with those innocent people who have been murdered in the name of a religion. Allah Akbar, Georgie Boy.
Divide and conquer?
Christians have it better in Israel than anywhere else in the Middle East or Muslim world.

That's what they say.

But, some of the staunchest supporters of Palestine are Palestinian Christians.

There seems to be a disconnect there.

You made this up

Edward Said
Hanon Ashrawi
Ghada Karmi
Huwaida Arraf
Noura Erakat
Rafeef Ziadah
Nadia Hijab

There are more but that is a few off the top of my head.
In spite of the overwhelming corporate bias against Palestinians, the vast majority fight the illegal Israeli occupation with steadfastness and dignity:

In one word: Sumud

"In the West Bank and Gaza Strip, sumud represented the Palestinian political strategy as adopted from 1967 onward.

"As a concept closely related to the land, agriculture and indigenousness, the ideal image of the Palestinian put forward at this time was that of the peasant (in Arabic, fellah) who stayed put on his land, refusing to leave.[3]

"Baruch Kimmerling writes that the adoption of a strategy of sumud was motivated by a desire to avoid a second ethnic cleansing.[5]

"Sumud as a strategy is more passive than that adopted by the Palestinian fedayeen, though it has provided an important subtext to the narrative of the fighters, 'in symbolising continuity and connections with the land, with peasantry and a rural way of life.'"[3]

Sumud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Georgie Boy thinks he is still fooling everyone that he actually cares about the Arabs when he just uses them as pawns. If Georgie Boy really cared about the Arabs, he would also do some of his Cut and Paste jobs on how many unfortunate Arabs (whether Christians or Muslims) are being murdered by his newfound friends. Evidently Georgie Boy feels that if it doesn't involve the Jews or if he can't blame the numerous Arab atrocities on the country he lives in but hates, it just isn't worth his time going to his beloved Wikipedia for one of his Cut and Paste jobs. Georgie Boy as well as Tinnie are just one-trick ponies no matter how much blood is running in the streets with those innocent people who have been murdered in the name of a religion. Allah Akbar, Georgie Boy.
Evidently Hossie still finds it difficult to remember what forum he's posting on:

"Since 1967, nonviolent protests mounted by Palestinians, such as general strikes, boycotts and demonstrations, have been intimately associated with the concept of sumud.[7] Raja Shehadeh's conceptualization of sumud, as non-violent attitude of life that could forge a third way between acceptance of the occupation and opting for violent struggle, gave a voice to those many Palestinians who refused to leave their land and tried to go on with their daily lives. While simply carrying on with daily life under often impossible circumstances can in itself be considered a form of non-violent resistance, more active forms of non-violent civil disobedience have also been inspired and informed by the concept of sumud.[8]"

Why is that?

Sumud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
et al,

I noticed that Qatar pledged to give $150 million (110M Euros) in debt relief to the Palestinian Authority.

It seems that the Palestinians are still unable to support themselves, even with the enormous number of them.

The talks seem to be happening, but there is no indication that anything productive is surfacing.

Most Respectfully,
et al,

I noticed that Qatar pledged to give $150 million (110M Euros) in debt relief to the Palestinian Authority.

It seems that the Palestinians are still unable to support themselves, even with the enormous number of them.

The talks seem to be happening, but there is no indication that anything productive is surfacing.

Most Respectfully,

It is difficult to build an economy when there are assholes bombing or bulldozing your economic infrastructures.

[ame=]This is what the Palestinian economy looks like - YouTube[/ame]
Typical 'blame Israel comment' by the pro - Palestinian

So let me get this straight Tinmore, no matter what the Palestinians fail to do, it's Israels fault , but never the Palestinians or their governments fault, right?

Christians have it better in Israel than anywhere else in the Middle East or Muslim world.

[ame=]Israeli Persecution of Christians in the Holy Land - 60 Minutes - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]How the Jews Treat Christians in Israel? - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]How jews treat Muslims in Israel part1 - YouTube[/ame]

Well, I just watched that 60 minutes report, and what Ambassador Oren said was absolutely true. This was a hatchet job. When Christians are being massacred in Egypt, Iraq and elsewhere in the Middle East because of Muslim extremism, to then pick on Israel is ridiculous.

Christians have it better in Israel than anywhere else in the Middle East or Muslim world.
Which ones? The ones whose gravestones were smashed by Yeshiva students or the Christian (Nazi) Phalange?

Or the ones who had 37 Churches destroyed in Egypt ?

Your examples are of a bunch of hoodlums acting like...well...hoodlums...

In General, Christians are treated normally in Israel. Unfortunately, there are Jewish extremists who believe only Jews can live there, but they sure as hell don't represent Israel and the way Israel treats her citizens
Christians have it better in Israel than anywhere else in the Middle East or Muslim world.
Which ones? The ones whose gravestones were smashed by Yeshiva students or the Christian (Nazi) Phalange?

Or the ones who had 37 Churches destroyed in Egypt ?

Your examples are of a bunch of hoodlums acting like...well...hoodlums...

In General, Christians are treated normally in Israel. Unfortunately, there are Jewish extremists who believe only Jews can live there, but they sure as hell don't represent Israel and the way Israel treats her citizens
Do you think Arab Christians are treated differently than Arab Muslims in Israel?
While it may be true a small percentage of Jews believe in a Jew-only Israel, some of them have influence far beyond their actual head counts; not unlike the role fundamentalist Imams play in Muslim states.

"Sometimes historical mistakes have momentous consequences. David Ben-Gurion had to make certain decisions very quickly, and some of them had disastrous results that we need to deal with now.

"He did not see that by linking state and religion he was creating problems that would become insoluble. Moreover he effectively gave Orthodox Judaism a monopoly on religious affairs in Israel.

"The results have become completely unpalatable. As a number of commentators -including former president of the Union for Reform Judaism Rabbi Eric Yoffie - have pointed out, it is almost surreal that a racist bigot like current Chief Rabbi of Safed Mordechai Eliyahu is a viable candidate for the Sephardic Chief Rabbinate of Israel. There is no need to enumerate his racist views, as they have been documented time and again."

At some point in the near future Jews in Israel will be forced to choose between their religion and their state or face the same FLUSH that whites in South Africa confronted a generation ago.

Extremist rabbis don?t represent Judaism - Strenger than Fiction Israel News | Haaretz

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