Seek Peace, Pursue Justice in Israel-Palestine: Time for Action.

Which ones? The ones whose gravestones were smashed by Yeshiva students or the Christian (Nazi) Phalange?

Or the ones who had 37 Churches destroyed in Egypt ?

Your examples are of a bunch of hoodlums acting like...well...hoodlums...

In General, Christians are treated normally in Israel. Unfortunately, there are Jewish extremists who believe only Jews can live there, but they sure as hell don't represent Israel and the way Israel treats her citizens
Do you think Arab Christians are treated differently than Arab Muslims in Israel?
While it may be true a small percentage of Jews believe in a Jew-only Israel, some of them have influence far beyond their actual head counts; not unlike the role fundamentalist Imams play in Muslim states.

"Sometimes historical mistakes have momentous consequences. David Ben-Gurion had to make certain decisions very quickly, and some of them had disastrous results that we need to deal with now.

"He did not see that by linking state and religion he was creating problems that would become insoluble. Moreover he effectively gave Orthodox Judaism a monopoly on religious affairs in Israel.

"The results have become completely unpalatable. As a number of commentators -including former president of the Union for Reform Judaism Rabbi Eric Yoffie - have pointed out, it is almost surreal that a racist bigot like current Chief Rabbi of Safed Mordechai Eliyahu is a viable candidate for the Sephardic Chief Rabbinate of Israel. There is no need to enumerate his racist views, as they have been documented time and again."

At some point in the near future Jews in Israel will be forced to choose between their religion and their state or face the same FLUSH that whites in South Africa confronted a generation ago.

Extremist rabbis don?t represent Judaism - Strenger than Fiction Israel News | Haaretz

Do you think Arab Christians are treated differently than Arab Muslims in Israel?

Israel treats Christians and Muslims equally because they are equally not Jews.
Or the ones who had 37 Churches destroyed in Egypt ?

Your examples are of a bunch of hoodlums acting like...well...hoodlums...

In General, Christians are treated normally in Israel. Unfortunately, there are Jewish extremists who believe only Jews can live there, but they sure as hell don't represent Israel and the way Israel treats her citizens
Do you think Arab Christians are treated differently than Arab Muslims in Israel?
While it may be true a small percentage of Jews believe in a Jew-only Israel, some of them have influence far beyond their actual head counts; not unlike the role fundamentalist Imams play in Muslim states.

"Sometimes historical mistakes have momentous consequences. David Ben-Gurion had to make certain decisions very quickly, and some of them had disastrous results that we need to deal with now.

"He did not see that by linking state and religion he was creating problems that would become insoluble. Moreover he effectively gave Orthodox Judaism a monopoly on religious affairs in Israel.

"The results have become completely unpalatable. As a number of commentators -including former president of the Union for Reform Judaism Rabbi Eric Yoffie - have pointed out, it is almost surreal that a racist bigot like current Chief Rabbi of Safed Mordechai Eliyahu is a viable candidate for the Sephardic Chief Rabbinate of Israel. There is no need to enumerate his racist views, as they have been documented time and again."

At some point in the near future Jews in Israel will be forced to choose between their religion and their state or face the same FLUSH that whites in South Africa confronted a generation ago.

Extremist rabbis don?t represent Judaism - Strenger than Fiction Israel News | Haaretz

Do you think Arab Christians are treated differently than Arab Muslims in Israel?

Israel treats Christians and Muslims equally because they are equally not Jews.

Blah, blah, none of you have ever even been to Israel. Arab doctors and nurses treated my grandmother in Haifa, my aunt has an Arab hairdresser who comes to her house every month, and my cousins have studied with Arab students in universities.
Do you think Arab Christians are treated differently than Arab Muslims in Israel?
While it may be true a small percentage of Jews believe in a Jew-only Israel, some of them have influence far beyond their actual head counts; not unlike the role fundamentalist Imams play in Muslim states.

"Sometimes historical mistakes have momentous consequences. David Ben-Gurion had to make certain decisions very quickly, and some of them had disastrous results that we need to deal with now.

"He did not see that by linking state and religion he was creating problems that would become insoluble. Moreover he effectively gave Orthodox Judaism a monopoly on religious affairs in Israel.

"The results have become completely unpalatable. As a number of commentators -including former president of the Union for Reform Judaism Rabbi Eric Yoffie - have pointed out, it is almost surreal that a racist bigot like current Chief Rabbi of Safed Mordechai Eliyahu is a viable candidate for the Sephardic Chief Rabbinate of Israel. There is no need to enumerate his racist views, as they have been documented time and again."

At some point in the near future Jews in Israel will be forced to choose between their religion and their state or face the same FLUSH that whites in South Africa confronted a generation ago.

Extremist rabbis don?t represent Judaism - Strenger than Fiction Israel News | Haaretz

Do you think Arab Christians are treated differently than Arab Muslims in Israel?

Israel treats Christians and Muslims equally because they are equally not Jews.

Blah, blah, none of you have ever even been to Israel. Arab doctors and nurses treated my grandmother in Haifa, my aunt has an Arab hairdresser who comes to her house every month, and my cousins have studied with Arab students in universities.
I've never paid a visit to South Africa, either.

"In 1961, the South African prime minister, and the architect of South Africa's apartheid policies, Hendrik Verwoerd, dismissed an Israeli vote against South African apartheid at the United Nations, saying that 'Israel is not consistent in its new anti-apartheid attitude... they took Israel away from the Arabs after the Arabs lived there for a thousand years. In that, I agree with them. Israel, like South Africa, is an apartheid state.'"

Israel and the apartheid analogy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you think Israel is less racist today than it was in 1961?
Israel treats Christians and Muslims equally because they are equally not Jews.

Blah, blah, none of you have ever even been to Israel. Arab doctors and nurses treated my grandmother in Haifa, my aunt has an Arab hairdresser who comes to her house every month, and my cousins have studied with Arab students in universities.
I've never paid a visit to South Africa, either.

"In 1961, the South African prime minister, and the architect of South Africa's apartheid policies, Hendrik Verwoerd, dismissed an Israeli vote against South African apartheid at the United Nations, saying that 'Israel is not consistent in its new anti-apartheid attitude... they took Israel away from the Arabs after the Arabs lived there for a thousand years. In that, I agree with them. Israel, like South Africa, is an apartheid state.'"

Israel and the apartheid analogy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you think Israel is less racist today than it was in 1961?

I wouldn't presume to comment on South Africa, having never been there. To say Israel is racist is a generalization. Some Israelis are, some aren't. Some are rightists, some are leftists. Some want to give up the West Bank, others want a Greater Israel.
Blah, blah, none of you have ever even been to Israel. Arab doctors and nurses treated my grandmother in Haifa, my aunt has an Arab hairdresser who comes to her house every month, and my cousins have studied with Arab students in universities.
I've never paid a visit to South Africa, either.

"In 1961, the South African prime minister, and the architect of South Africa's apartheid policies, Hendrik Verwoerd, dismissed an Israeli vote against South African apartheid at the United Nations, saying that 'Israel is not consistent in its new anti-apartheid attitude... they took Israel away from the Arabs after the Arabs lived there for a thousand years. In that, I agree with them. Israel, like South Africa, is an apartheid state.'"

Israel and the apartheid analogy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you think Israel is less racist today than it was in 1961?

I wouldn't presume to comment on South Africa, having never been there. To say Israel is racist is a generalization. Some Israelis are, some aren't. Some are rightists, some are leftists. Some want to give up the West Bank, others want a Greater Israel.
Do you think a greater percentage of Israeli Jews today are more racist than the Jews of Israel in 1961? Judging only by some recent Youtube videos that I've watched, there seem to be many young Jewish Israelis who are actually proud of their bigotry which reminds me of many US conservatives I grew up around during the 1950s and '60s.
They aren't being racists...

There is no 'race' issue over which to squabble here...

There is, indeed, Religious Bigotry being manifested by a great many Jews and Israelis...

But that has more to do with the Religious HYPER-Bigotry manifested by Islam, against anything NOT Islam, than it does anything else...

Any non-Muslim with a lick of common sense can see the danger to Western Culture and Society preseented by Islam...

Consequently, all the best people in The West possess some degree of bias against Islam...

If there was ever a particular faith begging for the contempt of its peers, it is Islam...

Those Israeli kids may be smarter than first believed...

Religious bigotry directed against any other religion in the world? Very uncool.

Religious bigotry directed against Islam? A common-sense survival tactic, and lots of fun, too.
I've never paid a visit to South Africa, either.

"In 1961, the South African prime minister, and the architect of South Africa's apartheid policies, Hendrik Verwoerd, dismissed an Israeli vote against South African apartheid at the United Nations, saying that 'Israel is not consistent in its new anti-apartheid attitude... they took Israel away from the Arabs after the Arabs lived there for a thousand years. In that, I agree with them. Israel, like South Africa, is an apartheid state.'"

Israel and the apartheid analogy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you think Israel is less racist today than it was in 1961?

I wouldn't presume to comment on South Africa, having never been there. To say Israel is racist is a generalization. Some Israelis are, some aren't. Some are rightists, some are leftists. Some want to give up the West Bank, others want a Greater Israel.
Do you think a greater percentage of Israeli Jews today are more racist than the Jews of Israel in 1961? Judging only by some recent Youtube videos that I've watched, there seem to be many young Jewish Israelis who are actually proud of their bigotry which reminds me of many US conservatives I grew up around during the 1950s and '60s.

Jewish Israelis are not racist. That is just typical Arab propaganda.

You watch too many Press TV youtube videos and you read too much drek from Counterpunch
I wouldn't presume to comment on South Africa, having never been there. To say Israel is racist is a generalization. Some Israelis are, some aren't. Some are rightists, some are leftists. Some want to give up the West Bank, others want a Greater Israel.
Do you think a greater percentage of Israeli Jews today are more racist than the Jews of Israel in 1961? Judging only by some recent Youtube videos that I've watched, there seem to be many young Jewish Israelis who are actually proud of their bigotry which reminds me of many US conservatives I grew up around during the 1950s and '60s.

Jewish Israelis are not racist. That is just typical Arab propaganda.
You watch too many Press TV youtube videos and you read too much drek from Counterpunch
Do you think this current generation of young Jews is more or less racist than their parents and grandparents?
Do you think a greater percentage of Israeli Jews today are more racist than the Jews of Israel in 1961? Judging only by some recent Youtube videos that I've watched, there seem to be many young Jewish Israelis who are actually proud of their bigotry which reminds me of many US conservatives I grew up around during the 1950s and '60s.

Jewish Israelis are not racist. That is just typical Arab propaganda.
You watch too many Press TV youtube videos and you read too much drek from Counterpunch
Do you think this current generation of young Jews is more or less racist than their parents and grandparents?

You know nothing about Israelis George, that's for sure.

Yes , there are Israelis who dislike Arabs, but to call Israelis racist in general is :bsflag:
Do you think this current generation of young Jews is more or less racist than their parents and grandparents?
Are younger californians more willing to vacate occupied California than the older ones?
Not the ones skateboarding on Mexican-only roads.

"Jewish only" roads were established on the West Bank during the Second Intifada because of all the shooting and snipers going around on the regular roads. It wasn't safe to drive a car in those days.
Are younger californians more willing to vacate occupied California than the older ones?
Not the ones skateboarding on Mexican-only roads.

"Jewish only" roads were established on the West Bank during the Second Intifada because of all the shooting and snipers going around on the regular roads. It wasn't safe to drive a car in those days.
Another in a long litany of bad choices on the part of Muslim-Arab Palestinians, which backfired on them...

Welcome to your consequences...
You're talking to the wrong crowd, Pbel: the Pal "leadership" whether PA/PLO or HAMAS, does not want peace. They want the entire Mandate for themselves. We can see by the deeds of the rest of the Arab League "leadership" just what they have in mind for the Israelis......

Is THAT your idea of 'justice'?
MHunterB, et al,

I think it is a little too early to tell yet.

You're talking to the wrong crowd, Pbel: the Pal "leadership" whether PA/PLO or HAMAS, does not want peace. They want the entire Mandate for themselves. We can see by the deeds of the rest of the Arab League "leadership" just what they have in mind for the Israelis......

Is THAT your idea of 'justice'?

The current talks are not well understood yet; the outcome uncertain. It would be a bit too hasty to make any predictions (positive or negative).

But it is in an atmosphere that is highly charged; with influential regional forces in play. And there are a few of these regional forces, including Palestinians, that would rather see a continuation of the struggle than a peace accord.

Most Respectfully,
MHunterB, et al,

I think it is a little too early to tell yet.

You're talking to the wrong crowd, Pbel: the Pal "leadership" whether PA/PLO or HAMAS, does not want peace. They want the entire Mandate for themselves. We can see by the deeds of the rest of the Arab League "leadership" just what they have in mind for the Israelis......

Is THAT your idea of 'justice'?

The current talks are not well understood yet; the outcome uncertain. It would be a bit too hasty to make any predictions (positive or negative).

But it is in an atmosphere that is highly charged; with influential regional forces in play. And there are a few of these regional forces, including Palestinians, that would rather see a continuation of the struggle than a peace accord.

Most Respectfully,

I think the Palestinians universally want peace.

But they are not to keen on Israel's version of peace.
"...I think the Palestinians universally want peace. But they are not to keen on Israel's version of peace."
I don't know about 'universally' but it seems likely that MOST Palestinians want peace.


I think that MOST Israelis want peace but they are not keen on the Palestinians' version of peace.


Both sides have long-since dug-in and defined minimally-acceptable outcomes, for peace.

And neither side is buying into the Minimums defined by the other side.

Which is why the conflict continues, and is likely to continue, until the Israelis win.
"...I think the Palestinians universally want peace. But they are not to keen on Israel's version of peace."
I don't know about 'universally' but it seems likely that MOST Palestinians want peace.


I think that MOST Israelis want peace but they are not keen on the Palestinians' version of peace.


Both sides have long-since dug-in and defined minimally-acceptable outcomes, for peace.

And neither side is buying into the Minimums defined by the other side.

Which is why the conflict continues, and is likely to continue, until the Israelis win.

That is why I think negotiations are a waste of time. I can't see either side making a proposal that the other would accept.

There will not be peace until the world decides to enforce international law.

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