Seek Peace, Pursue Justice in Israel-Palestine: Time for Action.

José;8069749 said:
"...The guy is hopelessly enamored with the idea that once the last palestinian leaves/is removed from the WB they will magically renounce to their palestinian national identity, stop demanding their right to live in their homeland and become patriotic Egyptians, Syrians and Lebanese..."
No, the guy is enamored of the idea that, once removed, they will come to love life more than death, and begin to build new lives for themselves elsewhere; freed at last from their 65-year-old nightmare and from their harsh Palestinian masters and their insanity.
Actually, the goy gets wet all over thinking about scary Jews with painted faces and big guns getting rich from killing thousands of Palestinians for fun and profit.

"Israelis and Palestinians Killed
in the Current Violence

At least 1,104 Israelis and 6,836 Palestinians
have been killed since September 29, 2000."

Maybe some day all Jews will learn to love life more than other people's land and water?

Israelis and Palestinians Killed since 9/29/2000

I have had cousins and uncles in the IDF and, believe me, they don't get any kicks killing Arabs, unlike the death-obsessed Muslims.

I saw an interview on the evening news recently. A Syrian Arab, who had lost 3 sons in the civil war, said that the only thing he regrets is not having even more sons "to give up for the Revolution". Could you imagine what he would think if his sons would be "martyrs" against the Jews--the kind of bliss he would be in? Israelis/Jews don't have that kind of mentality.
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"...Good 'ol Kondor, acting snug looking backwards instead of forward to a future without Uncle Sam fighting Israel's battles..."
Smug (snug)? Yes, insofar as our friendship with Israel is concerned.

Backwards-looking; not really; I merely weave the past into my own personal guess-timates of what the future is likely to look like; as do so many of us.

But, in addressing your observations... looking backward, I am not aware of a time in the past when the US has fought any of Israel's battles for it, so, I doubt that the foreseeable future will be any different than the recent past.

"...He/she hasn't noticed that the Uncle Sam is withdrawing from the ME and telling Israel and Saudi Arabia to fight their own battles as America becomes totally independent from oil imports..."

The US is withdrawing from the Middle East? Not really. Not any more so than the cyclical variances in intensity in which we participate in the politics of the region; especially in light of the US Administration du jour.

Just keep in mind that Administrations are temporary occupants of the Seat of Power and that Standing Policy almost always outlives temporary pressures from Administration A or B and that the next Administration will, quite probably, revert to a more Israel-sympathetic approach. Even the Administration du jour dare not go beyond a certain point in its detachment.

The Israelis need do nothing more than hold on until January 20, 2017. And they will. Quite easily. Given the current state of nearby Arab countries, nothing big is likely to happen before then, anyway. Besides, even the present arms-length Administration strikes me as likely to side with Israel, in the event anything big did materialize before that time.

It is also entirely possible that you are making too much of a given trough or valley in the graph of the intensitity of US engagement in the ME and are mistaking that trough for a sea change or permanent shift in geopolitik and US foreign policy.

We may very well tell the Saudis to go hang themselves in the not-too-distant future - the ghostly echoes of 9-11 have something to do with that in the Collective American Mind.

We will not be telling the Israelis to go hang themselves, however.

This (our friendship and alliance with Israel) runs far deeper than the Oil Dependency Issue du jour; it's never been about the oil, insofar as Israel is concerned; otherwise, we would have been kissing Arab Ass since 1948, just like much of Europe has been doing.

No. Israel is, in many respects, an orphan child of and byproduct of Europe; an island of European civilization and industry and culture and military prowress and its religion is the Spiritual Mothership from which America's own dominant Christianity originally sprang. America at-large has an Emotional Stake in Israel that is missing from our relations with Saudi Arabia or any of the Muslim-dominated countries which surround her.

Even if we did not take one drop of oil from the Middle East, we would still be a friend and ally to Israel, for those and other more obvious and pragmatic reasons such as needing a tripwire and short-notice forward base on the periphery of the Muslim world and on the shores of the Eastern Mediterranean. Israel also serves as a speed-governing mechanism against the worst excesses that the Muslims can manifest in that part of the world.

"...When the Arab Spring settles, the Saudis will be overthrown by the Jihadists who gave us 9/11 who are clearly winning all the ME revolutions by ballot and arms..."

When we have a visceral enemy (the Jihadists) running the Wellspring of Islam (Mecca and Medinah) we will need that tripwire and advance base in the Eastern Med even more than we do now. Even if we give in to cowardly impulses and abandon the ME entirely, this Neanderthal Manifestation of a Neanderthal Belief System will not forget about us, and would use the free hand we give them to grow into a powerful force dedicated to world conquest and domination.

You can give in to that impulse if you like, on an individual basis, but I seriously doubt that the US or The West at large will do so; at least not within your lifetime or mine, or that of our children or grandchildren. Befriending and allying with Israel gives us a unique and necessary geopolitical advantage in that region for relatively little fuss and effort, so I really don't see us breaking that bond, despite noises to the contrary by Socialist A or B in the Administration du jour.

"...and the new world vulture can feast on the destruction caused by Israeli/Arab wars in the forecast."

Egypt is in tatters.

Libya is in tatters.

Lebanon is in tatters.

Syria is in tatters.

Iraq is in tatters.

Saudi Arabia is troubled.

Jordan is hunkered down like a minor player that just wants to duck the troubles.

Turkey is troubled but more Western in its approach and outlook than her sisters and not a good candidate for overthrow.

All of the regional Islamic powers that are in the neighborhood of Israel are a mess.

And neither Iran nor Pakistan are in any condition to project their own modest conventional military power that far from their borders without having their heads handed to them - by the IDF, primarily, with us on Standby just in case we're needed.

There is no Arab Warmaking Machine on the horizon, unless The West is foolish enough to cede the playing field and forfeit the game.

If an Arab Warmaking Machine is to come, it will need to be built from the ground up, and that will take a great deal of time.

We merely need to keep a watchful eye on developments, and to maintain a friendly power and forward base on the periphery of their domain, at little expense to ourselves, as a matter of prudence.

In all likelihood, however, the Arabs will begin to settle down, rebuild their economies, and spend a few generations (and much of their revenues) trying to sort-out democracy and its offshoots in an Islamic context.

But all this is fanciful future speculation, and only time will tell which perspective is closer to reality and likely to materialize, in whole or in part.

We both have some sensible reasons for believing as we do.


Wake me up when the Arabs re-grow some muscle and start making war-noises that we actually need to take seriously.

Until then, I'll keep a good grip on our present reality and the cold, hard logic (rather than an overreliance upon the past) that drives my own guess-timates of how things are likely to unfold over the course of the next few decades, insofar as our mutually beneficial relationship with Israel is concerned.
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"...Good 'ol Kondor, acting snug looking backwards instead of forward to a future without Uncle Sam fighting Israel's battles..."
Smug? Yes, insofar as our friendship with Israel is concerned.

Backwards-looking; not really; I merely weave the past into my own personal guess-timates of what the future is likely to look like; as do so many of us.

But, in addressing your observations... looking backward, I am not aware of a time in the past when the US has fought any of Israel's battles for it, so, I doubt that the foreseeable future will be any different than the recent past.

"...He/she hasn't noticed that the Uncle Sam is withdrawing from the ME and telling Israel and Saudi Arabia to fight their own battles as America becomes totally independent from oil imports..."

The US is withdrawing from the Middle East? Not really. Not any more so than the cyclical variances in intensity in which we participate in the politics of the region; especially in light of the US Administration du jour.

Just keep in mind that Administrations are temporary occupants of the Seat of Power and that Standing Policy almost always outlives temporary pressures from Administration A or B and that the next Administration will, quite probably, revert to a more Israel-sympathetic approach. Even the Administration du jour dare not go beyond a certain point in its detachment. The Israelis need do nothing more than hold on until January 20, 2017. And they will. Quite easily.

It is also entirely possible that you are making too much of a given trough or valley in the graph of the intensitity of US engagement in the ME and are mistaking that trough for a sea change or permanent shift in geopolitik and US foreign policy.

We may very well tell the Saudis to go hang themselves in the not-too-distant future - the ghostly echoes of 9-11 have something to do with that in the Collective American Mind.

We will not be telling the Israelis to go hang themselves, however.

This (our friendship and alliance with Israel) runs far deeper than the Oil Dependency Issue du jour; it's never been about the oil, insofar as Israel is concerned; otherwise, we would have been kissing Arab Ass since 1948, just like much of Europe has been doing.

No. Israel is, in many respects, an orphan child of and byproduct of Europe; an island of European civilization and industry and culture and military prowress and its religion is the Spiritual Mothership from which American's own dominant Christianity originally sprang. American at-large has an Emotional Stake in Israel that is missing from our relations with Saudi Arabia or any of the Muslim-dominated countries which surround her.

Even if we did not take one drop of oil from the Middle East, we would still be a friend and ally to Israel, for those and other more obvious and pragmatic reasons such as needing a tripwire and short-notice forward base on the periphery of the Muslim world and on the shores of the Eastern Mediterranean. Israel also serves as a speed-governing mechanism against the worst excesses that the Muslims can manifest in that part of the world.

"...When the Arab Spring settles, the Saudis will be overthrown by the Jihadists who gave us 9/11 who are clearly winning all the ME revolutions by ballot and arms..."

When we have a visceral enemy (the Jihadists) running the Wellspring of Islam (Mecca and Medinah) we will need that tripwire and advance base in the Eastern Med even more than we do now. Even if we give in to cowardly impulses and abandon the ME entirely, this Neanderthal Manifestation of a Neanderthal Belief System will not forget about us, and would use the free hand we give them to grow into a powerful force dedicated to world conquest and domination.

You can give in to that impulse if you like, on an individual basis, but I seriously doubt that the US or The West at large will do so; at least not within your lifetime or mine, or that of our children or grandchildren. Befriending and allying with Israel gives us a unique and necessary geopolitical advantage in that region for relatively little fuss and effort, so I really don't see us breaking that bond, despite noises to the contrary by Socialist A or B in the Administration du jour.

"...and the new world vulture can feast on the destruction caused by Israeli/Arab wars in the forecast."

Egypt is in tatters.

Libya is in tatters.

Lebanon is in tatters.

Syria is in tatters.

Iraq is in tatters.

Saudi Arabia is troubled.

Jordan is hunkered down like a minor player than just wants to duck the troubles.

Turkey is troubled but more Western in its approach and outlook than her sisters.

All of the regional Islamic powers that are in the neighborhood of Israel are a mess.

And neither Iran nor Pakistan are in any condition to project their own modest conventional military power that far from their borders without having their heads handed to them by the IDF.

There is no Arab Warmaking Machine on the horizon, unless The West is foolish enough to cede the playing field and forfeit the game.

If an Arab Warmaking Machine is to come, it will need to be built from the ground up, and that will take a great deal of time.

We merely need to keep a watchful eye on developments, and to maintain a friendly power and forward base on the periphery of their domain, at little expense to ourselves, as a matter of prudence.

In all likelihood, however, the Arabs will begin to settle down, rebuild their economies, and spend a few generations (and much of their revenues) trying to sort-out democracy and its offshoots in an Islamic context.

But all this is fanciful future speculation, and only time will tell which perspective is closer to reality and likely to materialize, in whole or in part.

We both have some sensible reasons for believing as we do.


Wake me up when the Arabs re-grow some muscle and start making war-noises, that we actually need to take seriously.

Until then, I'll keep a good grip on our present reality and the cold, hard logic (rather than an overreliance upon the past) that drives my own guess-timates of how things are likely to unfold over the course of the next few decades.

Military thinking is obsolete.
"...Good 'ol Kondor, acting snug looking backwards instead of forward to a future without Uncle Sam fighting Israel's battles..."
Smug (snug)? Yes, insofar as our friendship with Israel is concerned.

Backwards-looking; not really; I merely weave the past into my own personal guess-timates of what the future is likely to look like; as do so many of us.

But, in addressing your observations... looking backward, I am not aware of a time in the past when the US has fought any of Israel's battles for it, so, I doubt that the foreseeable future will be any different than the recent past.

"...He/she hasn't noticed that the Uncle Sam is withdrawing from the ME and telling Israel and Saudi Arabia to fight their own battles as America becomes totally independent from oil imports..."

The US is withdrawing from the Middle East? Not really. Not any more so than the cyclical variances in intensity in which we participate in the politics of the region; especially in light of the US Administration du jour.

Just keep in mind that Administrations are temporary occupants of the Seat of Power and that Standing Policy almost always outlives temporary pressures from Administration A or B and that the next Administration will, quite probably, revert to a more Israel-sympathetic approach. Even the Administration du jour dare not go beyond a certain point in its detachment.

The Israelis need do nothing more than hold on until January 20, 2017. And they will. Quite easily. Given the current state of nearby Arab countries, nothing big is likely to happen before then, anyway. Besides, even the present arms-length Administration strikes me as likely to side with Israel, in the event anything big did materialize before that time.

It is also entirely possible that you are making too much of a given trough or valley in the graph of the intensitity of US engagement in the ME and are mistaking that trough for a sea change or permanent shift in geopolitik and US foreign policy.

We may very well tell the Saudis to go hang themselves in the not-too-distant future - the ghostly echoes of 9-11 have something to do with that in the Collective American Mind.

We will not be telling the Israelis to go hang themselves, however.

This (our friendship and alliance with Israel) runs far deeper than the Oil Dependency Issue du jour; it's never been about the oil, insofar as Israel is concerned; otherwise, we would have been kissing Arab Ass since 1948, just like much of Europe has been doing.

No. Israel is, in many respects, an orphan child of and byproduct of Europe; an island of European civilization and industry and culture and military prowress and its religion is the Spiritual Mothership from which America's own dominant Christianity originally sprang. America at-large has an Emotional Stake in Israel that is missing from our relations with Saudi Arabia or any of the Muslim-dominated countries which surround her.

Even if we did not take one drop of oil from the Middle East, we would still be a friend and ally to Israel, for those and other more obvious and pragmatic reasons such as needing a tripwire and short-notice forward base on the periphery of the Muslim world and on the shores of the Eastern Mediterranean. Israel also serves as a speed-governing mechanism against the worst excesses that the Muslims can manifest in that part of the world.

"...When the Arab Spring settles, the Saudis will be overthrown by the Jihadists who gave us 9/11 who are clearly winning all the ME revolutions by ballot and arms..."

When we have a visceral enemy (the Jihadists) running the Wellspring of Islam (Mecca and Medinah) we will need that tripwire and advance base in the Eastern Med even more than we do now. Even if we give in to cowardly impulses and abandon the ME entirely, this Neanderthal Manifestation of a Neanderthal Belief System will not forget about us, and would use the free hand we give them to grow into a powerful force dedicated to world conquest and domination.

You can give in to that impulse if you like, on an individual basis, but I seriously doubt that the US or The West at large will do so; at least not within your lifetime or mine, or that of our children or grandchildren. Befriending and allying with Israel gives us a unique and necessary geopolitical advantage in that region for relatively little fuss and effort, so I really don't see us breaking that bond, despite noises to the contrary by Socialist A or B in the Administration du jour.

"...and the new world vulture can feast on the destruction caused by Israeli/Arab wars in the forecast."

Egypt is in tatters.

Libya is in tatters.

Lebanon is in tatters.

Syria is in tatters.

Iraq is in tatters.

Saudi Arabia is troubled.

Jordan is hunkered down like a minor player that just wants to duck the troubles.

Turkey is troubled but more Western in its approach and outlook than her sisters and not a good candidate for overthrow.

All of the regional Islamic powers that are in the neighborhood of Israel are a mess.

And neither Iran nor Pakistan are in any condition to project their own modest conventional military power that far from their borders without having their heads handed to them - by the IDF, primarily, with us on Standby just in case we're needed.

There is no Arab Warmaking Machine on the horizon, unless The West is foolish enough to cede the playing field and forfeit the game.

If an Arab Warmaking Machine is to come, it will need to be built from the ground up, and that will take a great deal of time.

We merely need to keep a watchful eye on developments, and to maintain a friendly power and forward base on the periphery of their domain, at little expense to ourselves, as a matter of prudence.

In all likelihood, however, the Arabs will begin to settle down, rebuild their economies, and spend a few generations (and much of their revenues) trying to sort-out democracy and its offshoots in an Islamic context.

But all this is fanciful future speculation, and only time will tell which perspective is closer to reality and likely to materialize, in whole or in part.

We both have some sensible reasons for believing as we do.


Wake me up when the Arabs re-grow some muscle and start making war-noises that we actually need to take seriously.

Until then, I'll keep a good grip on our present reality and the cold, hard logic (rather than an overreliance upon the past) that drives my own guess-timates of how things are likely to unfold over the course of the next few decades, insofar as our mutually beneficial relationship with Israel is concerned.

I appreciate your analysis, however, I don't think you realized the turnaround in the American Public's for supporting Wars against Israel's enemies...Sure your list of the ME being in tatters and its accuracy...But you miss the point of History in all revolutions...Tatters before reconstruction...Israel would be smart to accept peace offered...The Saudi cry is a cry of desperation...if the masses take over, Israel and the USA won't be able to bribe them to keep order.

As for the government de jour, you again miss the point...Americans are tired of these wars against Islam to try and guarantee Israel's safety net...Not even her friendly AIPAC connections and money to bribe our government's three branches will bring us to further wars in the ME...

Israel would be smart to see the handwriting on the wall and accept a peace proposal with Arab League blessing before it too late.

Israel has been destroyed many times before by her neighbors, learn from history and make peace with 4-5 hundred million Arabs and 1.2 billion Muslims world-wide.
"...I appreciate your analysis, however, I don't think you realized the turnaround in the American Public's for supporting Wars against Israel's enemies...Sure your list of the ME being in tatters and its accuracy...But you miss the point of History in all revolutions...Tatters before reconstruction...Israel would be smart to accept peace offered...The Saudi cry is a cry of desperation...if the masses take over, Israel and the USA won't be able to bribe them to keep order.

As for the government de jour, you again miss the point...Americans are tired of these wars against Islam to try and guarantee Israel's safety net...Not even her friendly AIPAC connections and money to bribe our government's three branches will bring us to further wars in the ME...

Israel would be smart to see the handwriting on the wall and accept a peace proposal with Arab League blessing before it too late.

Israel has been destroyed many times before by her neighbors, learn from history and make peace with 4-5 hundred million Arabs and 1.2 billion Muslims world-wide.

We seem to be at an impasse, with each of us raising some valid points.

As with many things, the ultimate truth may lie somewhere in the middle, but only time will tell for sure.

As to American support for Israel, if Gallup polls are any viable indicator (and I'm not entirely convinced that that is the case)...


...the May 2013 Gallup Poll on the subject of American Support for Israel seems to indicate the opposite; that American support for Israel is at an all-time high...

...but that's only a poll, of course, and only dealing with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, rather than overall support for Israel.

Meanwhile... it was a good exchange.

Much obliged.
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RoccoR said:
What does it say about the movement if you have to ask?

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said:
Nothing can justify terrorism — ever. No grievance, no goal, no cause can excuse terrorist acts.

SOURCE: SG/SM/14764 SC/10883

From September 2000 (The beginning of the second intifada.) to the end of the year, 91 Palestinian children were killed by Israel. No Israeli children were killed.

Of those 91 Palestinian children killed 48 were shot in the head.
Everyone should watch the movie "In the Beginning" on the Christian channel, TBN, tonight. It details how G-d gave Israel to the Jewish people. :eusa_angel:
He did no such thing! According to the Torah, God said the jews are to remain in exile until HE comes back down to earth and creates the state of Israel HIMSELF.
Maybe it was an advance move? Bth., how do palistanians figure into his plans?
P F Tinmore; et al,

Any death of a child is tragic.

RoccoR said:
What does it say about the movement if you have to ask?

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said:
Nothing can justify terrorism — ever. No grievance, no goal, no cause can excuse terrorist acts.

SOURCE: SG/SM/14764 SC/10883

From September 2000 (The beginning of the second intifada.) to the end of the year, 91 Palestinian children were killed by Israel. No Israeli children were killed.

Of those 91 Palestinian children killed 48 were shot in the head.

This data is derivative of the "Shot in the Head: Gabrielle Giffords, Tom Hurndall and Palestinian Children" story from three years ago. They got their data from the Remembrance Listing, "Remember these Children," the figures for the year 2000.

Like the Paul Harvey (conservative American radio broadcaster for the ABC Radio Networks) stories: "The Rest of the Story segments," I ask the rhetorical question: "why?"

Israel children are not permitted by their parents to participate in dangerous or violent anti-government protests. In contrast, Palestinian children are encouraged to participate in such events, knowing the potential for violent outcomes.

If you examine the List, of the children, you will notice a recurring theme:

  • demonstration at Netzarim Junction
  • demonstration at Ayosh Junction
  • demonstration on the Nablus-Ramallah road
  • demonstration at Ayosh Junction.
  • while watching a demonstration.
  • demonstration at Netzarim Junction.
  • while watching a demonstration
  • demonstration on the Nablus-Ramallah road.
  • not listed.
  • not listed,
  • demonstration near his village.
  • demonstration
  • demonstration at Netzarim Junction.
  • demonstration at Netzarim Junction.
  • demonstration.
  • not listed,
  • not listed,
  • demonstration
The list goes on and on like this. Yes, while examining the list, you see the occasional listing for settler gunfire, while on the way to school, while picking olives, after injuring an Israeli soldier, or while throwing stones. But by and large, a vast majority (and overwhelming majority) of the death were incident to a demonstration.


The Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) parent's conduct was so deficient in a moral sense of concern, so lacking in regard for the life of the child, that participation in the demonstration and the potential for martyrdom was paramount. In America, we call this wanton disregard for the child's life: "Depraved indifference" It focuses on the risk created by the parent’s conduct, not the injuries actually resulting.

HoAP parents should not permit their children to participate in demonstration and martyrdom activities. This action would have significantly reduced the inadvertent death of children to the proximate cause.


One needs only look at the record. Yes, we have to acknowledge that the tragedy of the numbers of Palestinian children killed. But we also must understand and recognize the "depraved indifference" of the HoAP parents.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore; et al,

Any death of a child is tragic.

RoccoR said:
What does it say about the movement if you have to ask?

From September 2000 (The beginning of the second intifada.) to the end of the year, 91 Palestinian children were killed by Israel. No Israeli children were killed.

Of those 91 Palestinian children killed 48 were shot in the head.

This data is derivative of the "Shot in the Head: Gabrielle Giffords, Tom Hurndall and Palestinian Children" story from three years ago. They got their data from the Remembrance Listing, "Remember these Children," the figures for the year 2000.

Like the Paul Harvey (conservative American radio broadcaster for the ABC Radio Networks) stories: "The Rest of the Story segments," I ask the rhetorical question: "why?"

Israel children are not permitted by their parents to participate in dangerous or violent anti-government protests. In contrast, Palestinian children are encouraged to participate in such events, knowing the potential for violent outcomes.

If you examine the List, of the children, you will notice a recurring theme:

  • demonstration at Netzarim Junction
  • demonstration at Ayosh Junction
  • demonstration on the Nablus-Ramallah road
  • demonstration at Ayosh Junction.
  • while watching a demonstration.
  • demonstration at Netzarim Junction.
  • while watching a demonstration
  • demonstration on the Nablus-Ramallah road.
  • not listed.
  • not listed,
  • demonstration near his village.
  • demonstration
  • demonstration at Netzarim Junction.
  • demonstration at Netzarim Junction.
  • demonstration.
  • not listed,
  • not listed,
  • demonstration
The list goes on and on like this. Yes, while examining the list, you see the occasional listing for settler gunfire, while on the way to school, while picking olives, after injuring an Israeli soldier, or while throwing stones. But by and large, a vast majority (and overwhelming majority) of the death were incident to a demonstration.


The Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) parent's conduct was so deficient in a moral sense of concern, so lacking in regard for the life of the child, that participation in the demonstration and the potential for martyrdom was paramount. In America, we call this wanton disregard for the child's life: "Depraved indifference" It focuses on the risk created by the parent’s conduct, not the injuries actually resulting.

HoAP parents should not permit their children to participate in demonstration and martyrdom activities. This action would have significantly reduced the inadvertent death of children to the proximate cause.


One needs only look at the record. Yes, we have to acknowledge that the tragedy of the numbers of Palestinian children killed. But we also must understand and recognize the "depraved indifference" of the HoAP parents.

Most Respectfully,

So, you are saying that it is OK for Israel to shoot under aged protesters in the head?
And why are Israeli troops in Palestine shooting at unarmed protesters?

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