Seems Like Karma Hit the GOP after Attempting to Kill Democracy When it comes to its own downfall.

As a result of the GOP working with foreign enemies and tRump to kill Democracy and cause its down fall in a bold, brazen and arrogant attempt against civilization, seems like the tables are turning. Yet Democracy lives on, the general conscious of society appears to have become stronger with resistance against this effort of the GOP and tRump to destroy its future. As such, it also appears the karma effect has happened as a result of the GOP being in shambles of its own down fall as its reign of terror draws to deplorable majority close in Congress, and tRump basically having the worth of a dung beetle turd swirling around in the toilet bowel waiting to finally get flushed.

The GOP Ends Its One-Party Rule In Shambles | HuffPost

As a result of the GOP working with foreign enemies and tRump to kill Democracy and cause its down fall in a bold, brazen and arrogant attempt against civilization, seems like the tables are turning. Yet Democracy lives on, the general conscious of society appears to have become stronger with resistance against this effort of the GOP and tRump to destroy its future. As such, it also appears the karma effect has happened as a result of the GOP being in shambles of its own down fall as its reign of terror draws to deplorable majority close in Congress, and tRump basically having the worth of a dung beetle turd swirling around in the toilet bowel waiting to finally get flushed.


It appears that the OP has managed to get in touch with its inner Maxine Waters just in time for New Years.:eek:

"Never go full retard" -- Kirk Lazarus, Tropic Thunder
As a result of the GOP working with foreign enemies and tRump to kill Democracy and cause its down fall in a bold, brazen and arrogant attempt against civilization, seems like the tables are turning. Yet Democracy lives on, the general conscious of society appears to have become stronger with resistance against this effort of the GOP and tRump to destroy its future. As such, it also appears the karma effect has happened as a result of the GOP being in shambles of its own down fall as its reign of terror draws to deplorable majority close in Congress, and tRump basically having the worth of a dung beetle turd swirling around in the toilet bowel waiting to finally get flushed.

The GOP Ends Its One-Party Rule In Shambles | HuffPost
Be sure to get some veggies in with your Tide pods...

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