Self Sabotage

Since you can't name three, can you name two?

President Clinton lied under oath, was convicted, fined, and disbarred. He's so creepy he counts as 3.

Yet he was elected the maximum amount of times to the presidency as allowed by law. He was also allowed to finish his term after being convicted. He wasn't exactly eligibale to be a presidential candidate but I will still give you credit for one.

The people elected him. On your knees and give thanks that we have that right in this country.


What does that supposed to mean? As a Marine I took orders from two different presidents. I don't disrespect any of them. You didn't see my ballot in 2016. You don't know who I voted for. I just know that paranoia has taken a lot of powerful men down. I hope he is just messing around and doesn't really feel so desperate as to make accusations that even a first grader knows won't matter even with overwhelming evidence that proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Look the guy defeated the liberal media, the Dem party, and 1/3 of the Rep party single handedly. Don't worry about president Trump.

Nixon was a shoe in too. He screwed himself over unnecessarily. Powerful do this shit sometimes for no reason.
Accurate allegations?

The real question here is when Republicans are going to start treating Trump the way they treat George W. Bush?

Bush tricked us into a fake war.

Trump has invited a foreign country to attack the United States.
Accurate allegations?

The real question here is when Republicans are going to start treating Trump the way they treat George W. Bush?

Bush tricked us into a fake war.

Trump has invited a foreign country to attack the United States.

I said, "accurate allegation" as a pre-emptive measure. The allegations could be completely bogus. My point is the same whether they are true or not. Trump appears to be acting out of paranoia.
President Clinton lied under oath, was convicted, fined, and disbarred. He's so creepy he counts as 3.

Yet he was elected the maximum amount of times to the presidency as allowed by law. He was also allowed to finish his term after being convicted. He wasn't exactly eligibale to be a presidential candidate but I will still give you credit for one.

The people elected him. On your knees and give thanks that we have that right in this country.


What does that supposed to mean? As a Marine I took orders from two different presidents. I don't disrespect any of them. You didn't see my ballot in 2016. You don't know who I voted for. I just know that paranoia has taken a lot of powerful men down. I hope he is just messing around and doesn't really feel so desperate as to make accusations that even a first grader knows won't matter even with overwhelming evidence that proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Look the guy defeated the liberal media, the Dem party, and 1/3 of the Rep party single handedly. Don't worry about president Trump.

Nixon was a shoe in too. He screwed himself over unnecessarily. Powerful do this shit sometimes for no reason.

Trump has received 'professional' advice from countless 'professionals' in politics. He keeps doing it his way and winning proving them wrong time and again.
Yet he was elected the maximum amount of times to the presidency as allowed by law. He was also allowed to finish his term after being convicted. He wasn't exactly eligibale to be a presidential candidate but I will still give you credit for one.

The people elected him. On your knees and give thanks that we have that right in this country.


What does that supposed to mean? As a Marine I took orders from two different presidents. I don't disrespect any of them. You didn't see my ballot in 2016. You don't know who I voted for. I just know that paranoia has taken a lot of powerful men down. I hope he is just messing around and doesn't really feel so desperate as to make accusations that even a first grader knows won't matter even with overwhelming evidence that proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Look the guy defeated the liberal media, the Dem party, and 1/3 of the Rep party single handedly. Don't worry about president Trump.

Nixon was a shoe in too. He screwed himself over unnecessarily. Powerful do this shit sometimes for no reason.

Trump has received 'professional' advice from countless 'professionals' in politics. He keeps doing it his way and winning proving them wrong time and again.
Dodging for now



Yet he was elected the maximum amount of times to the presidency as allowed by law. He was also allowed to finish his term after being convicted. He wasn't exactly eligibale to be a presidential candidate but I will still give you credit for one.

The people elected him. On your knees and give thanks that we have that right in this country.


What does that supposed to mean? As a Marine I took orders from two different presidents. I don't disrespect any of them. You didn't see my ballot in 2016. You don't know who I voted for. I just know that paranoia has taken a lot of powerful men down. I hope he is just messing around and doesn't really feel so desperate as to make accusations that even a first grader knows won't matter even with overwhelming evidence that proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Look the guy defeated the liberal media, the Dem party, and 1/3 of the Rep party single handedly. Don't worry about president Trump.

Nixon was a shoe in too. He screwed himself over unnecessarily. Powerful do this shit sometimes for no reason.

Trump has received 'professional' advice from countless 'professionals' in politics. He keeps doing it his way and winning proving them wrong time and again.
all those farmers winning?
Trump has the 2020 election in the bag. Why is he trying to screw it up by make accurate allegations against Biden? It makes Trump appear unstable. You can't go after your opponent in a way that has never worked since the beginning of time.

If Trump loses this election it will be because he self destructs. However, this could be strategic. I didn't expect him to win the primary or the general election last time around. I have just seen deeply rooted career politicians end a career by becoming way too paranoid.
It Could be Donnie did this thing with Ukraine, with the intention of inflaming the Ds and MSM. Maybe he wants the the Ds to nominate Biden, because Biden is such a weak candidate. Making his enemies think he fears Kooky Joe, might lead to Joe winning the nomination.

Anything is possible.
all those farmers winning?

We are getting paid for our soybean losses.
That's called welfare Using my tax money

Hate to tell you, but when you pay your taxes, it's not your money any longer, it's the government's money. You and I elect people we hope will spend the money in the manner we think it should be spent, but neither of us has any say over how the money is used, other than the representatives we elect.

Just like when you pay your rent or your mortgage, once it's paid, that money is no longer yours, it's the landlord or the bank's. You HOPE the landlord uses the money to keep the property you are renting in good condition, but you don't have any say as to how it is spent or on what. Same when you pay your mortgage, the money is no longer yours, it's the banks, and they can use it how they see fit without any input from you.
The people elected him. On your knees and give thanks that we have that right in this country.


What does that supposed to mean? As a Marine I took orders from two different presidents. I don't disrespect any of them. You didn't see my ballot in 2016. You don't know who I voted for. I just know that paranoia has taken a lot of powerful men down. I hope he is just messing around and doesn't really feel so desperate as to make accusations that even a first grader knows won't matter even with overwhelming evidence that proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Look the guy defeated the liberal media, the Dem party, and 1/3 of the Rep party single handedly. Don't worry about president Trump.

Nixon was a shoe in too. He screwed himself over unnecessarily. Powerful do this shit sometimes for no reason.

Trump has received 'professional' advice from countless 'professionals' in politics. He keeps doing it his way and winning proving them wrong time and again.
all those farmers winning?

Way over 60% of farmers support Trump's re-election nitwit.
Biden is the one with some splaining to do.

Yes and Hillary will go to jail. Trump will be impeached. Obama will be impeached. Bush will be impeached. Clinton will be impeached. Oh yeah. That did happen and it didn't matter either.

Do you not see a pattern? People at this level do not get convincted of crimes ever. Even when Nixon committed crimes, he didn't ever go to jail. Let's not be stupid. Biden will never see the inside of a prison cell for as long as he lives. Neither will Hillary. Neither will Trump. Are you guys in Kindergarten? You sure are gullible. Committing major US crimes does not prevent you from being elected president. It never has and it never will.

I keep repeating there's justice for we plebeians then there's Just Us for the elite. This has to stop sometime.
What does that supposed to mean? As a Marine I took orders from two different presidents. I don't disrespect any of them. You didn't see my ballot in 2016. You don't know who I voted for. I just know that paranoia has taken a lot of powerful men down. I hope he is just messing around and doesn't really feel so desperate as to make accusations that even a first grader knows won't matter even with overwhelming evidence that proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Look the guy defeated the liberal media, the Dem party, and 1/3 of the Rep party single handedly. Don't worry about president Trump.

Nixon was a shoe in too. He screwed himself over unnecessarily. Powerful do this shit sometimes for no reason.

Trump has received 'professional' advice from countless 'professionals' in politics. He keeps doing it his way and winning proving them wrong time and again.
all those farmers winning?

Way over 60% of farmers support Trump's re-election nitwit.
As they go bankrupt Wait another year How much pain will they take for the moron?
Look the guy defeated the liberal media, the Dem party, and 1/3 of the Rep party single handedly. Don't worry about president Trump.

Nixon was a shoe in too. He screwed himself over unnecessarily. Powerful do this shit sometimes for no reason.

Trump has received 'professional' advice from countless 'professionals' in politics. He keeps doing it his way and winning proving them wrong time and again.
all those farmers winning?

Way over 60% of farmers support Trump's re-election nitwit.
As they go bankrupt Wait another year How much pain will they take for the moron?

You long for the people to suffer, you wish for it, we know how you leftists puke think.

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