Selling lemonade to save your mother's life? That's American healthcare for you

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
This is an example of what Europeans think of our healthcare.

Selling lemonade to save your mother's life? That's American healthcare for you | Jamie Peck

Some think the story of an 11-year-old desperately raising money on weekends is ‘heart-warming’. It’s really an indictment of all that is wrong with the US

When 11-year-old Nemiah Martinez of Las Cruces, New Mexico, found out her mom needed money to help her get a kidney and pancreas transplant, she didn’t waste time feeling sorry for herself. She got off her 11-year-old behind, pulled herself up by her Dora the Explorer shoelaces, and opened a lemonade stand.

To date, she’s raised over $1,000 for her mom’s care by selling drinks out of her family’s garage every weekend for $1.50 a pop. Now, with any luck, this resourceful little girl might still have a mother by the time she graduates from high school. “I’m the lucky one,” Nemiah’s mom, Paloma, told ABC News.

ABC News portrayed Nemiah’s plight as a feelgood human interest story. One radio show called the story “heartwarming”. We should call it what it really is: a damning indictment of everything that’s wrong with America.
This is an example of what Europeans think of our healthcare.

Selling lemonade to save your mother's life? That's American healthcare for you | Jamie Peck

Some think the story of an 11-year-old desperately raising money on weekends is ‘heart-warming’. It’s really an indictment of all that is wrong with the US

When 11-year-old Nemiah Martinez of Las Cruces, New Mexico, found out her mom needed money to help her get a kidney and pancreas transplant, she didn’t waste time feeling sorry for herself. She got off her 11-year-old behind, pulled herself up by her Dora the Explorer shoelaces, and opened a lemonade stand.

To date, she’s raised over $1,000 for her mom’s care by selling drinks out of her family’s garage every weekend for $1.50 a pop. Now, with any luck, this resourceful little girl might still have a mother by the time she graduates from high school. “I’m the lucky one,” Nemiah’s mom, Paloma, told ABC News.

ABC News portrayed Nemiah’s plight as a feelgood human interest story. One radio show called the story “heartwarming”. We should call it what it really is: a damning indictment of everything that’s wrong with America.
If europe had little girls like this, with that American "can-do" attitude, alfie might still be alive...just a little more heartwarming, feel good human interest for ya.
Imagine working to pay for things you need?!

I’m not surprised Europeans can’t comprehend it.
Imagine when one's fellow citizens would abandon one to the vicissitudes of the lemonade trade and think nothing of it, pretending $1000 is anything more than a drop in the ocean. I can't comprehend it.
Imagine when one's fellow citizens would abandon one to the vicissitudes of the lemonade trade and think nothing of it, pretending $1000 is anything more than a drop in the ocean. I can't comprehend it.
it's not so much a story or an article as it is a yarn
This is an example of what Europeans think of our healthcare.

Selling lemonade to save your mother's life? That's American healthcare for you | Jamie Peck

Some think the story of an 11-year-old desperately raising money on weekends is ‘heart-warming’. It’s really an indictment of all that is wrong with the US

When 11-year-old Nemiah Martinez of Las Cruces, New Mexico, found out her mom needed money to help her get a kidney and pancreas transplant, she didn’t waste time feeling sorry for herself. She got off her 11-year-old behind, pulled herself up by her Dora the Explorer shoelaces, and opened a lemonade stand.

To date, she’s raised over $1,000 for her mom’s care by selling drinks out of her family’s garage every weekend for $1.50 a pop. Now, with any luck, this resourceful little girl might still have a mother by the time she graduates from high school. “I’m the lucky one,” Nemiah’s mom, Paloma, told ABC News.

ABC News portrayed Nemiah’s plight as a feelgood human interest story. One radio show called the story “heartwarming”. We should call it what it really is: a damning indictment of everything that’s wrong with America.

They have obummercare dude, what the hell else do you want?
America redefines the word "civilization", but not for the better. The richest, most bountiful nation of all time, yet lacking in humanity and humility.
America redefines the word "civilization", but not for the better. The richest, most bountiful nation of all time, yet lacking in humanity and humility.

Based on the amount of money we give away to the world your assertion is laughable. No nation on EARTH, in all of mans history has ever been more generous than the USA. One thing I have to say about you progressives, you are among the most ignorant people I have ever seen.

Statistics on U.S. Generosity | The Almanac of American Philanthropy | The Philanthropy Roundtable
This is an example of what Europeans think of our healthcare.

Selling lemonade to save your mother's life? That's American healthcare for you | Jamie Peck

Some think the story of an 11-year-old desperately raising money on weekends is ‘heart-warming’. It’s really an indictment of all that is wrong with the US

When 11-year-old Nemiah Martinez of Las Cruces, New Mexico, found out her mom needed money to help her get a kidney and pancreas transplant, she didn’t waste time feeling sorry for herself. She got off her 11-year-old behind, pulled herself up by her Dora the Explorer shoelaces, and opened a lemonade stand.

To date, she’s raised over $1,000 for her mom’s care by selling drinks out of her family’s garage every weekend for $1.50 a pop. Now, with any luck, this resourceful little girl might still have a mother by the time she graduates from high school. “I’m the lucky one,” Nemiah’s mom, Paloma, told ABC News.

ABC News portrayed Nemiah’s plight as a feelgood human interest story. One radio show called the story “heartwarming”. We should call it what it really is: a damning indictment of everything that’s wrong with America.

They have obummercare dude, what the hell else do you want?
Trump failed to defeat Obamacare.
This is an example of what Europeans think of our healthcare.

Selling lemonade to save your mother's life? That's American healthcare for you | Jamie Peck

Some think the story of an 11-year-old desperately raising money on weekends is ‘heart-warming’. It’s really an indictment of all that is wrong with the US

When 11-year-old Nemiah Martinez of Las Cruces, New Mexico, found out her mom needed money to help her get a kidney and pancreas transplant, she didn’t waste time feeling sorry for herself. She got off her 11-year-old behind, pulled herself up by her Dora the Explorer shoelaces, and opened a lemonade stand.

To date, she’s raised over $1,000 for her mom’s care by selling drinks out of her family’s garage every weekend for $1.50 a pop. Now, with any luck, this resourceful little girl might still have a mother by the time she graduates from high school. “I’m the lucky one,” Nemiah’s mom, Paloma, told ABC News.

ABC News portrayed Nemiah’s plight as a feelgood human interest story. One radio show called the story “heartwarming”. We should call it what it really is: a damning indictment of everything that’s wrong with America.

They have obummercare dude, what the hell else do you want?
Trump failed to defeat Obamacare.

I know. The woman HAS it. So what are you complaining about? obummercare was supposed to be the best in the world. It was supposed to take care of everyone.
This is an example of what Europeans think of our healthcare.

Selling lemonade to save your mother's life? That's American healthcare for you | Jamie Peck

Some think the story of an 11-year-old desperately raising money on weekends is ‘heart-warming’. It’s really an indictment of all that is wrong with the US

When 11-year-old Nemiah Martinez of Las Cruces, New Mexico, found out her mom needed money to help her get a kidney and pancreas transplant, she didn’t waste time feeling sorry for herself. She got off her 11-year-old behind, pulled herself up by her Dora the Explorer shoelaces, and opened a lemonade stand.

To date, she’s raised over $1,000 for her mom’s care by selling drinks out of her family’s garage every weekend for $1.50 a pop. Now, with any luck, this resourceful little girl might still have a mother by the time she graduates from high school. “I’m the lucky one,” Nemiah’s mom, Paloma, told ABC News.

ABC News portrayed Nemiah’s plight as a feelgood human interest story. One radio show called the story “heartwarming”. We should call it what it really is: a damning indictment of everything that’s wrong with America.
Backward third world shit hole.
This is an example of what Europeans think of our healthcare.

Selling lemonade to save your mother's life? That's American healthcare for you | Jamie Peck

Some think the story of an 11-year-old desperately raising money on weekends is ‘heart-warming’. It’s really an indictment of all that is wrong with the US

When 11-year-old Nemiah Martinez of Las Cruces, New Mexico, found out her mom needed money to help her get a kidney and pancreas transplant, she didn’t waste time feeling sorry for herself. She got off her 11-year-old behind, pulled herself up by her Dora the Explorer shoelaces, and opened a lemonade stand.

To date, she’s raised over $1,000 for her mom’s care by selling drinks out of her family’s garage every weekend for $1.50 a pop. Now, with any luck, this resourceful little girl might still have a mother by the time she graduates from high school. “I’m the lucky one,” Nemiah’s mom, Paloma, told ABC News.

ABC News portrayed Nemiah’s plight as a feelgood human interest story. One radio show called the story “heartwarming”. We should call it what it really is: a damning indictment of everything that’s wrong with America.
Backward third world shit hole.

Yep, obummer turned our health system into a clone of your NHS.
This is an example of what Europeans think of our healthcare.

Selling lemonade to save your mother's life? That's American healthcare for you | Jamie Peck

Some think the story of an 11-year-old desperately raising money on weekends is ‘heart-warming’. It’s really an indictment of all that is wrong with the US

When 11-year-old Nemiah Martinez of Las Cruces, New Mexico, found out her mom needed money to help her get a kidney and pancreas transplant, she didn’t waste time feeling sorry for herself. She got off her 11-year-old behind, pulled herself up by her Dora the Explorer shoelaces, and opened a lemonade stand.

To date, she’s raised over $1,000 for her mom’s care by selling drinks out of her family’s garage every weekend for $1.50 a pop. Now, with any luck, this resourceful little girl might still have a mother by the time she graduates from high school. “I’m the lucky one,” Nemiah’s mom, Paloma, told ABC News.

ABC News portrayed Nemiah’s plight as a feelgood human interest story. One radio show called the story “heartwarming”. We should call it what it really is: a damning indictment of everything that’s wrong with America.

"When 11-year-old Nemiah Martinez of Las Cruces, New Mexico, found out her mom needed money to help her get a kidney and pancreas transplant, she didn’t waste time feeling sorry for herself. She got off her 11-year-old behind, pulled herself up by her Dora the Explorer shoelaces, and opened a lemonade stand."

Nemiah Martinez sounds like a Young Conservative, this is a part of what Conservatism is, that if someone wants or needs something they do not sit on their buttocks and expect and/or demand a hand out, they get off their buttocks and make the money themselves in whatever enterprising way to get the money to provide for what they need.

Nemiah Martinez should be congratulated on illustrating the Conservative Spirit, with her attitude in 10-15 years she probably will have her own business.
This is an example of what Europeans think of our healthcare.

Selling lemonade to save your mother's life? That's American healthcare for you | Jamie Peck

Some think the story of an 11-year-old desperately raising money on weekends is ‘heart-warming’. It’s really an indictment of all that is wrong with the US

When 11-year-old Nemiah Martinez of Las Cruces, New Mexico, found out her mom needed money to help her get a kidney and pancreas transplant, she didn’t waste time feeling sorry for herself. She got off her 11-year-old behind, pulled herself up by her Dora the Explorer shoelaces, and opened a lemonade stand.

To date, she’s raised over $1,000 for her mom’s care by selling drinks out of her family’s garage every weekend for $1.50 a pop. Now, with any luck, this resourceful little girl might still have a mother by the time she graduates from high school. “I’m the lucky one,” Nemiah’s mom, Paloma, told ABC News.

ABC News portrayed Nemiah’s plight as a feelgood human interest story. One radio show called the story “heartwarming”. We should call it what it really is: a damning indictment of everything that’s wrong with America.
Backward third world shit hole.

If America is a backward Third World Shit Hole then why do they have tens of thousands of Central American Shit Holers wanting to get into America? Oh that's right because America isn't a Third World Shit Hole and they want Gibs Me Dat that they cannot get in their Central American Shit Holes.
Based on the amount of money we give away to the world your assertion is laughable. No nation on EARTH, in all of mans history has ever been more generous than the USA.
Yet your link gives no national comparisons. Strange.
Oh look, it was the usual mindless USA, USA, USA chant....

In 2013, the UK joined a select group of countries that had reached the target of donating 0.7% of their national income on foreign aid. Of the 29 members of the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC), only Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Luxembourg spent more than 0.7% of their national income in foreign aid in 2013.
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Nemiah Martinez should be congratulated on illustrating the Conservative Spirit, with her attitude in 10-15 years she probably will have her own business.
But probably not her mother.

Well that depends, that her mother needs both a kidney transplant and a pancreas transplant suggests that her mother has Type 1 Diabetes with end-stage renal disease, the pancreas produces insulin (lowers the level of glucose and fats in the bloodstream) and glucagon (raises the level of glucose and fats in the bloodstream) so insulin and glucagon working together keep the level of blood glucose stable. If you have Type 1 Diabetes the blood glucose levels in your body are too high, if not treated to stabilise the blood glucose levels then over a period of time this causes kidney damage and if left untreated results in end-stage renal failure, your only option then is a simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplant. Of course like with many organ transplants there can be complications and also post-transplant at anytime the body can reject the new organs, could be 72 hours later or 10 years later or anything in-between.

99.9% of simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplants are because of Type 1 Diabetes with end-stage renal failure.
"You progressives". Responding to a singular person in the plural demonstrates a lack of comprehension.
99.9% of simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplants are because of Type 1 Diabetes with end-stage renal failure.
So she might as well put her lemonade profits to her future business. That would be the conservative spirit.
Caring about and for one's fellow humans seems to be interpreted as subversive, somehow. Those early Christians were such "commies". No wonder today's 'christians' don't pay any attention to such foolishness.
Still, happy and healthy people are peaceful. Peace is cheaper than war. That should be obvious to fiscal conservatives. To reactionaries, "not so much".

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