Sen Graham Caught Back-Stabbing GOP on Hot Mic


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
[ame=]Lindsey Graham, John Kerry Caught on Open Mic Talking About Boehner - YouTube[/ame]

:01 'Let me know what we can do to help you with Baynor. (House Speaker Boner)'

Pretty much self-explanatory, except to libtards and RINOs.
Looks like normal DC horse trading politics to me....

Graham was offering “help” in working with Boehner over his and other House Republicans’ opposition to the Senate’s version of the Ukraine aid package, a spokesman told TheBlaze.

…A group of officials from President George W. Bush’s administration sent a letter of support on Wednesday signed by Condoleezza Rice, the former secretary of state; Paul H. O’Neill and John W. Snow, the former treasury secretaries; Tom Ridge, the former homeland security secretary; and Stephen J. Hadley, the former national security adviser.

Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, said he was trying to persuade House Republicans to support the I.M.F. changes.

The Senate was unlikely to vote before leaving for recess Thursday evening on a bill approving $1 billion in loan guarantees to Ukraine, sanctions on Russia and International Monetary Fund reforms. Four Republicans backed it as the Foreign Relations Committee voted 14-3 in favor Wednesday.

At the same time, House Speaker John Boehner urged the Senate anew Thursday to adopt House-approved legislation for the loans, without sanctions or IMF provisions. But many House Republicans reject expanding the IMF’s lending capacity, which every other major country has approved. They say it increases U.S. taxpayer exposure; the counterargument is it immediately releases money for Ukraine.

Other Republicans oppose paying for the loans with unused military money

Graham told the New York Times, “International organizations like the I.M.F. can provide stability at a time we really need it.”

We also asked if Sen. Graham supports the Ukraine/I.M.F. aid bill as proposed, using unused military funds. Bishop provided another excerpt, this time from a Daily Beast article.

“But SASC member Lindsey Graham said he supported the legislation as it is and would fight to keep the IMF reform provisions in the bill, even though he was not thrilled about taking the money away from the military,” the article states.

However, if the funding dispute could not be resolved, the IMF reform section could be taken out of the bill, Graham said.

“If you can let the Ukrainian people know that help is on the way, it doesn’t matter if the bill is voted on two or three weeks from now,” he told the Daily Beast. “But if I had to pick something or nothing, I would say take it out.”

Here?s What Lindsey Graham Offered to John Kerry When He Thought the Microphone Was Off | Video |

I don't see anything wrong with this. They are arguing over the fine points of the legislation- they already agree that the US will be helping Ukraine.
Looks like normal DC horse trading politics to me....

Graham was offering “help” in working with Boehner over his and other House Republicans’ opposition to the Senate’s version of the Ukraine aid package, a spokesman told TheBlaze.

…A group of officials from President George W. Bush’s administration sent a letter of support on Wednesday signed by Condoleezza Rice, the former secretary of state; Paul H. O’Neill and John W. Snow, the former treasury secretaries; Tom Ridge, the former homeland security secretary; and Stephen J. Hadley, the former national security adviser.

Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, said he was trying to persuade House Republicans to support the I.M.F. changes.

The Senate was unlikely to vote before leaving for recess Thursday evening on a bill approving $1 billion in loan guarantees to Ukraine, sanctions on Russia and International Monetary Fund reforms. Four Republicans backed it as the Foreign Relations Committee voted 14-3 in favor Wednesday.

At the same time, House Speaker John Boehner urged the Senate anew Thursday to adopt House-approved legislation for the loans, without sanctions or IMF provisions. But many House Republicans reject expanding the IMF’s lending capacity, which every other major country has approved. They say it increases U.S. taxpayer exposure; the counterargument is it immediately releases money for Ukraine.

Other Republicans oppose paying for the loans with unused military money

Graham told the New York Times, “International organizations like the I.M.F. can provide stability at a time we really need it.”

We also asked if Sen. Graham supports the Ukraine/I.M.F. aid bill as proposed, using unused military funds. Bishop provided another excerpt, this time from a Daily Beast article.

“But SASC member Lindsey Graham said he supported the legislation as it is and would fight to keep the IMF reform provisions in the bill, even though he was not thrilled about taking the money away from the military,” the article states.

However, if the funding dispute could not be resolved, the IMF reform section could be taken out of the bill, Graham said.

“If you can let the Ukrainian people know that help is on the way, it doesn’t matter if the bill is voted on two or three weeks from now,” he told the Daily Beast. “But if I had to pick something or nothing, I would say take it out.”

Here?s What Lindsey Graham Offered to John Kerry When He Thought the Microphone Was Off | Video |

I don't see anything wrong with this. They are arguing over the fine points of the legislation- they already agree that the US will be helping Ukraine.

That's the point, Zander, this country is fiscally on life support and we have professional political whores like Kerry and Graham back-stabbing their own ran k and file to make deals and get to dishing out the pork.

This shit wont last much longer and we either manage it gracefully by ending the politics as usual bullshit or we are going to have a very harsh landing.
I saw that...sickening

must be why the left/hufferpufferpost is now coming to his defense by making up shit about his opponent
Looks like normal DC horse trading politics to me....

Graham was offering “help” in working with Boehner over his and other House Republicans’ opposition to the Senate’s version of the Ukraine aid package, a spokesman told TheBlaze.

…A group of officials from President George W. Bush’s administration sent a letter of support on Wednesday signed by Condoleezza Rice, the former secretary of state; Paul H. O’Neill and John W. Snow, the former treasury secretaries; Tom Ridge, the former homeland security secretary; and Stephen J. Hadley, the former national security adviser.

Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, said he was trying to persuade House Republicans to support the I.M.F. changes.

The Senate was unlikely to vote before leaving for recess Thursday evening on a bill approving $1 billion in loan guarantees to Ukraine, sanctions on Russia and International Monetary Fund reforms. Four Republicans backed it as the Foreign Relations Committee voted 14-3 in favor Wednesday.

At the same time, House Speaker John Boehner urged the Senate anew Thursday to adopt House-approved legislation for the loans, without sanctions or IMF provisions. But many House Republicans reject expanding the IMF’s lending capacity, which every other major country has approved. They say it increases U.S. taxpayer exposure; the counterargument is it immediately releases money for Ukraine.

Other Republicans oppose paying for the loans with unused military money

Graham told the New York Times, “International organizations like the I.M.F. can provide stability at a time we really need it.”

We also asked if Sen. Graham supports the Ukraine/I.M.F. aid bill as proposed, using unused military funds. Bishop provided another excerpt, this time from a Daily Beast article.

“But SASC member Lindsey Graham said he supported the legislation as it is and would fight to keep the IMF reform provisions in the bill, even though he was not thrilled about taking the money away from the military,” the article states.

However, if the funding dispute could not be resolved, the IMF reform section could be taken out of the bill, Graham said.

“If you can let the Ukrainian people know that help is on the way, it doesn’t matter if the bill is voted on two or three weeks from now,” he told the Daily Beast. “But if I had to pick something or nothing, I would say take it out.”

Here?s What Lindsey Graham Offered to John Kerry When He Thought the Microphone Was Off | Video |

I don't see anything wrong with this. They are arguing over the fine points of the legislation- they already agree that the US will be helping Ukraine.

That's the point, Zander, this country is fiscally on life support and we have professional political whores like Kerry and Graham back-stabbing their own ran k and file to make deals and get to dishing out the pork.

This shit wont last much longer and we either manage it gracefully by ending the politics as usual bullshit or we are going to have a very harsh landing.

Firstly, I do not believe the country is fiscally "on life support". We have a spending problem, we have entitlement problems, but we can fix them fairly easily. But that is a discussion for another thread. :thup:

Personally, I don't think helping the Ukraine with $1 billion in loan guarantees is "pork". It's a fairly small amount of money - we spend more on maintaining empty buildings (there is a thread about it on the board), and it may get paid back.

I think we need a muscular foreign policy, especially when it comes to aggressive adversaries like Putin's Russia. We've also signed a treaty with the Ukraine that obligates the US to defend them. Providing some cash to help stabilize them fiscally may save us a lot of money in military expenditures if they fail.

Bottom line - Laws are like sausages, it is better not to see them being made.

During Iraq II they passed out cards for the enemies they wanted to exterminate first. Sadham, his sons etc. I'd like to make my own cards and have Lindsey at say....5 next to McCain. Traitor, war monger, and subhuman dog.
Looks like normal DC horse trading politics to me....

Graham was offering “help” in working with Boehner over his and other House Republicans’ opposition to the Senate’s version of the Ukraine aid package, a spokesman told TheBlaze.

…A group of officials from President George W. Bush’s administration sent a letter of support on Wednesday signed by Condoleezza Rice, the former secretary of state; Paul H. O’Neill and John W. Snow, the former treasury secretaries; Tom Ridge, the former homeland security secretary; and Stephen J. Hadley, the former national security adviser.

Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, said he was trying to persuade House Republicans to support the I.M.F. changes.

The Senate was unlikely to vote before leaving for recess Thursday evening on a bill approving $1 billion in loan guarantees to Ukraine, sanctions on Russia and International Monetary Fund reforms. Four Republicans backed it as the Foreign Relations Committee voted 14-3 in favor Wednesday.

At the same time, House Speaker John Boehner urged the Senate anew Thursday to adopt House-approved legislation for the loans, without sanctions or IMF provisions. But many House Republicans reject expanding the IMF’s lending capacity, which every other major country has approved. They say it increases U.S. taxpayer exposure; the counterargument is it immediately releases money for Ukraine.

Other Republicans oppose paying for the loans with unused military money

Graham told the New York Times, “International organizations like the I.M.F. can provide stability at a time we really need it.”

We also asked if Sen. Graham supports the Ukraine/I.M.F. aid bill as proposed, using unused military funds. Bishop provided another excerpt, this time from a Daily Beast article.

“But SASC member Lindsey Graham said he supported the legislation as it is and would fight to keep the IMF reform provisions in the bill, even though he was not thrilled about taking the money away from the military,” the article states.

However, if the funding dispute could not be resolved, the IMF reform section could be taken out of the bill, Graham said.

“If you can let the Ukrainian people know that help is on the way, it doesn’t matter if the bill is voted on two or three weeks from now,” he told the Daily Beast. “But if I had to pick something or nothing, I would say take it out.”

Here?s What Lindsey Graham Offered to John Kerry When He Thought the Microphone Was Off | Video |

I don't see anything wrong with this. They are arguing over the fine points of the legislation- they already agree that the US will be helping Ukraine.

That's the point, Zander, this country is fiscally on life support and we have professional political whores like Kerry and Graham back-stabbing their own ran k and file to make deals and get to dishing out the pork.

This shit wont last much longer and we either manage it gracefully by ending the politics as usual bullshit or we are going to have a very harsh landing.

The country's fiscally on life support?

Where do you guys come up with this crap. :cuckoo:
Looks like normal DC horse trading politics to me....

Here?s What Lindsey Graham Offered to John Kerry When He Thought the Microphone Was Off | Video |

I don't see anything wrong with this. They are arguing over the fine points of the legislation- they already agree that the US will be helping Ukraine.

That's the point, Zander, this country is fiscally on life support and we have professional political whores like Kerry and Graham back-stabbing their own ran k and file to make deals and get to dishing out the pork.

This shit wont last much longer and we either manage it gracefully by ending the politics as usual bullshit or we are going to have a very harsh landing.

Firstly, I do not believe the country is fiscally "on life support". We have a spending problem, we have entitlement problems, but we can fix them fairly easily. But that is a discussion for another thread. :thup:

Lol, yeah, billion here and a billion there and after a while we are talking about real money.

We waste way too much money and my sig essplains why.

We are living like idiots on Daddies credit card and Daddy is just about to put that card on ice.
Looks like normal DC horse trading politics to me....

Here?s What Lindsey Graham Offered to John Kerry When He Thought the Microphone Was Off | Video |

I don't see anything wrong with this. They are arguing over the fine points of the legislation- they already agree that the US will be helping Ukraine.

That's the point, Zander, this country is fiscally on life support and we have professional political whores like Kerry and Graham back-stabbing their own ran k and file to make deals and get to dishing out the pork.

This shit wont last much longer and we either manage it gracefully by ending the politics as usual bullshit or we are going to have a very harsh landing.

The country's fiscally on life support?

Where do you guys come up with this crap. :cuckoo:

You are a partisan whore and if Dems do it then its golden, if GOP does it then its a fucking crisis.

Who gives a shit what idiots like you think about jack shit?
During Iraq II they passed out cards for the enemies they wanted to exterminate first. Sadham, his sons etc. I'd like to make my own cards and have Lindsey at say....5 next to McCain. Traitor, war monger, and subhuman dog.

I say bi-partisanship, too bad it has to be hidden like a dirty secret.

Bi-partisanship doe snot require those engaged to be back-stabbing, lying whores to their supporters and/or fellow party members.

Graham is in the GOP not because he agrees so much with the GOP platform, but because it is an avenue to power. And he will slit throats, stab backs, and generally act like a moral cretin till voters toss his ass out and improves the quality of the Senate thereby.
The country's fiscally on life support?

Where do you guys come up with this crap. :cuckoo:

Are you saying we're not trillions in debt?

He is just agreeing with Cheney that deficits don't matter.

That charlatan, Cheney, destroyed decades of GOP work trying to educate the public with that one little quip. And then he has the gall to criticize others as being stupid, roflmao.

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