Sen. John McCain praises ambassador killed in Libya, refuses to criticize Obama


Gold Member
Jan 23, 2012
Good form Sen. McCain, unlike the rabid anti-American Republican/conservatives siding with the enemy by conveniently blaming President Obama for the terrorist attack, just to score political points. No praise for Romney by John McCain. :clap2:

Sen. John McCain praises ambassador killed in Libya, refuses to criticize Obama | Power Players - Yahoo! News

As for the Obama administration's handling of the crisis, McCain was almost entirely positive. "I think it was fine. By the way, Secretary of State Hilary Clinton gave a marvelous statement today," said McCain. He did not offer such praise for the Romney campaign's statements on the events...
Actually McCain sort of fell in line with the rest of the RWNJ's last night on Anderson Cooper 360, he defended
Romney in as much as saying Romney meant Obama was a weak president and McCain agreed with that....
McCain copped out once again.
Good form Sen. McCain, unlike the rabid anti-American Republican/conservatives siding with the enemy by conveniently blaming President Obama for the terrorist attack, just to score political points. No praise for Romney by John McCain. :clap2:

Sen. John McCain praises ambassador killed in Libya, refuses to criticize Obama | Power Players - Yahoo! News

As for the Obama administration's handling of the crisis, McCain was almost entirely positive. "I think it was fine. By the way, Secretary of State Hilary Clinton gave a marvelous statement today," said McCain. He did not offer such praise for the Romney campaign's statements on the events...

i disagree with mccain about a lot of things. but he's always had more class in his little fingernail than romney has in his whole body.
Good form Sen. McCain, unlike the rabid anti-American Republican/conservatives siding with the enemy by conveniently blaming President Obama for the terrorist attack, just to score political points. No praise for Romney by John McCain. :clap2:

Sen. John McCain praises ambassador killed in Libya, refuses to criticize Obama | Power Players - Yahoo! News

As for the Obama administration's handling of the crisis, McCain was almost entirely positive. "I think it was fine. By the way, Secretary of State Hilary Clinton gave a marvelous statement today," said McCain. He did not offer such praise for the Romney campaign's statements on the events...

He would have made a shitty President but McCain's definitely far more sincere and a far greater American than daddy's boy Mittens the draft dodger will ever dream of being.
Good form Sen. McCain, unlike the rabid anti-American Republican/conservatives siding with the enemy by conveniently blaming President Obama for the terrorist attack, just to score political points. No praise for Romney by John McCain. :clap2:

Sen. John McCain praises ambassador killed in Libya, refuses to criticize Obama | Power Players - Yahoo! News

As for the Obama administration's handling of the crisis, McCain was almost entirely positive. "I think it was fine. By the way, Secretary of State Hilary Clinton gave a marvelous statement today," said McCain. He did not offer such praise for the Romney campaign's statements on the events...

Dem lite that wont criticize.....:lmao: I wonder if he knows yet why he wasnt elected..........
Actually McCain sort of fell in line with the rest of the RWNJ's last night on Anderson Cooper 360, he defended
Romney in as much as saying Romney meant Obama was a weak president and McCain agreed with that....
McCain copped out once again.

The Tea-Party and Rush Limbaugh will get hold of McCain and then we shall see the real McCain tomorrow.
Good form Sen. McCain, unlike the rabid anti-American Republican/conservatives siding with the enemy by conveniently blaming President Obama for the terrorist attack, just to score political points. No praise for Romney by John McCain. :clap2:

Sen. John McCain praises ambassador killed in Libya, refuses to criticize Obama | Power Players - Yahoo! News

As for the Obama administration's handling of the crisis, McCain was almost entirely positive. "I think it was fine. By the way, Secretary of State Hilary Clinton gave a marvelous statement today," said McCain. He did not offer such praise for the Romney campaign's statements on the events...

Dem lite that wont criticize.....:lmao: I wonder if he knows yet why he wasnt elected..........

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