Sen. John McCain, who is fighting brain cancer, discontinues medical treatment, family says

reagan and the bushes were not Conservative as they allowed and arranged for the invasion of the USA by 'third worlders' RWinger .
How is Trump conservative when he invokes trade sanctions and raises the debt?
--------------------------------------- Tariffs , from what i hear Tariffs were used up till about the early 1900s , 1916 or so in the USA . Tariffs were used to build America in the early days from what i hear . From what i hear tariffs are being used by TRUMP to Coerce and BEAT and hopefully destroy the foreigners that charge tariffs on USA Goods . In the end TRUMP has said that his goal is to have a tariff free world where no one uses Tariffs and then we would all be equal with Fair and FREE Trade RWinger .
The one who gets beaten up by tariffs is the consumer
-------------------------------------------------- maybe , i don't know as i haven't seen it in MY life yet . Course , the Trumps goal is to use tariffs on foreigners to get rid of ALL tariffs world wide from all Nations and i support that thinking . Its almost like the USA allows tariffs to be imposed on the USA so that foreign countries can rake in the cash and tariffs that they impose RWinger .
So far, all he has gotten is retaliatory tariffs

Seems to be the way it works.
Look at all those democrat names mocking Mcains service and time as a POW that you said never happened.

Democrats Attacking McCain\'s Military Record - Pattern Emerging?
Did you read your own link?

It does not provide any detail on what was said

Provide an actual quote
Gen Clarke’s does not condemn his service
Oh look a democrat implying his POW experience was fake.

, Gore Vidal questionedMcCain's war record in a New York Times Magazine interview: "Who started this rumor that he was a war hero? Where does that come from, aside from himself? About his suffering in the prison war camp?"
Gore Vidal does not represent the Democrats

Trump represents Republicans
Sure he does he was speaking as a registered democrat and Obama supporter.
Private citizens can say anything they want. Same as racist Trump supporters
But they don’t represent the party

Show where anyone in the Obama campaign ever besmirched McCains military service Trump did
Got that people. All the attack dogs running to the media on behalf of democrat candidates don't count when they spew the same hateful rhetoric the lefties are now crying about...because...reasons

Here is some more of you compassionate douchebags attacking McCains daughter the day this announcement came out.
Liberal Outlet Uses John McCain's Imminent Death To Launch Sick Attack on His Daughter

But but but...jokes. Right asshole?
Democrats treat McCain better than his own party does

Typical Republicans eating their own
McCain is hired to represent ALL the people of his state, not just a preferred slice.

That fact above neuters the angry Trump base societal messaging, just tunes it out.
Hard two years for the Democrats. They have lost Congress, the White House, the Supreme Court and now McCain
Democrats treat McCain better than his own party does

Typical Republicans eating their own
So...McCain treats liberals better than he does the people he was hired to represent.
McCain was a staunch conservative leading many of their causes

Unlike the alt-conservatives, he was not batshit crazy and did what he believed to be right for his constituents and the country he loved
John McCain halts brain cancer treatment

Good. Sooner we can get another REAL republican in there the better! Hopefully McSally loses to Ward for the Flake senate seat but if not hopefully Ward will run for McAmnesty's seat.

And what's a real Republican? McCain wasn't?
Anyone who DOESN'T act like a fucking democrat. Therefore he was a liberal NOT a republican...there are MANY kinds of republicans. Populist,Nationalist,Libertarian,NeoCon,etc etc. Need to clean them all out except for the Populist and Nationalist ones.
Good riddance to Juan McAmnesty....hopefully Arizona gets a DECENT senator in his place

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