Sen. Kennedy: ‘Congratulations, butthead,' you almost got a justice (Alito) killed & his family, as SCOTUS investigation fails to find draft leaker

Look how gingerly and how quickly the alleged "hard news" reporters of FOXNEWS whiffed over these updates, almost as if to say, "nothing to see here folks, let's move on.' Clearly the fix is in on the GOP side, they know it was Alito that leaked it.

Contrast that with this...

Start at the 3:40 minute mark, b/c the first woman before Frank is an Establishment media hack doing access "journalism."
Since the SC failed to get to the bottom of it speculation is all we have. It is part of the price of getting the conservative court you always wanted.
how is that the price of getting a Conservative court?
Report me then. I just said the quiet part out loud.
If you are going to make an outrageous claim back it up. You didn't. You should have said IMHO etc. You didn't. Don't start a low iq thread. Just a tip.
Report me then. I just said the quiet part out loud.
Republicans deserve a chance. And they have to fight tooth and nail to even be heard in a fair way. The nation needs a period of calm. And that means the media changes its tone along with gasoline lighting Prog politicians. Trump was boisterous, however he represented calm for the nation if it was allowed to do so. And the attack dogs were not going to let that happen. Republican voters tried and tried and tried to elect people who would keep their promises with most of it to no avail. And a loudmouth New Yorker won the people over in fly over country. It is tough to e Republican politician in D.C. I get it. There are people who do not get a chance to run and win because the establishment pushed the type of politician they want. And we vote for it even though we complain.
how is that the price of getting a Conservative court?
A deliberate lack of transparency when it could really help their rapidly declining public image. Now it just looks like they are protecting Alito.
If you are going to make an outrageous claim back it up. You didn't. You should have said IMHO etc. You didn't. Don't start a low iq thread. Just a tip.
Buddy, if outrageous claims were a bannable offense we would all be gone.
A deliberate lack of transparency when it could really help their rapidly declining public image. Now it just looks like they are protecting Alito.
haha there is zero evidence he leaked anything. They just gave a full report of their investigation

the only self sine in their public image is from demafasict that hate the fact the rule of law gets in the way of their tyrannical agenda

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