Sen. Pat Toomey Calls for Reopening America Faster: ‘Danger’ of Coronavirus to Most Americans Overstated


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Sen. Pat Toomey Calls for Reopening America Faster: ‘Danger’ of Coronavirus to Most Americans Overstated

8 May 2020 ~~ By Matthew Boyle
Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview on Friday that American political leaders are “overstating the danger” of coronavirus to most Americans while “underestimating” the economic “carnage” that lockdowns nationwide are causing.
Toomey, a key U.S. senator from a Rust Belt battleground state, conducted this interview with Breitbart News after rolling out a plan to much more quickly reopen Pennsylvania than the plan the state’s Democrat Gov. Tom Wolf has begun. Toomey, a widely respected Republican who serves alongside a Democrat, Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA), is not known for making outlandish claims so his statements here that the panic driving policy decisions around the country instead of science—which shows the disease is much less severe than originally thought—are a huge step for the country as the conventional wisdom behind the lockdowns nationwide is challenged ever so more. He is the first U.S. senator to offer such criticism of the conventional wisdom that keeps much of the country—and much of Pennsylvania—in a state of perpetual pseudo-lockdown limbo. Toomey in recent days hosted a roundtable with medical and economic experts presenting for U.S. senators actual data about the virus, bringing together top medical and scientific officials from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC)—Pennsylvania’s largest hospital system—and Stanford University, Duke University, and New York University.
Nobody ever contemplated the government shutting down our economy. It’s just so bizarre and so unprecedented. So there’s no plan for how you restore the economy. I think it’s something we’ve got to have a vigorous debate about, and I feel like I have a point of view and I have an opportunity to get input from a tremendous wide range of really valuable sources all over Pennsylvania and beyond and so I’ve got a responsibility to lay out a vision, a process, a mechanism by which we restore our ability to have a livelihood.”

President Trump is playing this brilliantly.....give Dem governors the rope to hang themselves with.....and then, at the appropriate time, have some local GOP surrogate act as the hangman, while keeping his own hands clean. Governors (especially PMS/DSA Democrats) that are dragging their feet will be left in the dust while the bravest American states will prosper and outshine the Blue ruled ones.
It's imperative to open our economy especially to feed the people, but the elderly need to be protected. We aren’t going to test the whole nation but targeted testing should be done where it makes sense.
Anyone entering nursing homes, daycare centers and schools should be tested since there are machines that can do it quickly.
These are just a couple of ideas to make opening safer. But in order for that to happen Trump would have to use his powers to start many more companies making the machines and tests capable of testing quickly. But he has been silent on this. I think these decisions should have been made long ago and I think many elderly have died because of it. From that very important perspective I think Trump has done a poor job leading through this crisis.
As an example NY City is the epicenter of the virus, but upstate counties in the Southern tier and above have not been affected . Why then would Cuomo want to quarantine the whole state? We know that the densely populated lower section of New York state is responsible for 90 percent of the infections and deaths. All you have to do is check the charts to see I'm correct.
Scientists claim that they will have a vaccine by September. I suggest that like the 1957 Asian Flu that mass inoculations of the vaccine will control the virus in the meantime we have a proven inexpensive weapon, HCQ to fight the virus.
The big question is why Progressives refuse to accept the use of this drug.
And when the virus comes back with a vengeance he will blame Democrats
And when the virus comes back with a vengeance he will blame Democrats

How do you know it will "come back with a vengeance"?

Or is that just wishful thinking on your part?
Of course that is the wish of all democrats.. They do not want to see the US recover while Trump is in Office.

Won’t happen regardless

The Trump economy is a disaster, does he want to add a hundred thousand more deaths?
And when the virus comes back with a vengeance he will blame Democrats

How do you know it will "come back with a vengeance"?

Or is that just wishful thinking on your part?
Of course that is the wish of all democrats.. They do not want to see the US recover while Trump is in Office.

Won’t happen regardless

The Trump economy is a disaster, does he want to add a hundred thousand more deaths?

I guess you forgot that Obama accepted responsibility for the Economy?
And when the virus comes back with a vengeance he will blame Democrats

How do you know it will "come back with a vengeance"?

Or is that just wishful thinking on your part?
Of course that is the wish of all democrats.. They do not want to see the US recover while Trump is in Office.

Won’t happen regardless

The Trump economy is a disaster, does he want to add a hundred thousand more deaths?
Wait one moment, the Trump economy better known as the US Economy was doing fine until we were attacked by the Wuhan virus. Now you and the rest of the democrats are rooting for the US Economy to fail, you are nothing more that anti-American traitors.
And when the virus comes back with a vengeance he will blame Democrats

How do you know it will "come back with a vengeance"?

Or is that just wishful thinking on your part?
Of course that is the wish of all democrats.. They do not want to see the US recover while Trump is in Office.

Won’t happen regardless

The Trump economy is a disaster, does he want to add a hundred thousand more deaths?

If Sleepy Joe does win, what is his plan as far as getting and keeping the economy closed?
Has Sen. Toomey given a specific number of Pennsylvanians he is offering to sacrifice for kissing Donald Trump's ass? How is Pennsylvania fixed for old-timers? Would losing a few thousand really make much difference?
And when the virus comes back with a vengeance he will blame Democrats

How do you know it will "come back with a vengeance"?

Or is that just wishful thinking on your part?

I believe I can answer this:
Q. How do you know it will "come back with a vengeance"?

A. Because stupid people will open up too soon, and those who ignore the masks and social distancing will get sick and infect others.
And when the virus comes back with a vengeance he will blame Democrats

How do you know it will "come back with a vengeance"?

Or is that just wishful thinking on your part?

I believe I can answer this:
Q. How do you know it will "come back with a vengeance"?

A. Because stupid people will open up too soon, and those who ignore the masks and social distancing will get sick and infect others.
This will only happen if you believe in science and scientific stuff. The warm weather is gonna kill off the Coronavirus anyhow. Trump said so.
And when the virus comes back with a vengeance he will blame Democrats

How do you know it will "come back with a vengeance"?

Or is that just wishful thinking on your part?

I believe I can answer this:
Q. How do you know it will "come back with a vengeance"?

A. Because stupid people will open up too soon, and those who ignore the masks and social distancing will get sick and infect others.
This will only happen if you believe in science and scientific stuff. The warm weather is gonna kill off the Coronavirus anyhow. Trump said so.
Either that or getting disinfectant injections
And when the virus comes back with a vengeance he will blame Democrats

How do you know it will "come back with a vengeance"?

Or is that just wishful thinking on your part?

I believe I can answer this:
Q. How do you know it will "come back with a vengeance"?

A. Because stupid people will open up too soon, and those who ignore the masks and social distancing will get sick and infect others.

What do you mean by "too soon"? Its been 2 months already- how long do you want this lockdown to continue before its no longer "too soon"?

You do know, BTW, that the vast majority of new Covid hospitalization (2/3) in New York are with people locked into homes- not essential workers
And when the virus comes back with a vengeance he will blame Democrats

How do you know it will "come back with a vengeance"?

Or is that just wishful thinking on your part?

I believe I can answer this:
Q. How do you know it will "come back with a vengeance"?

A. Because stupid people will open up too soon, and those who ignore the masks and social distancing will get sick and infect others.

The extension of the Lockdowns is creating a real scofflaw situation going on. People have already started to cut hair/do nails in their living rooms, they already opening up Speakeasies in their basements. Americans are creative people, the libs can't keep us down.
And when the virus comes back with a vengeance he will blame Democrats

How do you know it will "come back with a vengeance"?

Or is that just wishful thinking on your part?
Of course that is the wish of all democrats.. They do not want to see the US recover while Trump is in Office.

Won’t happen regardless

The Trump economy is a disaster, does he want to add a hundred thousand more deaths?

If Sleepy Joe does win, what is his plan as far as getting and keeping the economy closed?

When Joe Biden become POTUS, it will be on Jan 20th, 2021, 8 months from now. If the chaos continues, lies continue and the infections grow and more Americans die, the new president will have a plan. He will bring forth the best and the brightest men and women to advise him in their fields of expertise. He will listen to them, unlike Donald Trump, and not pretend to be an expert on everything.

If the crisis remains in full fury, which all of us hope it does not, a President Biden will tell the truth, and not try to cover up numbers to protect himself. If Trump has still failed to put forth the entire production forces of our industries to create Personal Protective Equipment, and all essential workers are not outfitted, he will tell the truth, and on day one (Jan 20th) impose the full force and effect of the Defense Production Act*

* What the Defense Production Act Is and How Can It Can Help the Government Fight COVID-19

And, Trump's past use of this act, and what he has not done yet:

The Defense Production Act has been invoked hundreds of thousands of times in the Trump years. But with the pandemic, the president sees it as a “break the glass” last resort.

Chemicals used to construct military missiles. Materials needed to build drones. Body armor for agents patrolling the southwest border. Equipment for natural disaster response.
A Korean War-era law called the Defense Production Act has been used to place hundreds of thousands of orders by President Trump and his administration to ensure the procurement of vital equipment, according to reports submitted to Congress and interviews with former government officials.

Yet as governors and members of Congress plead with the president to use the law to force the production of ventilators and other medical equipment to combat the coronavirus pandemic, he has for weeks treated it like a “break the glass” last resort, to be invoked only when all else fails.

“You know, we’re a country not based on nationalizing our business,” Mr. Trump said earlier this month. “Call a person over in Venezuela, ask them how did nationalization of their businesses work out? Not too well.”

And when the virus comes back with a vengeance he will blame Democrats

How do you know it will "come back with a vengeance"?

Or is that just wishful thinking on your part?
Of course that is the wish of all democrats.. They do not want to see the US recover while Trump is in Office.

Won’t happen regardless

The Trump economy is a disaster, does he want to add a hundred thousand more deaths?

If Sleepy Joe does win, what is his plan as far as getting and keeping the economy closed?

When Joe Biden become POTUS, it will be on Jan 20th, 2021, 8 months from now. If the chaos continues, lies continue and the infections grow and more Americans die, the new president will have a plan. He will bring forth the best and the brightest men and women to advise him in their fields of expertise. He will listen to them, unlike Donald Trump, and not pretend to be an expert on everything.

If the crisis remains in full fury, which all of us hope it does not, a President Biden will tell the truth, and not try to cover up numbers to protect himself. If Trump has still failed to put forth the entire production forces of our industries to create Personal Protective Equipment, and all essential workers are not outfitted, he will tell the truth, and on day one (Jan 20th) impose the full force and effect of the Defense Production Act*

* What the Defense Production Act Is and How Can It Can Help the Government Fight COVID-19

And, Trump's past use of this act, and what he has not done yet:

The Defense Production Act has been invoked hundreds of thousands of times in the Trump years. But with the pandemic, the president sees it as a “break the glass” last resort.

Chemicals used to construct military missiles. Materials needed to build drones. Body armor for agents patrolling the southwest border. Equipment for natural disaster response.
A Korean War-era law called the Defense Production Act has been used to place hundreds of thousands of orders by President Trump and his administration to ensure the procurement of vital equipment, according to reports submitted to Congress and interviews with former government officials.

Yet as governors and members of Congress plead with the president to use the law to force the production of ventilators and other medical equipment to combat the coronavirus pandemic, he has for weeks treated it like a “break the glass” last resort, to be invoked only when all else fails.

“You know, we’re a country not based on nationalizing our business,” Mr. Trump said earlier this month. “Call a person over in Venezuela, ask them how did nationalization of their businesses work out? Not too well.”


So, in your view, Sleepy Joe- if elected-, will close the economy and keep it closed indefinitely until the technocrats decide to cede back control to the people and reinstate our rights?
And when the virus comes back with a vengeance he will blame Democrats

How do you know it will "come back with a vengeance"?

Or is that just wishful thinking on your part?

I believe I can answer this:
Q. How do you know it will "come back with a vengeance"?

A. Because stupid people will open up too soon, and those who ignore the masks and social distancing will get sick and infect others.

The extension of the Lockdowns is creating a real scofflaw situation going on. People have already started to cut hair/do nails in their living rooms, they already opening up Speakeasies in their basements. Americans are creative people, the libs can't keep us down.

I took back my freedom today and spent most of the day cutting my lawn, and went to town twice
And when the virus comes back with a vengeance he will blame Democrats

How do you know it will "come back with a vengeance"?

Or is that just wishful thinking on your part?

I believe I can answer this:
Q. How do you know it will "come back with a vengeance"?

A. Because stupid people will open up too soon, and those who ignore the masks and social distancing will get sick and infect others.
This will only happen if you believe in science and scientific stuff. The warm weather is gonna kill off the Coronavirus anyhow. Trump said so.
Either that or getting disinfectant injections

I've got just the disinfectant injection for you. It's Phenol.
And when the virus comes back with a vengeance he will blame Democrats

How do you know it will "come back with a vengeance"?

Or is that just wishful thinking on your part?
Of course that is the wish of all democrats.. They do not want to see the US recover while Trump is in Office.

Won’t happen regardless

The Trump economy is a disaster, does he want to add a hundred thousand more deaths?

If Sleepy Joe does win, what is his plan as far as getting and keeping the economy closed?

When Joe Biden become POTUS, it will be on Jan 20th, 2021, 8 months from now. If the chaos continues, lies continue and the infections grow and more Americans die, the new president will have a plan. He will bring forth the best and the brightest men and women to advise him in their fields of expertise. He will listen to them, unlike Donald Trump, and not pretend to be an expert on everything.

If the crisis remains in full fury, which all of us hope it does not, a President Biden will tell the truth, and not try to cover up numbers to protect himself. If Trump has still failed to put forth the entire production forces of our industries to create Personal Protective Equipment, and all essential workers are not outfitted, he will tell the truth, and on day one (Jan 20th) impose the full force and effect of the Defense Production Act*

* What the Defense Production Act Is and How Can It Can Help the Government Fight COVID-19

And, Trump's past use of this act, and what he has not done yet:

The Defense Production Act has been invoked hundreds of thousands of times in the Trump years. But with the pandemic, the president sees it as a “break the glass” last resort.

Chemicals used to construct military missiles. Materials needed to build drones. Body armor for agents patrolling the southwest border. Equipment for natural disaster response.
A Korean War-era law called the Defense Production Act has been used to place hundreds of thousands of orders by President Trump and his administration to ensure the procurement of vital equipment, according to reports submitted to Congress and interviews with former government officials.

Yet as governors and members of Congress plead with the president to use the law to force the production of ventilators and other medical equipment to combat the coronavirus pandemic, he has for weeks treated it like a “break the glass” last resort, to be invoked only when all else fails.

“You know, we’re a country not based on nationalizing our business,” Mr. Trump said earlier this month. “Call a person over in Venezuela, ask them how did nationalization of their businesses work out? Not too well.”


So, in your view, Sleepy Joe- if elected-, will close the economy and keep it closed indefinitely until the technocrats decide to cede back control to the people and reinstate our rights?

Of course I didn't write anything you claim. A typical non response by someone incapable of writing anything near to a rebuttal. Did you graduate from High School? If so it doesn't show.

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