Sen. Reid (D): rw Fringers have brought Senate to standstill

protecting the greedy idIot megarich GOP taxpayers you mean, the ones who've tripled their wealth under voodoo tax rates while the nonrich and the country have gone to hell, Pub dupe. Each brand new for dupes only debt ceiling CRISIS costs the economy at least
one per cent growth for a year. ALSO its spinoff the sequester.

'No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP' -TIME. ALSO brainwashed STUPID...

This admin is giving the top 5 percent 85 billion a month, qe, stock market. I doubt O voters would understand that though.

Of course we know- it's the only thing the GOP allows to help, and they LOVE it, dupe. Pass a gd infrastructure jobs act- 1 million jobs and 1 per cent growth, and no more phony crises. Ay caramba.

What planet are you on Frankie? O is about to appoint one of his friends who is going to continue the 85 billion dollar grayy train. Larry Summers was going to end it so he's not getting the job. Why do y'all hate the little man so much?
Reid is just following the example of his leader President blame everyone except the man in the mirror. Those who can lead do those who can't blame others.

yep, Obama's on the road with his hate show again this's ALL Republicans I want to spread this and stir up some hate for them

they can't win any other way, low down, dirty and put the blame on everyone but themselves is what they are famous for

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