Sen. Reid (D): rw Fringers have brought Senate to standstill

Sweden is doing quite well

Firstly, Sweden is just a welfare state. They are NOT a belligerent interventionist warfare state.

The Swedish adhere to the work ethic. They don't have a gazillion children then demand that they be taken care of.

Still , their economy has been seriously damaged by socialism

Sweden, Capitalism, and the Welfare State


Making excuses?

Swedens economy is booming and they are the most socialist of capitalist economies

Refutes your claims on the ability of socialist nations to succeed

Listen ding dong, the article was written by a Swedish citizen:

During the 1960s the social democrats radicalised. They abandoned their traditional pragmatic policies and started a large-scale expansion of the welfare state. Between 1970 and 1990 taxes increased by almost one percent point each year. Income taxes doubled between 1960 and 1990, rising from approximately 30 to 60 percent. During the 1970′s the political left viewed Swedish policies as a success. The massive expansion of the public sector reduced unemployment in the short run. Few questioned if this expansion was a sustainable policy.

"The Swedish system is in serious trouble. The Swedish economy is no longer creating jobs – private sector employment has been shrinking for decades, and the public sector can no longer absorb more workers… Many Swedes are pessimistic about the future, in large measure because they cannot imagine how their system can survive, yet cannot overcome the political obstacles to changing it."

Well, I wish I could categorically state that my personal chats with both of my senators, Tom Coburn and Jim Imhofe, had brought about this wonderful turn of events, but I think other things are in play as well (like the American people waking up to what a nightmare this administration is). As I have told them many, many times fillibuster, stall, block or kill any and all of Barry's (aka Harry and Nancy's) agenda that they can.

I find it absolutely hilarious that the Democrats whine about the Republicans blocking and clogging up the Senate. I will concede that when Harry lets ONE bill that kills Obamacare come to the floor for a vote. I also find it completely absurd that the Democrats whine and cry about how the Republicans are killing bills when anything the Senate passes is absolutely PACKED with pork. In Oklahoma we have a constitutional amendment that says that a bill can cover ONE item only. Bring that to the floor for a vote and we'll talk about it.

When you are the leader of the free world, you need to know how to compromise and to LEAD. Barry knows neither. It's been shown many, many times: It's either his way or the highway. A horrible leader...
So protecting the taxpayers money & stopping crony Capitalism is being assholes. OK

Bringing government to a halt is not protecting anyone. That is why they call them TeaTards

No, it is EXACTLY the protection of taxpayers money. GOOD
protecting the greedy idIot megarich GOP taxpayers you mean, the ones who've tripled their wealth under voodoo tax rates while the nonrich and the country have gone to hell, Pub dupe. Each brand new for dupes only debt ceiling CRISIS costs the economy at least
one per cent growth for a year. ALSO its spinoff the sequester.

'No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP' -TIME. ALSO brainwashed STUPID...
Bringing government to a halt is not protecting anyone. That is why they call them TeaTards

No, it is EXACTLY the protection of taxpayers money. GOOD
protecting the greedy idIot megarich GOP taxpayers you mean, the ones who've tripled their wealth under voodoo tax rates while the nonrich and the country have gone to hell, Pub dupe. Each brand new for dupes only debt ceiling CRISIS costs the economy at least
one per cent growth for a year. ALSO its spinoff the sequester.

'No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP' -TIME. ALSO brainwashed STUPID...

This admin is giving the top 5 percent 85 billion a month, qe, stock market. I doubt O voters would understand that though.
Bringing government to a halt is not protecting anyone. That is why they call them TeaTards

The government s still growing at an alarming rate... so calm the fuck down... you will still get your ever increasing, bloated government that you so need.


How is the government growing at an alarming rate? There are fewer Government Employees than there were before

They are more Government Employees since President Obama has become President.
In his 1st year alone they hired 25,000 employees. By his 2nd year that had grow-en to 141,000. Each and every year more and more Government employees have been hired.
We will get 1,600 more in the IRS by 2014.
Keep it up, brainwashed 50 per cent racist RW morons, you're the greatest- should give us the House in 2014. The Dems have compromised on EVERYTHING to try to get necessities done. But the Rush Seanbeckbots have taken over the GOP...they believe government is evil and only cutting their own taxes is good- too bad the GOP only cut rich people's taxes in the end...
waaa, too damn bad...WE THE people are stopping you Democrats from SHOVING any more shit legislation like ObamaTax down our throats...that is why we gave the HOUSE to the REPUBLICANS....

So go and cry us all a frikken RIVA....or just go to hell
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No, it is EXACTLY the protection of taxpayers money. GOOD
protecting the greedy idIot megarich GOP taxpayers you mean, the ones who've tripled their wealth under voodoo tax rates while the nonrich and the country have gone to hell, Pub dupe. Each brand new for dupes only debt ceiling CRISIS costs the economy at least
one per cent growth for a year. ALSO its spinoff the sequester.

'No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP' -TIME. ALSO brainwashed STUPID...

This admin is giving the top 5 percent 85 billion a month, qe, stock market. I doubt O voters would understand that though.

Of course we know- it's the only thing the GOP allows to help, and they LOVE it, dupe. Pass a gd infrastructure jobs act- 1 million jobs and 1 per cent growth, and no more phony crises. Ay caramba.
Bringing government to a halt is not protecting anyone. That is why they call them TeaTards

No, it is EXACTLY the protection of taxpayers money. GOOD
protecting the greedy idIot megarich GOP taxpayers you mean, the ones who've tripled their wealth under voodoo tax rates while the nonrich and the country have gone to hell, Pub dupe. Each brand new for dupes only debt ceiling CRISIS costs the economy at least
one per cent growth for a year. ALSO its spinoff the sequester.

'No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP' -TIME. ALSO brainwashed STUPID...

That is the Democrats political spin and it is not true.
It's the Dem's policies that has made this country into the hell hole that it has become.
Since when is standing your ground and supporting the Constitution un-American?
Keep it up, brainwashed 50 per cent racist RW morons, you're the greatest- should give us the House in 2014. The Dems have compromised on EVERYTHING to try to get necessities done. But the Rush Seanbeckbots have taken over the GOP...they believe government is evil and only cutting their own taxes is good- too bad the GOP only cut rich people's taxes in the end...

Holy Shit... I'm absolutely speechless. Does everyone of your windows have tin foil taped on the inside?

Oh, by the way, government IS evil and IS the problem.
Keep it up, brainwashed 50 per cent racist RW morons, you're the greatest- should give us the House in 2014. The Dems have compromised on EVERYTHING to try to get necessities done. But the Rush Seanbeckbots have taken over the GOP...they believe government is evil and only cutting their own taxes is good- too bad the GOP only cut rich people's taxes in the end...

Holy Shit... I'm absolutely speechless. Does everyone of your windows have tin foil taped on the inside?

Oh, by the way, government IS evil and IS the problem.

That is why 99% of us only see this:

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You should try it.... that one brings nothing to the table.. seriously.. Rush Seanbeckbots?

Harry Reid is complaining about the "fringe" Reps??

WOW Is that the same Harry Reid who has loads of bills sent over by the house??

You know the ones gathering dust on his desk?

You know the ones he said were DOA before they ever got to his desk??

Guess Harry should look up the definition of obstructionist in his handy dandy dictionary.
seems they're everywhere these days, rw Fringers/corp fluffers.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on Thursday said “anarchists” have taken over Congress.

Reid (D-Nev.) said Tea Party Republicans are preventing progress on an energy efficiency bill by offering amendments on ObamaCare and other unrelated issues.

“We’re diverted totally from what this bill is about. Why? Because the anarchists have taken over,” Reid said on the Senate floor. “They’ve taken over the House and now they’ve taken over the Senate.

Read more: Reid: 'Anarchists have taken over' in Congress (Video) - The Hill's Floor Action
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Good to hear!
How disgusting is their base they find this hateful crap from their ELECTED leaders in the Democrat party just aok with them?

Dirty Harry is one slimy, crooked, corrupted sob....AND THEY cheer him and see nothing wrong with him...

Democrats and their voters back in the day weren't all such low class as this...and didn't act proud and cheered when their party attacked the people in this country...
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Harry Reid is complaining about the "fringe" Reps??

WOW Is that the same Harry Reid who has loads of bills sent over by the house??

You know the ones gathering dust on his desk?

You know the ones he said were DOA before they ever got to his desk??

Guess Harry should look up the definition of obstructionist in his handy dandy dictionary.

I think this is just padding for the filibuster rules change.
Harry Reid is complaining about the "fringe" Reps??

WOW Is that the same Harry Reid who has loads of bills sent over by the house??

You know the ones gathering dust on his desk?

You know the ones he said were DOA before they ever got to his desk??

Guess Harry should look up the definition of obstructionist in his handy dandy dictionary.

You should actually LOOK at those bills rather than just taking Sean Rushbeck's etc rants as fact. For example, every single Pub jobs bill would have no effect on unemployment any time soon, they ALL just focus on cutting safeguards for workers and the environment.

Funny how only the dupes are so into ignore and trading rep with each other. It's exactly what you'd expect from the brainwashed, fact free GOP, and a perfect microcosm of their charlatan heroes. A disgrace, horror, and laughingstock around the world. See sig for what you're never told and the hater bs you are. 'Government is evil' and 'the deficit is everything' -but only under Dems, AND BLACKS and dems are lazy' LOL -, perfect solutions for the ignorant, and perfect for screwing DUPES of the pander to the rich ONLY GOP.
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Keep it up, brainwashed 50 per cent racist RW morons, you're the greatest- should give us the House in 2014. The Dems have compromised on EVERYTHING to try to get necessities done. But the Rush Seanbeckbots have taken over the GOP...they believe government is evil and only cutting their own taxes is good- too bad the GOP only cut rich people's taxes in the end...

The teatards & assorted corp shills (R) will STILL take all the benefits that come along w/ their publicly-financed, offices though :thup:
Keep it up, brainwashed 50 per cent racist RW morons, you're the greatest- should give us the House in 2014. The Dems have compromised on EVERYTHING to try to get necessities done. But the Rush Seanbeckbots have taken over the GOP...they believe government is evil and only cutting their own taxes is good- too bad the GOP only cut rich people's taxes in the end...

The teatards & assorted corp shills (R) will STILL take all the benefits that come along w/ their publicly-financed, offices though :thup:

pathetic, the people who you so loving regurgitate as teatards and a corporate shill whatever that is ....... PAY TAXES for those benefits.... we see who and what party the hater of people in this country is..

Your elected asses in congress are becoming as hateful, so you fit right in...and you want to a shill, look in a mirror
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