Sen.Sasse:If you can't say it's wrong to leave babies to die after birth get the hell out of public


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Sen. Sasse: ā€˜If You Canā€™t Say Itā€™s Wrong to Leave Babies to Die After Birth, Get the Hell Out of Public Officeā€™

ā€œGet the hell out of public officeā€ if you canā€™t condemn post-birth abortion, Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) said Wednesday, responding to Virginia Governor Ralph Northamā€™s (D) comment in which he seemed to imply that the decision to abort a child could be made after birth under his new abortion bill.


You should get the hell out, if you think killing of an unborn baby that can survive outside the womb is nothing more than a clump of cells you are one mental fk up whose been fooled and lied to by idiots who see you as nothing more than a fat bank account off the " HUMAN LIFE " known as a baby.

Your lack of ethics will haunt you when you realize it, it will be to late and good you deserve it for being heartless c...ts who shoulda kept your legs shut ( for the average fk fest) when idiots are irresponsible.
There is no such animal as post birth abortion just like there is no pre-pregnancy abortion..
Sen. Sasse: ā€˜If You Canā€™t Say Itā€™s Wrong to Leave Babies to Die After Birth, Get the Hell Out of Public Officeā€™

ā€œGet the hell out of public officeā€ if you canā€™t condemn post-birth abortion, Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) said Wednesday, responding to Virginia Governor Ralph Northamā€™s (D) comment in which he seemed to imply that the decision to abort a child could be made after birth under his new abortion bill.


You should get the hell out, if you think killing of an unborn baby that can survive outside the womb is nothing more than a clump of cells you are one mental fk up whose been fooled and lied to by idiots who see you as nothing more than a fat bank account off the " HUMAN LIFE " known as a baby.

Your lack of ethics will haunt you when you realize it, it will be to late and good you deserve it for being heartless c...ts who shoulda kept your legs shut ( for the average fk fest) when idiots are irresponsible.

A homeless single mother with a baby shows up at a christian shelter...

tells the christians she is a lesbian with a baby and she needs shelter.....

the christians, due to their religious beliefs, turn the lesbian and the baby away.....

they die in the cold of the night......

is this better?
Virginia's Democratic Governor Ralph Northam defended his party's new 40-week abortion bill on Wednesday and said it would allow women to abort their baby post-birth.

Northam underscored that one of the main reasons for allowing post-birth abortion is that legislators, "most of whom are men," "shouldn't be telling a woman what she should and shouldn't be doing with her body."
Virginia Democrat Gov. Ralph Northam Advocates Post-Birth Abortion
Sen. Sasse: ā€˜If You Canā€™t Say Itā€™s Wrong to Leave Babies to Die After Birth, Get the Hell Out of Public Officeā€™

ā€œGet the hell out of public officeā€ if you canā€™t condemn post-birth abortion, Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) said Wednesday, responding to Virginia Governor Ralph Northamā€™s (D) comment in which he seemed to imply that the decision to abort a child could be made after birth under his new abortion bill.


You should get the hell out, if you think killing of an unborn baby that can survive outside the womb is nothing more than a clump of cells you are one mental fk up whose been fooled and lied to by idiots who see you as nothing more than a fat bank account off the " HUMAN LIFE " known as a baby.

Your lack of ethics will haunt you when you realize it, it will be to late and good you deserve it for being heartless c...ts who shoulda kept your legs shut ( for the average fk fest) when idiots are irresponsible.

A homeless single mother with a baby shows up at a christian shelter...

tells the christians she is a lesbian with a baby and she needs shelter.....

the christians, due to their religious beliefs, turn the lesbian and the baby away.....

they die in the cold of the night......

is this better?
Why would this woman with her child announce that she is a lesbian? Was she intending to troll for sex?
Ralph Northam's comments represent a new low in American public discourse.and his disregard for the well being of others place him in the company of Pol Pot, Joseph Stalin, Adolph Hitler and others (like NY state officials) when it comes to callous, barbaric indifference to the lives of others better suited to death camps or plantation slaves than innocent children whose only crime was to be born to someone with a defective conscience in a time where soulless demagogues rule certain states.

The Jews of old Europe, the slaves of the old South, the babies delivered in New York, for now, to creatures with no
respect for the lives of others. They are all victims of the sick societies they are products of.

Let Ralph Northam or Andrew Cuomo or Gavin Newsome now spew out their hollow blather about treating all citizens of their states with dignity and's a pathetic fucking lie!
Virginia's Democratic Governor Ralph Northam defended his party's new 40-week abortion bill on Wednesday and said it would allow women to abort their baby post-birth.

Northam underscored that one of the main reasons for allowing post-birth abortion is that legislators, "most of whom are men," "shouldn't be telling a woman what she should and shouldn't be doing with her body."
Virginia Democrat Gov. Ralph Northam Advocates Post-Birth Abortion
Sounds like John Letcher, governor of Virginia during the Civil War, talking about Yankees telling slave holders what they should or shouldn't be doing with their own private property, i.e. slaves.
Sen. Sasse: ā€˜If You Canā€™t Say Itā€™s Wrong to Leave Babies to Die After Birth, Get the Hell Out of Public Officeā€™

ā€œGet the hell out of public officeā€ if you canā€™t condemn post-birth abortion, Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) said Wednesday, responding to Virginia Governor Ralph Northamā€™s (D) comment in which he seemed to imply that the decision to abort a child could be made after birth under his new abortion bill.


You should get the hell out, if you think killing of an unborn baby that can survive outside the womb is nothing more than a clump of cells you are one mental fk up whose been fooled and lied to by idiots who see you as nothing more than a fat bank account off the " HUMAN LIFE " known as a baby.

Your lack of ethics will haunt you when you realize it, it will be to late and good you deserve it for being heartless c...ts who shoulda kept your legs shut ( for the average fk fest) when idiots are irresponsible.
Maybe government--and folks like you--ought to keep your noses out of painful situations like babies born with no hope of survival. It is done all the time. You should just pray that outcome/decision never falls to you or someone you love.
Maybe government--and folks like you--ought to keep your noses out of painful situations like babies born with no hope of survival. It is done all the time. You should just pray that outcome/decision never falls to you or someone you love.
Reason number one your post is just full of crap.....The law in New York and the one proposed in Virginia (and other blue states that will doubtlessly follow) makes no distinction between a baby born with profound physical abnormalities, which would be one thing, and a child that just isn't wanted by the mother. None at all!

Reason number two......we have this thing called "science" nowdays that has invented these machines called "ultrasound"
machines where a child in utero that is profoundly deformed with no hope of survival can be seen and detected long before a child is delivered live and left to die, alone and uncared for.

The idea that we need these new barbaric abortion laws that make killing children easier and easier to justify by a state with no respect for life is just a lie, whether consciously or by fooling and lying to yourself as you have done, hopefully.
Why do Republicans lose interest in babies once theyā€™re born?

I think thatā€™s an important thing to understand?

But we donā€™t understand it because it doesnā€™t make any sense.

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