Sen. Warren On Oil Prices: This Isn't About Inflation. This Is About Price Gouging

whatever helps you sleep at night

Well there is some news to suggest.............




they're sitting on huge piles of cash, and their stock holders are voting to distribute the cash and not re-invest it in drilling, but even at that active U.S. drilling rigs number around 542 , up from a low of 310 last year. These calls for dividends aren't some giant secret, these companies announcements have been reported in the business press for months, the most recent on the front pages of the WSJ. The only major who lost money this year lost some $8 billion to some bad bets on derivatives.
Years ago the mantra was the companies take the price of oil and produce and add about 10% to it. I question them only when the price goes up, the gas stations raise the price is immediate. But when it goes down it has to work its way through the system. It does not work its way through the system when it goes up though. Trump made it easier for them to supply oil. And we reaped the benefits of that.
Just keep telling Americans to disbelieve their lying eyes. That is always a winning strategy.

It's never their policies, it is ALWAYS someone else's fault.
It's never their policies, it is ALWAYS someone else's fault.

Democrats are taught NOT to exhibit personal responsibility and to villify anyone that does. That is all part of their plan. If people are responsible, they won’t depend so much on the government and that would put a big monkey wrench in their plan to control everything and everybody.

whatever helps you sleep at night

Watching these two women trying to explain the high prices and labor shortages is nothing short of comedy. LOL. According to them the high prices and shortages I’m personally witnessing is just Republican false news. It’s not really happening. Economic indicators say all is fine. smh
I agree it isn't about inflation but instead the hand writing is on the wall that these oil companies need to make more money per gallon of gasoline they produce. As electric vehicles become more prominent, the profit required by oil companies to stay in business will be spread over the fuel needs of an ever decreasing amount of vehicles.

It was the same for barbers 60 years ago when the Beatles influenced long air. Haircuts could be pretty cheap when we were getting flat tops maintained every couple of weeks.
The hedge funds need removed from the equation. To have a great solid economy you need stability. Oil should have never fallen as far as it did nor should it have ever risen to $145. Investors who never actually take into their possession a single drop of oil play the markets to advantage themselves, not the markets.

For years only those who actually will possess the oil was able to bid on oil. For years the price of oil was very stable. This volatility is bad for the country. I understand this will never happen

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