Sen. Warren On Oil Prices: This Isn't About Inflation. This Is About Price Gouging

It was because OPEC called it a day after they found out they would no longer undercut the US shale oil and LNG because the US would be in "all you can fracking" mode after Trump had moved into WH. Learn the energy politics and US dollars history. :rolleyes:

There are no shortages.
when you are one of the major players in the market, you can push the needle toward shortages or surplus.
Which we were until the Covid nonsense cut the legs out from under us.

Covid didn't do it. The stinking gov't did by locking everyone down. When oil went negative the small Frackers were Destroyed economically. Now it's back to BS with Brandon.
Which we were until the Covid nonsense cut the legs out from under us.

Covid didn't do it. The stinking gov't did by locking everyone down. When oil went negative the small Frackers were Destroyed economically. Now it's back to BS with Brandon.
Who the fucking would want to work at the field when C19 hit because It was very easy to get infected in that envior.. Then, there was only a very short period of time when the oil went negative. The negative value was because of the storage costs.
The current US gas price issue has little to do with C19. It has a lot to do with Biden's energy policy. If it was oil / LNG friendly POTUS in the WH, we would see crude oil prices barely over $60 or so.
Who the fucking would want to work at the field when C19 hit because It was very easy to get infected in that envior.. Then, there was only a very short period of time when the oil went negative. The negative value was because of the storage costs.
The current US gas price issue has little to do with C19. It has a lot to do with Biden's energy policy. If it was oil / LNG friendly POTUS in the WH, we would see crude oil prices barely over $60 or so.
I worked in that field in a refinery when Covid hit. And that did screw small Frackers. I took 5 weeks off and we had to put in large chillers to recirculate product because it wasn't being sold.

Yes it went negative and Trump bought some to put in the Strategic Reserve then.

Our production is down now as compared to before this BS hit. And Brandon isn't allowing more drilling permits. So he isn't helping much. at all.
Because we get to print the money. That's not going to last forever.
Your point was let China waste Trillions leading.

I point out that we are not wasting trillions, we are MAKING trillions.

And no, it is not that we print money, all nations print money. It is because we do lead the world and that gives the US a LOT of privilege's, the one that you are pointing out is that we are the reserve currency. That is not the only or even the majority of the reason that we have garnered so much wealth but it certainly is a major factor. One that goes away when we 'let China waste trillions leading.' That idea is blatantly absurd.
Your point was let China waste Trillions leading.

I point out that we are not wasting trillions, we are MAKING trillions.

We are printing trillions.

And no, it is not that we print money, all nations print money. It is because we do lead the world and that gives the US a LOT of privilege's, the one that you are pointing out is that we are the reserve currency. That is not the only or even the majority of the reason that we have garnered so much wealth but it certainly is a major factor. One that goes away when we 'let China waste trillions leading.' That idea is blatantly absurd.

It's not going to be our choice. It's going to happen because we refuse to be responsible with the privilege.

whatever helps you sleep at night

There is no "price gouging", the squaw doesn't understand the English language.

The price of gasoline is determined by supply and demand. Since Biden reduced the supply of oil and gas by cancelling leases and pipelines, the natural effect is for prices to soar and they have. And since America is now dependent on foreign oil, our enemies abroad are going to show us no mercy.

BTW, if libs like Pocahontas drove electric cars and rode on electric trains instead of IC cars and jet planes, the demand would go down and so would the price.

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