Sen. Warren On Oil Prices: This Isn't About Inflation. This Is About Price Gouging

Progs put roadblocks in their utopia bull. Smooth ways of energy make prices lower. The real inconvenient truth guy. Al Gore ran for President in the year 2000. I believed after experiencing the Clinton's he was more pure and G rated. After being V.P. he lost the state of Tennessee in that election for President. His home state. His home state. His home state. He was a Senator from that state. Florida became the pivital state in that election. But if Al Gore won his home state....his home state...his home state...He would have been the President of the United States. Shortly after that, his wife Tipper divorced him.
Look it up. The price of a gallon of gas in 2017 was just short of what it is now

The actual facts are the price of gas is up a bit but it seems far higher after the precipitous drop because of Covid. It's sad that this is what politics have become. Should we go back to full scale lock downs again to bring the prices down?
The actual facts are the price of gas is up a bit but it seems far higher after the precipitous drop because of Covid. It's sad that this is what politics have become. Should we go back to full scale lock downs again to bring the prices down?
That's what the Trumpers seem to want

whatever helps you sleep at night

/----/ Pocahontas speak with fork tongue.
Name one thing any Democrat has ever said that is untrue.
/----/ Seriously?
Obozocare will lower premimums
Shovel ready jobs
The stimulus will cost zero
Then here are 75 more. Happy reading
Last edited:
/----/ Seriously?
Obozocare will lower premimums
Shovel ready jobs
The stimulus will cost zero
Then here ar2e 75 more. Happy reading

You completely missed my point.

Lefty sheep will never call out Dems on their lies.
As I said before, I believe price control is incoming because the US has no chips to being the player now. :rolleyes:
The hedge funds need removed from the equation. To have a great solid economy you need stability. Oil should have never fallen as far as it did nor should it have ever risen to $145. Investors who never actually take into their possession a single drop of oil play the markets to advantage themselves, not the markets.

For years only those who actually will possess the oil was able to bid on oil. For years the price of oil was very stable. This volatility is bad for the country. I understand this will never happen
The communists need to be removed from the equation. This is all in their laps.
Another one that thinks Trump caused the

Oil prices fell with the pandemic and the argument was Trump caused the prices to fall. What else is one to conclude?

The price of oil was up from 2016 until Covid hit. Please explain.
Oil prices fell with the pandemic and the argument was Trump caused the prices to fall. What else is one to conclude?

The price of oil was up from 2016 until Covid hit. Please explain.
Progs ran on knowing better. Ask all of the Hollywood people. Ask most of the media people.
Progs ran on knowing better. Ask all of the Hollywood people. Ask most of the media people.

I'm asking those who claimed Trump brought down oil prices. I have no idea who you are ranting about. How about doing something rare and just be honest?

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