Senate confirms DOJ nominee Kristen Clarke with just one Republican vote

About damn time she got confirmed, with just one Republican vote no doubt.

Now we'll have an actual functional Civil Rights Department.

Thank you Sleepy Joe!
What are her qualifications?

Oh, yes...dark skin, and a vagina.

Democrats are such shallow people.

Except her degree from Harvard and her law degree from Columbia...

She served federal prosecutor and numerous other jobs in the field of Civil Rights...

Seems highly qualified...

by the way the Trump nominee was like this in his resume...
I don't think you understand which one the Civil Rights avocate should be working for..
Regular appearances on the Joy Reed AND Al Sharpton shows? Well THAT certainly qualifies her for a top spot in an Executive Branch Division.
While you're at it, what were Betsy DeVos' qualifications to be Secretary of Education.

As Cap says, "I can do this all day".
So, in summary, it's bad when Republicans nominate someone ill-suited to a post, but good when Democrats do -- especially if she's the right shade and has the correct plumbing.

In what way is this Harvard Law School leader, and current day voting rights leader "ill suited" to the job of leading the Voting Rights Division of the Department of Justice, other than she's a black woman?
Her race and gender are immaterial.

She's a black supremacist. She has no business in government.
I suppose term limits on Congress would help. Outlawing private contributions to politicians might help.

Sure you can change the Representative, but they aren't the people that read all the legislation (highlight portions for the seat holder) ...
Schedule most of the meetings, appearances ... Come up with ideas, garner support, or point the poor bastard in the right direction.

Until you change all the minions, it doesn't matter who you have at the head of the table in a lot of cases.
If all you want is a bunch of rookies trying to figure out what they are doing ... Term limits are a good way to accomplish that.

I am not too sure it would end up in more responsible legislation.

As to NightFox ... and the power corporations have, it's a lot easier to manage.

Most people blame the corporations, instead of the politicians taking the money ... Bad idea.
If the politicians decide that is the way the game is going to be played ...
Don't blame the corporations for taking advantage of an opportunity they were offered.

Shut down the ability for Politicians to go around brokering deals with corporations.
Lobbyist aren't always bad, and they often have more valid information about a subject than a politician does.
Just take the money out of that process too ... Let the Government host the talks with Lobbyists in committee hearings ... Instead of the other way around in Vegas.


Lobbyists are ALWAYS bad.
How is the Civil Rights Department “functional” given the constant barrage of civil rights complaints assaulting the air waves? Are they all going to go away now that we’ve confirmed this bureaucrat ? What new and wonderful things can we expect? I mean other than an ever higher price tag.

.. and how many Democrat votes did each of Donny’s nominees receive, I must of missed that torrent of Bi-Partisan cooperation when he was trying to get the positions in his administration filled, enlighten me.
What's the purpose of the Civil Rights Department NightFox?
Reparations and affirmative action for whites? Clarke's letter to the Harvard Crimson, Hoteps are funny.

  • Richard King reveals that at the core of the human brain is the “locus coeruleus” which is a structure that is Black because it contains large amounts of (neuro) melanin which is essential for its operation.
  • Black infants sit, stand, crawl and walk sooner than whites.
  • Carol Barnes notes that human mental processes are controlled by melanin–that same chemical which gives Blacks their superior physical and mental abilities.
  • Some scientists have revealed that most whites are unable to produce melanin because their pineal glands are often calcification or non-functioning. Pineal calcification rates with Africans are five to 15 percent, Asians 15 to 25 percent and Europeans 60 to 80 percent. This is the chemical basis for the cultural differences between Blacks and whites.
  • Melanin endows Blacks with greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities–something which cannot be measured based on Eurocentric standards.

You are aware that the Harvard Crimson is a satirical publication aren't you?
You are aware that it is the official newspaper of Harvard University? How fucking ignorant can you be?

That doesn't negate the fact that the piece in the Crimson was satire? Newpapers have lots of sections and that section was a satire of the Bell Curve.

You will go for any bias confirmation lie you can find and then double down it when you're caught. The Republican Party continues to try to slow walk, block, and stop non-white appointees from being confirmed. You continue to slander ever woman of colour appointed, including the Vice-President.

First you fools tried to claim she was unqualified, and then when we proved she was fully qualified, you lied about her and tried to paint her as a racist radical. Do you think we don't see what you're doing here? Are you really that stupid that you don't see how obvious your racism really is?7
Highly educated black women just fucks with there heads... They just can't compute it...
About damn time she got confirmed, with just one Republican vote no doubt.

Now we'll have an actual functional Civil Rights Department.

Thank you Sleepy Joe!
What are her qualifications?

Oh, yes...dark skin, and a vagina.

Democrats are such shallow people.

Except her degree from Harvard and her law degree from Columbia...

She served federal prosecutor and numerous other jobs in the field of Civil Rights...

Seems highly qualified...

by the way the Trump nominee was like this in his resume...
I don't think you understand which one the Civil Rights avocate should be working for..
So you're okay with a black supremacist in government.

Well, you were told to be, so you are.
Regular appearances on the Joy Reed AND Al Sharpton shows? Well THAT certainly qualifies her for a top spot in an Executive Branch Division.
While you're at it, what were Betsy DeVos' qualifications to be Secretary of Education.

As Cap says, "I can do this all day".
So, in summary, it's bad when Republicans nominate someone ill-suited to a post, but good when Democrats do -- especially if she's the right shade and has the correct plumbing.

In what way is this Harvard Law School leader, and current day voting rights leader "ill suited" to the job of leading the Voting Rights Division of the Department of Justice, other than she's a black woman?
Her race and gender are immaterial.

She's a black supremacist. She has no business in government.

Translation: All blacks return to cotton fields IMMEDIATELY :rolleyes:
A Black woman is in a important, powerful job. Another FAIL for Republicans.
And, exactly as programmed, you celebrate this for race and gender.
No, you did that:

What are her qualifications?

Oh, yes...dark skin, and a vagina.
You said: "A Black woman..."

I didn't make you say that.

And you'd never heard of her before. I'd ask you for her qualifications, but you'd have to Google them.

So you're left with nothing but race and gender.
You never used to be this stupid. Of course I've heard of her before.
I doubt you did. You never heard of her until Biden nominated her.
She has been legal contributor at MSNBC for the past few years, dumbass. Regular appearances on Joy Reed and Al Sharpton's shows. :laugh:
Really? I stand corrected. And you watch MSNBC? No wonder you're reality-challenged. :auiqs.jpg:
I watch the occasional Rachel Maddow and Chris Hayes. Sometimes Lawrence O'Donnell. Sometimes Stephanie Ruhle in the morning if I haven't left the house yet. The other shows and hosts I see sporadically. But never Chuck Todd.
So you get your opinions handed to you regularly. You're a good Democrat.

You're sitting here repeating racist slurs that have been fed to you by the right wing media, and you're making the claim his opinions are being spoon fed to him. When people insult someone, they generally accuse that person of being what they hate most about themselves.

Just because all of your posts on this topic have been spoon fed to you, and the rest of the Borg Hive condemning Ms. Clarke as a "black supremacist". I watched her confirmation hearing, and saw one of the most impressive young lawyers I've seen since Katie Porter debuted in Congress.

It's not lost on me that Democrats have mined a deep, deep well of Harvard Educated young black superstars, like Raphael Warnock, Kristen Clarke, and of course, Barrack Obama, and these people are scaring the crap out of the Republican Party.

The misogyny and the vileness of your attacks on talent young black women are something that the rest of the world is noticing. The USA is not going to emerge from this dark period of white supremacy and attempts at establishing a white dictatorship by the Republican Party are destroying your chances of coming out of the Trump era, and having the rest of the world do business with you.

You have no trade deals right now except NAFTA, South Korea and Japan. The EU won't touch you with a 10 foot pole, and China has to get back to 2017 levels of imports by 2022. 5 years lost to get back to where you started with them. Your trade deficit is $200 billion higher than when Trump was elected.

All you're doing is cementing your own status as a Second World Nation.
I suppose term limits on Congress would help. Outlawing private contributions to politicians might help.

Sure you can change the Representative, but they aren't the people that read all the legislation (highlight portions for the seat holder) ...
Schedule most of the meetings, appearances ... Come up with ideas, garner support, or point the poor bastard in the right direction.

Until you change all the minions, it doesn't matter who you have at the head of the table in a lot of cases.
If all you want is a bunch of rookies trying to figure out what they are doing ... Term limits are a good way to accomplish that.

I am not too sure it would end up in more responsible legislation.

As to NightFox ... and the power corporations have, it's a lot easier to manage.

Most people blame the corporations, instead of the politicians taking the money ... Bad idea.
If the politicians decide that is the way the game is going to be played ...
Don't blame the corporations for taking advantage of an opportunity they were offered.

Shut down the ability for Politicians to go around brokering deals with corporations.
Lobbyist aren't always bad, and they often have more valid information about a subject than a politician does.
Just take the money out of that process too ... Let the Government host the talks with Lobbyists in committee hearings ... Instead of the other way around in Vegas.


Lobbyists are ALWAYS bad.
How is the Civil Rights Department “functional” given the constant barrage of civil rights complaints assaulting the air waves? Are they all going to go away now that we’ve confirmed this bureaucrat ? What new and wonderful things can we expect? I mean other than an ever higher price tag.

.. and how many Democrat votes did each of Donny’s nominees receive, I must of missed that torrent of Bi-Partisan cooperation when he was trying to get the positions in his administration filled, enlighten me.
What's the purpose of the Civil Rights Department NightFox?
Reparations and affirmative action for whites? Clarke's letter to the Harvard Crimson, Hoteps are funny.

  • Richard King reveals that at the core of the human brain is the “locus coeruleus” which is a structure that is Black because it contains large amounts of (neuro) melanin which is essential for its operation.
  • Black infants sit, stand, crawl and walk sooner than whites.
  • Carol Barnes notes that human mental processes are controlled by melanin–that same chemical which gives Blacks their superior physical and mental abilities.
  • Some scientists have revealed that most whites are unable to produce melanin because their pineal glands are often calcification or non-functioning. Pineal calcification rates with Africans are five to 15 percent, Asians 15 to 25 percent and Europeans 60 to 80 percent. This is the chemical basis for the cultural differences between Blacks and whites.
  • Melanin endows Blacks with greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities–something which cannot be measured based on Eurocentric standards.

You are aware that the Harvard Crimson is a satirical publication aren't you?
You are aware that it is the official newspaper of Harvard University? How fucking ignorant can you be?

That doesn't negate the fact that the piece in the Crimson was satire? Newpapers have lots of sections and that section was a satire of the Bell Curve.

You will go for any bias confirmation lie you can find and then double down it when you're caught. The Republican Party continues to try to slow walk, block, and stop non-white appointees from being confirmed. You continue to slander ever woman of colour appointed, including the Vice-President.

First you fools tried to claim she was unqualified, and then when we proved she was fully qualified, you lied about her and tried to paint her as a racist radical. Do you think we don't see what you're doing here? Are you really that stupid that you don't see how obvious your racism really is?7
Highly educated black women just fucks with there heads... They just can't compute it...
Really? You're projecting your own racism. Race and gender are unimportant.

But they are the only important things to Democrats.
Regular appearances on the Joy Reed AND Al Sharpton shows? Well THAT certainly qualifies her for a top spot in an Executive Branch Division.
While you're at it, what were Betsy DeVos' qualifications to be Secretary of Education.

As Cap says, "I can do this all day".
So, in summary, it's bad when Republicans nominate someone ill-suited to a post, but good when Democrats do -- especially if she's the right shade and has the correct plumbing.

In what way is this Harvard Law School leader, and current day voting rights leader "ill suited" to the job of leading the Voting Rights Division of the Department of Justice, other than she's a black woman?
Her race and gender are immaterial.

She's a black supremacist. She has no business in government.

Translation: All blacks return to cotton fields IMMEDIATELY :rolleyes:
You're white. She thinks you're a lesser human being. And you kiss her ass for it.

Good Gaea, Democrats are pathetic.
Regular appearances on the Joy Reed AND Al Sharpton shows? Well THAT certainly qualifies her for a top spot in an Executive Branch Division.
While you're at it, what were Betsy DeVos' qualifications to be Secretary of Education.

As Cap says, "I can do this all day".
So, in summary, it's bad when Republicans nominate someone ill-suited to a post, but good when Democrats do -- especially if she's the right shade and has the correct plumbing.

In what way is this Harvard Law School leader, and current day voting rights leader "ill suited" to the job of leading the Voting Rights Division of the Department of Justice, other than she's a black woman?
Her race and gender are immaterial.

She's a black supremacist. She has no business in government.

Translation: All blacks return to cotton fields IMMEDIATELY :rolleyes:
You're white. She thinks you're a lesser human being. And you kiss her ass for it.

Good Gaea, Democrats are pathetic.

You’re an idiot :)
A Black woman is in a important, powerful job. Another FAIL for Republicans.
And, exactly as programmed, you celebrate this for race and gender.
No, you did that:

What are her qualifications?

Oh, yes...dark skin, and a vagina.
You said: "A Black woman..."

I didn't make you say that.

And you'd never heard of her before. I'd ask you for her qualifications, but you'd have to Google them.

So you're left with nothing but race and gender.
You never used to be this stupid. Of course I've heard of her before.
I doubt you did. You never heard of her until Biden nominated her.
She has been legal contributor at MSNBC for the past few years, dumbass. Regular appearances on Joy Reed and Al Sharpton's shows. :laugh:
Really? I stand corrected. And you watch MSNBC? No wonder you're reality-challenged. :auiqs.jpg:
I watch the occasional Rachel Maddow and Chris Hayes. Sometimes Lawrence O'Donnell. Sometimes Stephanie Ruhle in the morning if I haven't left the house yet. The other shows and hosts I see sporadically. But never Chuck Todd.
So you get your opinions handed to you regularly. You're a good Democrat.

You're sitting here repeating racist slurs that have been fed to you by the right wing media, and you're making the claim his opinions are being spoon fed to him. When people insult someone, they generally accuse that person of being what they hate most about themselves.

Just because all of your posts on this topic have been spoon fed to you, and the rest of the Borg Hive condemning Ms. Clarke as a "black supremacist". I watched her confirmation hearing, and saw one of the most impressive young lawyers I've seen since Katie Porter debuted in Congress.

It's not lost on me that Democrats have mined a deep, deep well of Harvard Educated young black superstars, like Raphael Warnock, Kristen Clarke, and of course, Barrack Obama, and these people are scaring the crap out of the Republican Party.

The misogyny and the vileness of your attacks on talent young black women are something that the rest of the world is noticing. The USA is not going to emerge from this dark period of white supremacy and attempts at establishing a white dictatorship by the Republican Party are destroying your chances of coming out of the Trump era, and having the rest of the world do business with you.

You have no trade deals right now except NAFTA, South Korea and Japan. The EU won't touch you with a 10 foot pole, and China has to get back to 2017 levels of imports by 2022. 5 years lost to get back to where you started with them. Your trade deficit is $200 billion higher than when Trump was elected.

All you're doing is cementing your own status as a Second World Nation.
oh no anyway.jpeg
Regular appearances on the Joy Reed AND Al Sharpton shows? Well THAT certainly qualifies her for a top spot in an Executive Branch Division.
While you're at it, what were Betsy DeVos' qualifications to be Secretary of Education.

As Cap says, "I can do this all day".
So, in summary, it's bad when Republicans nominate someone ill-suited to a post, but good when Democrats do -- especially if she's the right shade and has the correct plumbing.

In what way is this Harvard Law School leader, and current day voting rights leader "ill suited" to the job of leading the Voting Rights Division of the Department of Justice, other than she's a black woman?
Her race and gender are immaterial.

She's a black supremacist. She has no business in government.

Translation: All blacks return to cotton fields IMMEDIATELY :rolleyes:
You're white. She thinks you're a lesser human being. And you kiss her ass for it.

Good Gaea, Democrats are pathetic.

You’re an idiot :)
If that makes you feel better about you agreeing with racist non-whites, sure.
About damn time she got confirmed, with just one Republican vote no doubt.

Now we'll have an actual functional Civil Rights Department.

Thank you Sleepy Joe!
What are her qualifications?

Oh, yes...dark skin, and a vagina.

Democrats are such shallow people.

Except her degree from Harvard and her law degree from Columbia...

She served federal prosecutor and numerous other jobs in the field of Civil Rights...

Seems highly qualified...

by the way the Trump nominee was like this in his resume...
I don't think you understand which one the Civil Rights avocate should be working for..
So you're okay with a black supremacist in government.

Well, you were told to be, so you are.
Have you any real proof... And if you are going to someone who said something dubious while a undergrad aged 19 you are really desperate...
Is that all you got?
About damn time she got confirmed, with just one Republican vote no doubt.

Now we'll have an actual functional Civil Rights Department.

Thank you Sleepy Joe!
What are her qualifications?

Oh, yes...dark skin, and a vagina.

Democrats are such shallow people.

Except her degree from Harvard and her law degree from Columbia...

She served federal prosecutor and numerous other jobs in the field of Civil Rights...

Seems highly qualified...

by the way the Trump nominee was like this in his resume...
I don't think you understand which one the Civil Rights avocate should be working for..
So you're okay with a black supremacist in government.

Well, you were told to be, so you are.

First you said she was unqualified. When that lie was thoroughly debunked, you moved on to trying to smear her character.

This is why you have no credibility whatsoever. You're just another liar for the Trump cult.
Regular appearances on the Joy Reed AND Al Sharpton shows? Well THAT certainly qualifies her for a top spot in an Executive Branch Division.
While you're at it, what were Betsy DeVos' qualifications to be Secretary of Education.

As Cap says, "I can do this all day".
So, in summary, it's bad when Republicans nominate someone ill-suited to a post, but good when Democrats do -- especially if she's the right shade and has the correct plumbing.

In what way is this Harvard Law School leader, and current day voting rights leader "ill suited" to the job of leading the Voting Rights Division of the Department of Justice, other than she's a black woman?
Her race and gender are immaterial.

She's a black supremacist. She has no business in government.

Translation: All blacks return to cotton fields IMMEDIATELY :rolleyes:
You're white. She thinks you're a lesser human being. And you kiss her ass for it.

Good Gaea, Democrats are pathetic.

You’re an idiot :)
If that makes you feel better about you agreeing with racist non-whites, sure.
But she has represented Jewish, Disabled and LGBT in the past too... I am sure most of them would have been white...

Shit that means your accusation id bullshit...
About damn time she got confirmed, with just one Republican vote no doubt.

Now we'll have an actual functional Civil Rights Department.

Thank you Sleepy Joe!
What are her qualifications?

Oh, yes...dark skin, and a vagina.

Democrats are such shallow people.

Except her degree from Harvard and her law degree from Columbia...

She served federal prosecutor and numerous other jobs in the field of Civil Rights...

Seems highly qualified...

by the way the Trump nominee was like this in his resume...
I don't think you understand which one the Civil Rights avocate should be working for..
So you're okay with a black supremacist in government.

Well, you were told to be, so you are.
Have you any real proof... And if you are going to someone who said something dubious while a undergrad aged 19 you are really desperate...
Is that all you got?

Here is her confirmation hearing. Her own words:

Regular appearances on the Joy Reed AND Al Sharpton shows? Well THAT certainly qualifies her for a top spot in an Executive Branch Division.
While you're at it, what were Betsy DeVos' qualifications to be Secretary of Education.

As Cap says, "I can do this all day".
So, in summary, it's bad when Republicans nominate someone ill-suited to a post, but good when Democrats do -- especially if she's the right shade and has the correct plumbing.

In what way is this Harvard Law School leader, and current day voting rights leader "ill suited" to the job of leading the Voting Rights Division of the Department of Justice, other than she's a black woman?
Her race and gender are immaterial.

She's a black supremacist. She has no business in government.

Translation: All blacks return to cotton fields IMMEDIATELY :rolleyes:
You're white. She thinks you're a lesser human being. And you kiss her ass for it.

Good Gaea, Democrats are pathetic.

You’re an idiot :)
If that makes you feel better about you agreeing with racist non-whites, sure.

You certainly had no objections to the appointment of white supremacist, Jeff Sessions, to the post of Attorney General, despite his being turned down for an appointment as a federal judge because of his past racist history of working against minority voters' rights at the state level.

That the problem with you clowns have supported every level of government corruption, bribery, and governmental abuse possible over the past four years. Having supporter conmen, grifters, racists and thieves, during the Trump Administration, you just have to suck it on Biden's nominations.
Regular appearances on the Joy Reed AND Al Sharpton shows? Well THAT certainly qualifies her for a top spot in an Executive Branch Division.
While you're at it, what were Betsy DeVos' qualifications to be Secretary of Education.

As Cap says, "I can do this all day".
So, in summary, it's bad when Republicans nominate someone ill-suited to a post, but good when Democrats do -- especially if she's the right shade and has the correct plumbing.

In what way is this Harvard Law School leader, and current day voting rights leader "ill suited" to the job of leading the Voting Rights Division of the Department of Justice, other than she's a black woman?
Her race and gender are immaterial.

She's a black supremacist. She has no business in government.

Translation: All blacks return to cotton fields IMMEDIATELY :rolleyes:
You're white. She thinks you're a lesser human being. And you kiss her ass for it.

Good Gaea, Democrats are pathetic.

You’re an idiot :)
If that makes you feel better about you agreeing with racist non-whites, sure.
Racist asshole ^ :asshole: :fu:
Regular appearances on the Joy Reed AND Al Sharpton shows? Well THAT certainly qualifies her for a top spot in an Executive Branch Division.
While you're at it, what were Betsy DeVos' qualifications to be Secretary of Education.

As Cap says, "I can do this all day".
So, in summary, it's bad when Republicans nominate someone ill-suited to a post, but good when Democrats do -- especially if she's the right shade and has the correct plumbing.

In what way is this Harvard Law School leader, and current day voting rights leader "ill suited" to the job of leading the Voting Rights Division of the Department of Justice, other than she's a black woman?
Her race and gender are immaterial.

She's a black supremacist. She has no business in government.

Translation: All blacks return to cotton fields IMMEDIATELY :rolleyes:
You're white. She thinks you're a lesser human being. And you kiss her ass for it.

Good Gaea, Democrats are pathetic.

You’re an idiot :)
If that makes you feel better about you agreeing with racist non-whites, sure.

You certainly had no objections to the appointment of white supremacist, Jeff Sessions, to the post of Attorney General, despite his being turned down for an appointment as a federal judge because of his past racist history of working against minority voters' rights at the state level.

That the problem with you clowns have supported every level of government corruption, bribery, and governmental abuse possible over the past four years. Having supporter conmen, grifters, racists and thieves, during the Trump Administration, you just have to suck it on Biden's nominations.

Jiffy is guilty of lying to congress about having met with Russian spies.
But I forgive him because he stood up when it mattered
And THEN there was Barr :rolleyes-41:
About damn time she got confirmed, with just one Republican vote no doubt.

Now we'll have an actual functional Civil Rights Department.

Thank you Sleepy Joe!
What are her qualifications?

Oh, yes...dark skin, and a vagina.

Democrats are such shallow people.

Except her degree from Harvard and her law degree from Columbia...

She served federal prosecutor and numerous other jobs in the field of Civil Rights...

Seems highly qualified...

by the way the Trump nominee was like this in his resume...
I don't think you understand which one the Civil Rights avocate should be working for..
So you're okay with a black supremacist in government.

Well, you were told to be, so you are.
Have you any real proof... And if you are going to someone who said something dubious while a undergrad aged 19 you are really desperate...
Is that all you got?
No proof would be sufficient for you. You were told what to believe, and that defines reality for you.

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