Senate Dems cannot define a woman

None of this crap matters, so I don’t blame them for ignoring the question

It doesn't matter? I guess if you consider logic and reason to be annoying barriers to your primary purpose of giving tongue baths to your political masters, it doesn't matter. To everyone else, when one is dealing with lunatics demanding, "Accept me as a woman because I identify as one!", the question of, "What, precisely, are you identifying AS?" would be rather important.
I won’t own it because I legitimately do not care what the definition of a woman is.
I want healthcare for Americans. I want gun control. I want lower gas prices. I want higher taxes on the rich.

…I don’t want a spelling bee

"I don't care about those stupid fact things you keep bringing up, so that means no one else is allowed to care about them, either! Just accept what I state is true, and stop thinking!"
It doesn't matter? I guess if you consider logic and reason to be annoying barriers to your primary purpose of giving tongue baths to your political masters, it doesn't matter. To everyone else, when one is dealing with lunatics demanding, "Accept me as a woman because I identify as one!", the question of, "What, precisely, are you identifying AS?" would be rather important.
Lady, logic and reason are the last things you should be talking to me about.
This is crazy. We are playing semantics games over something simple. Women are women and men are men. Period. End of story. Enough of this Bs of “I feel like a woman”. How the hell would you know since you’re not one

And what the hell is it that they "feel" like, anyway? How can one know they "feel like a woman" if they have no idea what a woman actually IS?
It’s not about forcing anything.

Its about giving equal protection under the law:

The GOP is the one trying to force bathroom bills and Don’t Say Gay bills.

"We're not the aggressors for starting all this with our demands. YOU are for daring to fight back!"

Congratulations on memorizing your masters' talking points so perfectly, Fido. Have them give you an extra Milk Bone.
All of this is being done so they can come after your children. These are predators who know how to use pyschwarfare on ppl stearing them wher ethey want them at.
I guess we can't be surprised at this level of misogyny in someone who prides himself on being too stupid to know what a woman is.

His avatar is Gandalf

In Return of the King, Sauron's emissary calls him "Old Gray Beard" in mockery.

Thanks for playing, lady.
I'm confused, are you literally arguing with me for calling you what you are, a female? Is that what this has devolved into? GOPers literally mad at being called sir or ma'am?

You didn't actually have to announce to anyone that you're confused. We can all see that from reading your posts.

I'm saying that for someone who shows up to defend the idea that there's no clear definition of "man" and "woman", you sure are quick to identify them. It's almost as though you know something you're ashamed to admit you know.
You didn't actually have to announce to anyone that you're confused. We can all see that from reading your posts.

I'm saying that for someone who shows up to defend the idea that there's no clear definition of "man" and "woman", you sure are quick to identify them. It's almost as though you know something you're ashamed to admit you know.

But you ARE A WOMAN!

She thinks Donald Trump is the President. I don't need her talking to me about logic or reality.

Reality is the last thing she should be schooling anyone on

"She thinks this thing that she's never said, because I've decided to 'know' that she thinks it in order to dodge questions I can't answer!"

Did you really think this was going to be a functional excuse for you?

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