Senate Dems cannot define a woman

His avatar is Gandalf

In Return of the King, Sauron's emissary calls him "Old Gray Beard" in mockery.

Thanks for playing, lady.

I wasn't talking about your lame attempt at an insult, dumb shit. I was talking about your cavalier idea that the solution to your masters' non-consensual flashing is for people to close their eyes.

I won't bother to thank you for your failed attempt at playing.
How many threads do we need on this topic? Are conservatives really out of anything else to talk about? Policy? Economics? Their constituency?....the weather? :
There are other threads for those topics. Stay on topic in THIS thread.
The lawsuit I'm waiting for is the first discrimination lawsuit when a Tran person tries to ask a same sex person out on a date, and when that person says no, the Trans person will say it's a hate crime, because they were denied because they are Trans.

Leftists already try to shame men who refuse to date "women" who have penises. It's sad.
I wasn't talking about your lame attempt at an insult, dumb shit. I was talking about your cavalier idea that the solution to your masters' non-consensual flashing is for people to close their eyes.

I won't bother to thank you for your failed attempt at playing.

Okay lady.

An adult female human being?

A human being with 2 X Chromosomes?

Our elected officials who are in the Dem party dont know this?

Although rare, there are people where there is a mismatch between chromosomes and actual physical genitalia.
That is because the chromosomes do not directly control which genitalia develops, but only allows for the production of hormones. And artificial hormones, like pesticides can and do easily over ride chromosomes.
And a person can have 2 X chromosomes and still have a penis because they have a third sexual chromosome or other things that cause it.

When you come up with a definition, it has to be absolute, without any exception, and there really can't be one for something as complicated as a woman.
There are zillions of exceptions.
There are an awful lot of medical conditions out there, like primary amenorrhea.

Primary amenorrhea is the failure of menses to occur by age 16 years, in the presence of normal growth and secondary sexual characteristics. If by age 13 menses has not occurred and the onset of puberty, such as breast development, is absent, a workup for primary amenorrhea should start.

What is a woman?’ didn't used to be a trick question… For all of recorded history, people have known what a woman is. But Judge Jackson is such a fellow traveler with the radical left that she cannot acknowledge common sense
Gender is determined by Genetics. Actual Science states this as a fact. Emotional Junk Science says you can be gender fluid and Al Gore can collect carbon credits while flying a gas guzzling private jet and become filthy rich because you are a useful idiot who is confused about which bathroom to use.

But save the planet makes you feel like you are your own god, right?

Gender, like Religion, is all in your head.


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