Senate Dems to announce sequester-replacement plan today

I'm not a democrat.

sure you aren't. Who did you vote for in the Presidential contest? Name the last Republican you vote for.

Although I know in your small little world, anyone who doesn't agree with everything you say must be a democrat. But whatever.

Nope, but when it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it's almost certainly a duck.

I'm not bitching about the sequester. I'd be fine with it coming to pass. I'm also okay with the democrats' proposal, because I don't particularly like tax deductions, and I hate all kinds of subsidies.

You've been bitching for about a dozen posts now. If you hate "subsidies, then you'd want to cut the budget by at least $3 trillion.

Americans you talk to want cuts in social programs. Like it or not there are patriotic Americans in this country who don't think just like you.

There are no patriotic Americans who are unwilling to cut social programs. Those Americans are bent on destroying this country.
I'm not a democrat.

sure you aren't. Who did you vote for in the Presidential contest? Name the last Republican you vote for.

Although I know in your small little world, anyone who doesn't agree with everything you say must be a democrat. But whatever.

Nope, but when it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it's almost certainly a duck.

I'm not bitching about the sequester. I'd be fine with it coming to pass. I'm also okay with the democrats' proposal, because I don't particularly like tax deductions, and I hate all kinds of subsidies.

You've been bitching for about a dozen posts now. If you hate "subsidies, then you'd want to cut the budget by at least $3 trillion.

Americans you talk to want cuts in social programs. Like it or not there are patriotic Americans in this country who don't think just like you.

There are no patriotic Americans who are unwilling to cut social programs. Those Americans are bent on destroying this country.

You're quite delusional. Say hello to rdean on my ignore list.
Unemployment is a lot less than the 6 figure salaries most of them are pulling down. Furthermore, it doesn't last forever. At some point they we have to get a real job that actually produces something people are willing to buy voluntarily.

you're an idiot. do you know who the vast majority of "government" workers are? teachers, fireman and police officers. they're not pulling down six figures, you fuckwit. and yeah, you're right, unemployment doesn't last forever. when all those first responders and educators give up hope from not finding work, they'll just file disability.

thanks for further proving how incomplete conservative "logic" is.

"Short sighted" is thinking keeping a bunch of useless ticks on the government payroll is somehow beneficial to the American taxpayer.

how much money do you make? what kind of taxes are you paying? how many people on unemployment do you know? how many jobs have you "created"? you're probably a middle-aged dumbfuck counting down your days to medicare and social security. you're inhumane. i just hope you enjoy going to your grave enjoying the fact that you have no heart or sense compassion. in other words: you're an asshole

Let me guess: You're a tick on the ass of society.

ha. bitch, let me tell you something. this is the internet. i could be a fucking 43 year old blonde with fake tits and a leather dildo but you'll never know. so please, assume whatever the fuck you want to about me. the level of fuck to which i do not find myself giving is quite enormous.

Yeah, once everyone is sucking off the government tit, then the party will begin in earnest!

shit-dick, let me buy you a free clue: democratic presidents have presided over far more jobs and economic growth than republicans. that knowledge is what allows we liberals to smugly smile at your dumb asses as we walk into the voting booth and vote for the real fiscally responsible people: democrats.

tax and spend? fuck yeah, motherfucker. that's how shit's supposed to work. that 'government tit' you so eruditely keep referring to is our tax dollars. so fuck yeah i'm glad our tax dollars go to feeding the hungry and keeping shelter over kids' head.

don't you feel good about that? if not, why?

The people you're referring to pay the taxes that keep ticks like you rolling about in oriental luxury.

what's oriental luxury? is that some politically acceptable term from the 1920s i don't know about?

It takes a special kind of really stupid tick to wish the victims they feed off of to disappear.


what am I too stupid to know? Please elucidate. I'm sure it's hilarious.

lol. you can lead a retard to water, but you can't get them to stop shitting their pants and licking windows.
"When the Senate passes a plan, we'll be happy to take a look at it," Boehner said.

Does the sequester prevent Republicans from being paid if it is implemented ?

That's what you would like, isn't it?

I'm surprised that no one has taken an interest in this topic. The utter sleaziness of Democrats defies comprehension. How can any honest American vote for one of these scumbags?

Because they are better than the Republicans?
Curtting defense and not Planned Parenthood.

Typical for Democrats.

This should die a lonely death.

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