Senate Dems to announce sequester-replacement plan today

Can you explain what you don't like about it. Besides the fact that it was written by people with a D next to their name, instead of an R.

It raises taxes and cuts less spending than the sequester. Furthermore, a higher percentage of the cuts are in defense. From the Republican point of view, and the taxpayer point of view, it's lose, lose, lose. The sequester smells like the sweetest rose compared to this turd.

It cuts less defense than the sequester does, you should be happy about that. And defense is easily cut by returning to pre-war levels. The wars are over, we can drop defense spending now.

I'll have to disagree on taxes. I think every deduction and loophole imaginable should be scrapped.

Who cares what you agree to? All that matters is what Republicans will agree to, and this ain't it. I'm perfectly willing to let the defense cuts go through if they take a real bite out of social spending. The Democrats have given up nothing in their bill. All the cuts are in programs Republicans favor. They might as well ask the Republicans to stick their dicks in a meat grinder.
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This is what's known as a negotiating position from where negotiations START on the way to a compromise which nobody is entirely happy with but everyone can live with.

Alas, conservatives are the prima donnas of Washington politics; they're constantly making grandiose pronouncements and caterwauling when they can't get their way in all things. Frankly, they remind me of 15 yo teenage girls in this respect. PLENTY of drama (and melodrama). But the only real crisis is the one they create when they can't get 100% of what they want.

Unless the Democrat offer is more palatable than the sequester, what is there to negotiate? It would have to have smaller cuts in defense and greater cuts in social spending and no tax increases. Anything else is DOA.

Republicans (and Democrats, for that matter) are going to have to decide what is and isn't more palatable than the alternative(s).
This is what's known as a negotiating position from where negotiations START on the way to a compromise which nobody is entirely happy with but everyone can live with.

Alas, conservatives are the prima donnas of Washington politics; they're constantly making grandiose pronouncements and caterwauling when they can't get their way in all things. Frankly, they remind me of 15 yo teenage girls in this respect. PLENTY of drama (and melodrama). But the only real crisis is the one they create when they can't get 100% of what they want.

Unless the Democrat offer is more palatable than the sequester, what is there to negotiate? It would have to have smaller cuts in defense and greater cuts in social spending and no tax increases. Anything else is DOA.

Republicans (and Democrats, for that matter) are going to have to decide what is and isn't more palatable than the alternative(s).

Republicans have already decided they will take the sequester over this turd.

End of discussion.
Unless the Democrat offer is more palatable than the sequester, what is there to negotiate? It would have to have smaller cuts in defense and greater cuts in social spending and no tax increases. Anything else is DOA.

Republicans (and Democrats, for that matter) are going to have to decide what is and isn't more palatable than the alternative(s).

Republicans have already decided they will take the sequester over this turd.

End of discussion.

That should tell you something about their REAL priorities as opposed to their oft stated ones. Despite all their talk about national defense and protecting America being their highest priority and responsibility, in reality they're more afraid of Grover Norquist who would almost certainly challenge them in the GOP primary for supporting a modest tax increase, thereby subsequently losing their seats in Congress.
Unless the Democrat offer is more palatable than the sequester, what is there to negotiate? It would have to have smaller cuts in defense and greater cuts in social spending and no tax increases. Anything else is DOA.

Republicans (and Democrats, for that matter) are going to have to decide what is and isn't more palatable than the alternative(s).

Republicans have already decided they will take the sequester over this turd.

End of discussion.

So republicans would rather allow defense to take a bigger hit, than to eliminate some tax deductions?

In other words, republicans care more about deductions that will only benefit the wealthy, than they do national defense. This Norquist pledge of theirs is going to be the death of them.
Well. hell. According to what I've been reading the Dems plan will fail

Yes, but only if Congress passes another budget deal that would achieve at least $1.2 trillion in deficit reduction. Both Democrats and Republicans have offered proposals to do so, but there still isn’t much progress on a deal. The political obstacles are the same as during the supercommittee negotiations: Republicans don’t want to raise taxes to generate revenue, while Democrats are reluctant to make dramatic changes to entitlement programs to achieve savings.

Apparantly 1.2 Trillioin is the magic number and the Dems deal ain't even in the ball park.
Republicans (and Democrats, for that matter) are going to have to decide what is and isn't more palatable than the alternative(s).

Republicans have already decided they will take the sequester over this turd.

End of discussion.

So republicans would rather allow defense to take a bigger hit, than to eliminate some tax deductions?

In other words, republicans care more about deductions that will only benefit the wealthy, than they do national defense. This Norquist pledge of theirs is going to be the death of them.

Republicans already agreed to a tax increase, you witless douche nozzle. The Norquist pledge is a non issue.

In other words, Democrats are not going to agree to a single cut in any of their thousands upon thousands of socialist boondoggle programs.

Here is the bottom line, unless you offer something Republicans find more palatable than the sequester, it will never get past Congress. This proposal goes in the wrong direction. The Democrats give up nothing.

Sequester, full speed ahead!
Republicans have already decided they will take the sequester over this turd.

End of discussion.

So republicans would rather allow defense to take a bigger hit, than to eliminate some tax deductions?

In other words, republicans care more about deductions that will only benefit the wealthy, than they do national defense. This Norquist pledge of theirs is going to be the death of them.

Republicans already agreed to a tax increase, you witless douche nozzle. The Norquist pledge is a non issue.

In other words, Democrats are not going to agree to a single cut in any of their thousands upon thousands of socialist boondoggle programs.

Here is the bottom line, unless you offer something Republicans find more palatable than the sequester, it will never get past Congress. This proposal goes in the wrong direction. The Democrats give up nothing.

Sequester, full speed ahead!

Then maybe republicans should offer up their own plan, instead of sitting around bitching. I know that right now republicans think that political posturing is more important than doing their job, but their overall performance on the fiscal cliff issue has been pathetic.

Boehner's comments he recently made have made it clear he doesn't want any plan to pass. He wants the defense cuts to happen as is.
Does the sequester prevent Republicans from being paid if it is implemented ?

That's what you would like, isn't it?

I'm surprised that no one has taken an interest in this topic. The utter sleaziness of Democrats defies comprehension. How can any honest American vote for one of these scumbags?

i'm not sure you got the point

since Republicans are all for putting people out of work, maybe they would like to join them ... at least the not being paid part.

It was a White House idea, slappy....
Does the sequester prevent Republicans from being paid if it is implemented ?

That's what you would like, isn't it?

I'm surprised that no one has taken an interest in this topic. The utter sleaziness of Democrats defies comprehension. How can any honest American vote for one of these scumbags?

i'm not sure you got the point

since Republicans are all for putting people out of work, maybe they would like to join them ... at least the not being paid part.

Completely false. Record numbers under welfare thanks to the O strategies.
So republicans would rather allow defense to take a bigger hit, than to eliminate some tax deductions?

In other words, republicans care more about deductions that will only benefit the wealthy, than they do national defense. This Norquist pledge of theirs is going to be the death of them.

Republicans already agreed to a tax increase, you witless douche nozzle. The Norquist pledge is a non issue.

In other words, Democrats are not going to agree to a single cut in any of their thousands upon thousands of socialist boondoggle programs.

Here is the bottom line, unless you offer something Republicans find more palatable than the sequester, it will never get past Congress. This proposal goes in the wrong direction. The Democrats give up nothing.

Sequester, full speed ahead!

Then maybe republicans should offer up their own plan, instead of sitting around bitching. I know that right now republicans think that political posturing is more important than doing their job, but their overall performance on the fiscal cliff issue has been pathetic.

Boehner's comments he recently made have made it clear he doesn't want any plan to pass. He wants the defense cuts to happen as is.

Republicans aren't bitching about anything. Democrats are doing all the bitching. They whine constantly about the sequester, but then they offer nothing. What part of "unless you offer something Republicans find more palatable than the sequester, it will never get past Congress" don't you understand?

Republicans know that any plan which includes cuts in liberal socialist boondoggles will get voted down in the Senate. The sequester is better than any deal Democrats will vote for. Therefore, go sequester, full speed ahead.

What you don't seem to get is that if Dems don't offer something more palatable to the Republicans than the sequester, then the sequester is what you're going to get. All the pissing and moaning about lost jobs and Grover Norquist don't amount to a hill of beans. It's time for the Dims to do their job. Doing nothing means you approved the sequester.
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EarthLink - Political News

House votes to extend pay freeze for fed workers

WASHINGTON (AP) — The House voted Friday to extend a pay freeze for federal workers, already in effect for more than two years, for another nine months.

Republicans, who largely backed the measure, said it would save $11 billion in the long run and that economically secure public servants could go a little longer without a raise.

Most Democrats, and the White House, criticized the bill as an example of anti-government bias and said Republicans, instead of debating a bill that has little chance of advancing in the Democratic-controlled Senate, should be concentrating on avoiding the pending automatic cuts to federal programs that could have a painful effect on the economy.

Republicans can not control themselves when it comes to preventing working people from earning a living wage .... they don't just hate women, they hate both (working) men and women.
EarthLink - Political News

House votes to extend pay freeze for fed workers

WASHINGTON (AP) — The House voted Friday to extend a pay freeze for federal workers, already in effect for more than two years, for another nine months.

Republicans, who largely backed the measure, said it would save $11 billion in the long run and that economically secure public servants could go a little longer without a raise.

Most Democrats, and the White House, criticized the bill as an example of anti-government bias and said Republicans, instead of debating a bill that has little chance of advancing in the Democratic-controlled Senate, should be concentrating on avoiding the pending automatic cuts to federal programs that could have a painful effect on the economy.

Republicans can not control themselves when it comes to preventing working people from earning a living wage .... they don't just hate women, they hate both (working) men and women.

If the Dims don't want the sequester, then they better get off their asses and propose something Republicans find more palatable. It's obvious they are congenitally incapable of doing that, so it looks like you're getting the sequester rammed down your throats.

I can't wait.
Republicans already agreed to a tax increase, you witless douche nozzle. The Norquist pledge is a non issue.

In other words, Democrats are not going to agree to a single cut in any of their thousands upon thousands of socialist boondoggle programs.

Here is the bottom line, unless you offer something Republicans find more palatable than the sequester, it will never get past Congress. This proposal goes in the wrong direction. The Democrats give up nothing.

Sequester, full speed ahead!

Then maybe republicans should offer up their own plan, instead of sitting around bitching. I know that right now republicans think that political posturing is more important than doing their job, but their overall performance on the fiscal cliff issue has been pathetic.

Boehner's comments he recently made have made it clear he doesn't want any plan to pass. He wants the defense cuts to happen as is.

Republicans aren't bitching about anything. Democrats are doing all the bitching. They whine constantly about the sequester, but then they offer nothing. What part of "unless you offer something Republicans find more palatable than the sequester, it will never get past Congress" don't you understand?

Republicans know that any plan which includes cuts in liberal socialist boondoggles will get voted down in the Senate. The sequester is better than any deal Democrats will vote for. Therefore, go sequester, full speed ahead.

What you don't seem to get is that if Dems don't offer something more palatable to the Republicans than the sequester, then the sequester is what you're going to get. All the pissing and moaning about lost jobs and Grover Norquist don't amount to a hill of beans. It's time for the Dims to do their job. Doing nothing means you approved the sequester.

So, republicans approve of the sequester. What's all the bitching about then?

It's almost assured, nothing will be done to stop the sequester. This is what the American want. Americans want a bitterly divided government that couldn't work together if their lives depended on it. They want their side to oppose everything the other side suggests. This is what you people keep voting for, so I hope you enjoy the sequester.
Then maybe republicans should offer up their own plan, instead of sitting around bitching. I know that right now republicans think that political posturing is more important than doing their job, but their overall performance on the fiscal cliff issue has been pathetic.

Boehner's comments he recently made have made it clear he doesn't want any plan to pass. He wants the defense cuts to happen as is.

Republicans aren't bitching about anything. Democrats are doing all the bitching. They whine constantly about the sequester, but then they offer nothing. What part of "unless you offer something Republicans find more palatable than the sequester, it will never get past Congress" don't you understand?

Republicans know that any plan which includes cuts in liberal socialist boondoggles will get voted down in the Senate. The sequester is better than any deal Democrats will vote for. Therefore, go sequester, full speed ahead.

What you don't seem to get is that if Dems don't offer something more palatable to the Republicans than the sequester, then the sequester is what you're going to get. All the pissing and moaning about lost jobs and Grover Norquist don't amount to a hill of beans. It's time for the Dims to do their job. Doing nothing means you approved the sequester.

So, republicans approve of the sequester. What's all the bitching about then?

I'm not doing any bitching. Dims like you are the ones blubbering like petulant five-year-olds about the jobs the sequester is supposedly going to destroy. Since the jobs all belong to leaches and ticks on the ass of society, I don't have a problem with that.

It's almost assured, nothing will be done to stop the sequester. This is what the American want. Americans want a bitterly divided government that couldn't work together if their lives depended on it. They want their side to oppose everything the other side suggests. This is what you people keep voting for, so I hope you enjoy the sequester.

What Americans want is reasonable cuts in social programs. However, since the Dims in Congress are never going to cut one cent from their precious social programs, the sequester is the best thing Americans can hope for.
I think the point is that you're an imbecile. I would certainly like to see a lot of government employees put out of work, permanently. However, only a lib would conceive of the idea of only laying off Republicans. It just goes to show that if you scratch a liberal, you find a Stalinist underneath.

so let me ask you something, you dumb motherfucker. when all those government employees are fired permanently, what happens to them? do they magically disappear into the ether? of course not. they hit the fucking unemployment lines. you conservaturds are so fucking short-sighted it makes my head spin.

let me guess, they wouldn't hit the unemployment lines because if conservative la-la-land there are no unemployment lines and people just hit the streets and starve, right?

you guys aren't even humane anymore. i truly, genuinely can't wait until enough of you old fucks die off enough for your backwards, unevolved, nonsensical political dogma to be relegated to the recycling bin of history...where you fucking belong. i'm tired of you uneducated mouth-breathing luddites ruining our country. yes. you are the ones ruining it by taking more than you give in your red state utopias of guns, jesus and no gay sex.

you're embarrassing to everyone but yourselves, which says a whole host of shit about you that you're too stupid to know. but history thanks you for the future lulz, you fuckwits.
Republicans aren't bitching about anything. Democrats are doing all the bitching. They whine constantly about the sequester, but then they offer nothing. What part of "unless you offer something Republicans find more palatable than the sequester, it will never get past Congress" don't you understand?

Republicans know that any plan which includes cuts in liberal socialist boondoggles will get voted down in the Senate. The sequester is better than any deal Democrats will vote for. Therefore, go sequester, full speed ahead.

What you don't seem to get is that if Dems don't offer something more palatable to the Republicans than the sequester, then the sequester is what you're going to get. All the pissing and moaning about lost jobs and Grover Norquist don't amount to a hill of beans. It's time for the Dims to do their job. Doing nothing means you approved the sequester.

So, republicans approve of the sequester. What's all the bitching about then?

I'm not doing any bitching. Dims like you are the ones blubbering like petulant five-year-olds about the jobs the sequester is supposedly going to destroy. Since the jobs all belong to leaches and ticks on the ass of society, I don't have a problem with that.

I'm not a democrat. Although I know in your small little world, anyone who doesn't agree with everything you say must be a democrat. But whatever.

I'm not bitching about the sequester. I'd be fine with it coming to pass. I'm also okay with the democrats' proposal, because I don't particularly like tax deductions, and I hate all kinds of subsidies.

It's almost assured, nothing will be done to stop the sequester. This is what the American want. Americans want a bitterly divided government that couldn't work together if their lives depended on it. They want their side to oppose everything the other side suggests. This is what you people keep voting for, so I hope you enjoy the sequester.

What Americans want is reasonable cuts in social programs. However, since the Dims in Congress are never going to cut one cent from their precious social programs, the sequester is the best thing Americans can hope for.

Americans you talk to want cuts in social programs. Like it or not there are patriotic Americans in this country who don't think just like you.
I think the point is that you're an imbecile. I would certainly like to see a lot of government employees put out of work, permanently. However, only a lib would conceive of the idea of only laying off Republicans. It just goes to show that if you scratch a liberal, you find a Stalinist underneath.

so let me ask you something, you dumb motherfucker. when all those government employees are fired permanently, what happens to them? do they magically disappear into the ether? of course not. they hit the fucking unemployment lines. you conservaturds are so fucking short-sighted it makes my head spin.

Unemployment is a lot less than the 6 figure salaries most of them are pulling down. Furthermore, it doesn't last forever. At some point they we have to get a real job that actually produces something people are willing to buy voluntarily.

"Short sighted" is thinking keeping a bunch of useless ticks on the government payroll is somehow beneficial to the American taxpayer.

let me guess, they wouldn't hit the unemployment lines because if conservative la-la-land there are no unemployment lines and people just hit the streets and starve, right?

Let me guess: You're a tick on the ass of society.

you guys aren't even humane anymore. i truly, genuinely can't wait until enough of you old fucks die off enough for your backwards, unevolved, nonsensical political dogma to be relegated to the recycling bin of history...where you fucking belong. i'm tired of you uneducated mouth-breathing luddites ruining our country. yes. you are the ones ruining it by taking more than you give in your red state utopias of guns, jesus and no gay sex.

Yeah, once everyone is sucking off the government tit, then the party will begin in earnest! The people you're referring to pay the taxes that keep ticks like you rolling about in oriental luxury. It takes a special kind of really stupid tick to wish the victims they feed off of to disappear.

you're embarrassing to everyone but yourselves, which says a whole host of shit about you that you're too stupid to know. but history thanks you for the future lulz, you fuckwits.

What am I too stupid to know? Please elucidate. I'm sure it's hilarious.
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