Senate (GOP) rejects amendment to build border fence

So the republicans want to spend X billion dollars on border security, virtually all of which can be defeated with a shovel or a spit of the fact that 50% of illegal immigrants came into the country legally, and simply overstayed their visa's:

"Illegal entry[edit]

Main article: Illegal entry#United States
The Pew Hispanic Center estimates that 6–7 million illegal immigrants came to the United States via illegal entry, accounting for probably a little over half of the total population.[21] There are an estimated half million illegal entries into the United States each year.[21][23]

A common means of border crossing is to hire professionals who smuggle illegal immigrants across the border for pay. Those operating on the US-Mexico border are known informally as "coyotes".[23]

Visa overstay[edit]
According to Pew, between 4 and 5.5 million illegal immigrants entered the United States with a legal visa, accounting for between 33–50% of the total population.[21] A tourist or traveler is considered a "visa overstay" once he or she remains in the United States after the time of admission has expired. The time of admission varies greatly from traveler to traveler depending on what visa class into which they were admitted. Visa overstays tend to be somewhat more educated and better off financially than those who entered the country illegally.[24]

To help track visa overstayers the US-VISIT (United States Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology) program collects and retains biographic, travel, and biometric information, such as photographs and fingerprints, of foreign nationals seeking entry into the United States. It also requires electronic readable passports containing this information.

Visa overstayers mostly enter with tourist or business visas.[21] In 1994, more than half[25] of illegal immigrants were Visa overstayers whereas in 2006, about 45% of illegal immigrants were Visa overstayers.[26]

Those who leave the United States after overstaying their visa for more than 180 days but less than one year and then attempt to re-enter on a new visa will face a three year penalty which will not allow them to re-enter the U.S. for that period.

Border Crossing Card violation[edit]
A smaller number of illegal immigrants entered the United States legally using the Border Crossing Card, a card that authorizes border crossings into the U.S. for a set amount of time. Border Crossing Card entry accounts for the vast majority of all registered non-immigrant entry into the United States – 148 million out of 179 million total – but there is little hard data as to how much of the illegal immigrant population entered in this way. The Pew Hispanic Center estimates the number at around 250,000–500,000.[21]"


Given this fact, we can safely assume that, should the fence be built, about 40% that presently cross illegally will simply start getting visa's and overstaying them as well. Meantime, the country is spending billions of dollars every year chasing deer and coyotes which wander into the electronic motion detectors, and replacing camera lesns that are shot out by 22 rifles. At this point, we can expect the Republicans to figure out a way to blame the problems of illegals overstaying their visa's on democrats. However, down here in the border area, our economy is booming at taxpayer expense, because we have built a white elephant that requires constant feeding and maintenance.

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So the republicans want to spend X billion dollars on border security, virtually all of which can be defeated with a shovel or a spit of the fact that 50% of illegal immigrants came into the country legally, and simply overstayed their visa's:

"Illegal entry[edit]

Main article: Illegal entry#United States
The Pew Hispanic Center estimates that 6–7 million illegal immigrants came to the United States via illegal entry, accounting for probably a little over half of the total population.[21] There are an estimated half million illegal entries into the United States each year.[21][23]

A common means of border crossing is to hire professionals who smuggle illegal immigrants across the border for pay. Those operating on the US-Mexico border are known informally as "coyotes".[23]

Visa overstay[edit]
According to Pew, between 4 and 5.5 million illegal immigrants entered the United States with a legal visa, accounting for between 33–50% of the total population.[21] A tourist or traveler is considered a "visa overstay" once he or she remains in the United States after the time of admission has expired. The time of admission varies greatly from traveler to traveler depending on what visa class into which they were admitted. Visa overstays tend to be somewhat more educated and better off financially than those who entered the country illegally.[24]

To help track visa overstayers the US-VISIT (United States Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology) program collects and retains biographic, travel, and biometric information, such as photographs and fingerprints, of foreign nationals seeking entry into the United States. It also requires electronic readable passports containing this information.

Visa overstayers mostly enter with tourist or business visas.[21] In 1994, more than half[25] of illegal immigrants were Visa overstayers whereas in 2006, about 45% of illegal immigrants were Visa overstayers.[26]

Those who leave the United States after overstaying their visa for more than 180 days but less than one year and then attempt to re-enter on a new visa will face a three year penalty which will not allow them to re-enter the U.S. for that period.

Border Crossing Card violation[edit]
A smaller number of illegal immigrants entered the United States legally using the Border Crossing Card, a card that authorizes border crossings into the U.S. for a set amount of time. Border Crossing Card entry accounts for the vast majority of all registered non-immigrant entry into the United States – 148 million out of 179 million total – but there is little hard data as to how much of the illegal immigrant population entered in this way. The Pew Hispanic Center estimates the number at around 250,000–500,000.[21]"


Given this fact, we can safely assume that, should the fence be built, about 40% that presently cross illegally will simply start getting visa's and overstaying them as well. Meantime, the country is spending billions of dollars every year chasing deer and coyotes which wander into the electronic motion detectors, and replacing camera lesns that are shot out by 22 rifles. At this point, we can expect the Republicans to figure out a way to blame the problems of illegals overstaying their visa's on democrats. However, down here in the border area, our economy is booming at taxpayer expense, because we have built a white elephant that requires constant feeding and maintenance.


So, we actually know how many illegal alien, law violators, come across the border? Yea, the Hispanic group has good data. lol

The border is close to 2,000 long. So the GOP opposed protecting only a third of it.

Sounds rational to me.
The border is close to 2,000 long. So the GOP opposed protecting only a third of it.

Sounds rational to me.

Except they've already got a law that says we do the entire border and it still hasnt been built. How is passing a law saying we have to do less than that a victory for the right?
The border is close to 2,000 long. So the GOP opposed protecting only a third of it.

Sounds rational to me.

Except they've already got a law that says we do the entire border and it still hasnt been built. How is passing a law saying we have to do less than that a victory for the right?

For real- Let's just pile on law after law we will not enforce.

Hey on that note, add gun control to the list. We need more laws. We need them because they make us safer


So, we actually know how many illegal alien, law violators, come across the border? Yea, the Hispanic group has good data. lol


This is not rocket science. They ask every deportee if he came in on a visa or not, and the deportee knows that if he does not show his visa, he will be considered to have crossed the border by the use of a "coyote". BP policy is that they never return a border violater to the place where he came from, if he used a coyote, because they want to break that connection. Therefore, if the deportee shows his expired visa card, he gets deported back to where he came across. If not, he will be sent to a place at random. For example, if he came over in El Paso, he may be deported through San Diego.
None of this really matters, the house will never pass the senate bill.

Practical politics emphasizes that your post is correct. Here is NBC's take on things yesterday.

This story makes me unhappy, but it appears well researched. If you are seriously interested in Immigration Reform, this news report will bring you up-to-date. It is estimated that the failure of Immigration Reform will cost American taxpayers $197,000,000 over the next five years alone. I thought they had settled the guest worker aspect to the satisfaction of business and labor, but it looks like that is gone too.
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Even nutball scum bumble into daylight once in a while.

The only way to stop illegal immigration is to prosecute corporations hiring illegals.

For what it's worth, when the fence IS built, it will be as much to keep people in as out.

You seem to be forgetting deportation of the illegals themselves, Jughead.

As of July, Obama deported 1.4 million illegal immigrants since the beginning of his administration — that’s 1.5 times more immigrants on average than Bush deported every month, according to official numbers from the Department of Homeland Security*. But that’s only part of Obama’s deportation strategy: The administration’s stated goal is to prioritize the deportation of criminal, dangerous illegal immigrants. And it’s promised to make a new program called Secure Communities mandatory by 2013, which would force local law enforcement to share fingerprints of those arrested with the Department of Homeland Security, which has immigration records, through the FBI.

Obama is deporting immigrants faster than Bush. Republicans don?t think that?s enough.
Even nutball scum bumble into daylight once in a while.

The only way to stop illegal immigration is to prosecute corporations hiring illegals.

For what it's worth, when the fence IS built, it will be as much to keep people in as out.

let's prosecute everyone that breaks the law
Even nutball scum bumble into daylight once in a while.

The only way to stop illegal immigration is to prosecute corporations hiring illegals.

For what it's worth, when the fence IS built, it will be as much to keep people in as out.

Corporations are not hiring illegals. Illegals mostly work for cash in the lowest segment of the workforce. and have nothing to do with any established companies.
The ones which are hired by corporations are smart enough to transfer to H1B pretty quick - it is quite possible even under current immigration system
Fruit/vegetable/agriculture isn't controlled by corporations?

Dole is laughing. So is Archer-Daniels. So is Del Monte. So am I. :lol:
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Why do we need an amendment to build a border fence? It's already the Law of the land to build the border fence. We passed it back in the Bush administration.

The problem is neither the Bush or Obama administrations have obeyed the law and built the fence.

What's this one going to do? "Build a border fence and we reallly really mean it this time"

This is freakin ridiculous.

Which bill was that in? Link?
oh so thats how it is? I see...:lol: revisionist much?

The GOP had six years of unified power to build a fence and failed to do so. You forgive them for it, and then hold a pity party when Democrats refuse to build a fence instead. Unreal. No wonder the country go worse under GOP rule. No wonder Obama won so easily twice. Conservatives are just not very smart people.

and what happened between 1986 ( when Reagan signed an amnesty) and 1994? or 2007 to 2010? and the supra majority in 2009? stop being selective and cherry picking, you look stupid.
Why should Democrats enact Republican policies?
Even nutball scum bumble into daylight once in a while.

The only way to stop illegal immigration is to prosecute corporations hiring illegals.

For what it's worth, when the fence IS built, it will be as much to keep people in as out.

You seem to be forgetting deportation of the illegals themselves, Jughead.

As of July, Obama deported 1.4 million illegal immigrants since the beginning of his administration — that’s 1.5 times more immigrants on average than Bush deported every month, according to official numbers from the Department of Homeland Security*. But that’s only part of Obama’s deportation strategy: The administration’s stated goal is to prioritize the deportation of criminal, dangerous illegal immigrants. And it’s promised to make a new program called Secure Communities mandatory by 2013, which would force local law enforcement to share fingerprints of those arrested with the Department of Homeland Security, which has immigration records, through the FBI.

Obama is deporting immigrants faster than Bush. Republicans don?t think that?s enough.

In all fairness to Republicans, they have consistently said the same thing in every immigration debate. "Nothing happens until our borders are secure." Just yesterday, John Boehner said that Obama version of securing the border was almost "laughable." Here is the video of John Boehner's own words. Looks like the end of Immigration Reform in 2013.

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