Senate (GOP) rejects amendment to build border fence

None of this really matters, the house will never pass the senate bill.

Just like the Senate will never pass the House's repeal of Obamacare.

But the House has still spent over $55 million on symbolic votes.

Republicans love to waste taxpayer money.
None of this really matters, the house will never pass the senate bill.

If all the democrats vote for it and a number of Republican dupes agree, they sure will.

Congress was never going to pass Obamacare either. They still deemed it passed and pushed it through.

Except, Congress DID pass Obamacare, dope.

And then the Supreme Court validated it as the law of the land.

Sux being a wingnut these days, eh? :lol:
Senate rejects amendment to build border fence | The Daily Caller

and you rino's thought voters sat home during Romney, you ain't seen nothing yet.

Thank goodness, it was a stupid and very expensive idea.

Yeah making sure our borders are secure so drug lords cant come over the border and kill our citizens is a stupid expensive idea.
So you want to build one along the Canadian border, also?

Just how much taxpayer money do you wingnuts want to waste, anyway?
Big and small businesses want cheap labor. Republicans want the border protected before enacting immigration reform for illegals. Democrats like the idea of a new underclass being cultivated to vote democrat. If hispanic communities tended to overwhelmingly vote republican then we would see the republicans talking like democrats and the democrats talking like republicans.
In the end though, nothing will happen. This is all smoke and mirrors and rhetoric and hypocrisy in the form of political jousting.
Enforcing the laws that we already have in terms of hiring illegal aliens and paying under the table while constructing a fence buttressed by cameras and more border agents would solve the problem. Neither side wants to really solve any problem though. This is about votes and one-upmanship. Not about principle and fixing an economy.
None of this really matters, the house will never pass the senate bill.

If all the democrats vote for it and a number of Republican dupes agree, they sure will.

Congress was never going to pass Obamacare either. They still deemed it passed and pushed it through.

Except, Congress DID pass Obamacare, dope.

And then the Supreme Court validated it as the law of the land.

Sux being a wingnut these days, eh? :lol:

they validated it as a tax, the one thing obama refused to call it.....sux to be a sycophantic sheep eh? :rolleyes:
now, as to the topic, the house will pass it, you heard it here first (?)....they will take it up, vote their own changes then conference it, then boehner will cave and let it come up for a vote again even knowing that a majority of republicans won't vote for it, it'll be 30 or so of them and all the dems, ....the senate will only need a simple majority then, and, there it is.
Note to the GOP:

We already have one liberal party. We don't need two. Cut that stupid shit out.

American Conservatives
You big spending wingnuts can't wait to spend even more taxpayer money, can you?

Wasn't the creation of a new massive bureaucracy (Homeland Security), Medicare D, and two failed wars enough for you?
I'd tell you to think before you post, but hey -- why start now, right?

As usual, you're conflating Republicans with conservatives. The actions of the GOP prove they're not guided by conservative principles...hence the note I wrote.

You're really not very smart.
Yeah making sure our borders are secure so drug lords cant come over the border and kill our citizens is a stupid expensive idea.

We could never build a fence high enough to keep them out if they want to get here bad enough. Back to the drawing board.

Wrong. If the Israelis can do it, we can do it.

Well, we're not doing it. How about that.

You wingnuts just don't know when you are doing nothing but spinning your wheels. Stfu already, it's done.
Even nutball scum bumble into daylight once in a while.

The only way to stop illegal immigration is to prosecute corporations hiring illegals.

For what it's worth, when the fence IS built, it will be as much to keep people in as out.

You seem to be forgetting deportation of the illegals themselves, Jughead.

As of July, Obama deported 1.4 million illegal immigrants since the beginning of his administration — that’s 1.5 times more immigrants on average than Bush deported every month, according to official numbers from the Department of Homeland Security*. But that’s only part of Obama’s deportation strategy: The administration’s stated goal is to prioritize the deportation of criminal, dangerous illegal immigrants. And it’s promised to make a new program called Secure Communities mandatory by 2013, which would force local law enforcement to share fingerprints of those arrested with the Department of Homeland Security, which has immigration records, through the FBI.

Obama is deporting immigrants faster than Bush. Republicans don?t think that?s enough.
Obviously, it's NOT enough.

You like to believe that Obama is doing something about illegal immigration. He is, actually. He's refusing to enforce Federal immigration laws, he's suing states who attempt to enforce Federal immigration laws, he's extending government benefits to illegals, and he's releasing illegal immigrants with criminal records.

Obama is encouraging illegal immigration. He puts his party's power before the security of the United States. This is undeniable.

You will, predictably, try to deny it, but you won't do so credibly.
Even nutball scum bumble into daylight once in a while.

The only way to stop illegal immigration is to prosecute corporations hiring illegals.

For what it's worth, when the fence IS built, it will be as much to keep people in as out.

Corporations are not hiring illegals. Illegals mostly work for cash in the lowest segment of the workforce. and have nothing to do with any established companies.
The ones which are hired by corporations are smart enough to transfer to H1B pretty quick - it is quite possible even under current immigration system

Sorry, but at least in my case, you are full of bull. My company (retired now), one of the largest grocery wholesalers in the nation hires them by the boatload. ICE once did an "unannounced" inspection at the corporate offices and found 27 employees with the same SSN. The penality? $20,000. That was some 10 years ago and ICE has never returned. Those illegals make $22.00 per hour.

Until we pass legislation making it a hefty fine per occurrence (for example $50,000 for each illegal hired) and then hire all these unemployed vets to serve as inspectors, we will NEVER stop illegals from doing what they do.

"Pathway to Citizenship" is the biggest crock of crap that the American people have ever been fed.
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A fence is a really stupid idea that caters to people with double-digit IQs. Hell, why not just put up a sign? It would be equally effective and much cheaper.

I'm glad common sense prevailed.

If fences are a really stupid idea then what is that thing around the White House?
That's different. Somehow. It just is. You racist!!

There, did I get that right, USMB lefties?
The GOP had six years of unified power to build a fence and failed to do so. You forgive them for it, and then hold a pity party when Democrats refuse to build a fence instead. Unreal. No wonder the country go worse under GOP rule. No wonder Obama won so easily twice. Conservatives are just not very smart people.

and what happened between 1986 ( when Reagan signed an amnesty) and 1994? or 2007 to 2010? and the supra majority in 2009? stop being selective and cherry picking, you look stupid.
Why should Democrats enact Republican policies?
Dunno. Why do you keep bitching that Republicans don't rubber-stamp Obama's policies?
Big and small businesses want cheap labor. Republicans want the border protected before enacting immigration reform for illegals. Democrats like the idea of a new underclass being cultivated to vote democrat. If hispanic communities tended to overwhelmingly vote republican then we would see the republicans talking like democrats and the democrats talking like republicans.
In the end though, nothing will happen. This is all smoke and mirrors and rhetoric and hypocrisy in the form of political jousting.
Enforcing the laws that we already have in terms of hiring illegal aliens and paying under the table while constructing a fence buttressed by cameras and more border agents would solve the problem. Neither side wants to really solve any problem though. This is about votes and one-upmanship. Not about principle and fixing an economy.

I was with you up until the end. Republicans can clearly see, (especially after the demographics of the Romney loss) that they MUST control how many illegal immigrants can vote. My guess is they are willing to let big business absorb the higher costs of labor to regain their cultural strength in winning elections.

Unless you could supply a link to the contrary, I do not think the ego factor of one-upsmanship is at play here. I think it is the savings of $197,000,000 over the next five that puts illegal aliens onto the tax rolls.

This is a very difficult issue because of its complexity, and the fact that 12,000,000 illegals are already in the United States. I recall what NBC said. Most Republican members of Congress are from districts without Hispanic voters. These Republicans are relatively certain of re-election, and apparently have constituents who do not want more Hispanics in the United States.

I can not help but hope the migrant farm worker issue, which was negotiated months ago between business and labor will pass. Businesses would be required to pick up the green carded workers at the border, and return them when the season is done. They would be required to sign off any rights for themselves or their family in the United States. Failure to do something here will not only effect immigrants, but produce prices, the availability of fresh produce, and the agriculture business that is already under siege with fires, floods, and drought. It would be nice if they could just fix this aspect separately.

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Big and small businesses want cheap labor. Republicans want the border protected before enacting immigration reform for illegals. Democrats like the idea of a new underclass being cultivated to vote democrat. If hispanic communities tended to overwhelmingly vote republican then we would see the republicans talking like democrats and the democrats talking like republicans.
In the end though, nothing will happen. This is all smoke and mirrors and rhetoric and hypocrisy in the form of political jousting.
Enforcing the laws that we already have in terms of hiring illegal aliens and paying under the table while constructing a fence buttressed by cameras and more border agents would solve the problem. Neither side wants to really solve any problem though. This is about votes and one-upmanship. Not about principle and fixing an economy.

I was with you up until the end. Republicans can clearly see, (especially after the demographics of the Romney loss) that they MUST control how many illegal immigrants can vote. My guess is they are willing to let big business absorb the higher costs of labor to regain their cultural strength in winning elections.

Unless you could supply a link to the contrary, I do not think the ego factor of one-upsmanship is at play here. I think it is the savings of $197,000,000 over the next five that puts illegal aliens onto the tax rolls.

This is a very difficult issue because of its complexity, and the fact that 12,000,000 illegals are already in the United States. I recall what NBC said. Most Republican members of Congress are from districts without Hispanic voters. These Republicans are relatively certain of re-election, and apparently have constituents who do not want more Hispanics in the United States.

I can not help but hope the migrant farm worker issue, which was negotiated months ago between business and labor will pass. Businesses would be required to pick up the green carded workers at the border, and return them when the season is done. They would be required to sign off any rights for themselves or their family in the United States. Failure to do something here will not only effect immigrants, but produce prices, the availability of fresh produce, and the agriculture business that is already under siege with fires, floods, and drought. It would be nice if they could just fix this aspect separately.


I cannot provide a link to the motives of the left and right when it comes to the immigration bill. It's simply my opinion formed after sitting through the same immigration arguments for the past thirty years.
Build the fence. Seal the border whatever it takes

Some things are worth paying for

Senate rejects amendment to build border fence | The Daily Caller

and you rino's thought voters sat home during Romney, you ain't seen nothing yet.

Thank goodness, it was a stupid and very expensive idea.

Yeah making sure our borders are secure so drug lords cant come over the border and kill our citizens is a stupid expensive idea.

Do you actually believe a fence is going to stop Drug Lords? :eek:
Thank goodness, it was a stupid and very expensive idea.

Yeah making sure our borders are secure so drug lords cant come over the border and kill our citizens is a stupid expensive idea.

Do you actually believe a fence is going to stop Drug Lords? :eek:

Is anybody suggesting that adding just a fence is the solution? The fence would just be part of the solution. Doesn't matter though, it's not about to happen. We're going to be having the same conversation in 30 years. IMHO
Yeah making sure our borders are secure so drug lords cant come over the border and kill our citizens is a stupid expensive idea.

Do you actually believe a fence is going to stop Drug Lords? :eek:

Is anybody suggesting that adding just a fence is the solution? The fence would just be part of the solution. Doesn't matter though, it's not about to happen. We're going to be having the same conversation in 30 years. IMHO

I concur. The only exception that I would have is that in another 30 years, most of the major metropolitan cities in the US, Americans will be the minorities. Then we'll know what it's like to be in Britian. We've brought this on ourselves.
If all the democrats vote for it and a number of Republican dupes agree, they sure will.

Congress was never going to pass Obamacare either. They still deemed it passed and pushed it through.

Except, Congress DID pass Obamacare, dope.

And then the Supreme Court validated it as the law of the land.

Sux being a wingnut these days, eh? :lol:

they validated it as a tax, the one thing obama refused to call it.....sux to be a sycophantic sheep eh? :rolleyes:

But if it makes you feel better to call it a tax, that's fine.

Either way, it's the law of the land.

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