Senate (GOP) rejects amendment to build border fence

Is anybody suggesting that adding just a fence is the solution? The fence would just be part of the solution. Doesn't matter though, it's not about to happen. We're going to be having the same conversation in 30 years. IMHO

I concur. The only exception that I would have is that in another 30 years, most of the major metropolitan cities in the US, Americans will be the minorities. Then we'll know what it's like to be in Britian. We've brought this on ourselves.

Foreigners in our own country. That is how Britain is and how America will be. All because our politicians love the taste of Mexican dick and cum on their chins.

Jesus Christ man, calm down. Mexicans are not coming here and strapping bombs to themselves and blowing school children up. I've worked with Mexicans my entire life, and don't disparage them for coming here and working whatever jobs they can to provide their children with a better life.

I do believe there needs to be a solution, but the first step has got to ensure that we are not going to be in the same situation in another two decades. This is the past repeating itself again. We got snookered under Reagan, and apparently Rubio, McCain, ect. are going to simply ignore the lessons of the past.
I concur. The only exception that I would have is that in another 30 years, most of the major metropolitan cities in the US, Americans will be the minorities. Then we'll know what it's like to be in Britian. We've brought this on ourselves.

Foreigners in our own country. That is how Britain is and how America will be. All because our politicians love the taste of Mexican dick and cum on their chins.

Jesus Christ man, calm down. Mexicans are not coming here and strapping bombs to themselves and blowing school children up.

No they aren't. They are driving vehicles drunk, raping, killing and stealing. Shit...they might as well be strapping bombs to themselves, considering the number of Americans dying at the hands of Mexican nationals in the US.
Foreigners in our own country. That is how Britain is and how America will be. All because our politicians love the taste of Mexican dick and cum on their chins.

Jesus Christ man, calm down. Mexicans are not coming here and strapping bombs to themselves and blowing school children up.

No they aren't. They are driving vehicles drunk, raping, killing and stealing. Shit...they might as well be strapping bombs to themselves, considering the number of Americans dying at the hands of Mexican nationals in the US.

Agreed. It is a problem, and the solution must begin with border security. We have an administration that is hindering the deportation process, or in many cases removing the deportation process--in direct violation of federal immigration laws. But blacks are committing violent crimes in much higher frequency than hispanics.

I honestly don't see any resolution in the foreseeable future.
Jesus Christ man, calm down. Mexicans are not coming here and strapping bombs to themselves and blowing school children up.

No they aren't. They are driving vehicles drunk, raping, killing and stealing. Shit...they might as well be strapping bombs to themselves, considering the number of Americans dying at the hands of Mexican nationals in the US.

Agreed. It is a problem, and the solution must begin with border security. We have an administration that is hindering the deportation process, or in many cases removing the deportation process--in direct violation of federal immigration laws. But blacks are committing violent crimes in much higher frequency than hispanics.

I honestly don't see any resolution in the foreseeable future.

I keep posting that Immigration Reform is a game of "smoke and mirrors." I would like to see a source that verifies that Obama is "hindering deportation." Fact is President Obama has deported more illegals than all previous presidents before 1997. The figure is expected to pass 2,000,000 by the end of 2014. Obama Deportation Toll Could Pass 2 Million At Current Rates Has it occurred to anyone here that Blacks do not see Mexicans as allies, they see them as competitors?

CBS News referred to a "chance for citizenship" in their coverage rather than their usual phrase "pathway to citizenship." We need to listen very carefully to the words selected in the news media on the issue of Immigration Reform. Whatever is really going on here, I don't think anyone knows for certain. We need to judge actions not words. My guess is Republicans, (and some quiet Democrats), want to seriously secure the border and will promise anything. I think the "pathway to citizenship" is a carrot dangling to secure the border. Once that is achieved, I think that will be the end of Immigration Reform. Do we really believe that Republicans are just going to let 12,000,000 Hispanics have a vote? Call this a reality check. I believe powerful forces want Hispanics out of the United States, but I can not give you fact links to prove it. Ask yourself this, "other than illegal aliens, some Mexican-Americans, and Democrats who wants to see more Mexicans voting in the United States?

I think the deck is stacked on the issue of Immigration Reform. All I ever hoped for was a fair and reasonable solution to Immigration Reform.
Bullshit. You're a terrible liar.
Note: Saying something you disagree with is not a lie.

But then, I don't expect progressives to use the accepted meanings of words, so we'll just say what you really mean:

"I don't LIKE it, so it CAN'T be true!! Waaaaaaaahh!!"
I would vote for Republican Michael Bloomberg. There are a few others.

But, predictably, you will just claim that he and anyone else I would name are not Republicans, so why bother?
Oh, I have no doubt you'd vote for Bloomberg. He's a nanny-state advocate, and you want the government to tell you how to live.

Pathetic, really.

Like I said, your posting history is not in doubt.
Given your tendency to read what you want something to say instead of what it actually says, what you say can in no way be considered accurate.
So don't try to tell everyone on this board that you post like a wingnut, yet vote like a moderate. :lol:

Why are Republicans voting for nannies to lead them?
They shouldn't be. Like I said, we have one liberal party. We don't need two. Throw all the bums out.

Conservatism is the only thing that will save this nation from the historically-failed cancer of progressivism.
If all the democrats vote for it and a number of Republican dupes agree, they sure will.

Congress was never going to pass Obamacare either. They still deemed it passed and pushed it through.

Except, Congress DID pass Obamacare, dope.

A Democrat-controlled Congress. Not one Republican voted for it. Not one.

Synthia thinks that GOP Congressmen should ignore what their constituents want and rubber-stamp Obama's agenda.
I don't consider it to be any different. Oh, you forgot "valley trash." The Palins settled in the Matanuska Valley, and there seems to be a high proportion of Lower 48ers of questionable repute moving up here and living in that area of the state. And meth-heads and other undesirables. Thus, valley trash. It doesn't really apply to a lot of the people living out there, but the term came into use for good reason.

What I don't understand is why those CONSERVATIVES on that other forum believed they had every right to call those little girls nappy-headed pickaninnys, and tore me to ribbons for objecting, but the CONSERVATIVES here don't think anyone has the right to call Palin's little white retarded kid... retarded?

I'm asking why the CONSERVATIVES think that way. This isn't about me. Don't deflect the question by trying to make it about me. We can talk about me later, if you want. ;)
Each of us is responsible ONLY for the things we say. If you want to blame me for what somebody else said, it may be emotionally satisfying for you, but I can't unsay something I never said to begin with.

Hope that helps.

Well, you just said this:

It's funny the way you think you know our voting records. :lol:


Yet, here you are, trashing Bill Maher for using that word.

If wingnuts couldn't say hypocritical things, they would have nothing to say!

You are one wingnut that proves your theory, you are top notch hypocrite.
Jesus Christ man, calm down. Mexicans are not coming here and strapping bombs to themselves and blowing school children up.

No they aren't. They are driving vehicles drunk, raping, killing and stealing. Shit...they might as well be strapping bombs to themselves, considering the number of Americans dying at the hands of Mexican nationals in the US.
I honestly don't see any resolution in the foreseeable future.
I don't either. Sessions just said that the "20,000 new border agents" won't take effect until 2017. Kinda makes one wonder about all that talk about securing the border before granting amnesty.
The bill is dead. Rightfully so

Move along

Nothing to see here

The bill is dead. Rightfully so

Move along

Nothing to see here


Twentyfour hours ago, I would have agreed with you. Now out of the United States Senate pops a $30,000,000 Border Surge plan.

This is a major committment to the border, ($42,000,000 was the amount to be saved with the sequester). When Republicans put that much money on the table I would call them "serious." I would now define the situation as going from "certain defeat" to "let's see where the chips fall."

Tell you what though, I would not make any bets on how this could turn out.


The E-Verify Program Vilifying E-Verify?The ACLU's Campaign To Break The Only Unbroken Part Of Our "Broken Immigration System" |

The federal E-Verify program is a free, easy to use on-line system that provides US employers with a way to verify the employment eligibility of all new hires. It has the potential to end the illicit US jobs magnet, making it the America's best hope for solving the problem of illegal immigration.
E-Verify is also popular. More than 70 thousand employers already use the voluntary program, and another thousand are signing up every week. [Statement for the Record: E-Verify,]
E-Verify is quick and easy to use. Participating employers simply go online and compare the information new hires have entered on their I-9 forms with hundreds of millions of records in federal databases. "Results are returned within seconds." [E-Verify Program Highlights,]
E-Verify is accurate and unobtrusive. Nearly one hundred percent (99.5%) of new hires who are not illegal aliens are verified instantly.
E-Verify is fair. A new hire whose employment eligibility cannot be instantly verified is given ample opportunity to demonstrate eligibility.
E-Verify is effective. Among those new hires receiving a tentative non-confirmation, only half of those who even bother to contest that result are ultimately found to be authorized to work in the United States.
In other words, E-Verify is a success.
Yeah making sure our borders are secure so drug lords cant come over the border and kill our citizens is a stupid expensive idea.
So you want to build one along the Canadian border, also?

Just how much taxpayer money do you wingnuts want to waste, anyway?

So you think border fences/walls are a waste of money?
Yes. They don't work.

And they are a complete waste of money during a time of very low illegal immigration and when there are other priorities.

This shows that the Right is full of shit about wanting to cut spending and reduce the debt. It's just a talking point to do away with earned benefits and Medicare and Medicaid.
Note: Saying something you disagree with is not a lie.

But then, I don't expect progressives to use the accepted meanings of words, so we'll just say what you really mean:

"I don't LIKE it, so it CAN'T be true!! Waaaaaaaahh!!"

Oh, I have no doubt you'd vote for Bloomberg. He's a nanny-state advocate, and you want the government to tell you how to live.

Pathetic, really.

Like I said, your posting history is not in doubt.
Given your tendency to read what you want something to say instead of what it actually says, what you say can in no way be considered accurate.

Then come up with some posts of yours singing the praises of some Democrat(s).

Bonus points for a post advocating a Democrat over a Republican.

I'm not holding my breath, partisan wingnut. :lol:

So don't try to tell everyone on this board that you post like a wingnut, yet vote like a moderate. :lol:

Why are Republicans voting for nannies to lead them?
They shouldn't be. Like I said, we have one liberal party. We don't need two. Throw all the bums out.

Conservatism is the only thing that will save this nation from the historically-failed cancer of progressivism.

Progressive/Liberalism has not failed in the U.S.

It has been wildly successful. It pulled us out of the depression.
So you want to build one along the Canadian border, also?

Just how much taxpayer money do you wingnuts want to waste, anyway?

So you think border fences/walls are a waste of money?
Yes. They don't work.

And they are a complete waste of money during a time of very low illegal immigration and when there are other priorities.

So you think we should just let everyone in unrestricted...including potential terrorists?
The border fence is already law. Republicans don't want to vote on a silly amendment because they don't want the original bill.
Like I said, your posting history is not in doubt.
Given your tendency to read what you want something to say instead of what it actually says, what you say can in no way be considered accurate.

Then come up with some posts of yours singing the praises of some Democrat(s).

Bonus points for a post advocating a Democrat over a Republican.

I'm not holding my breath, partisan wingnut. :lol:
I praised Obama for his handling of the Somali pirates, and for keeping Gitmo open.

Predictably, you'll whine about that, too.

Tough shit.
So don't try to tell everyone on this board that you post like a wingnut, yet vote like a moderate. :lol:

Why are Republicans voting for nannies to lead them?
They shouldn't be. Like I said, we have one liberal party. We don't need two. Throw all the bums out.

Conservatism is the only thing that will save this nation from the historically-failed cancer of progressivism.

Progressive/Liberalism has not failed in the U.S.

It has been wildly successful. It pulled us out of the depression.
It prolonged the Depression. WWII pulled us out.

But amazingly distorted history is about all one can expect from a prog.

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