Senate (GOP) rejects amendment to build border fence

Some may. Some will turn to (more) crime.

Hey, I know! How about we deport them when we find them? If they want to get back in....tough. We shouldn't allow criminals to come in with a visa.

Haven't you heard? It's IMPOSSIBLE to deport the border jumpers!! It's just not feasible to "round them up" and "send them packing"......All our politicians tell us that.

Do I buy that?? Of course not!

However, the one thing I'm fairly certain of is that if they can't make a living, and they can't obtain "gubmit handouts", they will NOT hang around.
I don't buy it either. It's not like we'd find all 12 million criminals at once.

Deport them when they're found. Hold 'em for a week, and if they can't provide proper authorization for their presence, back to the old country. See yah. Don't come back, we know who you are.

Unfortunately, not all those who are thrown off the employment gravy train will leave. Some will turn to more crime.

I would like to see wire transfers of money overseas prohibited without proof of legal presence, too. That would eliminate much of the attraction right there.

Excellent point! Hell, Supermarkets and Walmart have made 10s of millions off of illegals charging them to send money "home".

Look, there is no denying the fact that American corporations have turned the "illegal" situation into a money-making proposition for themselves. That, at least partially explains the reluctance of politicians to stop the gravy train for big business. Still, how the hell o they sleep at night knowing that some of their constituencies are on the public dole while Juan is making money (cash) and pays no taxes on it......
So what do you want to do with the illegals? Because, you know, they broke the law, too.

That's a fair question. The answer depends on the Congress and what they plan to do about immigration reform. If Congress does nothing - something they're very good at - I would require the business to make restitution to Medicare and Social Security for all monies they saved in payroll taxes and a penalty assessment on any fine imposed for the fraud, sufficient to deport the illegal worker back to his native county.

BTW, I still support putting the business owner and personnel manager in jail, or in egregious cases, Federal Prison.

Okay. I support punishing those who knowingly hire illegals as well.

But what do you want to do with the illegals? I think it's a travesty that we could even consider rewarding their criminality with a path to citizenship. The most I would consider would be a path to permanent guest worker status. But I will not support rewarding them with citizenship and the right to vote. Period.

Coming into the United States to work and sometimes support a family in their native land isn't a crime of violence, in many cases it's the only solution they may have to escape poverty and take care of their kids, siblings and/or parents.

To punish everyone who came into our country and secured employment with the same broad brush is expensive and callous. As a rule, Americans have never been known to be callous. Some illegal workers may have sponsors, some may have criminal records, some may have been here one year, some for decades, some may have children born here and some may own businesses.

It's the job of Congress to decide who should be prosecuted and deported, who becomes a quest worker or who is put on a path to citizenship; sadly for all of us, the Americans serving in Congress seem to be the exception to the rule (Americans have never been callous).
That's a fair question. The answer depends on the Congress and what they plan to do about immigration reform. If Congress does nothing - something they're very good at - I would require the business to make restitution to Medicare and Social Security for all monies they saved in payroll taxes and a penalty assessment on any fine imposed for the fraud, sufficient to deport the illegal worker back to his native county.

BTW, I still support putting the business owner and personnel manager in jail, or in egregious cases, Federal Prison.

Okay. I support punishing those who knowingly hire illegals as well.

But what do you want to do with the illegals? I think it's a travesty that we could even consider rewarding their criminality with a path to citizenship. The most I would consider would be a path to permanent guest worker status. But I will not support rewarding them with citizenship and the right to vote. Period.

Coming into the United States to work and sometimes support a family in their native land isn't a crime of violence, in many cases it's the only solution they may have to escape poverty and take care of their kids, siblings and/or parents.

To punish everyone who came into our country and secured employment with the same broad brush is expensive and callous. As a rule, Americans have never been known to be callous. Some illegal workers may have sponsors, some may have criminal records, some may have been here one year, some for decades, some may have children born here and some may own businesses.

It's the job of Congress to decide who should be prosecuted and deported, who becomes a quest worker or who is put on a path to citizenship; sadly for all of us, the Americans serving in Congress seem to be the exception to the rule (Americans have never been callous).

Actually, no it isn't. What I mean is that the laws are already there. It is the job of the politicians to make certain tht the laws (that THEY passed) are enforced. They have refused to for some 40 years choosing instead to put it off. Now, they have decided to, once again, hoodwink America by presenting a bill tht is as toothless as they are worthless.

The law VERY CLEARLY states that if you are here illegally, you are to be sent home IMMEDIATELY. Not given "faux citizenship" that illegals neither want,nor give a damn about.

We do NOT need new, feel good laws. We need ENFORCEMENT of EXISTING LAWS.
The freaking fence would be up and running if it wasn't for Harry Reid and Barry Hussein. It's an insult to everybody's intelligence (except hard core liberals) that some republicans think they need to introduce the fence again in a bill that nobody wants.
Haven't you heard? It's IMPOSSIBLE to deport the border jumpers!! It's just not feasible to "round them up" and "send them packing"......All our politicians tell us that.

Do I buy that?? Of course not!

However, the one thing I'm fairly certain of is that if they can't make a living, and they can't obtain "gubmit handouts", they will NOT hang around.
I don't buy it either. It's not like we'd find all 12 million criminals at once.

Deport them when they're found. Hold 'em for a week, and if they can't provide proper authorization for their presence, back to the old country. See yah. Don't come back, we know who you are.

Unfortunately, not all those who are thrown off the employment gravy train will leave. Some will turn to more crime.

I would like to see wire transfers of money overseas prohibited without proof of legal presence, too. That would eliminate much of the attraction right there.

Excellent point! Hell, Supermarkets and Walmart have made 10s of millions off of illegals charging them to send money "home".

Look, there is no denying the fact that American corporations have turned the "illegal" situation into a money-making proposition for themselves. That, at least partially explains the reluctance of politicians to stop the gravy train for big business. Still, how the hell o they sleep at night knowing that some of their constituencies are on the public dole while Juan is making money (cash) and pays no taxes on it......
Because they don't give a shit about their constituencies.
That's a fair question. The answer depends on the Congress and what they plan to do about immigration reform. If Congress does nothing - something they're very good at - I would require the business to make restitution to Medicare and Social Security for all monies they saved in payroll taxes and a penalty assessment on any fine imposed for the fraud, sufficient to deport the illegal worker back to his native county.

BTW, I still support putting the business owner and personnel manager in jail, or in egregious cases, Federal Prison.

Okay. I support punishing those who knowingly hire illegals as well.

But what do you want to do with the illegals? I think it's a travesty that we could even consider rewarding their criminality with a path to citizenship. The most I would consider would be a path to permanent guest worker status. But I will not support rewarding them with citizenship and the right to vote. Period.

Coming into the United States to work and sometimes support a family in their native land isn't a crime of violence, in many cases it's the only solution they may have to escape poverty and take care of their kids, siblings and/or parents.

To punish everyone who came into our country and secured employment with the same broad brush is expensive and callous. As a rule, Americans have never been known to be callous. Some illegal workers may have sponsors, some may have criminal records, some may have been here one year, some for decades, some may have children born here and some may own businesses.

It's the job of Congress to decide who should be prosecuted and deported, who becomes a quest worker or who is put on a path to citizenship; sadly for all of us, the Americans serving in Congress seem to be the exception to the rule (Americans have never been callous).

The guy who broke into your house only wanted your TV and BluRay because he doesn't have one himself. He's only trying to entertain his family. Why would you callously want to press charges?

Illegals are criminals. Liberal hand-wringing helped in large part get us into this mess. More liberal hand-wringing won't solve it.
Okay. I support punishing those who knowingly hire illegals as well.

But what do you want to do with the illegals? I think it's a travesty that we could even consider rewarding their criminality with a path to citizenship. The most I would consider would be a path to permanent guest worker status. But I will not support rewarding them with citizenship and the right to vote. Period.

Coming into the United States to work and sometimes support a family in their native land isn't a crime of violence, in many cases it's the only solution they may have to escape poverty and take care of their kids, siblings and/or parents.

To punish everyone who came into our country and secured employment with the same broad brush is expensive and callous. As a rule, Americans have never been known to be callous. Some illegal workers may have sponsors, some may have criminal records, some may have been here one year, some for decades, some may have children born here and some may own businesses.

It's the job of Congress to decide who should be prosecuted and deported, who becomes a quest worker or who is put on a path to citizenship; sadly for all of us, the Americans serving in Congress seem to be the exception to the rule (Americans have never been callous).

Actually, no it isn't. What I mean is that the laws are already there. It is the job of the politicians to make certain tht the laws (that THEY passed) are enforced. They have refused to for some 40 years choosing instead to put it off. Now, they have decided to, once again, hoodwink America by presenting a bill tht is as toothless as they are worthless.

The law VERY CLEARLY states that if you are here illegally, you are to be sent home IMMEDIATELY. Not given "faux citizenship" that illegals neither want,nor give a damn about.

We do NOT need new, feel good laws. We need ENFORCEMENT of EXISTING LAWS.
I'm outta rep. I owe you for this one. :clap2:
The problem maybe the fines. Business leaders, CEO's and HR management ought to face time in Federal Prison for (payroll) tax evasion/fraud. Contractors who hire off the lot of Home Depot out to have their license suspended, pay a fine and serve some time in the county jail for the same crimes.

So what do you want to do with the illegals? Because, you know, they broke the law, too.

That's a fair question. The answer depends on the Congress and what they plan to do about immigration reform. If Congress does nothing - something they're very good at - I would require the business to make restitution to Medicare and Social Security for all monies they saved in payroll taxes and a penalty assessment on any fine imposed for the fraud, sufficient to deport the illegal worker back to his native county.

BTW, I still support putting the business owner and personnel manager in jail, or in egregious cases, Federal Prison.

Considering that the IRS pays out $$$millions to illegal aliens all living at a few addresses, the ability of illegals to get fake IDs and game the system makes business owners into hapless targets. If the government can't properly identify them, criminalizing business owners is a bit much.
The freaking fence would be up and running if it wasn't for Harry Reid and Barry Hussein. It's an insult to everybody's intelligence (except hard core liberals) that some republicans think they need to introduce the fence again in a bill that nobody wants.

If Reid gets his way, There Will Never Be A Fence. The latest amendment includes a loophole which allow Napolitano and her successors full discretion regarding building one (or not).
Like multi-million-dollar vacations for your King and Queen.
It's already been shown that Bush took many more trips than Obama, at the same costs or more, hypocrite.

Try to keep up, Slingblade.
And yet, oddly, you condemned Bush for his vacations -- and give Obama a free pass for his. Just like the media.

And now you say there are greater priories than securing the nation's borders.

And apparently, Obama's vacations are one of them.

No I didn't, you fucking liar.
It's already been shown that Bush took many more trips than Obama, at the same costs or more, hypocrite.

Try to keep up, Slingblade.
And yet, oddly, you condemned Bush for his vacations -- and give Obama a free pass for his. Just like the media.

And now you say there are greater priories than securing the nation's borders.

And apparently, Obama's vacations are one of them.

No I didn't, you fucking liar.
:rofl: Riiiiight.
Yes. They don't work.

And they are a complete waste of money during a time of very low illegal immigration and when there are other priorities.

So you think we should just let everyone in unrestricted...including potential terrorists?

Why would you jump to such a moronic conclusion?

Being opposed to a ‘border fence’ is perfectly appropriate, given the fact it won’t work.

It'd work if you have the resources to keep it secure. The problem is the corrupt dingbats masquerading as "our representatives" don't want to pony up the money for those resources. They'd rather stay on their knees with a Latin American dick in their mouth.
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So you think we should just let everyone in unrestricted...including potential terrorists?

Why would you jump to such a moronic conclusion?

Being opposed to a ‘border fence’ is perfectly appropriate, given the fact it won’t work.

It'd work if you have the resources to keep it secure. The problem is the corrupt dingbats masquerading as "our representatives" don't want to pony up the money for those resources. They'd rather stay on their knees with a Latin American dick in their mouth.

And basically, that is the impetus for this NEW and IMPROVED IMMIGRATION REFORM LAW!!

It's nothing more than pandering to the illegals. Both sides have thrown in the towel. They are abject failures and we all know it. They refuse to enforce the immigration laws that have been on the books forever out of fear of alienating a "potential voting block".

Now, they are all jumping over each other to "show support" for this ridiculous trumped-up bullshit "law" that will do absolutely NOTHING except to provide the US with an endless supply of illegals standing outside Home Depot and Lowes. The CBO has even gone so far as to state this. ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION WILL NOT STOP.

The blame for this mess? Look no farther than Washington DC and the clowns that we have appointed as Kings and Queens, Lords and Ladies, Dukes and Earls. THEY have sold this country down the Rio Grande. THEY should be held accountable. But they won't. We, the people are too busy arguing over "politics".
Armed drones?
Why can't you answer a question honestly?
Why can't you? Do you want the drones to be armed, or do you want them only so community organizers can locate the illegals crossing the border and hand them Dem Party voter registration cards?
Why would they need to be armed?

And what does it have to do with employing drones instead of a fence?

Will the fence be armed????

You're a moron.
Why can't you answer a question honestly?
Why can't you? Do you want the drones to be armed, or do you want them only so community organizers can locate the illegals crossing the border and hand them Dem Party voter registration cards?
Why would they need to be armed?

And what does it have to do with employing drones instead of a fence?

Will the fence be armed????

You're a moron.
...and daveman runs away again. :lol:
Why can't you answer a question honestly?
Why can't you? Do you want the drones to be armed, or do you want them only so community organizers can locate the illegals crossing the border and hand them Dem Party voter registration cards?
Why would they need to be armed?

And what does it have to do with employing drones instead of a fence?

Will the fence be armed????

You're a moron.
So, I was right. You don't actually want illegals crossing the border to be stopped.

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