Senate GOPers' gamble and dilemma....

Yeah....this idiot thinks the Affordable Care Act created jobs.
Same thing with the Stimulus.
Also this idiot claims bailing out GM and Chrysler's unions saved the auto industry.
He also thinks regulating banks solved alot of problems....but instead it's causing massive problems.


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We know that the Chicago Model is Obama leading Americans off a cliff.
It's not going to be overturned. You're parroting what your masters have told you to parrot, Polly

Oh, it may not be "overturned" but conservative judges WILL simply leave it up to states to gut it.........Creating an exodus of women in states like AL, MS et al. to venues like NY, CT and MA where they can uphold their rights....Should go over real well with such voters.

If that's what it takes to rid our state of the baby killing vermin, so be it.
It's not going to be overturned. You're parroting what your masters have told you to parrot, Polly

Oh, it may not be "overturned" but conservative judges WILL simply leave it up to states to gut it.........Creating an exodus of women in states like AL, MS et al. to venues like NY, CT and MA where they can uphold their rights....Should go over real well with such voters.

You realize of course every conservative on here thinks you're an idiot, right?

It should be a state's right. If women don't like it then move
Mitch-Turtle-Neck-McConnell is currently gloating......His push to give Trump another SCOTUS justice will be his career's apex.....and he will probably get his wish....

HOWEVER, this probable "win" in 2018 may spell a host of trouble for all those senate GOPers who have long lost their spine....

The crucial years of 2019 and 2020, with a 5-4 SCOTUS majority, will probably see an erosion of Roe, the eradication of environmental laws, and a further boost to big corporations influence in making the US into a plutocracy.

Couple with the above the following:

A huge flop with NK's denuclearizing

The disappointment of blue collar workers over the tax scam

And the impact of the horrible tariff policies that will see US companies either raising their prices on US goods or a shift in opening plants overseas

Even if we placed aside the impact of the Mueller investigation and the Russian aggression toward democratic government including ours, the impact on suburban women, the increase of Latino voters and the betrayal toward blue collar workers, will ALL spell doom for senate GOPers up for reelection in 2020.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, such spin, it is soooooo convoluted, it is ridiculous. Come back when you speak English their Phony-E-Baloney. The only thing you convinced anyone of is------->you think your an ELITE. Well, LOL you ELITE incompetent.

And oh by the way...…...I notice you are already making EXCUSES why the DemoRATS are going to lose the mid terms.

Surrender, has the womens march-vagina patrol, hehehehehehehehehehehehe!
Mitch-Turtle-Neck-McConnell is currently gloating......His push to give Trump another SCOTUS justice will be his career's apex.....and he will probably get his wish....

HOWEVER, this probable "win" in 2018 may spell a host of trouble for all those senate GOPers who have long lost their spine....

The crucial years of 2019 and 2020, with a 5-4 SCOTUS majority, will probably see an erosion of Roe, the eradication of environmental laws, and a further boost to big corporations influence in making the US into a plutocracy.

Couple with the above the following:

A huge flop with NK's denuclearizing

The disappointment of blue collar workers over the tax scam

And the impact of the horrible tariff policies that will see US companies either raising their prices on US goods or a shift in opening plants overseas

Even if we placed aside the impact of the Mueller investigation and the Russian aggression toward democratic government including ours, the impact on suburban women, the increase of Latino voters and the betrayal toward blue collar workers, will ALL spell doom for senate GOPers up for reelection in 2020.

You forgot to mention the recession that should happen before 2020 and it will.
You forgot to mention the recession that should happen before 2020 and it will.

My dear, the looming recession will be blamed on those undocumented mothers and fathers separated from their children....and Trump cultists will readily swallow the bullshit.
Oh, it may not be "overturned" but conservative judges WILL simply leave it up to states to gut it.........Creating an exodus of women in states like AL, MS et al. to venues like NY, CT and MA where they can uphold their rights....Should go over real well with such voters.

Do you seriously believe anyone is going to move from Alabama to Connecticut because of abortion?
This is not the Flame Zone. If you can't have at least a semi-intelligent discussion on this topic then maybe you shouldn't be posting here.
Do you seriously believe anyone is going to move from Alabama to Connecticut because of abortion?

never stated that a woman would PERMANENTLY move from a red state to a blue one where abortions would be legal.....
BUT, DO people travel from one state to another for medical procedures???...........Yes or no?
Do you seriously believe anyone is going to move from Alabama to Connecticut because of abortion?

never stated that a woman would PERMANENTLY move from a red state to a blue one where abortions would be legal.....
BUT, DO people travel from one state to another for medical procedures???...........Yes or no?

Of course, but that's not what you implied. I'm sure that's exactly what would happen.

I am pro-choice, but I believe Roe should be overturned because it was a classic case of judicial activism. It's up to the people of each state to hash that issue out with their own local governments. Yes, some states will outlaw it immediately. Most will keep it in tact.
Mitch-Turtle-Neck-McConnell is currently gloating......His push to give Trump another SCOTUS justice will be his career's apex.....and he will probably get his wish....

HOWEVER, this probable "win" in 2018 may spell a host of trouble for all those senate GOPers who have long lost their spine....

The crucial years of 2019 and 2020, with a 5-4 SCOTUS majority, will probably see an erosion of Roe, the eradication of environmental laws, and a further boost to big corporations influence in making the US into a plutocracy.

Couple with the above the following:

A huge flop with NK's denuclearizing

The disappointment of blue collar workers over the tax scam

And the impact of the horrible tariff policies that will see US companies either raising their prices on US goods or a shift in opening plants overseas

Even if we placed aside the impact of the Mueller investigation and the Russian aggression toward democratic government including ours, the impact on suburban women, the increase of Latino voters and the betrayal toward blue collar workers, will ALL spell doom for senate GOPers up for reelection in 2020.

The crucial years of 2019 and 2020, with a 5-4 SCOTUS majority,

After Sotomayer retires, 6-3.
After Ginsburg departs, 7-2.
Mitch-Turtle-Neck-McConnell is currently gloating......His push to give Trump another SCOTUS justice will be his career's apex.....and he will probably get his wish....

HOWEVER, this probable "win" in 2018 may spell a host of trouble for all those senate GOPers who have long lost their spine....

The crucial years of 2019 and 2020, with a 5-4 SCOTUS majority, will probably see an erosion of Roe, the eradication of environmental laws, and a further boost to big corporations influence in making the US into a plutocracy.

Couple with the above the following:

A huge flop with NK's denuclearizing

The disappointment of blue collar workers over the tax scam

And the impact of the horrible tariff policies that will see US companies either raising their prices on US goods or a shift in opening plants overseas

Even if we placed aside the impact of the Mueller investigation and the Russian aggression toward democratic government including ours, the impact on suburban women, the increase of Latino voters and the betrayal toward blue collar workers, will ALL spell doom for senate GOPers up for reelection in 2020.

The crucial years of 2019 and 2020, with a 5-4 SCOTUS majority,

After Sotomayer retires, 6-3.
After Ginsburg departs, 7-2.

Why on Earth would Sotomayor retire?
Mitch-Turtle-Neck-McConnell is currently gloating......His push to give Trump another SCOTUS justice will be his career's apex.....and he will probably get his wish....

HOWEVER, this probable "win" in 2018 may spell a host of trouble for all those senate GOPers who have long lost their spine....

The crucial years of 2019 and 2020, with a 5-4 SCOTUS majority, will probably see an erosion of Roe, the eradication of environmental laws, and a further boost to big corporations influence in making the US into a plutocracy.

Couple with the above the following:

A huge flop with NK's denuclearizing

The disappointment of blue collar workers over the tax scam

And the impact of the horrible tariff policies that will see US companies either raising their prices on US goods or a shift in opening plants overseas

Even if we placed aside the impact of the Mueller investigation and the Russian aggression toward democratic government including ours, the impact on suburban women, the increase of Latino voters and the betrayal toward blue collar workers, will ALL spell doom for senate GOPers up for reelection in 2020.

The crucial years of 2019 and 2020, with a 5-4 SCOTUS majority,

After Sotomayer retires, 6-3.
After Ginsburg departs, 7-2.

Why on Earth would Sotomayor retire?

She's almost as sickly as Hillary.

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