Senate Impeachment Trial Thread.

Thanks for your question.

The witnesses were called during The House proceedings and they wrote the articles and gaveled the proceedings and sent their work as Concluded & Completed.

Thank you for responding in a respectful manner. It does make sense that only the witnesses used in one trial can be used in the other, but it was my understanding witnesses were blocked in the original house proceedings. It seems weird to me that it’s completely acceptable for the White House to be able to just say “No”. I could be misunderstanding the original process. But if my understanding is correct, it scares me a little to think about future presidencies. If there is suspicion something is going on, is there nothing we can do about it if the White House is allowed to not comply? I don’t think whatever Trump is doing is detrimental. But I worry about the future. There are definitely some scary candidates in our line up. I’d appreciate some easing of my mind :)

An acquittal does not mean the Defendant is innocent. In you head was O.J. Simpson innocent when he was found not guilty?

So you mean that Slick Willy is not innocent of the Impeachment charges against him?
What charges. That's the point, dipshit, they still haven't produced any legitimate charges. Maybe, just maybe like always there are none and there never will be any.

You may not know this but Slick Willy was Impeached by the House of Representatives and was acquitted along partisan lines by the Senate.

So my question is he innocent of the charges or did the sonofabitch just beat the rap with a partisan jury?
That jury coordinated with Clinton during the trial as well.

53 Republicans voted to support McConnell's effort to suppress evidence. This is the first win of many battles goes & for The President.

We an expect every vote to provide evidence to lose 53 - 47 and, potentially, lead to a kangaroo trial.

If so Trump will pump his chest and claim he is innocent, but that will not be the last word. The evidence and the truth will come out, and the public opinion will decide if The President deserves a second term.

This ain't the House with the majority of filthy Democrats that always voted to suppress evidence in favor of Trump.

Welcome to the party, Pal.
You have no idea what you’re talking about.

You stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats are always in denial, aren't you?
53 Republicans voted to support McConnell's effort to suppress evidence. This is the first win of many battles goes & for The President.

We an expect every vote to provide evidence to lose 53 - 47 and, potentially, lead to a kangaroo trial.

If so Trump will pump his chest and claim he is innocent, but that will not be the last word. The evidence and the truth will come out, and the public opinion will decide if The President deserves a second term.

This ain't the House with the majority of filthy Democrats that always voted to suppress evidence in favor of Trump.

Welcome to the party, Pal.
You have no idea what you’re talking about.

You stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats are always in denial, aren't you?
I’m too tired to educate Trumptards tonight.
She sat up there and lied her ass off about everything. I’d like to take her on in court, because she is clueless about The Constitution.

Their problem isn’t the talent though. Their problem is that their case is a fraud laid upon a foundation of lies and personal contempt for The President and America.

Another dumbass low IQ Democrat Negro speaking now.

No wonder the Democrats can't present a case with all these idiots they have as Managers.

Zoe Loftgren was a real hot babe. Democrat Playmate of the Month.


An acquittal does not mean the Defendant is innocent. In you head was O.J. Simpson innocent when he was found not guilty?

So you mean that Slick Willy is not innocent of the Impeachment charges against him?
What charges. That's the point, dipshit, they still haven't produced any legitimate charges. Maybe, just maybe like always there are none and there never will be any.

You may not know this but Slick Willy was Impeached by the House of Representatives and was acquitted along partisan lines by the Senate.

So my question is he innocent of the charges or did the sonofabitch just beat the rap with a partisan jury?
Slicky Willy was saved by partisanship.

Trump is the 1st President to ever be Impeached because of partisanship...

Pelosi vowed not to proceed with Impeachment unless it was bipartisan. She lied.

Not only was it NOT bipartisan, a Democrat switched parties because it was such an Un-Constitutional partisan treasonous act.

Screw off traitor and don’t come back. We don’t want your lies here. Find some Facts or just leave.
53 Republicans voted to support McConnell's effort to suppress evidence. This is the first win of many battles goes & for The President.

We an expect every vote to provide evidence to lose 53 - 47 and, potentially, lead to a kangaroo trial.

If so Trump will pump his chest and claim he is innocent, but that will not be the last word. The evidence and the truth will come out, and the public opinion will decide if The President deserves a second term.

This ain't the House with the majority of filthy Democrats that always voted to suppress evidence in favor of Trump.

Welcome to the party, Pal.
You have no idea what you’re talking about.

You stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats are always in denial, aren't you?
I’m too tired to educate Trumptards tonight.
Says the master of projection. Seriously, you are not interested in facts only opinions that confirm your own biases.
That's it. I'm done wasting time watching these swamp democrats try to enable anything possible out of Trump hatred. Changing the channel since it's clearly another Trump Russia Hoax.
Slicky Willy was saved by partisanship.

Trump is the 1st President to ever be Impeached because of partisanship...

Pelosi vowed not to proceed with Impeachment unless it was bipartisan. She lied.

Not only was it NOT bipartisan, a Democrat switched parties because it was such an Un-Constitutional partisan treasonous act.


That's what happens when Deplorables vote in a shitkicker I guess.
53 Republicans voted to support McConnell's effort to suppress evidence. This is the first win of many battles goes & for The President.

We an expect every vote to provide evidence to lose 53 - 47 and, potentially, lead to a kangaroo trial.

If so Trump will pump his chest and claim he is innocent, but that will not be the last word. The evidence and the truth will come out, and the public opinion will decide if The President deserves a second term.

This ain't the House with the majority of filthy Democrats that always voted to suppress evidence in favor of Trump.

Welcome to the party, Pal.
You have no idea what you’re talking about.

You stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats are always in denial, aren't you?
I’m too tired to educate Trumptards tonight.

No sweat, and besides, it would take more than a night to educated a Trumptard, maybe it would be possible in a year of two.
You wrote all that to embarrass yourself and failed to provide a single Fact?

Sandy Skanks, You Stank.

Trump incriminated himself and there is an abundance of direct evidence. This is a quote directly from the July 25 phone call, and it comes soon after Trump said, “I would like you to do us a favor, though.” That statement comes right after Zelensky expressed interest in buying Javelin missiles. This is what Trump said.

Good because I· heard you had a prosecutor who· was very good and he was shut down and that's really unfair. A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your very good prosecutor down and you had some very bad people involved. Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the mayor bf New York City, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you. I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General.· :Rudy very much knows what's happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could speak to him that would be great. The former ambassador from the United States,· the woman., was bad news and the people she was dealing with in.the Ukraine.were bad news so I jtist want to_let you know that. The other thing, there's a lot about Biden's son,. that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great.Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you ·can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me.

Trump's chief of staff admitted to quid pro quo.

“What you’re describing is a quid pro quo,” asserted the reporter. “We do that all the time,” replied Mulvaney. “Did he also mention to me the corruption related to the DNC server? Absolutely. No question about it. But that’s it. That’s why we held up the money … I have news for everybody: Get over it. There’s going to be political influence in foreign policy.” ‘We Do That All the Time, Get Over It.’ Mulvaney Boasts About Ukraine Plot

After the July 25 phone call with Zelensky, as he usually does, Trump doubled down by asking again for foreign intervention in our elections. On Oct. 3, in a news conference on the White House lawn, he called on Ukraine and China to look into his chief rival's affairs, Joe Biden.

“If they were honest about it, they would start a major investigation into the Bidens,” Trump said when asked what he wanted Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky to do about the former veep and his son.

“They should investigate the Bidens,” Trump said. “Likewise, China should start an investigation into the Bidens, because what happened in China is just about as bad as what happened with Ukraine.”

Trump says China should investigate the Bidens, doubles down on Ukraine probe

An acquittal does not mean the Defendant is innocent. In you head was O.J. Simpson innocent when he was found not guilty?

So you mean that Slick Willy is not innocent of the Impeachment charges against him?
What charges. That's the point, dipshit, they still haven't produced any legitimate charges. Maybe, just maybe like always there are none and there never will be any.

You may not know this but Slick Willy was Impeached by the House of Representatives and was acquitted along partisan lines by the Senate.

So my question is he innocent of the charges or did the sonofabitch just beat the rap with a partisan jury?
That jury coordinated with Clinton during the trial as well.


It will get down to the same vote on the floor of the Senate and Trump will be acquitted the same as Slick Willy.

It will be mostly along party lines like it was with Slick Willy. That is politics.

Like Drunken Nancy said, "an impeachment without bi partisan support is doomed for failure". (or something like that)

The impeachment got no bi partisan support in the Democrat controlled House and will get none in the Senate. In fact there will be Democrats that vote against the impeachment.

Trump will go on to win reelection. The Democrat Dirty Trick will fail.
After this disastrous showing by House Mangers, admitting they did not have the evidence to justify their House Impeachment, Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler should be EJECTED from the House of Representatives for their own partisan abuse of power and partisan assault on the Constitution.
After this disastrous showing by House Mangers, admitting they did not have the evidence to justify their House Impeachment, Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler should be EJECTED from the House of Representatives for their own partisan abuse of power and partisan assault on the Constitution.
This has clearly been a disaster for Schifferbrains and his Clown Brigade.

They showed up without a case and did nothing but beg the Senate to do the job they failed to do.

Simply amazing.
53 Republicans voted to support McConnell's effort to suppress evidence. This is the first win of many battles goes & for The President.

We an expect every vote to provide evidence to lose 53 - 47 and, potentially, lead to a kangaroo trial.

If so Trump will pump his chest and claim he is innocent, but that will not be the last word. The evidence and the truth will come out, and the public opinion will decide if The President deserves a second term.

This ain't the House with the majority of filthy Democrats that always voted to suppress evidence in favor of Trump.

Welcome to the party, Pal.
You have no idea what you’re talking about.

You stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats are always in denial, aren't you?
I’m too tired to educate Trumptards tonight.

No sweat, and besides, it would take more than a night to educated a Trumptard, maybe it would be possible in a year of two.
Funny...going on 4 years now and Democrats and snowflakes still can't accept the reality of Hillary's loss, the non-existence of Trump Russian Collusion, or the massive amount of evidence of Democrats' crimes...

I guess that's why liberals created a web sight that pretends Hillary won...and why snowflakes ran outside and screamed at the sky...

After this disastrous showing by House Mangers, admitting they did not have the evidence to justify their House Impeachment, Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler should be EJECTED from the House of Representatives for their own partisan abuse of power and partisan assault on the Constitution.
This has clearly been a disaster for Schifferbrains and his Clown Brigade.

They showed up without a case and did nothing but beg the Senate to do the job they failed to do.

Simply amazing.

What were you watching today?
After this disastrous showing by House Mangers, admitting they did not have the evidence to justify their House Impeachment, Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler should be EJECTED from the House of Representatives for their own partisan abuse of power and partisan assault on the Constitution.

They will likley be ejected by their own constituents and then kicked out of their own sanctuary city.
After this disastrous showing by House Mangers, admitting they did not have the evidence to justify their House Impeachment, Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler should be EJECTED from the House of Representatives for their own partisan abuse of power and partisan assault on the Constitution.
This has clearly been a disaster for Schifferbrains and his Clown Brigade.

They showed up without a case and did nothing but beg the Senate to do the job they failed to do.

Simply amazing.

What were you watching today?
A Dimwinger Clusterfuck trying to claim it's an impeachment trial.

What were you watching today?
It occurs to me that because of the widespread alternative to the MSM available these days, people can see past the Democrat veil. In the past they could actually get away with this shit by manipulating the rules of government and no one was the wiser. The Democrat geriatric leadership is still having delusions that they are some kind of American royalty however, this so-called 'impeachment' of Trump is revealing that they are nakedly bare of their royal robes. I wonder how long it will take the Democrat party to recover from this. If ever.
After this disastrous showing by House Mangers, admitting they did not have the evidence to justify their House Impeachment, Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler should be EJECTED from the House of Representatives for their own partisan abuse of power and partisan assault on the Constitution.
This has clearly been a disaster for Schifferbrains and his Clown Brigade.

They showed up without a case and did nothing but beg the Senate to do the job they failed to do.

Simply amazing.

What were you watching today?
A Dimwinger Clusterfuck trying to claim it's an impeachment trial.

What were you watching today?
I am watching Representative impeachment manager Jeffries to a very good job of debating why Mulvaney should testify. What are you watching?

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