Senate Impeachment Trial Thread.

Do you know why I despise your kind?

You people falsely have been accusing The President of every sin under the sun for four years even before he was sworn in.

Not because he committed any crimes or sins, but because you hate him.

It is People like you that build Concentration
Camps and think Infanticide is not an Offense
To God whose stench reaches clear to Heaven.

I don’t hate you, I hate your filthy unrighteousness. But we know and can tell you hate us, after all you call us Vermin and Unredeemable.

What is going on in your party and in America isn’t about an election you are butt sore over losing that you thought you had rigged.

It’s about Human Rights, Civil Rights, Constitutional Rights, Due Process about about What it is to be Free and living in a Republic.

Its about Injustice and you delighting in wickedness, and perverse lies. It’s about your Ungodliness.

And you people wonder why I preach about your cruel inhumanity and injustice while you uphold terrorists as heroes and abortionists as freedom fighters?

This is about more than impeachment, it is about fighting for Due Process, Civil Rights, of not just The President but of Every American.

And yes the dead Children, some 60 Million you murdered sacrificing them to Baal and the bonfire of your vanities were Americans!

Secret Witnesses and Secret Accusations are Anathema to American Justice. Killing babies are an Offense To God’s Justice!

You people are a grotesque and disgusting and Vile, Immoral and Unethical Curse Upon America and all people who yearn to be FREE.

You spit upon Freedom, You Trample Civil Rights and You Mock Our Constitution as Outdated, that is until you want to wrap yourselves in it as a pretense to defiling it.

Your are The Inquisitors, The Witch Hunters, The Conquistadors Brutalizing South America. You are The Stalinists, Mao’s Red Army and The Nazis who trampled under black boots every human right imaginable.

Your are George Orwell’s Prophetic Warning. You are Evil Incarnate Wrapped in an American Flag!

You ask me why I despise you?

I despise all Tyrants and Evil Doers and all such WORKERS OF INIQUITY such as are you and your Evil Allies.

You are why I believe there is a God and an eventual Judge of us all.

And you are why I pray for God’s Judgment Day to come and to come quickly.

Screw off traitor and don’t come back. We don’t want your lies here. Find some Facts or just leave.
This ain't the House with the majority of filthy Democrats that always voted to suppress evidence in favor of Trump.

Welcome to the party, Pal.
You have no idea what you’re talking about.

You stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats are always in denial, aren't you?
I’m too tired to educate Trumptards tonight.
Says the master of projection. Seriously, you are not interested in facts only opinions that confirm your own biases.
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The House's case / reason / justification for Impeachment was good enough for Democrats (well, almost all of them), so why are they suddenly declaring they can't present that case / reason because they don't have enough evidence to so so?

Yet another Cryin' Chucky bitchslapping. How many is that today............I lost count.

Anyone else notice Schifferbrains looked like he was about to start crying with his last round of lies?:21:

This is the funniest train wreck ever.:5_1_12024:
Nadler is the clown running the House JUDICIAL Committee who demanded the US AG BREAK THE LAW ... Then CENSURED him for REFUSING to break the law Nadler helped pass.

Schiff is the MORON who LIED to the other 400+/- LAWYERS in the House by claiming a law exists that affords whistle blowers anonymity and if they didn't know the law and he could sneak that lie past them.

...and Pelosi picked these two ass-clowns to lead the House's Impeachment disaster in front of the Senate.

Might as well get this one started.

It's clear from today's pressers by the Dimwingers what their strategy is...........attack the process as unfair, call it a 'rigged' trial even before it starts. (confirmed the prediction in my sig)

They are whining and crying that this isn't like the Clinton impeachment, which is a blatant lie.

No new evidence was brought into the trial during the trial. All evidence was put together prior to the start of the Clinton trial.

Not a single witness was called and testified in public. Only 3 witnesses were called, and they testified in secret. The Dimwingers selectively leaked what they wanted to, and kept the rest secret.

In short, Dimwingers know they have no case despite claiming they have a slame dunk. It is hysterical that they don't know thinking Americans are laughing at their sham.

Cryin' Chucky will now offer up multiple dumbfuck resolutions he knows will go nowhere..........then he will run in front of the cameras to whine and cry about fairness.

Busy day for me, just found this tread.

One question, unrelated to this trial, but to the House impeachment inquiry.

According to House rules, Republicans requested the "minority hearing day" before the House vote, and that was acknowledged by Nadler. Had Republicans ever got their hearing day?
Might as well get this one started.

It's clear from today's pressers by the Dimwingers what their strategy is...........attack the process as unfair, call it a 'rigged' trial even before it starts. (confirmed the prediction in my sig)

They are whining and crying that this isn't like the Clinton impeachment, which is a blatant lie.

No new evidence was brought into the trial during the trial. All evidence was put together prior to the start of the Clinton trial.

Not a single witness was called and testified in public. Only 3 witnesses were called, and they testified in secret. The Dimwingers selectively leaked what they wanted to, and kept the rest secret.

In short, Dimwingers know they have no case despite claiming they have a slame dunk. It is hysterical that they don't know thinking Americans are laughing at their sham.

Cryin' Chucky will now offer up multiple dumbfuck resolutions he knows will go nowhere..........then he will run in front of the cameras to whine and cry about fairness.

Busy day for me, just found this tread.

One question, unrelated to this trial, but to the House impeachment inquiry.

According to House rules, Republicans requested the "minority hearing day" before the House vote, and that was acknowledged by Nadler. Had Republicans ever got their hearing day?
Nope. The Dimwingers refused to follow House rules on that one too.
Might as well get this one started.

It's clear from today's pressers by the Dimwingers what their strategy is...........attack the process as unfair, call it a 'rigged' trial even before it starts. (confirmed the prediction in my sig)

They are whining and crying that this isn't like the Clinton impeachment, which is a blatant lie.

No new evidence was brought into the trial during the trial. All evidence was put together prior to the start of the Clinton trial.

Not a single witness was called and testified in public. Only 3 witnesses were called, and they testified in secret. The Dimwingers selectively leaked what they wanted to, and kept the rest secret.

In short, Dimwingers know they have no case despite claiming they have a slame dunk. It is hysterical that they don't know thinking Americans are laughing at their sham.

Cryin' Chucky will now offer up multiple dumbfuck resolutions he knows will go nowhere..........then he will run in front of the cameras to whine and cry about fairness.

Busy day for me, just found this tread.

One question, unrelated to this trial, but to the House impeachment inquiry.

According to House rules, Republicans requested the "minority hearing day" before the House vote, and that was acknowledged by Nadler. Had Republicans ever got their hearing day?
The GOP were denied their Hearing Day. Yes, it is established presence that such a day is granted. This is part of the Democrats' hypocrisy in demanding 'fairness' from the Senate.
The House's case / reason / justification for Impeachment was good enough for Democrats (well, almost all of them), so why are they suddenly declaring they can't present that case / reason because they don't have enough evidence to so so?

I think they just want to get it back out in front of the American people and get the Repubican Senators on record rejecting all documents and witness. Just act 1. Nothing surprising yet. We all knew Democrats would want witnesses and Republican can't afford to have witnesses heard, as it you look bad for the President. Their house. Their rules. No surprises.
The House's case / reason / justification for Impeachment was good enough for Democrats (well, almost all of them), so why are they suddenly declaring they can't present that case / reason because they don't have enough evidence to so so?

I think they just want to get it back out in front of the American people and get the Repubican Senators on record rejecting all documents and witness. Just act 1. Nothing surprising yet. We all knew Democrats would want witnesses and Republican can't afford to have witnesses heard, as it you look bad for the President. Their house. Their rules. No surprises.
What is clear is that the Clowns from the House have no case. That's why they are begging the Senate to do the job they failed to do.
They are going to do 50 resolutions to argue for an hour lol hah going to be Along one .. democrat party is committingSuicide
I think they just want to get it back out in front of the American people and get the Repubican Senators on record rejecting all documents and witness.
Ummm....Get WHAT back out in front?

The Democrats voted to Impeach without presenting a crime, without evidence of a crime, and without witnesses. They are literally BEGGING the Senate to continue investigating to try to find any to justify their vote to Impeach...
Why is the Crow Clown whining about our troops in Europe?
The House's case / reason / justification for Impeachment was good enough for Democrats (well, almost all of them), so why are they suddenly declaring they can't present that case / reason because they don't have enough evidence to so so?

I think they just want to get it back out in front of the American people and get the Repubican Senators on record rejecting all documents and witness. Just act 1. Nothing surprising yet. We all knew Democrats would want witnesses and Republican can't afford to have witnesses heard, as it you look bad for the President. Their house. Their rules. No surprises.
What is clear is that the Clowns from the House have no case. That's why they are begging the Senate to do the job they failed to do.
Oh, oh. I get it. You thought this was presentation of the trial. No. Just discussing and offering amendment to the rules. Probably go on into the night. Justice Roberts has case to hear in the morning. After next 2 hours or before,(since Mitch failed to get quorum to bundle all and vote down without hearing them) will break until tomorrow afternoon.
The House's case / reason / justification for Impeachment was good enough for Democrats (well, almost all of them), so why are they suddenly declaring they can't present that case / reason because they don't have enough evidence to so so?

I think they just want to get it back out in front of the American people and get the Repubican Senators on record rejecting all documents and witness. Just act 1. Nothing surprising yet. We all knew Democrats would want witnesses and Republican can't afford to have witnesses heard, as it you look bad for the President. Their house. Their rules. No surprises.
What is clear is that the Clowns from the House have no case. That's why they are begging the Senate to do the job they failed to do.
Oh, oh. I get it. You thought this was presentation of the trial. No. Just discussing and offering amendment to the rules. Probably go on into the night. Justice Roberts has case to hear in the morning. After next 2 hours or before,(since Mitch failed to get quorum to bundle all and vote down without hearing them) will break until tomorrow afternoon.
Nope. I never said it was a presentation of the trial. I correctly pointed out that Schifferbrains and his Clown Brigade have spent the day begging the Senate to conduct an investigation that they were required to do before getting to this point.

Hope that clears it up for ya.
The House's case / reason / justification for Impeachment was good enough for Democrats (well, almost all of them), so why are they suddenly declaring they can't present that case / reason because they don't have enough evidence to so so?

I think they just want to get it back out in front of the American people and get the Repubican Senators on record rejecting all documents and witness. Just act 1. Nothing surprising yet. We all knew Democrats would want witnesses and Republican can't afford to have witnesses heard, as it you look bad for the President. Their house. Their rules. No surprises.
What is clear is that the Clowns from the House have no case. That's why they are begging the Senate to do the job they failed to do.
Missed that part. Have seen people beg. What I have seen is not that. Sounds like argument and rebuttal and vote to me.

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