Senate Impeachment Trial Thread.


“They had so much evidence they had no choice but to impeach”

You do know your side has no say in what the Senate does, right? Your pigs got their way in the House because that's what the Constitution says. Well, that's what happening now. You pricks screamed that you had OVERWHELMING evidence to impeach him. Well now you get to watch. The Constitution delegates the power of trying what the House voted. Stop whining whenever the rules don't let you get your way.

And if the Senate doesn't allow the evidence to be presented? When it comes to actual voting, Dems have the higher ground. They will be voting on the evidence. The Repugs are voting on party lines. Simple really.

It's a sham. But interesting to watch anyway.

This is why the US is the laughing stock of the world.

And to think there is a thread here spouting how it is supposed to be the greatest country in the world. Laughable.

The Dems made their own bed, they can lie in it. The purpose of the Senate is to judge the case the Dems put together. THEY screamed it was overwhelming evidence so there is no need to add to what they did. Sorry, the Dems want their way in every area. Tough shit.
BTW, blowjobs and treason are two different things.
Are you STILL stuck on the lie that Clinton was Impeached because of an affair, instead of him being found guilty of Contempt of Court by attempting to unethically con a judge and jury through misleading testimony, for which he was stripped of his license to practice law?!

You do realize there is a difference between Impeachment based on baseless accusations and ones supported by actual evidence, right?

If not, you need to ACTUALLY watch the House Coup Managers humiliate themselves by admitting they voted to Impeach the President without having any evidence.

No, Lakota is using context. Something that is lost on you neocon loons.
We don't care that he lied about getting a blowjob. Couldn't give a fuck. Has no affect on me. Makes him look bad? Sure. But he was a great president. So much so he would have won a third term if he had been allowed to run.

Trying to undermine the democratic process by threatening to withhold aid from a third-party country? That bothers me. Bothers anybody with a conscience. Deplorables don't have a conscience as is evident by the electronics reams of posts on this board.

At the end of the day, take out the fact he is president. He's a fucking piece of shit. He shouldn't be president, not because he's a douche bag scum-sucking loser (which he is), but because he is incompetent.
The Dems made their own bed, they can lie in it. The purpose of the Senate is to judge the case the Dems put together. THEY screamed it was overwhelming evidence so there is no need to add to what they did. Sorry, the Dems want their way in every area. Tough shit.

And as long as they are able to present that evidence, no problems.
I don't know what you are watching, but it isn't the live Senate hearing on Impeachment.

The Democrats have openly declared they are not prepared to present the case / justification for their vote to Impeach the President, that they are not prepared to explain why they voted to Impeach the President in the House because they DON'T HAVE THE EVIDENCE TO DO SO.

They are literally BEGGING the Senate to allow them to continue to investigate and try to find evidence that will provide the justification for them having ALREADY voted to Impeach the President...


Why would I watch a sham? I have more important things to do, like watch grass grow, wash my hair and watch paint dry.
Acquittal means Exoneration.

Suck it Putin Dingleberry Sniffer.

53 Republicans voted to support McConnell's effort to suppress evidence. This is the first win of many battles goes & for The President.

We an expect every vote to provide evidence to lose 53 - 47 and, potentially, lead to a kangaroo trial.

If so Trump will pump his chest and claim he is innocent, but that will not be the last word. The evidence and the truth will
come out, and the public opinion will decide if The President deserves a second term.
News flash, snowflake:


WHEN the House traitors drag their sorry asses back to the House after the Senate dismisses their exposed political coup attempt, Trump will be CONFIRMED 'Innocent'.

Don't blame the President for the Democrats putting on display their criminal incompetence & treason, showing up to the Senate - AFTER voting for Impeachment - and declaring they can't present their case because they don't have the evidence to Justify Impeaching the President.

If the Founding Fathers were still alive - after this display put on by the House Impeachment managers, the only way they would leave the Senate would be in handcuffs.

An acquittal does not mean the Defendant is innocent. In you head was O.J. Simpson innocent when he was found not guilty?
The Dems made their own bed, they can lie in it. The purpose of the Senate is to judge the case the Dems put together. THEY screamed it was overwhelming evidence so there is no need to add to what they did. Sorry, the Dems want their way in every area. Tough shit.

And as long as they are able to present that evidence, no problems.

Sorry, if the Dems did not do their job thoroughly enough it's on them.
An acquittal does not mean the Defendant is innocent. In you head was O.J. Simpson innocent when he was found not guilty?
When a prosecutor stands up at the start of a trial and admits he does not even have enough evidence to indict let alone attempt to prosecute, his follow-on attempt to claim just because his case will probably thrown out as a result does not mean the individual on trial us 'innocent' is like Madonna attempting to claim today that she is a 'virgin'...

....which is exactly what you are trying to do right now...


The Prosecutor didn't make that statement. Stop Lying.
Hello everyone. I have some questions. I seem to be in the opposite view point as most people here. I hope that whoever responds to me can do so with the intent to educate and show me where I am wrong instead of putting me down. I really do want to see the other sides point of view but mostly I see is name calling...

First and foremost, I was 3 years old during the Clinton trial so none of that is in my memory bank. This past election was the first election I could vote in so I had no say in the last president(s). That being said, I don’t find the use of past presidents mistakes or downfalls as a valid excuse.

This is the first presidency I am a part of, and also the first impeachment. I really do not understand why there is an argument of witnesses. I would really appreciate someone explaining to me (respectfully please) why there is even a problem with that. What trial does not allow witnesses? It seems that every effort to look into whether there was a crime was blocked. What is the difference between that and a cover up? How would they act differently if they truly were guilty? Again, I am looking for a real answer and not an insult.

Thank you for your time
Acquittal means Exoneration.

Suck it Putin Dingleberry Sniffer.

53 Republicans voted to support McConnell's effort to suppress evidence. This is the first win of many battles goes & for The President.

We an expect every vote to provide evidence to lose 53 - 47 and, potentially, lead to a kangaroo trial.

If so Trump will pump his chest and claim he is innocent, but that will not be the last word. The evidence and the truth will
come out, and the public opinion will decide if The President deserves a second term.
News flash, snowflake:


WHEN the House traitors drag their sorry asses back to the House after the Senate dismisses their exposed political coup attempt, Trump will be CONFIRMED 'Innocent'.

Don't blame the President for the Democrats putting on display their criminal incompetence & treason, showing up to the Senate - AFTER voting for Impeachment - and declaring they can't present their case because they don't have the evidence to Justify Impeaching the President.

If the Founding Fathers were still alive - after this display put on by the House Impeachment managers, the only way they would leave the Senate would be in handcuffs.

An acquittal does not mean the Defendant is innocent. In you head was O.J. Simpson innocent when he was found not guilty?

So OJ was exonerated. And yet has never been forgiven. You really are dumb tree, your comment, "Acquittal means Exoneration" proves it.
Cryin' Chucky Bitchslapping #3 handed down.

Suck it, Chucky...


'Schiff, on floor at Senate impeachment trial, quietly fumes at Trump lawyers' allegations'

"Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff stared down President Trump’s lawyers on the Senate floor Tuesday as they accused him of lying to the American people and denying Trump due process during the impeachment investigation."

"The lawyers invoked Schiff’s name over and over again, accusing him of hiding documents, conducting an unfair impeachment inquiry and fabricating the text of the July 25 phone call between Trump and the president of Ukraine."

From his lying for nearly 3 years about having evidence of crimes committed by the President...

To his attempt to manufacture / present self-authored fictional transcripts as 'evidence'...

To lying about the 'whistle blower'...

To refusing to turn over documents...

The Republicans brought up SOME of Schiff's past that makes his appearance before the Senate as a House Impeachment Manager a complete JOKE....

Schiff, on floor at Senate impeachment trial, quietly fumes at Trump lawyers' allegations

Just think how much hard working tax payer money that's going into this democrat charade. All to drag this till election day out of desperation.
Thanks for your question.

The witnesses were called during The House proceedings and they wrote the articles and gaveled the proceedings and sent their work as Concluded & Completed.

It is not The Senate’s job to retry the case all over again. That was The House’s job. If they are incompetent or unfair then that’s not the Senate’s job to fix.

You cannot try a man twice!
And letting The Democrats do this is an injustice.

And on a different topic, while The Democrats are trying to take The President out, Some group in Iran offered a $1 Million Bounty to assassinate our President.

This puts The Democrats on the side of Terrorists and Assassins.

Hello everyone. I have some questions. I seem to be in the opposite view point as most people here. I hope that whoever responds to me can do so with the intent to educate and show me where I am wrong instead of putting me down. I really do want to see the other sides point of view but mostly I see is name calling...

First and foremost, I was 3 years old during the Clinton trial so none of that is in my memory bank. This past election was the first election I could vote in so I had no say in the last president(s). That being said, I don’t find the use of past presidents mistakes or downfalls as a valid excuse.

This is the first presidency I am a part of, and also the first impeachment. I really do not understand why there is an argument of witnesses. I would really appreciate someone explaining to me (respectfully please) why there is even a problem with that. What trial does not allow witnesses? It seems that every effort to look into whether there was a crime was blocked. What is the difference between that and a cover up? How would they act differently if they truly were guilty? Again, I am looking for a real answer and not an insult.

Thank you for your time
Halftime for Day 1.

Maybe Pencil Neck will go find his homework.:5_1_12024:
Pelosi abused her power by withholding the Articles of Impeachment, attempting to dictate to the Senate the process that would be used for the Senate's Impeachment hearing...

The House then put the Senate in trial, declaring if the Senate failed to comply with its demands they would be guilty of engaging in a cover up...

Pelosi and the Democrats chose as their Impeachment Managers admitted classified leaker, liars, and law breakers...

These House Managers admitted they do not have the evidence to present their Impeachment case it justify their House vote to Impeach...

Then they demanded the Senate do the House's job - continue to investigate and help find evidence to justify their vote to Impeach...

....and after all that the Democrats are surprised the Senate still refuses to give in to the House's demands...

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If we just give The Democrats 5 more years and give them access to The President‘s Underwear Drawer will they finally find something?

Where in The Constitution does it say some pencil necked Asshole Representative from some tiny county gets to give The President of the United States a Rectal Exam?
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53 Republicans voted to support McConnell's effort to suppress evidence. This is the first win of many battles goes & for The President.

We an expect every vote to provide evidence to lose 53 - 47 and, potentially, lead to a kangaroo trial.

If so Trump will pump his chest and claim he is innocent, but that will not be the last word. The evidence and the truth will
come out, and the public opinion will decide if The President deserves a second term.
So you don’t have evidence?? Wtf are we doing here?

But didn't these filthy Democrats tell America that the evidence was "overwhelming"? That is the reason they all voted for impeachment?

Now they butt pirates are saying they don't have the evidence and need more.

They lied to the American people because they never had any evidence to start with.

This is not a legitimate impeachment. It is Democrat Dirty Tricks and the American people know it.

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