Senate Impeachment Trial Thread.

53 Republicans voted to support McConnell's effort to suppress evidence. This is the first win of many battles goes & for The President.

We an expect every vote to provide evidence to lose 53 - 47 and, potentially, lead to a kangaroo trial.

If so Trump will pump his chest and claim he is innocent, but that will not be the last word. The evidence and the truth will
come out, and the public opinion will decide if The President deserves a second term.
So you don’t have evidence?? Wtf are we doing here?
Collins, mitt vote with republicans on the 1st resolution

It was good to see Mitt do the right thing. Thanks Mitt.
He better I called his office this morning let him have it
We an expect every vote to provide evidence to lose 53 - 47 and, potentially, lead to a kangaroo trial.

If so Trump will pump his chest and claim he is innocent, but that will not be the last word. The evidence and the truth will come out, and the public opinion will decide if The President deserves a second term.

News flash, snowflake:


WHEN the House traitors drag their sorry asses back to the House after the Senate dismisses their exposed political coup attempt, Trump will be CONFIRMED 'Innocent'.

Don't blame the President for the Democrats putting on display their criminal incompetence & treason, showing up to the Senate - AFTER voting for Impeachment - and declaring they can't present their case because they don't have the evidence to Justify Impeaching the President.

If the Founding Fathers were still alive - after this display put on by the House Impeachment managers, the only way they would leave the Senate would be in handcuffs.
Collins, mitt vote with republicans on the 1st resolution

It was good to see Mitt do the right thing. Thanks Mitt.
I bet he flips on the next vote for State dept documents. If Trump loses this, Bolton may have to testify.
Bring it on ....then the White House will call Hunter Biden, Adam Schiff and the so-called whistleblower and
the ones Rudy Giuliani wants who will blow up the whole thing in the dems faces.
53 Republicans voted to support McConnell's effort to suppress evidence. This is the first win of many battles goes & for The President.

We an expect every vote to provide evidence to lose 53 - 47 and, potentially, lead to a kangaroo trial.

If so Trump will pump his chest and claim he is innocent, but that will not be the last word. The evidence and the truth will
come out, and the public opinion will decide if The President deserves a second term.
Tabling an Amendment which is an attempt to CHANGE ALREADY agreed upon Rules, you lying SACK OF SCHIFF, is not "Suppressing Evidence"! Get the Hell out of our thread and don't come back Troll. Pay attention Baal Worshipper, The President is going to be elected in a Landslide, no thanks to him, but to YOU. Now get the Hell out of our thread.

How's the weather in Moscow today, Tree? If must be damn cold this time outside the Kremlin.
53 Republicans voted to support McConnell's effort to suppress evidence. This is the first win of many battles goes & for The President.

We an expect every vote to provide evidence to lose 53 - 47 and, potentially, lead to a kangaroo trial.

If so Trump will pump his chest and claim he is innocent, but that will not be the last word. The evidence and the truth will
come out, and the public opinion will decide if The President deserves a second term.
News flash, snowflake:


WHEN the House traitors drag their sorry asses back to the House after the Senate dismisses their exposed political coup attempt, Trump will be CONFIRMED 'Innocent'.

Don't blame the President for the Democrats putting on display their criminal incompetence & treason, showing up to the Senate - AFTER voting for Impeachment - and declaring they can't present their case because they don't have the evidence to Justify Impeaching the President.

If the Founding Fathers were still alive - after this display put on by the House Impeachment managers, the only way they would leave the Senate would be in handcuffs.

An acquittal does not mean the Defendant is innocent. In you head was O.J. Simpson innocent when he was found not guilty?
How's the weather in Moscow today, Tree? If must be damn cold this time outside the Kremlin.

The Democrats are getting eviscerated for showing up to the Senate and declaring they do not have the evidence to Justify their House Impeachment, and snowflakes like you desperately turn to the debunked / abandoned 'Russian Collusion Delusion'!

Might as well get this one started.

It's clear from today's pressers by the Dimwingers what their strategy is...........attack the process as unfair, call it a 'rigged' trial even before it starts. (confirmed the prediction in my sig)

They are whining and crying that this isn't like the Clinton impeachment, which is a blatant lie.

No new evidence was brought into the trial during the trial. All evidence was put together prior to the start of the Clinton trial.

Not a single witness was called and testified in public. Only 3 witnesses were called, and they testified in secret. The Dimwingers selectively leaked what they wanted to, and kept the rest secret.

In short, Dimwingers know they have no case despite claiming they have a slame dunk. It is hysterical that they don't know thinking Americans are laughing at their sham.

Cryin' Chucky will now offer up multiple dumbfuck resolutions he knows will go nowhere..........then he will run in front of the cameras to whine and cry about fairness.

How did I know this day would come? I called it in 2016, as soon as the mo'fo won.
And John Kelly told him he was going to be impeached, too.
The Dems are in effect admitting they didn't have sufficient evidence to impeach Trump. Overwhelming evidence they said they had, right? So where the fuck is it, and why do you need more? The Dems have made a mockery of what is supposed to be a very serious matter, we're talking about overturning a duly elected president by the will of the people according to the laws of the land. The fact that now they want more witnesses and data is clearly indicating that they didn't have overwhelming evidence, indeed not even sufficient evidence to impeach a sitting president. It's not illegal, but every one of those assholes ought to be voted out of office IMHO.

It ought to be obvious, you don't go to trial with a case that you can't win. You don't go to trial until you have sufficient evidence to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, and the fact that this is a political trial as opposed to a criminal one does not change that requirement one bit.
How's the weather in Moscow today, Tree? If must be damn cold this time outside the Kremlin.

The Democrats are getting eviscerated for showing up to the Senate and declaring they do not have the evidence to Justify their House Impeachment, and snowflakes like you desperately turn to the debunked / abandoned 'Russian Collusion Delusion'!


Where are you seeing that? Who said that?
OH, the lyin' Republicans said that.
The same one who said there were no Republicans were in the SCIF during the investigation?
An acquittal does not mean the Defendant is innocent. In you head was O.J. Simpson innocent when he was found not guilty?
When a prosecutor stands up at the start of a trial and admits he does not even have enough evidence to indict let alone attempt to prosecute, his follow-on attempt to claim just because his case will probably thrown out as a result does not mean the individual on trial us 'innocent' is like Madonna attempting to claim today that she is a 'virgin'...

....which is exactly what you are trying to do right now...

The Dems are in effect admitting they didn't have sufficient evidence to impeach Trump. Overwhelming evidence they said they had, right? So where the fuck is it, and why do you need more? The Dems have made a mockery of what is supposed to be a very serious matter, we're talking about overturning a duly elected president by the will of the people according to the laws of the land. The fact that now they want more witnesses and data is clearly indicating that they didn't have overwhelming evidence, indeed not even sufficient evidence to impeach a sitting president. It's not illegal, but every one of those assholes ought to be voted out of office IMHO.

It ought to be obvious, you don't go to trial with a case that you can't win. You don't go to trial until you have sufficient evidence to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, and the fact that this is a political trial as opposed to a criminal one does not change that requirement one bit.

Another TDS: Trump Denial Syndrome victim.
Impeachment is not part of the "laws of the land".
They don't want more witnesses.
They want the witnesses to TESTIFY you stupid flaming fuck.
How's the weather in Moscow today, Tree? If must be damn cold this time outside the Kremlin.

The Democrats are getting eviscerated for showing up to the Senate and declaring they do not have the evidence to Justify their House Impeachment, and snowflakes like you desperately turn to the debunked / abandoned 'Russian Collusion Delusion'!


Where are you seeing that? Who said that?
OH, the lyin' Republicans said that.
The same one who said there were no Republicans were in the SCIF during the investigation?
You just proved

1. You are not watching / following the Impeachment Hearing

And / Or....

2. You know less about the law than Schiff and Nadler, which is saying ALOT!

How's the weather in Moscow today, Tree? If must be damn cold this time outside the Kremlin.

The Democrats are getting eviscerated for showing up to the Senate and declaring they do not have the evidence to Justify their House Impeachment, and snowflakes like you desperately turn to the debunked / abandoned 'Russian Collusion Delusion'!


My comment did not have anything to do with collusion, I simply asked Putin's agent provocateur about the weather in Moscow.

As for your conclusion that the Democratic Managers are being "eviscerated", I must disagree. Of course you didn't understand that the Masterful statements made by them, and the validity of their arguments that a trial requires evidence, for a jury to decide on an outcome.
Sen. Cornyn: Dems are in 'state of panic' about their weak impeachment case

...and it is an embarrassing televised ass-whuppin' long overdue for these traitors...
...I simply asked Putin's agent provocateur about the weather in Moscow.
Yeah, you desperately made a mentally unstable reference to a non-existent, debunked, disprove, false Democrat narrative used in an attempt to justify their failed criminal attempt to alter / control the 2016 election, crimes that included FISA Court abuses, perjury, altering official documents, manufacturing false evidence, collusion with known lying foreign spies, espionage, illegal spying on US citizens, etc...

Yours us a pathetic admission that even YOU know the Democrat House Coup Managers f*ed themselves and just
a minority of Trumpdrones aka Russians portray the opposite of the reality of the trial -

go figure - :abgg2q.jpg:
a minority of Trumpdrones aka Russians portray the opposite of the reality of the trial -

go figure - :abgg2q.jpg:
The fact that you referenced 'Russians' shows you snowflajes are losing your damn minds as the House's Coup Dream Team are getting their asses handed to them for admitting they voted to Impeach the President despite not having any evidence.


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