Senate Impeachment Trial Thread.

The Senate shall have sole power, not the Chief Justice. Democrats give the Constitution lip service, but in reality they despise it.
So you are also saying the Chief Justice just violated it as well by blocking Sen Paul?

The Senate can override any ruling by the Chief Justice with 51 votes.

True, and there may be consequences in doing so.

Hypothetical Scenario: A challenge to the Senate Rule of 51 votes overruling the CJ can be sued in the Dist. Court of DC, and could quickly rise to the Supreme Court. The CJ would rightly recuse himself, and the possibility that the Justices would vote to overrule the 51 vote rule and it should that 2/3 + 1 would be necessary to avoid partisan controversy.

The Senate makes their rules, not the Supreme Court.

Yep. And I believe McConnell's abuse of the rules are examples of Malfeasance.

Malfeasance is a comprehensive term used in both civil and Criminal Law to describe any act that is wrongful. It is not a distinct crime or tort, but may be used generally to describe any act that is criminal or that is wrongful and gives rise to, or somehow contributes to, the injury of another person.
good for you! I believe the same of you!!!

If trump were a dictator, you wouldn't be allowed to have that opinion. proves your side wrong.
The Senate shall have sole power, not the Chief Justice. Democrats give the Constitution lip service, but in reality they despise it.
So you are also saying the Chief Justice just violated it as well by blocking Sen Paul?

The Senate can override any ruling by the Chief Justice with 51 votes.

True, and there may be consequences in doing so.

Hypothetical Scenario: A challenge to the Senate Rule of 51 votes overruling the CJ can be sued in the Dist. Court of DC, and could quickly rise to the Supreme Court. The CJ would rightly recuse himself, and the possibility that the Justices would vote to overrule the 51 vote rule and it should that 2/3 + 1 would be necessary to avoid partisan controversy.

The Senate makes their rules, not the Supreme Court.

Yep. And I believe McConnell's abuse of the rules are examples of Malfeasance.

Malfeasance is a comprehensive term used in both civil and Criminal Law to describe any act that is wrongful. It is not a distinct crime or tort, but may be used generally to describe any act that is criminal or that is wrongful and gives rise to, or somehow contributes to, the injury of another person.

It has become a pattern used by Moscow Mitch and his use of misfeasance in bringing bills passed by the House for debate and a vote, and in not putting forth for an up or down vote to Obama's nomination for the supreme court. It is dishonest and wrong.

a misfeasance is the act of performing a legal action, but in an improper way; Moscow Mitch has no integrity.
List the rules he violated, and exactly how he violated them.
So you are also saying the Chief Justice just violated it as well by blocking Sen Paul?

The Senate can override any ruling by the Chief Justice with 51 votes.

True, and there may be consequences in doing so.

Hypothetical Scenario: A challenge to the Senate Rule of 51 votes overruling the CJ can be sued in the Dist. Court of DC, and could quickly rise to the Supreme Court. The CJ would rightly recuse himself, and the possibility that the Justices would vote to overrule the 51 vote rule and it should that 2/3 + 1 would be necessary to avoid partisan controversy.

The Senate makes their rules, not the Supreme Court.

Yep. And I believe McConnell's abuse of the rules are examples of Malfeasance.

Malfeasance is a comprehensive term used in both civil and Criminal Law to describe any act that is wrongful. It is not a distinct crime or tort, but may be used generally to describe any act that is criminal or that is wrongful and gives rise to, or somehow contributes to, the injury of another person.
good for you! I believe the same of you!!!

If trump were a dictator, you wouldn't be allowed to have that opinion. proves your side wrong.

The only reason I can express my opinion, & you too have the same right. It is written in the 1st Amendment to COTUS.

Trump has attempted to silence all witnesses, and McConnell is aiding and abetting his efforts.
The Senate can override any ruling by the Chief Justice with 51 votes.

True, and there may be consequences in doing so.

Hypothetical Scenario: A challenge to the Senate Rule of 51 votes overruling the CJ can be sued in the Dist. Court of DC, and could quickly rise to the Supreme Court. The CJ would rightly recuse himself, and the possibility that the Justices would vote to overrule the 51 vote rule and it should that 2/3 + 1 would be necessary to avoid partisan controversy.

The Senate makes their rules, not the Supreme Court.

Yep. And I believe McConnell's abuse of the rules are examples of Malfeasance.

Malfeasance is a comprehensive term used in both civil and Criminal Law to describe any act that is wrongful. It is not a distinct crime or tort, but may be used generally to describe any act that is criminal or that is wrongful and gives rise to, or somehow contributes to, the injury of another person.
good for you! I believe the same of you!!!

If trump were a dictator, you wouldn't be allowed to have that opinion. proves your side wrong.

The only reason I can express my opinion, & you too have the same right. It is written in the 1st Amendment to COTUS.

Trump has attempted to silence all witnesses, and McConnell is aiding and abetting his efforts.
that's simply incorrect. you know it. it's been explained and many times. Any person can testify with the proper procedure followed. So inherently, you're factually incorrect. We are a country of rules and laws. one must follow those.

In our country, a defendant does not have to testify. ever!!
Why doesn’t Roberts stop these assholes when they stop answering the question and just grandstand?

What a limp wristed faggot of a judge. If they stop answering the question......fucking cut them off! What is he doing under that robe?

I literally saw one Dimm dismiss the Pub question in 5 seconds and then spend 4 minutes and 55 seconds whining about getting Bolton to testify.


This jackass is the reason we have Obamacare. What a pussy.
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Traitor Nadler accuses Trump of 'dictatorial moves despite zero crime, zero evidence, & zero witnesses and House witnesses testifying eliminating Ukraine was Foreign Policy from very beginning....

House Coup Managers continue to whine, blaming their lack of evidence on Trump Executive Privilege...

So you are also saying the Chief Justice just violated it as well by blocking Sen Paul?

The Senate can override any ruling by the Chief Justice with 51 votes.

True, and there may be consequences in doing so.

Hypothetical Scenario: A challenge to the Senate Rule of 51 votes overruling the CJ can be sued in the Dist. Court of DC, and could quickly rise to the Supreme Court. The CJ would rightly recuse himself, and the possibility that the Justices would vote to overrule the 51 vote rule and it should that 2/3 + 1 would be necessary to avoid partisan controversy.

The Senate makes their rules, not the Supreme Court.

Yep. And I believe McConnell's abuse of the rules are examples of Malfeasance.

Malfeasance is a comprehensive term used in both civil and Criminal Law to describe any act that is wrongful. It is not a distinct crime or tort, but may be used generally to describe any act that is criminal or that is wrongful and gives rise to, or somehow contributes to, the injury of another person.

It has become a pattern used by Moscow Mitch and his use of misfeasance in bringing bills passed by the House for debate and a vote, and in not putting forth for an up or down vote to Obama's nomination for the supreme court. It is dishonest and wrong.

a misfeasance is the act of performing a legal action, but in an improper way; Moscow Mitch has no integrity.

List the rules he violated, and exactly how he violated them.

Yes Virginia, there really are stupid questions. Had the author of this ^^^ stupid question read the definitions above, s/he might have understood the post; also, I left out Non feasance which is also in play with Moscow Mitch's behavior, s/he might understand the wrongful doing of Moscow Mitch the presidents b***h.
Schiff called ALL the shots in how the House impeachment proceedings were handled, and now he wants to tell the Senate how to handle their proceedings?

Fuck you, Schiiff, you arrogant prick.
The Senate can override any ruling by the Chief Justice with 51 votes.

True, and there may be consequences in doing so.

Hypothetical Scenario: A challenge to the Senate Rule of 51 votes overruling the CJ can be sued in the Dist. Court of DC, and could quickly rise to the Supreme Court. The CJ would rightly recuse himself, and the possibility that the Justices would vote to overrule the 51 vote rule and it should that 2/3 + 1 would be necessary to avoid partisan controversy.

The Senate makes their rules, not the Supreme Court.

Yep. And I believe McConnell's abuse of the rules are examples of Malfeasance.

Malfeasance is a comprehensive term used in both civil and Criminal Law to describe any act that is wrongful. It is not a distinct crime or tort, but may be used generally to describe any act that is criminal or that is wrongful and gives rise to, or somehow contributes to, the injury of another person.

It has become a pattern used by Moscow Mitch and his use of misfeasance in bringing bills passed by the House for debate and a vote, and in not putting forth for an up or down vote to Obama's nomination for the supreme court. It is dishonest and wrong.

a misfeasance is the act of performing a legal action, but in an improper way; Moscow Mitch has no integrity.

List the rules he violated, and exactly how he violated them.

Yes Virginia, there really are stupid questions. Had the author of this ^^^ stupid question read the definitions above, s/he might have understood the post; also, I left out Non feasance which is also in play with Moscow Mitch's behavior, s/he might understand the wrongful doing of Moscow Mitch the presidents b***h.
So you admit you can't back up your bullshit. That was easy.
Awwwww......attacks on Schiffs staff? Poor fucking babies.

What about smears on conservatives and POTUS?

SMD Schiff. You disingenuous fuck.
The Senate shall have sole power, not the Chief Justice. Democrats give the Constitution lip service, but in reality they despise it.
So you are also saying the Chief Justice just violated it as well by blocking Sen Paul?

The Senate can override any ruling by the Chief Justice with 51 votes.

True, and there may be consequences in doing so.

Hypothetical Scenario: A challenge to the Senate Rule of 51 votes overruling the CJ can be sued in the Dist. Court of DC, and could quickly rise to the Supreme Court. The CJ would rightly recuse himself, and the possibility that the Justices would vote to overrule the 51 vote rule and it should that 2/3 + 1 would be necessary to avoid partisan controversy.

The Senate makes their rules, not the Supreme Court.

Yep. And I believe McConnell's abuse of the rules are examples of Malfeasance.

Malfeasance is a comprehensive term used in both civil and Criminal Law to describe any act that is wrongful. It is not a distinct crime or tort, but may be used generally to describe any act that is criminal or that is wrongful and gives rise to, or somehow contributes to, the injury of another person.

It has become a pattern used by Moscow Mitch and his use of misfeasance in bringing bills passed by the House for debate and a vote, and in not putting forth for an up or down vote to Obama's nomination for the supreme court. It is dishonest and wrong.

a misfeasance is the act of performing a legal action, but in an improper way; Moscow Mitch has no integrity.
Go cry to your mommy.
Someone should scream out ERIC CIARAMELLA! From the gallery.

Schiff doesn’t know what that means,
One of the Pubs should just answer:


Ad hominem

And just sit down.
Adumb Schifferbrains has Stage 8 ADD. He can't address a question for more than 2 sentences before going on autopilot and spewing his canned bullshit lies and talking points.
Hakeem Jeffries (D-New York):

"Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the individual."

Like owning a machine gun manufactured after 1986???


Serious question for the lefties: do you still think Schiff is a credible, honest and competent elected official after how he has handled his performances in the Senate?
My response to the last question about a president being able to use the precedence being set, as to then say hey Mayor, hey county clerk, hey chief of police in this country, ummm if you want this money then you must favor me in the next or coming election ? Total spin and obsurdity beyond obsurdity. The Dems are still grabbing at straws, and keep getting stung by the bee's that hang out in them.

How about this - Hey Mayor, hey county clerk, hey police chief and/or etc. If you clean up your corruption and act in your state, your offices and other such things, then you will be given tax payer funds in order to help you in your struggles and needs in your state just like you ordered.

See how that works ? There I fixed it for them. I swear them Dems are some bad characters. Very easily read, and very easily corrected. Their TDS just won't let them get over it, and they just keep going no matter what. I guess it's all they have left, and now that's slipping away.

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