Senate Impeachment Trial Thread.

Traitor Nadler accuses Trump of 'dictatorial moves despite zero crime, zero evidence, & zero witnesses and House witnesses testifying eliminating Ukraine was Foreign Policy from very beginning....

House Coup Managers continue to whine, blaming their lack of evidence on Trump Executive Privilege...

Trump fails to provide the non existent information that would hang himself
Guys Guys Guys!

I get the feeling the House Managers want Bolton to testify....are you guys getting that vibe?
I think he should continue to tell the senators that they aren't fair. I love it. I think at least ten more times today!! Let's change the constitution and just remove all senators from the room and let Roberts make a decision. Schitt's said that last night!!! holy fk. the turd is a turd that has a stench so bad something died.

Naturally, they forget that Roberts doesn't have that kind of power in these proceedings. A simple majority vote can overrule him on Senate rules. They just can't accept that the Republicans really do have the power and it looks like they might actually use it for a change. Fascinating thing to watch.
House Clown Jason Crow: "You have to convict Trump...........cuz..........ya know.............I was in the military".

Good Lord, Thank You for your service but STFU about it already. It has ZERO bearing on this proceeding.
The Senate can override any ruling by the Chief Justice with 51 votes.

True, and there may be consequences in doing so.

Hypothetical Scenario: A challenge to the Senate Rule of 51 votes overruling the CJ can be sued in the Dist. Court of DC, and could quickly rise to the Supreme Court. The CJ would rightly recuse himself, and the possibility that the Justices would vote to overrule the 51 vote rule and it should that 2/3 + 1 would be necessary to avoid partisan controversy.

The Senate makes their rules, not the Supreme Court.

Yep. And I believe McConnell's abuse of the rules are examples of Malfeasance.

Malfeasance is a comprehensive term used in both civil and Criminal Law to describe any act that is wrongful. It is not a distinct crime or tort, but may be used generally to describe any act that is criminal or that is wrongful and gives rise to, or somehow contributes to, the injury of another person.

It has become a pattern used by Moscow Mitch and his use of misfeasance in bringing bills passed by the House for debate and a vote, and in not putting forth for an up or down vote to Obama's nomination for the supreme court. It is dishonest and wrong.

a misfeasance is the act of performing a legal action, but in an improper way; Moscow Mitch has no integrity.

List the rules he violated, and exactly how he violated them.

Yes Virginia, there really are stupid questions. Had the author of this ^^^ stupid question read the definitions above, s/he might have understood the post; also, I left out Non feasance which is also in play with Moscow Mitch's behavior, s/he might understand the wrongful doing of Moscow Mitch the presidents b***h.
Look at you you tough guy message boarder! Eewwww I’m spit laughing at you.

Can you say acquittal?
Sekulow: "After 31 or 32 times you said you proved every aspect of your case... [pauses for response] That's what you said."

Schiff: "We did."

Sekulow: "Well then I don't think we need any witnesses."


I have to see that with my own beautiful.

Ultimate mic drop.

Pencil Neck got destroyed.:5_1_12024:
Bahahahahaha! Bug-eyed Schiff is WAY out of his league.


Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) sensible asked the impeachment teams about the significance of a conversation between CIA analyst Eric Ciaramella — the "whistleblower" who started the impeachment push — and Sean Misko, who left the White House to join Bug-eyed Schiff (D-Calif.)'s House Intelligence Committee. Bug-eyed Schiff responded with a temper tantrum, accusing Republicans of engaging in "disgraceful" "smearing" of his staff.


The question centered on a key bit of dialogue between Ciaramella and Misko involving the need to "take out" President Donald Trump.

"After Flynn briefed the staff about what 'America First' foreign policy means, Ciaramella turned to Misko and commented, 'We need to take him out,' " a staffer told Sperry. "And Misko replied, 'Yeah, we need to do everything we can to take out the president.' "​

If the "whistleblower" has a conflict of interest involving Biden, that's an important fact about the entire impeachment case. Bug-eyed Schiff has shot down any attempt to pursue this important question.

Bug-eyed Schiff launched into a temper tantrum.

"First of all, there have been a lot of attacks on my staff. As I said when this issue came up earlier, I am appalled at some of the smearing of the professional people that work for the Intelligence Committee,"​

He can endlessly smear The President, Republicans and their supports, but raise a sensible question about the motives of his deeply compromised rumor repeater and he has a fit.

Bug-eyed Schiff did not deny the reporting and he did not explain why he hired Misko.
Sekulow: "After 31 or 32 times you said you proved every aspect of your case... [pauses for response] That's what you said."

Schiff: "We did."

Sekulow: "Well then I don't think we need any witnesses."


I have to see that with my own beautiful.

Ultimate mic drop.

Pencil Neck got destroyed.:5_1_12024:
Bahahahahaha! Bug-eyed Schiff is WAY out of his league.


Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) sensible asked the impeachment teams about the significance of a conversation between CIA analyst Eric Ciaramella — the "whistleblower" who started the impeachment push — and Sean Misko, who left the White House to join Bug-eyed Schiff (D-Calif.)'s House Intelligence Committee. Bug-eyed Schiff responded with a temper tantrum, accusing Republicans of engaging in "disgraceful" "smearing" of his staff.


The question centered on a key bit of dialogue between Ciaramella and Misko involving the need to "take out" President Donald Trump.

"After Flynn briefed the staff about what 'America First' foreign policy means, Ciaramella turned to Misko and commented, 'We need to take him out,' " a staffer told Sperry. "And Misko replied, 'Yeah, we need to do everything we can to take out the president.' "​

If the "whistleblower" has a conflict of interest involving Biden, that's an important fact about the entire impeachment case. Bug-eyed Schiff has shot down any attempt to pursue this important question.

Bug-eyed Schiff launched into a temper tantrum.

"First of all, there have been a lot of attacks on my staff. As I said when this issue came up earlier, I am appalled at some of the smearing of the professional people that work for the Intelligence Committee,"​

He can endlessly smear The President, Republicans and their supports, but raise a sensible question about the motives of his deeply compromised rumor repeater and he has a fit.

Bug-eyed Schiff did not deny the reporting and he did not explain why he hired Misko.

Wow, that’s the core of the whole thing. EC isn’t a whistleblower, he is part of a CIA coup.
Sekulow: "After 31 or 32 times you said you proved every aspect of your case... [pauses for response] That's what you said."

Schiff: "We did."

Sekulow: "Well then I don't think we need any witnesses."


I have to see that with my own beautiful.

Ultimate mic drop.

Pencil Neck got destroyed.:5_1_12024:
Bahahahahaha! Bug-eyed Schiff is WAY out of his league.


Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) sensible asked the impeachment teams about the significance of a conversation between CIA analyst Eric Ciaramella — the "whistleblower" who started the impeachment push — and Sean Misko, who left the White House to join Bug-eyed Schiff (D-Calif.)'s House Intelligence Committee. Bug-eyed Schiff responded with a temper tantrum, accusing Republicans of engaging in "disgraceful" "smearing" of his staff.


The question centered on a key bit of dialogue between Ciaramella and Misko involving the need to "take out" President Donald Trump.

"After Flynn briefed the staff about what 'America First' foreign policy means, Ciaramella turned to Misko and commented, 'We need to take him out,' " a staffer told Sperry. "And Misko replied, 'Yeah, we need to do everything we can to take out the president.' "​

If the "whistleblower" has a conflict of interest involving Biden, that's an important fact about the entire impeachment case. Bug-eyed Schiff has shot down any attempt to pursue this important question.

Bug-eyed Schiff launched into a temper tantrum.

"First of all, there have been a lot of attacks on my staff. As I said when this issue came up earlier, I am appalled at some of the smearing of the professional people that work for the Intelligence Committee,"​

He can endlessly smear The President, Republicans and their supports, but raise a sensible question about the motives of his deeply compromised rumor repeater and he has a fit.

Bug-eyed Schiff did not deny the reporting and he did not explain why he hired Misko.
I’m grossly upset at the smear campaign from this little prick at the president I voted for, so forgive me if I don’t care about that little prick’s feelings!. In fact, a big dick in his mouth would make me laugh
Isn’t this impeachment an attempt to affect the 2020 election?

The Dimms said we can’t let the people decide, this is too important.

Such swamp creatures.
When Schiff starts riffing, I want to just flick him in the forehead and tell him to sit down.

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