Senate Passes Tax Reform...The Donald Wins Again!


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
The Donald plays to win and did so even with opponents on his team. The Donald is a genius. Get over it you douchebag, snowflakes qu33rs!
I love it when you lemmings show just how pathetic the Trump presidency has been. A bill passing a GOP controlled senate is seen as a major victory. Not a bill that was signed or even one that was reconciled between the House and the Senate, but just one actually passing the Senate is "winning".

Thank you for the reminder of how absolutely pathetic this Admin has been!
Well, let me explain to you why it's an important victory: because the Senate was the biggest and only obstacle to passing tax reform, since the House already passed tax reform. Now that the Senate has passed it, we are assured of a major, long-overdue reform of our tax code in a way that will encourage capital to return to America and that will encourage our big companies to expand on American soil. Isn't that a good thing?

Do you guys not understand that this tax reform bill, either version, will, according to just about every major business group in America, stimulate hiring and investment and bring capital back to America? I thought you guys were all about helping the middle class? Well, gulp, who the devil do you think most middle-class workers work for? Poor people? Non-small-business businesses employ MILLIONS of middle-income people. Indeed, those people are middle income precisely because they've been lucky enough to get a job with a company that's big enough to pay them middle-income wages plus benefits.
Well, let me explain to you why it's an important victory: because the Senate was the biggest and only obstacle to passing tax reform, since the House already passed tax reform. Now that the Senate has passed it, we are assured of a major, long-overdue reform of our tax code in a way that will encourage capital to return to America and that will encourage our big companies to expand on American soil. Isn't that a good thing?
Why did we need "Tax Reform." Thought the whore reagan took care of this.
Well, let me explain to you why it's an important victory: because the Senate was the biggest and only obstacle to passing tax reform, since the House already passed tax reform. Now that the Senate has passed it, we are assured of a major, long-overdue reform of our tax code in a way that will encourage capital to return to America and that will encourage our big companies to expand on American soil. Isn't that a good thing?

If that were only true then it would be a good thing, but that is just a lie told to you by the Trump admin.
Well, let me explain to you why it's an important victory: because the Senate was the biggest and only obstacle to passing tax reform, since the House already passed tax reform. Now that the Senate has passed it, we are assured of a major, long-overdue reform of our tax code in a way that will encourage capital to return to America and that will encourage our big companies to expand on American soil. Isn't that a good thing?

Do you guys not understand that this tax reform bill, either version, will, according to just about every major business group in America, stimulate hiring and investment and bring capital back to America? I thought you guys were all about helping the middle class? Well, gulp, who the devil do you think most middle-class workers work for? Poor people? Non-small-business businesses employ MILLIONS of middle-income people. Indeed, those people are middle income precisely because they've been lucky enough to get a job with a company that's big enough to pay them middle-income wages plus benefits.
Lowering taxes for the rich is a "win"?
You guys seem to assume that this is going to be good for the other 99% because big corporations and the senate care about the middle class.

But let me ask, if the growth in the economy doesnt equal the loss in revenue from the tax cut, and we sink further into debt, who do you thinks going to get hammered with massive tax increases and lower wages?

Would you like to ask the Swamp Lobbyists and the Penthouse-born legislators who they think should carry that weight?

We all need to stop assuming that everyone with giant checkbooks are generous. Almost none of them are. And no, hiring people is not a generous move.
You guys seem to assume that this is going to be good for the other 99% because big corporations and the senate care about the middle class.

But let me ask, if the growth in the economy doesnt equal the loss in revenue from the tax cut, and we sink further into debt, who do you thinks going to get hammered with massive tax increases and lower wages?

Would you like to ask the Swamp Lobbyists and the Penthouse-born legislators who they think should carry that weight?

We all need to stop assuming that everyone with giant checkbooks are generous. Almost none of them are. And no, hiring people is not a generous move.

IDK, who asked that question of Obama when he decided to double the debt from already a very high level?
Do you guys not understand that this tax reform bill, either version, will, according to just about every major business group in America, stimulate hiring and investment and bring capital back to America? I thought you guys were all about helping the middle class? Well, gulp, who the devil do you think most middle-class workers work for? Poor people? Non-small-business businesses employ MILLIONS of middle-income people. Indeed, those people are middle income precisely because they've been lucky enough to get a job with a company that's big enough to pay them middle-income wages plus benefits.

I have not seen any major business group say this will stimulate hiring. In fact the CEOs of many major corporations have come out and said the saving in taxes will go back to the shareholders, not to hiring, not to innovation and not to expansion. In an economy hovering around 4% unemployment there is really not that much more hiring to be had, people that want jobs for the most part have them.

At&T is the only major company I know of that has come out and said they would hire more because of this.

Also, the "tax cuts" that the poor and middle class will be seeing will not be enough for them to alter their lifestyle or spending habits. Even if the White House numbers are correct, the average person will get an extra 76 bucks every two weeks. What is that going to change?
Well, let me explain to you why it's an important victory: because the Senate was the biggest and only obstacle to passing tax reform, since the House already passed tax reform. Now that the Senate has passed it, we are assured of a major, long-overdue reform of our tax code in a way that will encourage capital to return to America and that will encourage our big companies to expand on American soil. Isn't that a good thing?

Do you guys not understand that this tax reform bill, either version, will, according to just about every major business group in America, stimulate hiring and investment and bring capital back to America? I thought you guys were all about helping the middle class? Well, gulp, who the devil do you think most middle-class workers work for? Poor people? Non-small-business businesses employ MILLIONS of middle-income people. Indeed, those people are middle income precisely because they've been lucky enough to get a job with a company that's big enough to pay them middle-income wages plus benefits.
The ones who are helped mostly are the Trumps and his friends and their deductions are permanent The rest of the working class not so Just saw a clip of a 2013 clip where your repub leader said how bad it was to raise deficits What happened?? Seems to me repubs are worried about deficits only when republicans are in the WH This is a TAX SCAM bill
Do you guys not understand that this tax reform bill, either version, will, according to just about every major business group in America, stimulate hiring and investment and bring capital back to America? I thought you guys were all about helping the middle class? Well, gulp, who the devil do you think most middle-class workers work for? Poor people? Non-small-business businesses employ MILLIONS of middle-income people. Indeed, those people are middle income precisely because they've been lucky enough to get a job with a company that's big enough to pay them middle-income wages plus benefits.

I have not seen any major business group say this will stimulate hiring. In fact the CEOs of many major corporations have come out and said the saving in taxes will go back to the shareholders, not to hiring, not to innovation and not to expansion. In an economy hovering around 4% unemployment there is really not that much more hiring to be had, people that want jobs for the most part have them.

At&T is the only major company I know of that has come out and said they would hire more because of this.

Also, the "tax cuts" that the poor and middle class will be seeing will not be enough for them to alter their lifestyle or spending habits. Even if the White House numbers are correct, the average person will get an extra 76 bucks every two weeks. What is that going to change?
also money being brought back from overseas at reduced rates are going to go for raises ,,,,to the ceo's buy backs and dividends for stock holders
The Donald plays to win and did so even with opponents on his team. The Donald is a genius. Get over it you douchebag, snowflakes qu33rs!

Tax SCAM??????................LOL

The media fed are parroting so fast all the crackers are gone!

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