Senate Passes Tax Reform...The Donald Wins Again!

Hmm... pretty sure the unemployment rate went from 10% to 4%

here you eternal moron......LOL

The unemployment rate on Inauguration Day was 4.8%, and it has fallen since then to 4.4%............

Since you're an idiot, the above means that Obama left trump with a 4.8% unemployment rate, and Trump brought it further down by .4% AN INCONSEQUENTIAL difference......LOL
These idiots forget what it was when Obama entered the WH I remember 9% ++

I remember what the debt was back then. I remember he achieved worst GDP growth ever. So during Obama we got out of a recession which would have happened anyway as it always has.
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Hmm... pretty sure the unemployment rate went from 10% to 4%

here you eternal moron......LOL

The unemployment rate on Inauguration Day was 4.8%, and it has fallen since then to 4.4%............

Since you're an idiot, the above means that Obama left trump with a 4.8% unemployment rate, and Trump brought it further down by .4% AN INCONSEQUENTIAL difference......LOL

A big difference.

Anyway if you think confiscating the wealth is a good idea, just move to Venezuela already, they confiscated it all there. A leftist paradise!

Shall we put a ticket on order? Or will you stop whining and get a job, finally... Trump has created plenty of opportunities to do so.
Confiscating??? The most wealthy of Americans have seen their wealth grow by leaps and bounds and the middle class are just spinning their wheels for the last 30 years Did you hear that scumbag trump say he won't be gaining with this tax bill? Do you still believe that POS you repubs gave us?
Well. I'm just gonna say one thing. Adding a trillion dollars of debt, combined with our monetary policy, is gonna leave our national debt at around 30-35 trillion dollars in debt in about 10 years or so. lolol. And, btw, I'm pretty sure they've adopted the chained consumer price index into the tax plan. Chained CPI increases the hidden, regressive, inflation tax without politicians having to actually vote for income tax rate hikes. It is a hidden tax on the illusionary gains in income caused by inflation. Eventually, it'll put verybody in a higher tax bracket. Though, your spending power will continue to diminish. Not that it can really diminish much more at this rate. The dollar is near rock bottom.
Hmm... pretty sure the unemployment rate went from 10% to 4%

here you eternal moron......LOL

The unemployment rate on Inauguration Day was 4.8%, and it has fallen since then to 4.4%............

Since you're an idiot, the above means that Obama left trump with a 4.8% unemployment rate, and Trump brought it further down by .4% AN INCONSEQUENTIAL difference......LOL

A big difference.

Anyway if you think confiscating the wealth is a good idea, just move to Venezuela already, they confiscated it all there. A leftist paradise!

Shall we put a ticket on order? Or will you stop whining and get a job, finally... Trump has created plenty of opportunities to do so.
Confiscating??? The most wealthy of Americans have seen their wealth grow by leaps and bounds and the middle class are just spinning their wheels for the last 30 years Did you hear that scumbag trump say he won't be gaining with this tax bill? Do you still believe that POS you repubs gave us?

Trump's wage is 1 dollar for now so he won't be gaining anything indeed. But even if he did get to keep more of the money that he earned, great for him! He certainly deserves to not have his wealth confiscated if someone does.

And if you get to pay more for the government that you so much love, that is great news indeed! Living one's own values is great! Want more govt? Then pay for it.
Moon Bats are really really pissed at Trump now.

He championed a tax cut that will stimulate the economy to undo the Obama economic disaster.

It pisses them off that Trump will make Obama (with his increased poverty, decreased family income and dismal economic growth) look so incompetent with failed Liberal economics.

When are these stupid Liberals ever going to learn that you don't create prosperity by taking money away from the people that earned it and giving it to the welfare queens? You create prosperity by letting Americans keep the money that they earned rather than giving it to the filthy government.

We are looking at double and maybe even triple Obama's dismal economic growth. MAGA Baby!
Well. I'm just gonna say one thing. Adding a trillion dollars of debt, combined with our monetary policy, is gonna leave our national debt at around 30-35 trillion dollars in debt in about 10 years or so. lolol. And, btw, I'm pretty sure they've adopted the chained consumer price index into the tax plan. Chained CPI increases the hidden, regressive, inflation tax without politicians having to actually vote for income tax rate hikes. Eventually, it'll put verybody in a higher tax bracket. Though, your spending power will continue to diminish. Not that it can really diminish much more at this rate.
How come repub leaders were against deficit rising under Obama but now it's ok???Stinking hypocrites
These idiots forget what it was when Obama entered the WH I remember 9% ++

Actually almost 10% and with 600,000 new unemployment claims PER MONTH....

The seldom mentioned gift by Obama to millions of Americans, is extending the unemployment benefits or risk a social catastrophe.
Hmm... pretty sure the unemployment rate went from 10% to 4%

here you eternal moron......LOL

The unemployment rate on Inauguration Day was 4.8%, and it has fallen since then to 4.4%............

Since you're an idiot, the above means that Obama left trump with a 4.8% unemployment rate, and Trump brought it further down by .4% AN INCONSEQUENTIAL difference......LOL

A big difference.

Anyway if you think confiscating the wealth is a good idea, just move to Venezuela already, they confiscated it all there. A leftist paradise!

Shall we put a ticket on order? Or will you stop whining and get a job, finally... Trump has created plenty of opportunities to do so.
Confiscating??? The most wealthy of Americans have seen their wealth grow by leaps and bounds and the middle class are just spinning their wheels for the last 30 years Did you hear that scumbag trump say he won't be gaining with this tax bill? Do you still believe that POS you repubs gave us?

Trump's wage is 1 dollar for now so he won't be gaining anything indeed. But even if he did get to keep more of the money that he earned, great for him! He certainly deserves to not have his wealth confiscated if someone does.

And if you get to pay more for the government that you so much love, that is great news indeed! Living one's own values is great!
That 1 buck is nothing compared to the millions the slob is making as president He is a racist a cheat a liar a pervert and thief and those are his good points
Hmm... pretty sure the unemployment rate went from 10% to 4%

here you eternal moron......LOL

The unemployment rate on Inauguration Day was 4.8%, and it has fallen since then to 4.4%............

Since you're an idiot, the above means that Obama left trump with a 4.8% unemployment rate, and Trump brought it further down by .4% AN INCONSEQUENTIAL difference......LOL

A big difference.

Anyway if you think confiscating the wealth is a good idea, just move to Venezuela already, they confiscated it all there. A leftist paradise!

Shall we put a ticket on order? Or will you stop whining and get a job, finally... Trump has created plenty of opportunities to do so.
Confiscating??? The most wealthy of Americans have seen their wealth grow by leaps and bounds and the middle class are just spinning their wheels for the last 30 years Did you hear that scumbag trump say he won't be gaining with this tax bill? Do you still believe that POS you repubs gave us?

Trump's wage is 1 dollar for now so he won't be gaining anything indeed. But even if he did get to keep more of the money that he earned, great for him! He certainly deserves to not have his wealth confiscated if someone does.

And if you get to pay more for the government that you so much love, that is great news indeed! Living one's own values is great!
That 1 buck is nothing compared to the millions the slob is making as president He is a racist a cheat a liar a pervert and thief and those are his good points

Through investments. Or are you saying he has a other job? Let me guess, you have as much evidence for that as for Russia collusion.
I remember what the debt was back then. I remember he achieved worst GDP growth ever. So during Obama we got out of a recession which would have happened anyway as it always has.

Did you finish junior high???
I remember what the debt was back then. I remember he achieved worst GDP growth ever. So during Obama we got out of a recession which would have happened anyway as it always has.

Did you finish junior high???

I have a degree in economics.

If there has been a recession that didn't end, now is the time to present the evidence. Oh, you don't have any.

Obama's recovery was one of the slowest recoveries ever by the way.
Well, let me explain to you why it's an important victory: because the Senate was the biggest and only obstacle to passing tax reform, since the House already passed tax reform. Now that the Senate has passed it, we are assured of a major, long-overdue reform of our tax code in a way that will encourage capital to return to America and that will encourage our big companies to expand on American soil. Isn't that a good thing?
Why did we need "Tax Reform." Thought the whore reagan took care of this.
You didn't explain why this "tax reform" has been so necessary to the American People for all these years. Thought the reagan whore took care of it decades ago with little nancy.
Dear Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, & Ohio,

I want you to know how deeply grateful we are for you. Not only did you help elect President Trump, but your votes helped us retain the Senate and pass tax reform.

Thank you, thank you.

I much prefer a rich guy having the money over these leftist losers here, even if the tax bill was as the far left puts it.

Billionaires generally invest their money productively generating new inventions.... generating the future.

These guys losers spend the money on necessities as they are too lazy to get a job. Then they use all their free time to whine here, even worse have single mother raised public school attending damaged kids.

Rich guy keeping the money is a double win. Jobs instead of whinery and the losers will finally get to better themselves, no innocent kids will be hurt. come with the stock market BOOMING for the last 4 years....with the wealthy already swimming in tons of cash all that you claim has little happened?

You are a naive idiot who is swallowing the scam.

I much prefer a rich guy having the money over these leftist losers here, even if the tax bill was as the far left puts it.

Billionaires generally invest their money productively generating new inventions.... generating the future.

These losers spend the money on necessities as they are too lazy to get a job. Then they use all their free time to whine here, even worse have single mother raised public school attending damaged kids.

Rich guy keeping the money is a double win. Jobs instead of whinery and the losers will finally get to better themselves, no innocent kids will be hurt.
Blind as a fucking bat.

I understand a loser would feel such way. It's okay, you will get over the butthurt some day.

Tax reform which is going to stick it to the middle and working classes. Wow. So wonderful.

On another thread I posted that since right wingers "think" that Obama screwed them with the ACA, they are WILLING to get screwed again by republicans because their half brain judges THAT to be pay-back....IDIOTS........LOL
They all said after getting screwed Thank you Mr Trump can I have another?

There is a very large push in the House to add a H.O.T tax to the bill, and I think they are going to get it.

What is a H.O.T. tax?

Well, what it is actually is a check box on your income tax return that you fill in when you want to pay the former, higher, tax. This has already been done in Massachusetts before. The idea is---------->that those who believe that giving more money to the government is a good thing and that this tax break is all bad, can opt to pay the higher rate, thus making everyone happy, including most Democrats on here. The only stumbling block so far for this seems to be---------->that there is a disagreement on IF they take the higher tax, should they then get their S.A.L.T. deductions back in return. The Republicans say no, because the people who will then pay the higher tax are wealthier people, who will then actually save money. The Democrats don't want to touch the idea with a 10ft pole, because they would then have to explain why very little extra came into the treasury from this, meaning their constituency didn't check the higher rate box, showing that Democrats talk of tax increases being good means---------->only when YOUR tax increases, and NOT theirs.

How do we know the Democrats are squirming over this? Because in one of the MOST lefty states where this was tried; Mass............the most they EVER got using the H.O.T. tax option was.............wait for it......... 1/4 of a million dollars, lololol. That tends to prove what every conservative/libertarian/republican on this site already knows---------> Democrats are phony-baloney, and when they talk about raising taxes, they are talking about raising taxes on YOU, while they avoid paying them at all costs, using the tax code in any way they can to lower their burden!
Trump's wage is 1 dollar for now so he won't be gaining anything indeed.

here you nitwit.....Read the fucking article (there's tons more)

Donald Trump Reports He's Getting Rich as President - The Atlantic

Hey moron, I realize that Trump's investment's are increasing in value every year, as he's not a moron. Of course he is getting richer every year.

I was talking about his WAGE. Which I think if you read the quote you quoted, I believe even a moron like you would be able to understand.
Now that the tax bill has passed Republicans have no more need for the president who is losing his mind Time to throw him under the bus
Now that the tax bill has passed Republicans have no more need for the president who is losing his mind Time to throw him under the bus

Oh no, no, the plan was to have him until Americans are tired of winning. This was so much win that I am getting a bit tired indeed, but I am not tired yet.
You didn't explain why this "tax reform" has been so necessary to the American People for all these years. Thought the reagan whore took care of it decades ago with little nancy.

Actually, Reagan was forced to RAISE taxes 11 times during his terms.....His "trickle down" voodoo economics did NOT work too well.
here you eternal moron......LOL

The unemployment rate on Inauguration Day was 4.8%, and it has fallen since then to 4.4%............

Since you're an idiot, the above means that Obama left trump with a 4.8% unemployment rate, and Trump brought it further down by .4% AN INCONSEQUENTIAL difference......LOL

A big difference.

Anyway if you think confiscating the wealth is a good idea, just move to Venezuela already, they confiscated it all there. A leftist paradise!

Shall we put a ticket on order? Or will you stop whining and get a job, finally... Trump has created plenty of opportunities to do so.
Confiscating??? The most wealthy of Americans have seen their wealth grow by leaps and bounds and the middle class are just spinning their wheels for the last 30 years Did you hear that scumbag trump say he won't be gaining with this tax bill? Do you still believe that POS you repubs gave us?

Trump's wage is 1 dollar for now so he won't be gaining anything indeed. But even if he did get to keep more of the money that he earned, great for him! He certainly deserves to not have his wealth confiscated if someone does.

And if you get to pay more for the government that you so much love, that is great news indeed! Living one's own values is great!
That 1 buck is nothing compared to the millions the slob is making as president He is a racist a cheat a liar a pervert and thief and those are his good points

Through investments. Or are you saying he has a other job? Let me guess, you have as much evidence for that as for Russia collusion.
Hey Norm You know the POS has over 500 pass throughs??

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