Senate Passes Tax Reform...The Donald Wins Again!

The Donald plays to win and did so even with opponents on his team. The Donald is a genius. Get over it you douchebag, snowflakes qu33rs!

Heavily taxing people isn't wise since it throws a damper on the economy and growth
but piling up debt is a tax of rich poor and everyone in between
I have a degree in economics.

....from Trump U.??????..............LOL

(you can make an EXCELLENT case that your degree was worth shit......)

Nah, a respected university. Leftists were doing to teaching so... are you saying that you are incompetent in that too?

Indeed we should reform education next, Nat would be very pleased.
Now that the tax bill has passed Republicans have no more need for the president who is losing his mind Time to throw him under the bus

Oh no, no, the plan was to have him until Americans are tired of winning. This was so much win that I am getting a bit tired indeed, but I am not tired yet.
Norm Remember leader Ryan screaming how deficits are no good ?? That was when Obama was president Your hypocrite is singing a different tune now
How come repub leaders were against deficit rising under Obama but now it's ok???Stinking hypocrites

They both function under the same monetary policy. That's why.

And the monetary policy is why you and I and every other working class person regardless of political views are screwed. As well as future generations.
Now that the tax bill has passed Republicans have no more need for the president who is losing his mind Time to throw him under the bus

Oh no, no, the plan was to have him until Americans are tired of winning. This was so much win that I am getting a bit tired indeed, but I am not tired yet.
Norm Remember leader Ryan screaming how deficits are no good ?? That was when Obama was president Your hypocrite is singing a different tune now

I am not happy with increasing the deficit. Next up: the biggest spending cut in history!

I think, then I maybe tired of winning.
Now that the tax bill has passed Republicans have no more need for the president who is losing his mind Time to throw him under the bus

Indeed, the GOPers have done and will do 2 things to help them for 2018

a. Pushed the tax scam to take effect to 2019, and

b. Once trump signs off on the tax scam, there is no longer need to defend the orange clown that is dragging the GOP into the toilet.....
Now that the tax bill has passed Republicans have no more need for the president who is losing his mind Time to throw him under the bus

Oh no, no, the plan was to have him until Americans are tired of winning. This was so much win that I am getting a bit tired indeed, but I am not tired yet.
What win??? This tax bill you call a win THE ONLY WIN ,,,,,,is nothing but a tax scam Where are all the rest the moron promised?
I have a degree in economics.

Relly. Well, then, we're in luck.

Can you explain for us how do the politicians pay for their deficit spending?

They don't, you see politicians are government employees and are there only to take away from the pie, to increase the deficit.

If you meant to ask "What would be an effective way to reduce the deficit", well obviously, by cutting the spending.
Well. I'm just gonna say one thing. Adding a trillion dollars of debt, combined with our monetary policy, is gonna leave our national debt at around 30-35 trillion dollars in debt in about 10 years or so. lolol. And, btw, I'm pretty sure they've adopted the chained consumer price index into the tax plan. Chained CPI increases the hidden, regressive, inflation tax without politicians having to actually vote for income tax rate hikes. Eventually, it'll put verybody in a higher tax bracket. Though, your spending power will continue to diminish. Not that it can really diminish much more at this rate.
How come repub leaders were against deficit rising under Obama but now it's ok???Stinking hypocrites

It is fake news that the tax cuts will create deficits. The stupid CBO analysis did not take into account the economic growth that will be created with more money in the hands of the American people. The corporate tax rate reduction by itself will create tremendous economic growth. That will bring in more government revenue.

Economics is not the strong suit of Liberals. They think economic growth is created by taking money away from the people that earned it and giving it o the welfare queens. How stupid is that? No wonder their Boy Obama had increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity and dismal economic growth.
But but but Trump doesn't have any legislative victories...another liberal talking point down the tubes.
Yeah blues a victory for him and his billionaire friends not so for you

Trump just gave me a tax cut, have you looked at the Senate tax brackets vs current brackets? Of course you haven't you are an ignorant liberal drone who parrots talking points.
I much prefer a rich guy having the money over these leftist losers here, even if the tax bill was as the far left puts it.

Billionaires generally invest their money productively generating new inventions.... generating the future.

These losers spend the money on necessities as they are too lazy to get a job. Then they use all their free time to whine here, even worse have single mother raised public school attending damaged kids.

Rich guy keeping the money is a double win. Jobs instead of whinery and the losers will finally get to better themselves, no innocent kids will be hurt.

So which are you? A rich guy or a whiny loser?
I have a degree in economics.

Relly. Well, then, we're in luck.

Can you explain for us how do the politicians pay for their deficit spending?

They don't, you see politicians are government employees and are there only to take away from the pie, to increase the deficit.

If you meant to ask "What would be an effective way to reduce the deficit", well obviously, by cutting the spending.
Republicans playing STARVE THE BEAST raise the deficit so high that there will have to be a cut in medicare medicade and SS and THEN when dems take over they'll be left with the dirty work republicans left for them AND THEN the cycle starts again blame dems for not fixing economy fast enough BEEN THERE DONE THAT
But but but Trump doesn't have any legislative victories...another liberal talking point down the tubes.
Yeah blues a victory for him and his billionaire friends not so for you

Trump just gave me a tax cut, have you looked at the Senate tax brackets vs current brackets? Of course you haven't you are an ignorant liberal drone who parrots talking points.
Depends on where you live blues and your little cut will be gone soon enough while trump and friends cuts will go on forever
The Donald plays to win and did so even with opponents on his team. The Donald is a genius. Get over it you douchebag, snowflakes qu33rs!
Trump wins his first victoryAFTER 10 months-
America loses.
Cancer research was cut, more money was moved to the 1% and on the horizon.... make no mistake about it, cuts to Medicare , Medicaid and Social Security.
You got screwed and you’re too stupid to admit it.
Well. I'm just gonna say one thing. Adding a trillion dollars of debt, combined with our monetary policy, is gonna leave our national debt at around 30-35 trillion dollars in debt in about 10 years or so. lolol. And, btw, I'm pretty sure they've adopted the chained consumer price index into the tax plan. Chained CPI increases the hidden, regressive, inflation tax without politicians having to actually vote for income tax rate hikes. Eventually, it'll put verybody in a higher tax bracket. Though, your spending power will continue to diminish. Not that it can really diminish much more at this rate.
How come repub leaders were against deficit rising under Obama but now it's ok???Stinking hypocrites

It is fake news that the tax cuts will create deficits. The stupid CBO analysis did not take into account the economic growth that will be created with more money in the hands of the American people. The corporate tax rate reduction by itself will create tremendous economic growth. That will bring in more government revenue.

Economics is not the strong suit of Liberals. They think economic growth is created by taking money away from the people that earned it and giving it o the welfare queens. How stupid is that? No wonder their Boy Obama had increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity and dismal economic growth.
Can you name ONE fair minded analyst that says this cut is good for America?

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