Senate Passes Tax Reform...The Donald Wins Again!

Yeah blues a victory for him and his billionaire friends not so for you

Trump just gave me a tax cut, have you looked at the Senate tax brackets vs current brackets? Of course you haven't you are an ignorant liberal drone who parrots talking points.
Depends on where you live blues and your little cut will be gone soon enough while trump and friends cuts will go on forever

I posted the before/after tax brackets and tax cuts yesterday, go review them. A married couple making near $290k see a tax increase, everyone else pretty much gets a tax cut. The wealthy slammed with paying the AMT got screwed, the Senate had to remove the repeal of the AMT to get the bill passed.

They are so unhingedly leftist that they refuse to even see what's in the bill.

Tax cuts are bad business for them - neighbor's getting richer as they slack on their lazy asses, the amount of envy must be truly triggering.
LOL your own people don't know whats gonna be in the bill.......Americans in need are getting screwed Temporary cuts but permanent for the wealthy
Honey, you only have to look at the two versions passed, to know, but I guess that is too complicated for you. See my post #87 above, if you're too lazy to look them up.
Depends on where you live blues and your little cut will be gone soon enough while trump and friends cuts will go on forever

I posted the before/after tax brackets and tax cuts yesterday, go review them. A married couple making near $290k see a tax increase, everyone else pretty much gets a tax cut. The wealthy slammed with paying the AMT got screwed, the Senate had to remove the repeal of the AMT to get the bill passed.
How long will those cuts last??

Probably until you get some idiot Democrat in the WH that wants to raise taxes.

So, you do not even know what is in the bill. Why is that not a surprise at all.

Not quite sure how my comment indicates whether I know or don't know.

Because your answer gives it away. The bill has a built in (or multiple built in) mechanism for the tax cuts going away, and none of them rely on who is sitting in the White House.
Trump just gave me a tax cut, have you looked at the Senate tax brackets vs current brackets? Of course you haven't you are an ignorant liberal drone who parrots talking points.
Depends on where you live blues and your little cut will be gone soon enough while trump and friends cuts will go on forever

I posted the before/after tax brackets and tax cuts yesterday, go review them. A married couple making near $290k see a tax increase, everyone else pretty much gets a tax cut. The wealthy slammed with paying the AMT got screwed, the Senate had to remove the repeal of the AMT to get the bill passed.
How long will those cuts last??

They are not permanent due to Senate rules vs passing something with a simple 51% majority. No doubt the left will pray they expire and everyone will get slammed with a tax increase.
If the debt goes the way your repubs say it will they'll be no need for tax increase But our debt going down will happen when pigs fly

You people elected a guy who nearly doubled the national debt, you have zero credibility to even speak on this topic. :eusa_hand:
Congress got a 500 page bill last night with 3 hours to read it and understand it.
Anyone who thinks they know what’s in the bill is fooling themselves. The GOP rammed this bill thru because they know how bad it is.
Their big money donors told them to get it done NOW or they’re cutting off the money spigot.
Not one congression session to discuss it.
Not one. Congress abdicated their responsibility. And you fuckheads cheer.

The only thing we can be sure of is that the middle class will get screwed and the wealth gap in this country widens to unbelievable proportions.

Unless you’re a millionaire or billionaire you lose.
Trump just gave me a tax cut, have you looked at the Senate tax brackets vs current brackets? Of course you haven't you are an ignorant liberal drone who parrots talking points.
Depends on where you live blues and your little cut will be gone soon enough while trump and friends cuts will go on forever

I posted the before/after tax brackets and tax cuts yesterday, go review them. A married couple making near $290k see a tax increase, everyone else pretty much gets a tax cut. The wealthy slammed with paying the AMT got screwed, the Senate had to remove the repeal of the AMT to get the bill passed.
How long will those cuts last??

They are not permanent due to Senate rules vs passing something with a simple 51% majority. No doubt the left will pray they expire and everyone will get slammed with a tax increase.
If the debt goes the way your repubs say it will they'll be no need for tax increase But our debt going down will happen when pigs fly

Actually even the Repubs know that this will cause the deficit to grow, they have already admitted that.
I posted the before/after tax brackets and tax cuts yesterday, go review them. A married couple making near $290k see a tax increase, everyone else pretty much gets a tax cut. The wealthy slammed with paying the AMT got screwed, the Senate had to remove the repeal of the AMT to get the bill passed.
How long will those cuts last??

Probably until you get some idiot Democrat in the WH that wants to raise taxes.

So, you do not even know what is in the bill. Why is that not a surprise at all.

Not quite sure how my comment indicates whether I know or don't know.

Because your answer gives it away. The bill has a built in (or multiple built in) mechanism for the tax cuts going away, and none of them rely on who is sitting in the White House.

Keep going, and why is that? Because not a single Dem will vote for tax reform so...go ahead fess up.
I much prefer a rich guy having the money over these leftist losers here, even if the tax bill was as the far left puts it.

Billionaires generally invest their money productively generating new inventions.... generating the future.

These guys losers spend the money on necessities as they are too lazy to get a job. Then they use all their free time to whine here, even worse have single mother raised public school attending damaged kids.

Rich guy keeping the money is a double win. Jobs instead of whinery and the losers will finally get to better themselves, no innocent kids will be hurt. come with the stock market BOOMING for the last 4 years....with the wealthy already swimming in tons of cash all that you claim has little happened?

You are a naive idiot who is swallowing the scam.

Hmm... pretty sure the unemployment rate went from 10% to 4%. Of course, you don't care as getting a real job and contributing to society is beneath you anyway. So for you in fact it's worse... I understand, a natural born loser.
172 million Americans are not working

Yes, you can thank Obama for that.

Can you name ONE fair minded analyst that says this cut is good for America?

You think "fair minded" is being a stupid Left Wing Libstrd Moon Bat economist. You know, these idiots that claimed that Obama's Left economics was going to be good for the US when in fact it created more poverty. less family income, rremendous debt and dismal economic growth.

Art Laffer, who engineered Reagan tax cuts that created tremendous economic growth, was just on TV lauding the tax cuts. He has a lot more credibility than these Left Wing idiots that never get anything right.

I have taken a few courses in economics so that makes me an economist. After looking at the predictions that I will have more money to spend rather than give it to the filthy government then I think the tax cut is good for America.

Got anything else Moon Bat?

Just stop your bitching. If you think the tax cuts are bad for American then put your money where your mouth is. Just send a payment to the Treasury to cover your savings. That way your conscience will be clear. Unless you give the money back then just shut the fuck up.
The tax cut you're getting is like a fart in the wind Wait till they cut your SS and medicare ... one trillion deficit lol

Personally I can't wait. The winning is getting out of hand if that's the plan. Greatest Ponzi scheme of all time getting the slash, please!
Depends on where you live blues and your little cut will be gone soon enough while trump and friends cuts will go on forever

I posted the before/after tax brackets and tax cuts yesterday, go review them. A married couple making near $290k see a tax increase, everyone else pretty much gets a tax cut. The wealthy slammed with paying the AMT got screwed, the Senate had to remove the repeal of the AMT to get the bill passed.
How long will those cuts last??

They are not permanent due to Senate rules vs passing something with a simple 51% majority. No doubt the left will pray they expire and everyone will get slammed with a tax increase.
If the debt goes the way your repubs say it will they'll be no need for tax increase But our debt going down will happen when pigs fly

Actually even the Repubs know that this will cause the deficit to grow, they have already admitted that.

Don't worry once its passed we'll loop back and cut government spending and dismantle favorite Dem government agencies. :muahaha:
Depends on where you live blues and your little cut will be gone soon enough while trump and friends cuts will go on forever

I posted the before/after tax brackets and tax cuts yesterday, go review them. A married couple making near $290k see a tax increase, everyone else pretty much gets a tax cut. The wealthy slammed with paying the AMT got screwed, the Senate had to remove the repeal of the AMT to get the bill passed.
How long will those cuts last??

They are not permanent due to Senate rules vs passing something with a simple 51% majority. No doubt the left will pray they expire and everyone will get slammed with a tax increase.
If the debt goes the way your repubs say it will they'll be no need for tax increase But our debt going down will happen when pigs fly

You people elected a guy who nearly doubled the national debt, you have zero credibility to even speak on this topic. :eusa_hand:
For you blues
Late Tuesday evening, Senate Republicans released a new version of their tax bill that makes their priorities abundantly clear. Under the newly-revised Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, individuals will lose essentially all of the benefits provided by the bill in 2026, while corporations get a massive, permanent cut. On top of that, about 13 million Americans would lose their health insurance because the bill now repeals Obamacare’s individual mandate.

The updated bill, which the Senate finance committee is expected to approve this week, cuts the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 20 percent starting in 2019, while providing most individuals with temporary tax relief. If the individual cuts expire, a preliminary estimate from Ernie Tedeschi, a former Treasury Department economist, shows that 38 percent of taxpayers—including 50 percent of people making between $50,000 and $75,000—would pay more taxes in 2027. And that doesn’t include the fact that many Americans would be paying about 10 percent more for health care as a result of getting rid of the Obamacare mandate.
I posted the before/after tax brackets and tax cuts yesterday, go review them. A married couple making near $290k see a tax increase, everyone else pretty much gets a tax cut. The wealthy slammed with paying the AMT got screwed, the Senate had to remove the repeal of the AMT to get the bill passed.
How long will those cuts last??

Probably until you get some idiot Democrat in the WH that wants to raise taxes.

So, you do not even know what is in the bill. Why is that not a surprise at all.

Not quite sure how my comment indicates whether I know or don't know.

Because your answer gives it away. The bill has a built in (or multiple built in) mechanism for the tax cuts going away, and none of them rely on who is sitting in the White House.
Oh, so now you like the tax cuts and already worried they might go away!
You can't make this stuff up, folks! Lol
I posted the before/after tax brackets and tax cuts yesterday, go review them. A married couple making near $290k see a tax increase, everyone else pretty much gets a tax cut. The wealthy slammed with paying the AMT got screwed, the Senate had to remove the repeal of the AMT to get the bill passed.
How long will those cuts last??

Probably until you get some idiot Democrat in the WH that wants to raise taxes.

So, you do not even know what is in the bill. Why is that not a surprise at all.

Not quite sure how my comment indicates whether I know or don't know.

Because your answer gives it away. The bill has a built in (or multiple built in) mechanism for the tax cuts going away, and none of them rely on who is sitting in the White House.

Perhaps Pelosi and Schumer should have shown up for some of the meetings.
I posted the before/after tax brackets and tax cuts yesterday, go review them. A married couple making near $290k see a tax increase, everyone else pretty much gets a tax cut. The wealthy slammed with paying the AMT got screwed, the Senate had to remove the repeal of the AMT to get the bill passed.
How long will those cuts last??

They are not permanent due to Senate rules vs passing something with a simple 51% majority. No doubt the left will pray they expire and everyone will get slammed with a tax increase.
If the debt goes the way your repubs say it will they'll be no need for tax increase But our debt going down will happen when pigs fly

You people elected a guy who nearly doubled the national debt, you have zero credibility to even speak on this topic. :eusa_hand:
For you blues
Late Tuesday evening, Senate Republicans released a new version of their tax bill that makes their priorities abundantly clear. Under the newly-revised Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, individuals will lose essentially all of the benefits provided by the bill in 2026, while corporations get a massive, permanent cut. On top of that, about 13 million Americans would lose their health insurance because the bill now repeals Obamacare’s individual mandate.

The updated bill, which the Senate finance committee is expected to approve this week, cuts the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 20 percent starting in 2019, while providing most individuals with temporary tax relief. If the individual cuts expire, a preliminary estimate from Ernie Tedeschi, a former Treasury Department economist, shows that 38 percent of taxpayers—including 50 percent of people making between $50,000 and $75,000—would pay more taxes in 2027. And that doesn’t include the fact that many Americans would be paying about 10 percent more for health care as a result of getting rid of the Obamacare mandate.

How many of these lies do you want me to speak to? Lets start with the 13 million losing their health insurance lie, LIE! :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
How long will those cuts last??

Probably until you get some idiot Democrat in the WH that wants to raise taxes.

So, you do not even know what is in the bill. Why is that not a surprise at all.

Not quite sure how my comment indicates whether I know or don't know.

Because your answer gives it away. The bill has a built in (or multiple built in) mechanism for the tax cuts going away, and none of them rely on who is sitting in the White House.

Perhaps Pelosi and Schumer should have shown up for some of the meetings.
Why?? Trump said they'd be as useless as tits on a bull

Personally I can't wait. The winning is getting out of hand if that's the plan. Greatest Ponzi scheme of all time getting the slash, please!

The greatest Ponzi Scheme in the history of the US was Social Security followed by Obamacare.

The Moon Bats will be really pissed when we have tremendous economic growth coming up on the 2020 election, won't they?
How long will those cuts last??

Probably until you get some idiot Democrat in the WH that wants to raise taxes.

So, you do not even know what is in the bill. Why is that not a surprise at all.

Not quite sure how my comment indicates whether I know or don't know.

Because your answer gives it away. The bill has a built in (or multiple built in) mechanism for the tax cuts going away, and none of them rely on who is sitting in the White House.
Oh, so now you like the tax cuts and already worried they might go away!
You can't make this stuff up, folks! Lol

Dude, it is too early in the morning to be drinking. I never said I was worried they were going to go away. Step away from the booze and come back when you are sober.
Probably until you get some idiot Democrat in the WH that wants to raise taxes.

So, you do not even know what is in the bill. Why is that not a surprise at all.

Not quite sure how my comment indicates whether I know or don't know.

Because your answer gives it away. The bill has a built in (or multiple built in) mechanism for the tax cuts going away, and none of them rely on who is sitting in the White House.

Perhaps Pelosi and Schumer should have shown up for some of the meetings.
Why?? Trump said they'd be as useless as tits on a bull

What!!?? You're saying trump was right.
How long will those cuts last??

They are not permanent due to Senate rules vs passing something with a simple 51% majority. No doubt the left will pray they expire and everyone will get slammed with a tax increase.
If the debt goes the way your repubs say it will they'll be no need for tax increase But our debt going down will happen when pigs fly

You people elected a guy who nearly doubled the national debt, you have zero credibility to even speak on this topic. :eusa_hand:
For you blues
Late Tuesday evening, Senate Republicans released a new version of their tax bill that makes their priorities abundantly clear. Under the newly-revised Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, individuals will lose essentially all of the benefits provided by the bill in 2026, while corporations get a massive, permanent cut. On top of that, about 13 million Americans would lose their health insurance because the bill now repeals Obamacare’s individual mandate.

The updated bill, which the Senate finance committee is expected to approve this week, cuts the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 20 percent starting in 2019, while providing most individuals with temporary tax relief. If the individual cuts expire, a preliminary estimate from Ernie Tedeschi, a former Treasury Department economist, shows that 38 percent of taxpayers—including 50 percent of people making between $50,000 and $75,000—would pay more taxes in 2027. And that doesn’t include the fact that many Americans would be paying about 10 percent more for health care as a result of getting rid of the Obamacare mandate.

How many of these lies do you want me to speak to? Lets start with the 13 million losing their health insurance lie, LIE! :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
Bet you believe that trump and his billionaire friends won't gain from this cut And bet you believe that Obama isn't a citizen and my money is on your belief there were 3 million illegal voters for hillary You are part of the Trump sheep

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