Senate Passes Tax Reform...The Donald Wins Again!

Poverty is not an Individual problem, it is an Institutional problem.

The fact that you are poor as shit and refuse to get a job certainly is YOUR problem, not mine.

Get a job and solve it in an instant, the unemployment rate is very low now, should be easy as pie.
Get a job and solve it in an instant, the unemployment rate is very low now, should be easy as pie.

Please DO thank Obama.....
He took the unemployment rate from 10% to 4.8%...basically he HALVED it........Now, please don't be disrespectful and do thank Obama......LOL
As long as Medicare is never touched this is a win. Cut Medicare and voters will rebel.
Dear Norman, why do you believe poverty is not Institutional but Individual.

Why do YOU believe that the stupid choices you make is because of institutions?

Ah I get it, lack of any responsibility. Nope, it's your fault. Turns out it's very easy to avoid poverty if your IQ is over 80, by making responsible choices.
Poverty is not an Individual problem, it is an Institutional problem.

The fact that you are poor as shit and refuse to get a job certainly is YOUR problem, not mine.

Get a job and solve it in an instant, the unemployment rate is very low now, should be easy as pie.
Just clueless and Causeless like usual, right wingers?

I don't have a Right to Work, even in Right to Work States.

Capitalism has a Natural Rate of Unemployment.
Poverty is not an Individual problem, it is an Institutional problem.

The fact that you are poor as shit and refuse to get a job certainly is YOUR problem, not mine.

Get a job and solve it in an instant, the unemployment rate is very low now, should be easy as pie.
Just clueless and Causeless like usual, right wingers?

I don't have a Right to Work, even in Right to Work States.

Capitalism has a Natural Rate of Unemployment.

Did I say that you had a right to work? Nope...

I simply said it's easy as hell to avoid poverty and the cards are entirely in your hands if you are able bodied. I am starting to question whether you are given the constant retard comments though. Maybe that's your problem... Then the problem is not the institutions but the fact that you are retarded, sorry to say.
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You guys seem to assume that this is going to be good for the other 99% because big corporations and the senate care about the middle class.

But let me ask, if the growth in the economy doesnt equal the loss in revenue from the tax cut, and we sink further into debt, who do you thinks going to get hammered with massive tax increases and lower wages?

Would you like to ask the Swamp Lobbyists and the Penthouse-born legislators who they think should carry that weight?

We all need to stop assuming that everyone with giant checkbooks are generous. Almost none of them are. And no, hiring people is not a generous move.

IDK, who asked that question of Obama when he decided to double the debt from already a very high level?
Dumb fuck, who had put us into such a severe recession that we were heading for the Second Great Republican Depression. That is precisely when you do deficit spending, to get things back on an even keel. We should now be reducing the deficit, working toward the day that we can start reducing the National Debt.
Poverty in my mind is anything under 50 thousand dollars. Hard to live on that.

99 % of world's population earn less than that.

This guy consider's himself a victim if the government doesn't hand him more than 99% earn, almost certainly.

If there is an evil 1%, we have located it.
You guys seem to assume that this is going to be good for the other 99% because big corporations and the senate care about the middle class.

But let me ask, if the growth in the economy doesnt equal the loss in revenue from the tax cut, and we sink further into debt, who do you thinks going to get hammered with massive tax increases and lower wages?

Would you like to ask the Swamp Lobbyists and the Penthouse-born legislators who they think should carry that weight?

We all need to stop assuming that everyone with giant checkbooks are generous. Almost none of them are. And no, hiring people is not a generous move.

IDK, who asked that question of Obama when he decided to double the debt from already a very high level?
Dumb fuck, who had put us into such a severe recession that we were heading for the Second Great Republican Depression. That is precisely when you do deficit spending, to get things back on an even keel. We should now be reducing the deficit, working toward the day that we can start reducing the National Debt.

I agree, the spending needs to be severely cut.
Dumb fuck, who had put us into such a severe recession that we were heading for the Second Great Republican Depression. That is precisely when you do deficit spending, to get things back on an even keel. We should now be reducing the deficit, working toward the day that we can start reducing the National Debt.

What Obama inherited is this:

1.TWO unpaid for wars
2.Tax cuts in the midst of these wars
3. An unpaid for Medicare Advantage scam
4. An average of 600,000 new unemployment claims PER MONTH
5. An auto industry ready to collapse.
And to top it off we are told get there should be no class division in America. ??????????
No need to raise the min wage. Don't apply for those jobs. Leave them unfilled. Nobody has to apply. Nobody is forcing anyone to apply for those.
These idiots forget what it was when Obama entered the WH I remember 9% ++

Actually almost 10% and with 600,000 new unemployment claims PER MONTH....

The seldom mentioned gift by Obama to millions of Americans, is extending the unemployment benefits or risk a social catastrophe.

But yet Obama managed to increase poverty and decrease family income over that base number, didn't he? Real failure, wasn't he?
Too bad he didn't leave a great recession to recover from to trump How many months of 6 digit employment gains ?? How low did UNemployment go ?? What shape were our markets when he arrived and what when he left??? You bashers of Obama are as sick in the head as trump is No wonder other countries including our closest allies laugh at us

Increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity and dismal economic growth is the legacy of eight years of that Obama disaster.

The Obama disaster actually goes back further than that with the election of the filkthy 2007 Democrat controlled Congress. You know, the Congress with Barney Queerboy, Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry and that Muslim piece of shit Senator from Illinois. That is when the economy went to hell, wasn't it?
Yes it's always the Dems fault,,,, Repubs hands are clean ,,, That's a joke flash America would be far better off without most of you party first republican traitors

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