Senate report: trump caused Constitutional Crisis nearly happened

It's only you leftist lunatics who qant to do away with the electoral college.

You guys are masters of projection
repubs are scared to death that everyone that is eligible to vote actually votes. You want only the elite and the white to vote. You know your kind are dying, quickly due to their vaccine hesitancy and you know your part of the voter electorate cannot win elections anymore. So you got to cheap and lie.
It was investigate and it was found to be just a bunch of lies. trump and his fellow criminals lost over 60 times in courts, many with judges that he appointed. trump is the Prince of Liars.
Only the Democrats and their Marxist MSM say it was "a bunch of lies" and you have been brainwashed by them.
repubs are scared to death that everyone that is eligible to vote actually votes. You want only the elite and the white to vote. You know your kind are dying, quickly due to their vaccine hesitancy and you know your part of the voter electorate cannot win elections anymore. So you got to cheap and lie.
What bullshit. Democrats want to let the in-eligible vote by changing voting rules at the last minute and mass mailing ballots under the guise of 'protecting voting rights' which is nothing more than another way to stuff the ballot box. When they got outed, of course then next thing out of their mouths is to call anyone questioning them 'racist.' The Democrat party today is being led by political Marxist demagogues of the far left who promote division, tribalism and racism. Every American citizen has the right to vote and doesn't need to be 'protected' or 'enabled' to cast their vote. If one could not get to the polls, for instance, they could request an absentee ballot. There was never any need to mass mail ballots or change the way we have been conducting the polls for years and years; except the for purposes of committing fraud which the Democrat party did most blatently in 2020.
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What bullshit. Democrats want to let the in-eligible vote by changing voting rules at the last minute and mass mailing ballots under the guise of 'protecting voting rights' which is nothing more than another way to stuff the ballot box. When they got outed, of course then next thing out of their mouths is to call anyone questioning them 'racist.' The Democrat party today is being led by political Marxist demagogues of the far left who promote division, tribalism and racism. Every American citizen has the right to vote and doesn't need to be 'protected' or 'enabled' to cast their vote. If one could not get to the polls, for instance, they could request an absentee ballot. There was never any need to mass mail ballots or change the way we have been conducting the polls for years and years; except the for purposes of committing fraud which the Democrat party did most blatently in 2020.
We know what the lie was. It was the Big Lie that trump made up about voter fraud. The lie was in the tubes from the Hillary contest. trump is a serial liar that could not tell the truth if his wife's life depended on it. And you gullible SOBS just lap up his lies.

He is taking the repub party down a treasonous road. The country has never seen a losing presidential candidate that has lied, lost in all the courts, and still continues to lie about his loss in a re-election bid. But trump does not care about the country. He only cares about his fat, orange, ass.
And bear spray, baseball bats, tasers, metal poles…
So....some ANTIFA schmuck shows up at the event and you think you can blame Trump for that?
Witnesses said the cops unloaded a bunch of them from white vans and escorted them into the Capital.
Trump supporters were told not to bring anything including signs.
We know what the lie was. It was the Big Lie that trump made up about voter fraud. The lie was in the tubes from the Hillary contest. trump is a serial liar that could not tell the truth if his wife's life depended on it. And you gullible SOBS just lap up his lies.

He is taking the repub party down a treasonous road. The country has never seen a losing presidential candidate that has lied, lost in all the courts, and still continues to lie about his loss in a re-election bid. But trump does not care about the country. He only cares about his fat, orange, ass.
Oh God, another hair-on-fire Orange Man Bad!!!! post from another brainwashed lefty idiot who has a very serious TDS mental condition.
We know what the lie was. It was the Big Lie that trump made up about voter fraud. The lie was in the tubes from the Hillary contest. trump is a serial liar that could not tell the truth if his wife's life depended on it. And you gullible SOBS just lap up his lies.

He is taking the repub party down a treasonous road. The country has never seen a losing presidential candidate that has lied, lost in all the courts, and still continues to lie about his loss in a re-election bid. But trump does not care about the country. He only cares about his fat, orange, ass.
Run your mouth all you want, but prepare to eat your words with vinegar to wash them down, because Biden is going to make complete fools out of you sheeple.

He already is, but you ignore it because you want to be right so badly that it's pure torture for you under the weight of it all.

The Judge: On January 6th, What Did the FBI Know? Tune In and Find out!​

IF he runs in 2024, especially with your current heroes in DC mucking things up on an epic scale, he WILL WIN again. What then, Jimbo? That's a serious question. What actions do you feel would be justified to stop him and his "cult"?
No need to stop him, it's the ones that follow in his footsteps. trump is finished, less than 35% support from his own party.
No need to stop him, it's the ones that follow in his footsteps. trump is finished, less than 35% support from his own party.
Care to share a link to your source? I'm certainly willing to explore the rationale the writer employs. There are a few reasons that I believe he's fully capable of running and winning again. The first is that IF he actually could only count on 30-40% from his base in what used to be the Republican Party, we wouldn't be seeing the amount of money, time, and effort being spent to find something to prosecute him, either at the Federal level or in New York State courts. It simply wouldn't be necessary.

I assume his detractors (like yourself) tell YOURSELVES that all of the media hysteria about him being some kind of Fascist dictator in waiting, is absolutely accurate AND that it is critical for the "survival of the Republic" or "democracy" that he be indicted, tried, and convicted for his "crimes" while he was president between 2017 and 2021. The greatest weakness of that plan at the Federal level is that there is NO evidence that he did ANYTHING that has been proven to be responsible for the protests in DC on 1/6/2021. NOTHING.

Additionally, the DC bureaucracy, including FBI, DoJ, DHS, and even CIA, spent 4 years and had an UNLIMITED budget for the most thorough investigation into a duly-elected president in American history and not a single charge was worthy of indictment. By tradition, POTUS cannot be prosecuted while in office because IF that was acceptable then we'd NEVER have another president who could function without perpetually being dragged before courts and having every decision picked apart as "crimes". HOWEVER... not one of the premises the media used to assassinate his legitimacy between 2017 and 2021 has been followed up and used to level charges against Trump, the civilian.

Finally... More than half of the country, especially among Independents and the America-first Republicans, has ZERO confidence in Biden and his numbers, even in favorable polling, have fallen below 40%. The polls that have him at around 38% actually have an inherent bias to the Left that accounts for several points. In short... More than half the country has zero faith in the old man and that number grows as the media 5th column for the Left makes it more obvious every day that this man is senile and that he cannot be trusted to even field media questions. It's so flagrant that he has become a target of ridicule on the global stage.

The guy asks permission to answer certain reporters but ignores others. Those here who still support him and actually believe this guy won 81 MILLION votes are either unwilling to admit their mistake for tribal calculations OR, they genuinely are out of touch with reality.

I'd vote for Trump a 3rd time but if he chooses NOT to run then his support should flow to DeSantis and whoever he chooses as a veep candidate. DeSantis is one of the new breeds in the Republican Party. He's in the company of others who support America first and are willing to fight Socialism regardless of what it costs. I'd include Kristi Noem in that group. OTOH, IF Trump decides to run then I think he'd be crazy not to choose DeSantis. The true bottom line in U.S. politics today is that we are being actively divided by media and entertainment as well as the educational system. Whoever has the courage to stand against the corrupt media and the sleazy Congress members that have sold out to the CCP, has a real potential to begin a modern revolution that will be based on the principles that most Americans trust and respect.
Care to share a link to your source? I'm certainly willing to explore the rationale the writer employs. There are a few reasons that I believe he's fully capable of running and winning again. The first is that IF he actually could only count on 30-40% from his base in what used to be the Republican Party, we wouldn't be seeing the amount of money, time, and effort being spent to find something to prosecute him, either at the Federal level or in New York State courts. It simply wouldn't be necessary.

I assume his detractors (like yourself) tell YOURSELVES that all of the media hysteria about him being some kind of Fascist dictator in waiting, is absolutely accurate AND that it is critical for the "survival of the Republic" or "democracy" that he be indicted, tried, and convicted for his "crimes" while he was president between 2017 and 2021. The greatest weakness of that plan at the Federal level is that there is NO evidence that he did ANYTHING that has been proven to be responsible for the protests in DC on 1/6/2021. NOTHING.

Additionally, the DC bureaucracy, including FBI, DoJ, DHS, and even CIA, spent 4 years and had an UNLIMITED budget for the most thorough investigation into a duly-elected president in American history and not a single charge was worthy of indictment. By tradition, POTUS cannot be prosecuted while in office because IF that was acceptable then we'd NEVER have another president who could function without perpetually being dragged before courts and having every decision picked apart as "crimes". HOWEVER... not one of the premises the media used to assassinate his legitimacy between 2017 and 2021 has been followed up and used to level charges against Trump, the civilian.

Finally... More than half of the country, especially among Independents and the America-first Republicans, has ZERO confidence in Biden and his numbers, even in favorable polling, have fallen below 40%. The polls that have him at around 38% actually have an inherent bias to the Left that accounts for several points. In short... More than half the country has zero faith in the old man and that number grows as the media 5th column for the Left makes it more obvious every day that this man is senile and that he cannot be trusted to even field media questions. It's so flagrant that he has become a target of ridicule on the global stage.

The guy asks permission to answer certain reporters but ignores others. Those here who still support him and actually believe this guy won 81 MILLION votes are either unwilling to admit their mistake for tribal calculations OR, they genuinely are out of touch with reality.

I'd vote for Trump a 3rd time but if he chooses NOT to run then his support should flow to DeSantis and whoever he chooses as a veep candidate. DeSantis is one of the new breeds in the Republican Party. He's in the company of others who support America first and are willing to fight Socialism regardless of what it costs. I'd include Kristi Noem in that group. OTOH, IF Trump decides to run then I think he'd be crazy not to choose DeSantis. The true bottom line in U.S. politics today is that we are being actively divided by media and entertainment as well as the educational system. Whoever has the courage to stand againt the corrupt media and the sleazy Congress members that have sold out to the CCP, has a real potential to begin a modern revolution that will be based on the principles that most Americans trust and respect.
I so enjoyed this well written, and very articulated post by you. That was simply the best analysis of the situation that I've read to date by a poster around here, and I've read some good one's. Thanks, and continue the good works. :)
That election was far more than just what you describe here. The issue isn't really about any group of people seriously threatening the transfer of power. Has it ever occurred to you that just because YOU have a firm belief that these people - tens of millions of them - are misguided, ignorant, or criminally minded, that does not make them so? Those on the Left have been convinced by a media 5th column that what THEY believe, is the only reality possible and that those who believe Trump was cheated, can be mocked and dismissed without consequences. It's a bit like a group of adults dismissing a bunch of petulant children.

There is a bit of a problem here. Several, in fact.

2020 was no different than 2016, both high stakes elections, both valid, legal, with no evidence of systemic fraud (Trump, in fact began sowing the seeds of fraud in 2016 when he thought he might lose). Both were won with narrow margins in key states. You talk about being mocked with out consequence…yet people like YOU mocked leftists, throughout Trump’s term, calling them cry babies, sore losers, pink pussy hats yada yada. The consequence however, was not an attempt to violently overthrow the election, it was to get the vote out in the next one. There is a difference.

As to what I “believe”…it doesn’t really matter. What matters is those people, who chose to break from their fellow law abiding, peaceful demonstrators, and stormed OUR nation’s Capitol to attack OUR elected representatives, to prevent them from certifying an election, committed criminal acts.

Trump will win if he chooses to run in 2024. There are no legal means of stopping him from running, despite all of the rhetoric about how "dangerous" he and his "cult" are. He could be indicted, tried, convicted, and incarcerated in the State of New York and he could still run a campaign from his cell and WIN.

He lost in 2020. That is a fact. He can run in 2024. But whether he would win is a belief I don’t share.
IF that occurred and the state of NY refused to allow him to serve, we might witness the beginnings of a true, kinetic Civil War. Those of us who know he was cheated and who have watched the Dems trying to ram through HR1 as a means to Federalize state elections, understand that IF this happens we will effectively become a single-party country and THAT will be the end of freedom. THAT will be worth fighting against by any means necessary.

The 2020 election results have withstood every challenge: Trump’s DoJ, Republican election officials, courts, recounts, audits. If you think Trump was cheated, it is an unsubstantiated belief. The fact that Trump sustains that belief in his followers is dangerous and shows a reckless disregard for the process of democracy and free and fare elections that withstood numerous tests in the history of our country.

It is interesting that you talk about a one-party country when that is effectively what Republicans have been doing for some time now with redistricting, gerrymandering and now new election laws designed to make it more difficult for groups that tend to support the opposition to vote. That is the real one party danger, through suppressing peoples right to vote and through gerrymandering. Both sides do it, but Republicans control most of the state legislatures and redistricting. A number of states passed laws that put redistricting in the hands of non partisan or bipartisan commissions. Those are mostly Dem states. Why do Republicans oppose it?

IOW... the gravity with which you view 1/6 is no more dire than how the rest of us view the obvious cheating that occurred in 2020. You see, WE are Americans, also. OUR beliefs have consequences for the rest of the nation as well. You folks really need to stop and consider the path we're on. If one side or the other pushes this thing to conflict, NONE OF US will benefit from it. Rather than mocking and making demands, it would be well for all of us to examine our voting system and come to a compromise that makes most people able to trust the process again. Something like 70% of all Americans believe that voter ID would benefit us all and yet only ONE party fights against it like it's an existential threat...
I’m just curious here…but you see WE are Americans too. OUR beliefs have consequences TOO. Why did YOU mock us, and make demands?

Voter ID has it’s positives and negatives and part of it lies in the inabipity of some people, mostly older African Americans, not born in a hospital, to get a birth certificate. Make sure all legal voters can get one, and that a student ID carries the same weight as a concealed carry permit for ID purposes and I’m fine with it. In the meantime, why are you trying eliminate Sunday voting, 24 hour voting, drive through voting and mail in voting all of which have shown to be secure and increase turn out?
Care to share a link to your source? I'm certainly willing to explore the rationale the writer employs. There are a few reasons that I believe he's fully capable of running and winning again. The first is that IF he actually could only count on 30-40% from his base in what used to be the Republican Party, we wouldn't be seeing the amount of money, time, and effort being spent to find something to prosecute him, either at the Federal level or in New York State courts. It simply wouldn't be necessary.

I assume his detractors (like yourself) tell YOURSELVES that all of the media hysteria about him being some kind of Fascist dictator in waiting, is absolutely accurate AND that it is critical for the "survival of the Republic" or "democracy" that he be indicted, tried, and convicted for his "crimes" while he was president between 2017 and 2021. The greatest weakness of that plan at the Federal level is that there is NO evidence that he did ANYTHING that has been proven to be responsible for the protests in DC on 1/6/2021. NOTHING.

Additionally, the DC bureaucracy, including FBI, DoJ, DHS, and even CIA, spent 4 years and had an UNLIMITED budget for the most thorough investigation into a duly-elected president in American history and not a single charge was worthy of indictment. By tradition, POTUS cannot be prosecuted while in office because IF that was acceptable then we'd NEVER have another president who could function without perpetually being dragged before courts and having every decision picked apart as "crimes". HOWEVER... not one of the premises the media used to assassinate his legitimacy between 2017 and 2021 has been followed up and used to level charges against Trump, the civilian.

Finally... More than half of the country, especially among Independents and the America-first Republicans, has ZERO confidence in Biden and his numbers, even in favorable polling, have fallen below 40%. The polls that have him at around 38% actually have an inherent bias to the Left that accounts for several points. In short... More than half the country has zero faith in the old man and that number grows as the media 5th column for the Left makes it more obvious every day that this man is senile and that he cannot be trusted to even field media questions. It's so flagrant that he has become a target of ridicule on the global stage.

The guy asks permission to answer certain reporters but ignores others. Those here who still support him and actually believe this guy won 81 MILLION votes are either unwilling to admit their mistake for tribal calculations OR, they genuinely are out of touch with reality.

I'd vote for Trump a 3rd time but if he chooses NOT to run then his support should flow to DeSantis and whoever he chooses as a veep candidate. DeSantis is one of the new breeds in the Republican Party. He's in the company of others who support America first and are willing to fight Socialism regardless of what it costs. I'd include Kristi Noem in that group. OTOH, IF Trump decides to run then I think he'd be crazy not to choose DeSantis. The true bottom line in U.S. politics today is that we are being actively divided by media and entertainment as well as the educational system. Whoever has the courage to stand against the corrupt media and the sleazy Congress members that have sold out to the CCP, has a real potential to begin a modern revolution that will be based on the principles that most Americans trust and respect.
A couple of points to consider…Biden still polls higher than Trump at his best.

And Republicans and Independents who switched and voted for are disappointed with Biden but do not regret their vote.

Trump can’t win with his base alone.
So....some ANTIFA schmuck shows up at the event and you think you can blame Trump for that?
Witnesses said the cops unloaded a bunch of them from white vans and escorted them into the Capital.
Trump supporters were told not to bring anything including signs.
Funny how none of the 671 people arrested so far, not one is Antifa. The FBI is prolly just letting Antifa members go, huh?
Oh God, another hair-on-fire Orange Man Bad!!!! post from another brainwashed lefty idiot who has a very serious TDS mental condition.
A pity you can't find any fraud even though the Big Lie insists there were millions of illegal votes casts.
There is a bit of a problem here. Several, in fact.

2020 was no different than 2016, both high stakes elections, both valid, legal, with no evidence of systemic fraud (Trump, in fact began sowing the seeds of fraud in 2016 when he thought he might lose). Both were won with narrow margins in key states. You talk about being mocked with out consequence…yet people like YOU mocked leftists, throughout Trump’s term, calling them cry babies, sore losers, pink pussy hats yada yada. The consequence however, was not an attempt to violently overthrow the election, it was to get the vote out in the next one. There is a difference.

As to what I “believe”…it doesn’t really matter. What matters is those people, who chose to break from their fellow law abiding, peaceful demonstrators, and stormed OUR nation’s Capitol to attack OUR elected representatives, to prevent them from certifying an election, committed criminal acts.

He lost in 2020. That is a fact. He can run in 2024. But whether he would win is a belief I don’t share.

The 2020 election results have withstood every challenge: Trump’s DoJ, Republican election officials, courts, recounts, audits. If you think Trump was cheated, it is an unsubstantiated belief. The fact that Trump sustains that belief in his followers is dangerous and shows a reckless disregard for the process of democracy and free and fare elections that withstood numerous tests in the history of our country.

It is interesting that you talk about a one-party country when that is effectively what Republicans have been doing for some time now with redistricting, gerrymandering and now new election laws designed to make it more difficult for groups that tend to support the opposition to vote. That is the real one party danger, through suppressing peoples right to vote and through gerrymandering. Both sides do it, but Republicans control most of the state legislatures and redistricting. A number of states passed laws that put redistricting in the hands of non partisan or bipartisan commissions. Those are mostly Dem states. Why do Republicans oppose it?

I’m just curious here…but you see WE are Americans too. OUR beliefs have consequences TOO. Why did YOU mock us, and make demands?

Voter ID has it’s positives and negatives and part of it lies in the inabipity of some people, mostly older African Americans, not born in a hospital, to get a birth certificate. Make sure all legal voters can get one, and that a student ID carries the same weight as a concealed carry permit for ID purposes and I’m fine with it. In the meantime, why are you trying eliminate Sunday voting, 24 hour voting, drive through voting and mail in voting all of which have shown to be secure and increase turn out?
All your words written, and you destroy them out of the gate by laying a false accusation against Trump by suggesting that he began laying the seeds of fraud early on in order to suggest that the election would be stolen, when all Trump or anyone was doing was warning that if we go into the election knowing that we had to change the election processes, and all due to COVID, that it could easily open the door for the possibility of election fraud.

Yes and this by a party that had shown throughout his administration, that it would stop at nothing to take him out of power (all cards are on the table Chuck Schumer said, along with many others in the demoncrats party during the Trump administration tenure).

How could it not be that the republican party as spectator's of it all, would not then think the worst of the Democrat's who had attacked Trump relentlessly during his term, and did so with lie's and the same innuendo that you used at the beginning of your diatribe against Trump or the Republicans above ??

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