Senate war mongers vow veto proof Iran vote

PressTV - Senate hawks vow veto-proof vote on Iran, bill to skip committee

For only a handful of times I agree with Obama here.Doing AIPAC's Bidding for them in the senate I see.

Always the all powerful AIPAC's doing to you mental midgets. Fools like you don't even know how much they donate to these candidates. Why no investigate it first. I will hijack your thread with it.

Word to stupid, do you think maybe the senators think a nuclear armed Iran and a middle east and north african nuclear arms race is worse?
The hawks' bill is unnecessary at this time.

Neo-conservatism can be the downfall of America in the modern world.
I say ****, because I want you Jew haters to feel comfortable. I hear time and time again that AIPAC controls congress and the government, because they are such a powerful lobby that spends so much to buy the politicians! Laughable!!! Year after year they don't fall in the top spenders list nor do they own or hire the top lobbyist firm (they have their own firms and none are on the list). Yet the antisemites still have no problems concluding they own the country. Best analogy: The single share stockholder being accused of secretly controlling a company that has issues 1000s of shares of stock!

Lobbying Spending Database | OpenSecrets
Lobbying Spending Database | OpenSecrets
US Chamber of Commerce $966,955,680
General Electric $284,040,000
American Medical Assn $281,282,500
American Hospital Assn $235,219,136
Pharmaceutical Rsrch & Mfrs of America $232,583,920
AARP $222,822,064
National Assn of Realtors $219,817,423
Blue Cross/Blue Shield $202,740,052
Northrop Grumman $189,485,253
Exxon Mobil $182,392,742
Edison Electric Institute $172,936,789
Verizon Communications $172,427,933
Boeing Co $171,972,310
Business Roundtable $171,400,000
Lockheed Martin $166,366,488
AT&T Inc $152,419,336
Southern Co $146,280,694
National Cable & Telecommunications Assn $142,380,000
General Motors $134,534,170
National Assn of Broadcasters $132,890,000

Top Firms:
Patton Boggs LLP $485,972,000
Akin, Gump et al $392,075,000
Cassidy & Assoc $360,862,100
Van Scoyoc Assoc $308,328,000
Williams & Jensen $222,134,000
Ernst & Young $188,636,737
Holland & Knight $175,674,544
Quinn Gillespie & Assoc $160,918,500
Hogan & Hartson $154,633,907
Brownstein, Hyatt et al $153,955,000
Podesta Group $136,940,000
Barbour, Griffith & Rogers $136,820,000
Greenberg Traurig LLP $135,248,249
Ogilvy Government Relations $129,650,000
Alcalde & Fay $127,750,660
Carmen Group $121,495,000
Dutko Worldwide $119,836,766
PMA Group $115,930,578
Ferguson Group $112,777,291
Wexler & Walker Public Policy Assoc $109,165,000

What about pro-Israel as an issue, how much is spent there? Since pro-Israel lobby dollars are relatively small it get it's lumped into a larger category!

Pro-Israel makes ups $3.5 million of the $35 BILLION spend on ideological lobbying!!! Not even close of the powerhouse the antisemites make it to be!

Main Ideology Category = Roughly $35 Billion
Misc Business $5,448,153,669
Finance/Insur/RealEst $5,359,964,018
Health $5,357,294,452
Communic/Electronics $4,427,655,735
Energy/Nat Resource $3,986,251,720
Other $2,891,290,330
Transportation $2,777,023,207
Ideology/Single-Issue $1,790,879,905
Agribusiness $1,568,875,148
Defense $1,534,363,075
Construction $587,463,341
Labor $537,487,949
Lawyers & Lobbyists $389,364,657

Sub-Category Where Pro-Israel is Found - Of the $125 million of this total category - Pro-Israel makes up $3.8 million!
sc Issues $47,479,465
Human Rights $42,309,909
Environment $16,375,901
Gun Rights $6,069,911
Foreign & Defense Policy $4,585,847
Pro-Israel $3,582,488
Abortion Policy/Pro-Abortion Rights $1,176,441
Republican/Conservative $994,914
Democratic/Liberal $930,772
Abortion Policy/Anti-Abortion $631,890
Women's Issues $598,321
Gun Control $240,000
Leadership PACs $0

So the question remain Antisemite who you crappin?
Here is the original thread. I doubt you have a good argument, because (1) You're a mental midget, (2) You're ideology ignore facts and figures and relies on hate and ignorance and (3) well, you never have a good argument!
PressTV - Senate hawks vow veto-proof vote on Iran, bill to skip committee

For only a handful of times I agree with Obama here.Doing AIPAC's Bidding for them in the senate I see.

Always the all powerful AIPAC's doing to you mental midgets. Fools like you don't even know how much they donate to these candidates. Why no investigate it first. I will hijack your thread with it.

Word to stupid, do you think maybe the senators think a nuclear armed Iran and a middle east and north african nuclear arms race is worse?

I suggest you read a couple of books oh and AIPAC uses charities and other fronts to give money to pro Israel candidates. Oh and if they were so afraid of an arms race in ME then why no stink of Israel's nukes? Pakistan's? India's? They are bitching about Iran simply because ISRAEL see's them as a threat,they are no threat to us no matter how much MSM bs you want to believe.
PressTV - Senate hawks vow veto-proof vote on Iran, bill to skip committee

For only a handful of times I agree with Obama here.Doing AIPAC's Bidding for them in the senate I see.

Always the all powerful AIPAC's doing to you mental midgets. Fools like you don't even know how much they donate to these candidates. Why no investigate it first. I will hijack your thread with it.

Word to stupid, do you think maybe the senators think a nuclear armed Iran and a middle east and north african nuclear arms race is worse?

I suggest you read a couple of books oh and AIPAC uses charities and other fronts to give money to pro Israel candidates. Oh and if they were so afraid of an arms race in ME then why no stink of Israel's nukes? Pakistan's? India's? They are bitching about Iran simply because ISRAEL see's them as a threat,they are no threat to us no matter how much MSM bs you want to believe.

I guess you read some real books with facts and figures. I just posted them for you. I will bump them again, because you really are that stupid.

Israel nukes, if they even have them, are secure and no threat to us that is why we don't carry about them. And if ONE muslim country has nukes then Israel is right for obtaining them and fuck the PC bullshit.

Second, Pakistan is the perfect reason we need to stop Iran. Once they get nukes it nearly impossible to get them to get rid of them without military intervention. Same with North Korea. Also Iran is a leading sponsor or terror, not the country we want to have nukes!
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Bump I

I say ****, because I want you Jew haters to feel comfortable. I hear time and time again that AIPAC controls congress and the government, because they are such a powerful lobby that spends so much to buy the politicians! Laughable!!! Year after year they don't fall in the top spenders list nor do they own or hire the top lobbyist firm (they have their own firms and none are on the list). Yet the antisemites still have no problems concluding they own the country. Best analogy: The single share stockholder being accused of secretly controlling a company that has issues 1000s of shares of stock!

Lobbying Spending Database | OpenSecrets
Lobbying Spending Database | OpenSecrets
US Chamber of Commerce $966,955,680
General Electric $284,040,000
American Medical Assn $281,282,500
American Hospital Assn $235,219,136
Pharmaceutical Rsrch & Mfrs of America $232,583,920
AARP $222,822,064
National Assn of Realtors $219,817,423
Blue Cross/Blue Shield $202,740,052
Northrop Grumman $189,485,253
Exxon Mobil $182,392,742
Edison Electric Institute $172,936,789
Verizon Communications $172,427,933
Boeing Co $171,972,310
Business Roundtable $171,400,000
Lockheed Martin $166,366,488
AT&T Inc $152,419,336
Southern Co $146,280,694
National Cable & Telecommunications Assn $142,380,000
General Motors $134,534,170
National Assn of Broadcasters $132,890,000

Top Firms:
Patton Boggs LLP $485,972,000
Akin, Gump et al $392,075,000
Cassidy & Assoc $360,862,100
Van Scoyoc Assoc $308,328,000
Williams & Jensen $222,134,000
Ernst & Young $188,636,737
Holland & Knight $175,674,544
Quinn Gillespie & Assoc $160,918,500
Hogan & Hartson $154,633,907
Brownstein, Hyatt et al $153,955,000
Podesta Group $136,940,000
Barbour, Griffith & Rogers $136,820,000
Greenberg Traurig LLP $135,248,249
Ogilvy Government Relations $129,650,000
Alcalde & Fay $127,750,660
Carmen Group $121,495,000
Dutko Worldwide $119,836,766
PMA Group $115,930,578
Ferguson Group $112,777,291
Wexler & Walker Public Policy Assoc $109,165,000

What about pro-Israel as an issue, how much is spent there? Since pro-Israel lobby dollars are relatively small it get it's lumped into a larger category!

Pro-Israel makes ups $3.5 million of the $35 BILLION spend on ideological lobbying!!! Not even close of the powerhouse the antisemites make it to be!

Main Ideology Category = Roughly $35 Billion
Misc Business $5,448,153,669
Finance/Insur/RealEst $5,359,964,018
Health $5,357,294,452
Communic/Electronics $4,427,655,735
Energy/Nat Resource $3,986,251,720
Other $2,891,290,330
Transportation $2,777,023,207
Ideology/Single-Issue $1,790,879,905
Agribusiness $1,568,875,148
Defense $1,534,363,075
Construction $587,463,341
Labor $537,487,949
Lawyers & Lobbyists $389,364,657

Sub-Category Where Pro-Israel is Found - Of the $125 million of this total category - Pro-Israel makes up $3.8 million!
sc Issues $47,479,465
Human Rights $42,309,909
Environment $16,375,901
Gun Rights $6,069,911
Foreign & Defense Policy $4,585,847
Pro-Israel $3,582,488
Abortion Policy/Pro-Abortion Rights $1,176,441
Republican/Conservative $994,914
Democratic/Liberal $930,772
Abortion Policy/Anti-Abortion $631,890
Women's Issues $598,321
Gun Control $240,000
Leadership PACs $0

So the question remain Antisemite who you crappin?
Always the all powerful AIPAC's doing to you mental midgets. Fools like you don't even know how much they donate to these candidates. Why no investigate it first. I will hijack your thread with it.

Word to stupid, do you think maybe the senators think a nuclear armed Iran and a middle east and north african nuclear arms race is worse?

I suggest you read a couple of books oh and AIPAC uses charities and other fronts to give money to pro Israel candidates. Oh and if they were so afraid of an arms race in ME then why no stink of Israel's nukes? Pakistan's? India's? They are bitching about Iran simply because ISRAEL see's them as a threat,they are no threat to us no matter how much MSM bs you want to believe.

I guess you read some real books with facts and figures. I just posted them for you. I will bump them again, because you really are that stupid.

Israel nukes, if they even have them, are secure and no threat to us that is why we don't carry about them. And if ONE muslim country has nukes then Israel is right for obtaining them and fuck the PC bullshit.

Second, Pakistan is the perfect reason we need to stop Iran. Once they get nukes it nearly impossible to get them to get rid of them without military intervention. Same with North Korea. Also Iran is a leading sponsor or terror, not the country we want to have nukes!
Wow so much stupidity in one post. Impressive let's see.
Real books? Would that be kosher approved books? I read plenty of real books and I know its a shock to you including books written by JEWS! :eek:
Oh Israel has nukes AND refuses to acknowledge that AND refuses to let inspectors in. The exact same thing they are claiming Iran is doing. So Israel is the threat in the ME not Iran or Pakistan or anyone else. Leading sponsor of terrorists...kinda like the US aiding and giving weapons to the terrorists in Syria? We get it. You are an Israel Firster,we can probably come up with some funds to send you there if you want?

No facts no figures, only made up briefs, opinions and uncreditable sources. In the end, the facts on the figuers the lobbist send is ALL THAT COUNTS and none of you NAZI propaganda counts! NONE!
LOL...actually its a VERY WELL documented and detailed book. There is another one as well,[ame=] They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel's Lobby eBook: Paul Findley: Kindle Store[/ame]

Well worth reading I own and have read both multiple times. Very disturbing reads. How AIPAC torpedoes candidates that refuse to swear loyalty to Israel...and those are US candidates not Israeli or even Jewish ones. Your loyalty lies with Israel so why not just move there? Oh and these guys aren't nazis LOL...they are academics.
Paul Findley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
John Mearsheimer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Stephen Walt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fuck AIPAC!​

If I was President, I'd outlaw them in the continental United States.​

No facts no figures, only made up briefs, opinions and uncreditable sources. In the end, the facts on the figuers the lobbist send is ALL THAT COUNTS and none of you NAZI propaganda counts! NONE!

Like a typical shill, you can't handle the truth as it does not aid your agenda. Why not post your threats on here so everyone can see what a desperate faggot writes in secret.

The book is unimpeachable, jerkoff. So choke on it.
Israel should bomb us into oblivion and convert the survivors to Judaism.

There, that's out of the way.

obama and his very very foolish state department signed a very very foolish agreement reducing sanctions on Iran in exchange for a non existent promise to reduce uranium enrichment. The sanctions were reduced but the Iranians said it did not affect enrichment. Now the "hawks" want to strengthen the sanctions. They aren't hawks. They are more like sparrows.

Sanctions will never work and can't possibly work. All sanctions do is give Iran more time to build their bombs. Israel knows this and they will act accordingly.
Great so Israel can go ahead and act. Don't need the US's permission. Stop trying to get us involved so more US men and women are killed for the jewish state in the ME. I hope Iran and Israel nuke each other off the planet.

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